name one, really random, strange fact about yourself



  • PegasusDeb
    PegasusDeb Posts: 665 Member
    I'm afraid of the dark. I sleep with the lights on all the time. So much, that I have made my dog not like to sleep in the dark! When my folks dog-sat, she barked until they left a light on for her! OMG She can blame her weirdness on her mother! She's going to need therapy! LOL ^..^
  • tgarkiller
    I drink coffee with a straw, and no other way...(I even have packs of bendy straws at home, but I certainly don't use them at
  • When I eat sour foods (granny smith apples especially) it makes me sweat on my cheek bones. Never fails. I always feel like I'm crying or something afterwards because I have to wipe off my face. :cry:
  • gazz777
    gazz777 Posts: 722
    I have flexible hips ... 1 side more than the other. E.g check my Yoga pose :o)
  • adrian_indy
    adrian_indy Posts: 1,444 Member
    I can suck the air into my nose so hard, it closes one nostril, giving the illusion I can open and close my nostril at will like I have musles in my nose.
  • Jupitermermaid
    Jupitermermaid Posts: 270 Member
    I never "feel" tired. If I don't know what time it is, I can stay awake feeling perky all night. I need to take 7 different meds to help me get the "want to go to sleep" feeling. Can stay up for days a time otherwise. NOT fun!!!
  • scottberrydsm
    scottberrydsm Posts: 74 Member
    I could do that when I was younger. I smoked then and I could hold my breath and blow hard and smoke would come out of my eyes!
  • Iamfit4life
    Iamfit4life Posts: 3,095 Member
    oh this is a good one.

    I have to be totally covered up in bed.
    All warm and toasty tons of covers. I even have to wear socks.

    However I leave one arm outside the covers to "regulate the temp"
  • directorj
    directorj Posts: 537 Member
    I cannot eat anything without any type of spice and I need A LOT!! Burritos, pizza, soup etc. except for burgers ( i don't know why)
  • Midnightsun04
    I can crack both of my elbows! :)
  • RaeLB
    RaeLB Posts: 1,216 Member
    i can only have the volume on the tv on an even number (ex. 12, 14, 16) or numbers that end in 5 (15, 25, etc)
    if i'm at someone's house and they put the volume to let's say 13 or 17 it really bothers me and i keep thinking about it, sometimes i take the remote and change it
  • ummlovelovesyou
    ummlovelovesyou Posts: 1,024 Member
    I hate the sound of silverware clanking together. :noway:
  • RonneyKay
    RonneyKay Posts: 464 Member
    I have a screw sticking out of my head that a hearing aide clips onto... Okay now the medical terminology LOL

    I had a labrynthectomy on my left side in February (basically my whole inner ear/balance system was taken out on my left side). Then in May I had a Bone Anchored Hearing Aide put in:) And that is what is sticking out of my head that my hearing aide clamps onto.

    I still get dizzy, but I don't feel like I'm on the constant merry go round thank goodness! I have a problem using stairs and I always have to look down when I walk. (hopefully this gets better)

    So yea, I guess that is random:)

  • inammorata
    I can't stand to have my calves touched!
  • mathup
    I know the nickname of every football playing college.
  • inammorata
    I have a terrible phobia of going up escalators.
  • RonneyKay
    RonneyKay Posts: 464 Member
    I'm obsessed with serial killers/serial murderers/homicides/ and the show 'the first 48' and anything related. I can handle gore that most grown men would faint at the site of. My fiance is slightly scared of me I think?

    OMG! Me too!!! my husband hates it!! LOL
  • inammorata
    I hate the sound of silverware clanking together. :noway:

    Ooh me too!
  • HealthySarah90
    In movie theaters I can't sit with people to the left of me, EVERYONE has to be on the right thus making me the end of the row.
  • mathup
    My daughter has the same phobia!