Why should I lift weights? Pics



  • Soon2BeMrsThomson
    I was worried about this when I started at the gym - my trainer was involving weights as much as cardio if not slightly more and I was worried I'd look like the hulk!! I have to say though I have a lot more definaition and my measurements have changed drastically - just need to keep losing the fat and I'll have nice muscles underneath this lot I'm sure!!

    Well done Sunshine, I'm really impressed - I weigh 2 of you and your so much stronger!! I'm at 50Kg deadlift, 40Kg bench press, 36Kg fly and 65Kg leg extensions - I'm yet to try the squats :-)
  • robinogue
    robinogue Posts: 1,117 Member
    you look amazing!
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    wow! you look fab! keep it up
  • Sorova
    Sorova Posts: 101 Member
    I LOVE this thread. New Rules of Lifting was what got me started on weights years ago, too.

    For you heavier women out there, I just want to say: big girls can lift! There's absolutely no need to wait until you're smaller. I was 257 pounds this morning and I hit the weight room almost every time I'm at the gym. There are strength training exercises that can be done safely, at almost any size, even for people who have never lifted before. It just takes a bit of research and willingness to learn.

    I got a few looks the first couple times I trundled into the weight room, but you know what? Now I'm one of the regulars and I get a lot of respect from the big muscle guys who see that I'm there working my *kitten* off just like them.

    I love the rush and results I get from it. I track my progress and it's very motivating -- on a week when the scale hasn't moved, it feels GOOD to realize you can lift 10 pounds more than you could last week. Every little bit of encouragement helps. I also notice that I'm less 'jiggly' when I lift regularly, even at my large size.

    To sum up: lifting can be for anyone who wants it to be for them. Don't let your size be a barrier.
  • sportsforfun
    Great work. Nothing sexier than a lean girl with some muscle.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    I was worried about this when I started at the gym - my trainer was involving weights as much as cardio if not slightly more and I was worried I'd look like the hulk!! I have to say though I have a lot more definaition and my measurements have changed drastically - just need to keep losing the fat and I'll have nice muscles underneath this lot I'm sure!!

    Well done Sunshine, I'm really impressed - I weigh 2 of you and your so much stronger!! I'm at 50Kg deadlift, 40Kg bench press, 36Kg fly and 65Kg leg extensions - I'm yet to try the squats :-)

    You are going to be so pleased the more results you get! Your numbers are great :D I can only bench about 90-95 pounds at the moment xD all the strength is in my legs :] Workin on it xD
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    I LOVE this thread. New Rules of Lifting was what got me started on weights years ago, too.

    For you heavier women out there, I just want to say: big girls can lift! There's absolutely no need to wait until you're smaller. I was 257 pounds this morning and I hit the weight room almost every time I'm at the gym. There are strength training exercises that can be done safely, at almost any size, even for people who have never lifted before. It just takes a bit of research and willingness to learn.

    I got a few looks the first couple times I trundled into the weight room, but you know what? Now I'm one of the regulars and I get a lot of respect from the big muscle guys who see that I'm there working my *kitten* off just like them.

    I love the rush and results I get from it. I track my progress and it's very motivating -- on a week when the scale hasn't moved, it feels GOOD to realize you can lift 10 pounds more than you could last week. Every little bit of encouragement helps. I also notice that I'm less 'jiggly' when I lift regularly, even at my large size.

    To sum up: lifting can be for anyone who wants it to be for them. Don't let your size be a barrier.

    GOOD FOR YOU!!! Love to see girls strutin around the weight room with no fear :]
    The more muscle mass you keep the better, I wish I would have done this when I was at my heaviest, then I would have more definition now :] Making up for lost time is not fun! Great work :D
  • Bucky2BeBetty
    Bucky2BeBetty Posts: 79 Member
    Awesome! Nice Cyclone shirt, too.
  • missjoci
    missjoci Posts: 412 Member
    bump this for later. I'll have to check out those websites. Sunshine you rock! You've been my inspiration to get into weight lifting. :D
  • Ashonym
    Ashonym Posts: 172 Member
    Congratulations on such AMAZING success!!!

    I'd love to get arms like that, but where do you START when you can barely live two 8lb hand weights (and must use both hands to lift them even then)? D: Haha. But thanks for the heads up! Strength training == Flatter stomach?
  • JoyCurl
    JoyCurl Posts: 48 Member
    Great job!
  • Classalete
    Classalete Posts: 464 Member



  • getfitnfab
    getfitnfab Posts: 418 Member
    How inspiring!
  • SummerFun2011
    I have to come back to this! Thank you for getting me to start weight training. I am not very strong, but I am scared to be skinny fat:sick: :sick: I want to be lean and tone so girls dont weight until later start niw:smile:
  • tabithajoyy
    tabithajoyy Posts: 680 Member
    This is awesome! I want my arms to look that way once im to my goal!
  • bahacca
    bahacca Posts: 878 Member
    I'm curious what your start weights were. I started weight training a few weeks ago, though I did a LOT in high school and college. I'm starting with 50 lb squat, and that is heavy for ME! The way I see it, you gotta start somewhere and at least I'm on the Smith squatting while the girls on the treadmill are getting skinny fat! I also asked someone to check my form on the deadlift yesterday. Only had 40 lbs, but wanted to make sure my form was right first before going heavier. Tomorrow I'll try 60lbs on those.
    I cannot wait until I can post my before and afters to show how great weight lifting can be for women. Thanks for the encouraging post.
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    bumping for later - thanks!
  • provence9
    provence9 Posts: 118 Member
    Thanks for the motivation. I have a tendency to focus on cardio. I know that needs to change.
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    You're amazing and inspirational (:
  • kaydensmom12
    GREAT WORK! You look amazing!
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