All you men, COME HERE.



  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    I personally dont mind. Ive got a pair of tiger stripes on my arms and stomach, i would make little competition to see who has the cooler looking stripes.
    Freddy Kreuger attacked my tummy.

    I win.
  • fitnatic67
    stretch marks are like'd prefer to see them on someone else but after a while you don't even notice them.
  • oboeadam
    oboeadam Posts: 124 Member
    If someone cares about something like that, they aren't worth your time. You want someone who loves you for the wonderful I'm sure you are, not someone who is going to nit-pick and be turned off by small imperfections - because NO one is 100% perfect and EVERYONE has them. You are beautiful and deserve someone who sees the beauty in you no matter what :).
  • gazz777
    gazz777 Posts: 722
    My wife's stretch marks are medals. She has had 7 pregnancies and several surgeries.

    She is a hero !
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Men who are somewhat mature realize this is life & we understand. Maybe BOYS would give a *kitten*, but men don't.

    Ka-ching! And we have a winner here!:bigsmile:
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    i recently met a guy who LOVES stretch marks. specifically from a woman having a child. He thinks they're the sexiest thing ever, because it shows the sacrifices you've made to become a mother. he loves his kids more than anything, so that probably has something to do with it, but really, on any woman, he finds them a huge turn-on.

    and i think that's sexy!

    Guys can fetishize just about anything. It's a gift. :tongue:
  • heathhumble
    I agree most mature men either married or in a serious relation ship with a women won't let stretch maks get in the way.My wife has them and we have two wonderful children, my wife is amazing woman.Besides all guys have some sort of flaw this could go both ways.
  • gorgeouss9
    Im just curious to know what the men out there think. What comes into mind when you see a woman with stretch marks. Esp on the tummy area? I have a child and Im working on losing my weight. I know my stretch marks wont ever go away. They do and dont bother me mostly because I see them as my stripes of honor for having my daughter.

    My sister has the worst stretch marks I've ever seen. If you saw them, you'd say the same thing. She is 5 feet and petite. She first had a boy, then two years later had twin girls. I think because of her height and size and the fact that her stomach is NOT AT ALL elastic that her stomach looks like it needs ironing. I know it caused her a great deal of stress and depression when she first lost her baby weight (back in 2007) but now that her girls are 12, she seems to have gotten over it. I asked her the other day (as we were in the fitting room) if she ever thought of getting plastic surgery done to just get it smoothed out, and she said flat out "HECK NO! Let my kids know how much I had to suffer just to have them..". If it were me, I'd have it done without question. But she's a bit of a penny pincher so theres no way she'll have it done in her lifetime. She's 115 pounds btw, very skinny. But she hides her body b/c of her stomach :(
  • masterfitness4u
    :laugh: It's not something you show a guy on the first date That shouldn't bother a guy, if it does, kick him to the!
  • Alishia_655
    My husband doesn't care about mine. Actually, when I got pregnant, he bought me coco butter to prevent them. I did get a few, but not on my belly. I see them as you do, and am proud that they represent my beautiful daughter!
  • skinnywithin
    skinnywithin Posts: 1,392 Member
    That was me & no I'm not a father. I don't care as I realize I have my share of stretch marks too. If you truly care for someone, this will not make one bit of difference. You'll like them, stretch marks be damned!:flowerforyou:

    Gary I :heart: you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • skinnywithin
    skinnywithin Posts: 1,392 Member
    My friend you said it all right there yourself for me. They are the result of you giving life to a child. They are a result of the miracle of birth, Any person that see's them as ugly , unatractive or you not caring what your stomach looks like is just plain old ignorant. My friend if you run across a man that feels that way, pass him on by, he is not worth your effort!

    PREACH IT !!!!!! You are a true man
  • 3GKnight
    3GKnight Posts: 203
    If a woman can put up with some hair, I'd be happy to ignore some stretch marks. (I said "some hair", not "a lot of hair." :)

    It's kinda weird, I've never actually thought about whether or not stretch marks would be unattractive. It's just a fact of life, why give it any thought? I'm content to move right on past 'em and get to the good stuff.
  • SerenaFisher
    SerenaFisher Posts: 2,170 Member
    My hubby says that he doesn't really mind mine, but he thinks I should avoid wearing a 2-piece bathing suit because it will "gross out" other people.

    Yes, he does suffer from foot-in-mouth disease.

    Wow.....does he also suffer from a sore neck from sleeping on the couch?

    By the way reading through this a few days after my posts you can tell which men (and women) are mature. :) Maturity also isn't necessarily handled by your response to stretch marks, but by the seriousness in which you treat the question. As for your husband my dear... perhaps he's just being honest, but it's about what makes you happy and makes you feel attractive. He should support you weather he thinks your body is fit for a two piece or not. We would tell people who are overweight or under weight to wear what they feel comfortable in, what makes them happy. This goes for life in general to me anyway.