Binge eating ...... people don't understand.



  • mznisaelaine
    mznisaelaine Posts: 2,262 Member
    I get it! I go In binges on foods I get fixated on.

    I go on raisins binges, subway binges, pasta binges, and recently I went on a few peanut butter binges. When I go on binges I try to stay away from those foods for a while. I stepped away from Subway and pasta and today I gave up PB for a while.

    I binge alot. But has definitely improved
  • Been there and still do occasionally. I know how you feel. I also look at your ticker and see you have lost 100 + lbs! That is awesoem! What you are doing is working!
  • cheekydeeky
    cheekydeeky Posts: 146 Member
    i recently figured out why i binge. but can't figure out how to stop. would love to have someone *there* to talk to, if anyone is interested.
  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679
    I have a problem with binging late at night. I found abstinence is the only thing that works for me. I have certain foods that are either completely allowed, or completely not allowed. Its much easier than portion control. However I will usually have cheat days on special occasions where its okay to eat the bad foods. I just try not to overdo it, but I usually fail at moderating on those days.
  • BarbWhite09
    BarbWhite09 Posts: 1,128 Member
    Love this post.
  • livinginwoods
    livinginwoods Posts: 562 Member
    Great post. I am the same way. I did it last night and went over my calories because of it. It is a daily struggle for us.
  • angiemartin78
    angiemartin78 Posts: 475 Member
    I understand completely honey. I have been there! I have been doing much better since I found a Wellness Coach to help guide me. She doesn't judge, but is helping me better to understand why I do things like that to my body and the harm that it COULD cause me.

    If allowing yourself one day a month to binge eat is going to help you reach your goals, then by all means do it!

    I wish you the best of luck and if you need any additional support, please feel free to add me :smile:
  • BeesKnees181
    BeesKnees181 Posts: 166 Member
    Thanks for this post. Your words resonate with me...especially after yesterday evening. Again, thank you.
  • imworthit
    imworthit Posts: 165 Member
    So much of this hits home with me. Thank you for your stories.
  • I understand completely. I have little to no self control when it comes to food. I will be talking myself out of not eating it, while I am already eating it. I hate it so much. I've binged for as long as I can remember and b/p for around 10 years. I'm trying not to anymore, but it's seriously one of the hardest things I've ever had to do.
  • lenaballerina
    lenaballerina Posts: 5 Member
    We all feel your pain, I too have binged over the past 8 years, and there will be some solution that will work best for you.
    Other people have overcome this, so we all can. Its very hard but its definitely possible!

    For me, my first step is to rid my whole kitchen of any foods that will be detrimental if I binge on them (cookies, chocolate, ice cream, chips). For me I've had to completely rid of sliced bread, water crackers, even jam. Because I will binge on anything! I'm go into a frenzy and shove everything and anything like a cookie monster. My brain is in a completely different mindset during the binges.

    So for 'good' sugars, all I have is fruit (small apples, blueberries, strawberries, raspberries are best). No bananas, no grapes, no oranges as these are high in sugar and will create that sugar high and dip.
    I buy sugar-free jelly, crystal light candy, and sugar free popsicles, flavoured seltzer, and sometimes diet soda.
    I keep pickles, picked ginger, picked radish, tofu, in the fridge.

    There's not much there that intices me to binge. I fail when I reach my goal weight and then buy that pack of cookies to slowly bring myself back into maintenance stage, thinking I'm strong enough to eat it moderately - never works, the packet is finished in one session. And from then on I'm back into thinking I can eat whatever I want, and put it all back on.

    If anyone has tips and tricks they find works for them, please share!
  • deb_109
    deb_109 Posts: 16
    I so understand where you coming from. I'm a binge eater . No one understands what
    it is like. I'm trying to figure out why. I was thin as a child and into my early 20's .

    When I was a chlld things we very tight , Mom did her best but there was no surgary deserts or pop
    in the house. I'm not sure but once I became a mother ( this is strange ) pop and deserts were like
    huge treat.. So I started over eating but was only like 10-20 lbs over weight . Not until my mom died at the age of 49
    that binging became a huge promblem.. Fast forward my mom has been gone 20 years , kids, divorce.
    The binging is extreme I have gain and lost a 100 lbs in one year. I have done this multiply times. I'm now the biggest
    I have ever been... I hide what I eat and I eat HUGE amounts.. I feel I have no middle ground when good I'm strict as
    can be, but ...once I start a binge it can last days and months at a time.
  • dansls1
    dansls1 Posts: 309 Member
    I think the healthier alternative is to allow yourself little treats throughout rather than one big splurge day. There are tons of people on here losing lots of weight eating cookies and ice cream - just smaller portions and less often than maybe they want. Just my humble opinion.
  • aproc
    aproc Posts: 1,033 Member
    It's worse for those of us struggling with food addictions/obsessions since unlike drugs, we HAVE to be subjected to food every day. Theres no avoiding it. People can't just go get help and cut the food out of their lives. It is something you have to face several times everyday. Unfortunately most people just aren't going to understand even when it is explained to them that way.
  • denise3085
    denise3085 Posts: 49 Member
    You've lost a112 lbs! It sounds like your plan is working for you! I am also a binger - I think I'm going to try your method. If I can look forward to one binge day a month, maybe I can be better the rest of the month.
  • dmoses
    dmoses Posts: 786 Member
    And the fortunate folk who don't suffer from binge eating just don't understand why we can't just 'stop eating.' I didn't start binge eating until I had reached my weight loss goal. Now, I struggle on a regular basis...
  • taliesyn_
    taliesyn_ Posts: 219 Member
    I have binged today, first time in ages. I don't even know why but I am guessing I am craving something (maybe pizza) that I have deprived myself of this past year or so and my body is throwing a hissy fit.
  • chachita7
    chachita7 Posts: 996 Member
    I think it is a good plan... you can call them cheat days like everyone else. You have however taken the very first step to recover from that...
  • sl1ngsh0t
    sl1ngsh0t Posts: 326 Member
    I had some serious stress last night & ordered double steak nachos from our local taqueria and ate just about all of them (it was a lot). I actually threw out what was left because I didn't want to be triggered further.

    I'm back on the wagon today. Sometimes, these things happen. Life goes on.
  • Eb155
    Eb155 Posts: 46 Member
    Guilty as a binge eater here too.. I'm trying to work off a 3 dayer today. It's really hard to deal with sometimes, and I don't know even why I do it sometimes. Been a long struggle with it these last 12 or so years. I just need to focus on one day at a time, and hope that I can someday get over this. I'm really suprised I don't weigh more than I do! Just lucky I guess.

    One day at a time is the best I can hope for right now. I hope the same for everyone else that suffers from this too! I know after a binge I just feel gross, which usually leads to more of it, because I think... what's the use, I can't do it. That's something else I know I need to work on is my self-esteem. I must think positive of myself, because being negative just drives me farther down.

    Thanks for posting this. I needed once again to see I'm not the only one that suffers from this!