Firearms in your home??



  • ShapeUpSidney
    ShapeUpSidney Posts: 1,092 Member
    Which sign would you plant on your front lawn:
    1)No Firearms or Weapons Permitted on this Property - Violators are Considered Trespassers and are Subject to Forfeiture or Arrest
    2)Is There Life After Death? Tresspass here and Find Out.
    When seconds count; the cops are minutes away.

    Let me're the kind of guy that has politically charged bumper stickers, right? I always found that it was best not to call attention to myself or my property with religious, political, or emotionally charged signs / stickers
  • AZTrailRunner
    AZTrailRunner Posts: 1,199 Member
    Personally I use this sign.

    I've always loved that sign.

    I have to wonder how many anti-gun people would stand by and watch someone be violently assaulted, maybe they're own child, if they had a gun within reach.
  • IvoryParchment
    IvoryParchment Posts: 651 Member
    Be careful how quickly you write off the lives of people killed by gangbangers. Just because they are poor and live in bad neighborhoods doesn't mean they did anything to deserve to be killed. "Gangbangers" have bad aim and worse impulse control. Lots of them are just in middle school. Like I said, I don't care if law abiding people have guns, but they need to think about how their carelessness can destroy other people's lives if their guns get into the wrong hands. Gun safety is about more than keeping your gun safe around your own family.

    The number one cause of death of African American males in the US is not heart attacks or cancer, but murder. Not just the death of gang bangers or young men, but all Black males, even if you include all the males who are well educated, churchgoing, affluent, those who are elderly or prepubescent, or those living in safe neighborhoods. You don't hear about most of their deaths. Somehow we're willing to accept a statistic like that, when a much smaller number of people dead of terrorist threats has us so willing to give up our rights that we're undergoing stocking-footed body scans in airports.
  • advan031
    advan031 Posts: 25 Member
    Guns don't kill people...people kill people.
  • vaderandbill
    vaderandbill Posts: 1,063 Member
    Advice?? My bf is looking to take his grampa's guns home now that he is passed. handguns and rifles with ammo. I am very strong in my opinion that I don't want firearms in my house. This is his way of staying close to Grampa no doubt, but he wants it all. I've lost friends to accidents from guns and just feel if its not in the house, there can't be accidents. He was raised with guns. This will come between us. Help!! I need some suggestions. I'm getting stressed so bad and the last thing I want is to binge eat or lose my relationship with him over this. Suggestions? Advice? Anyone else in this position?

    All of my guns are in a safe and have trigger locks on them with the keys kept in a different place. Gun safes can be opened by keys or combination lock...I prefer combination lock because kids can't accidently find the keys. Also, Safes can be bolted right to your wall/floor to prevent someone from just stealing the safe.
  • AZTrailRunner
    AZTrailRunner Posts: 1,199 Member
    Be careful how quickly you write off the lives of people killed by gangbangers. Just because they are poor and live in bad neighborhoods doesn't mean they did anything to deserve to be killed. "Gangbangers" have bad aim and worse impulse control. Lots of them are just in middle school. Like I said, I don't care if law abiding people have guns, but they need to think about how their carelessness can destroy other people's lives if their guns get into the wrong hands. Gun safety is about more than keeping your gun safe around your own family.

    The number one cause of death of African American males in the US is not heart attacks or cancer, but murder. Not just the death of gang bangers or young men, but all Black males, even if you include all the males who are well educated, churchgoing, affluent, those who are elderly or prepubescent, or those living in safe neighborhoods. You don't hear about most of their deaths. Somehow we're willing to accept a statistic like that, when a much smaller number of people dead of terrorist threats has us so willing to give up our rights that we're undergoing stocking-footed body scans in airports.

    I think the reference used with gang members was to show how unbalanced the statistics can be. If you carry a weapon to commit violence around other similar groups, your chances of death increase drastically. They shouldn't combine that statistic with that of the general non-violent public.
  • echeindl
    echeindl Posts: 326 Member
    I saw your post about why it had to be guns and not something like martial arts. Do you have a drivers license? Do you know how many people that kills everyday? Every time you get behind the wheel you could kill someone and it probably would be on accident. Gun accidents are accidents as well. Not sure why it makes a difference, but I do hope that you eventually are able to come to some type of an agreement with him.
  • nukehiker
    as of right now we do not have any guns in our house, but I firmly believe we need to get a couple you ask why ? well I travel 6 months out of the year and feel my wife needs to be able to protect herself when i am not at home. my wife is not in favor of guns , maybbe i can just get rid of her and keep the guns i j/k.... i see nothing wrong with having guns in the house to protect yourself with !!
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Advice?? My bf is looking to take his grampa's guns home now that he is passed. handguns and rifles with ammo. I am very strong in my opinion that I don't want firearms in my house. This is his way of staying close to Grampa no doubt, but he wants it all. I've lost friends to accidents from guns and just feel if its not in the house, there can't be accidents. He was raised with guns. This will come between us. Help!! I need some suggestions. I'm getting stressed so bad and the last thing I want is to binge eat or lose my relationship with him over this. Suggestions? Advice? Anyone else in this position?

    1. Check with your state and county laws on gun posession, storage, and handling. Make sure that each firearm complies. If it doesn't, don't bring them back. Make sure you also check laws regarding ammunition and magazine types. Certain states have regulations on magazine size and ammunition as well.
    2. Take a firearms safety course and learn how to use them. Take the fear away by educating yourself on proper handling and usage. Accidents with firearms occur when people improperly store them and/or do not take the proper precautions with handling and cleaning. Do not have firearms in the house that you do not know how to properly operate, clean, load, unload, and store.
    3. Know where every single weapon is located and if he or you use them, put them back where they belong. Store your firearms in accordance with local and state laws and in places inaccessible by children and house guests. If you do not want them free about the house, buy a gun safe that bolts into your floor or wall.
    4. If you are transporting the guns across state lines, you need to check with each state you pass through to ensure you are in compliance during transport with storage. You DO NOT want to get pulled over with illegal or concealed weapons in your vehicle!

    I've been around guns since I was a young child. People who fear them often have absolutely no idea how they work or what it means to properly handle them. Be safe, and you will be fine. You may even find that you enjoy shooting. It is a lot of fun to target shoot.
  • AZTrailRunner
    AZTrailRunner Posts: 1,199 Member
    I saw your post about why it had to be guns and not something like martial arts. Do you have a drivers license? Do you know how many people that kills everyday? Every time you get behind the wheel you could kill someone and it probably would be on accident. Gun accidents are accidents as well. Not sure why it makes a difference

    "accident" denotes lack of fault. That is impossible with an inanimate object. Someone has to use it, either irresponsibly or intentionally. The are considered "incidents", not "accidents".
  • ShapeUpSidney
    ShapeUpSidney Posts: 1,092 Member
    I saw your post about why it had to be guns and not something like martial arts. Do you have a drivers license? Do you know how many people that kills everyday? Every time you get behind the wheel you could kill someone and it probably would be on accident. Gun accidents are accidents as well. Not sure why it makes a difference

    I think the difference is that many people need a car to get to work, the doctor, the grocery store...but you dont need a gun to go any of those places. So when you look at risks, you examine them by evaluating the risk against the benefit.
  • echeindl
    echeindl Posts: 326 Member
    I saw your post about why it had to be guns and not something like martial arts. Do you have a drivers license? Do you know how many people that kills everyday? Every time you get behind the wheel you could kill someone and it probably would be on accident. Gun accidents are accidents as well. Not sure why it makes a difference

    "accident" denotes lack of fault. That is impossible with an inanimate object. Someone has to use it, either irresponsibly or intentionally. The are considered "incidents", not "accidents".

    I realize this but in the first post that this person posted she said she lost friends to "gun accidents"
  • ShapeUpSidney
    ShapeUpSidney Posts: 1,092 Member

    "accident" denotes lack of fault. That is impossible with an inanimate object. Someone has to use it, either irresponsibly or intentionally. The are considered "incidents", not "accidents".

    I don't think you're applying the definition correctly. I think an "accident" denotes lack of "intent" and not "fault"
  • AZTrailRunner
    AZTrailRunner Posts: 1,199 Member
    I saw your post about why it had to be guns and not something like martial arts. Do you have a drivers license? Do you know how many people that kills everyday? Every time you get behind the wheel you could kill someone and it probably would be on accident. Gun accidents are accidents as well. Not sure why it makes a difference

    I think the difference is that many people need a car to get to work, the doctor, the grocery store...but you dont need a gun to go any of those places. So when you look at risks, you examine them by evaluating the risk against the benefit.

    40,000 people die every year due to car collisions (note they aren't called "accidents" by the courts). Just like gun ownership, it is the risk of having the freedom. 43% of Americans own guns. If it is such a bad thing wouldn't you expect homicides by responsible owners to be much much higher?
  • AZTrailRunner
    AZTrailRunner Posts: 1,199 Member

    "accident" denotes lack of fault. That is impossible with an inanimate object. Someone has to use it, either irresponsibly or intentionally. The are considered "incidents", not "accidents".

    I don't think you're applying the definition correctly. I think an "accident" denotes lack of "intent" and not "fault"

    The courts don't refer to gun-related events as "accidents". They are ALWAYS preventable. My guns have never hurt anyone due to my safe practices.
  • BobbyClerici
    BobbyClerici Posts: 813 Member
    Yes, and I simply told my wife-to-be to get over it or leave.

    She got over it.

    We've been married 28 years, but she still detests firearms.
  • gp79
    gp79 Posts: 1,799 Member
    Some men (I'd like to say all but there's bound for someone to disagree) want the ability to defend their family from evil. It's out there. Just look at the Hi-Fi Murders in 1974 where assailants made the victims drink drain cleaner, raped the women and eventually killed most of their victims with indiscriminate brutal use of violence.

    What if someone were to break into your home while you are there? What will you do? A bat? Are you willing to strike someone with a bat and brutally beat them to death in one of the bloodiest, most up close and personal ways to kill another human? Is the bat even going to be in a place where you can get to it fast enough? What would you do? Keep in mind that baseball bat can be taken from you and used against you.

    Guns don't kill people, people kill people. Gun safety is paramount. Idiots with guns are dangerous. Failure to use common sense can result in an accident. I suppose if you feel your bf can't handle having a gun in the house, and you can't handle being educated on how to operate and safely handle a gun, then maybe you shouldn't have them in the house as it would be more of a liability than a tool to defend yourself and your family.

    Plus, guns usually don't lose value.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Guns don't kill people, people kill people. Gun safety is paramount. Idiots with guns are dangerous. Failure to use common sense can result in an accident. I suppose if you feel your bf can't handle having a gun in the house, and you can't handle being educated on how to operate and safely handle a gun, then maybe you shouldn't have them in the house as it would be more of a liability than a tool to defend yourself and your family.

    Agree with everything here.
  • ShapeUpSidney
    ShapeUpSidney Posts: 1,092 Member
    ...retracted as irrelevant...
  • InfamousQ
    InfamousQ Posts: 266 Member
    I was on the fence with getting a weapon I always wanted one........when some low life broke into my house while I was deployed and scared my family...I got one within weeks of returning to the states...needless to say if anybody come into my uninvited again they will meet God......