THE Team - Week 3 - 2/20/09



  • lulubar
    lulubar Posts: 739 Member
    Okay, margolis and zano - if you'll avert your eyes, I need to discuss something with the ladies:blushing:

    Okay girls - I need advice. I am having serious issues with my left shoulder. I really think this is due to wogging and not having enough support to stabilize the weight of the upper body if you get my drift:ohwell: I have tried double sports bras, sport and regular together, a minimizer and sport together - and my shoulder is seriously killing me - and I haven't wogged in several days because of it. The pain starts between my left shoulder blade and my spine and ends in the top of my shoulder (down into the joint). I think it is from the weight that digs into my shoulder when I try running. If you have any, any, any advice - please pm me. I am just desperate to address this so I can continue to wog.

    I ended up not going to the trace today:frown: I got a killer headache and could not get rid of it!!:explode: This evening it started lightening up so I got on the treadmill, but could only do 12 minutes because of my stinking shoulder:grumble: Heeeeeelllllp meeeeeeee! (was that pitiful enough??)
  • chantybear
    Lulu - Thanks!! Yes, it felt great...since now I have 4 pairs of jeans to wear instead of 2..haha
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,106 Member
    Okay, margolis and zano - if you'll avert your eyes, I need to discuss something with the ladies:blushing:

    Okay girls - I need advice. I am having serious issues with my left shoulder. I really think this is due to wogging and not having enough support to stabilize the weight of the upper body if you get my drift:ohwell: I have tried double sports bras, sport and regular together, a minimizer and sport together - and my shoulder is seriously killing me - and I haven't wogged in several days because of it. The pain starts between my left shoulder blade and my spine and ends in the top of my shoulder (down into the joint). I think it is from the weight that digs into my shoulder when I try running. If you have any, any, any advice - please pm me. I am just desperate to address this so I can continue to wog.

    I ended up not going to the trace today:frown: I got a killer headache and could not get rid of it!!:explode: This evening it started lightening up so I got on the treadmill, but could only do 12 minutes because of my stinking shoulder:grumble: Heeeeeelllllp meeeeeeee! (was that pitiful enough??)

    wuwu - My last boss had an issue withher shoulder. I can't remember what it was called. My gramma also had bursitis. (My boss MAY have had bursitis, too). Apparently it commonly strikes caucasian middle-aged women. Not related to weight or exercise. You could have early arthritis. I'd say try Naporxen or Ibuprofen for a week, if no better , then the doctor. If it is a sports injury it should improve in a week. If it is something else......I'd see a doctor.
  • lulubar
    lulubar Posts: 739 Member
    bursitis, huh? :huh: I'm gonna look that up... I started an anti-inflamatory yesterday... I'll keep taking it for a few days. Thanks:heart:
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,106 Member
    bursitis, huh? :huh: I'm gonna look that up... I started an anti-inflamatory yesterday... I'll keep taking it for a few days. Thanks:heart:

    Welcome. My boss had to do stretching exercises several times a day (lots of computer time) and would get steroid injections a couple times a year when it got really bad.
  • lulubar
    lulubar Posts: 739 Member
    Well, I just read several articles on bursitis - caused by repeated friction, hmmmmm like a bra strap digging repeatedly into the shoulder perhaps?!?!:grumble: Or, hmmmmm lot's of computer time transcribing?!?! :grumble: Who knew? Well, besides you and your boss and your gramma, I mean:huh: I'm gonna do some more research on this! Gotta fix it nowwwwwww :ohwell:
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,106 Member
    Well, I just read several articles on bursitis - caused by repeated friction, hmmmmm like a bra strap digging repeatedly into the shoulder perhaps?!?!:grumble: Or, hmmmmm lot's of computer time transcribing?!?! :grumble: Who knew? Well, besides you and your boss and your gramma, I mean:huh: I'm gonna do some more research on this! Gotta fix it nowwwwwww :ohwell:

    For what it's worth, my gramma was a very large woman, with a large bust - and a stay at home wife with a fairly large house.She got no other exercise.

    My boss was 5'11" and rail thin, 54 yrs old with two youngish (11 and 13 boys.) They were pretty active, the whole family. But she had lots of desk and computer time.
  • healthymom2009
    Hi, guys.

    Boy are we all on different schedules!

    stillkristi and adopt4 careful on that ellliptical! First time I was on one, I was like, "How do you make it go?" I love ellipticals, but they definitely take some practice, especially if you are new to exercise. They are all about balance and that takes some walking and strength training to develope.

    stillkristiWoohoo-Dance.gif a big ole WOOT for your 11 lb loss. Keep doing what you are doing!

    adopt4, cool that your clothes are getting loose. Since I don't own a scale, that is my guage for progress.

    Christine, I am with you. The whole food prep thing just does nothing for me. Now that I know what variety of food I need, it is even more complicated. I'd be happy to eat the same thing every day (and often do). I think that's what you mean by "human food".

    I went to see "Slumdog Millionaire" today and took the day off from exercise (except the 100-pushups challenge.)

    :yawn: nite all.

    Just wanted to add my congrats on all the good news people have. When I started on the elliptical I nearly fell off too! :blushing:

    yesterday I was so tired all day, didn't drink , didn't exercise, it was awful. :grumble: :grumble: What a difference today after eating healthy and exercising. Totally changes your mood too.:happy:

    Changes for the good: My sister saw my new profile picture on facebook and couldn't believe it. Have you lost weight? Your face looks thinner! lol That was my good news for the day. I too can't wait to fit into the smaller clothes that are lurking in my closet. Good thing summer is coming to Canada and we can start wearing shorts, etc. (And exercise outside - the treadmill does not have the same appeal).
  • nitag
    nitag Posts: 706 Member
    What a busy day I've had..
    I'm trying to catch up on all the posts for today..

    Quick question, what is the crunch club??

  • gonabfit
    gonabfit Posts: 711 Member
    I am still here lurking! Not feeling well though. Oh and I'm down to 148.4!!!!

    Best of luck this week everyone:bigsmile: !
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    CM- I triple dog dare ya to post a shout out to those people who joined us and havent been heard from since. :) Also, you've done great with the goals for this month! I too have a weakness for baked goodies. I LOVE to bake and cook and today the kids were complaining because i havent made cookies in over 6 weeks. My oldest even broke out the blender and made peanut butter cookies which I am proud to say.. I only ate 1!

    Lulu- Yaknow, its pretty funny you called me an exercise fiend cuz when Morgolis and I first got together I couldnt stand going to the gym. He went all the time and it drove me crazy because It was hard to plan stuff. Anyway, he now calls me a "gym rat" of which I SWORE would never, ever in a million years happen 7 years ago. Its funny how things change! If you had told me 2 months ago that I would be running 3/4 of a mile (all at once) at the gym I woulda laughed my butt off and asked what you were smokin. :laugh: As for the shoulder thing.... Im not sure. I would definitely stick with the anti-inflamatory if it feels muscular. Im 6ft tall and take 800mg every 6 hours when Im hurtin. Maybe even try alternating some heat and ice or a good epsom salt bath which works wonders for sore muscles. If its a joint issue, Id get it checked out right away. Definitely lay off the wogging until it feels better! My oldest daughter runs cross country and track so she might know of some tips for female runners & bust support but other than taping yourself down, I think you pretty much had that covered! :huh:

    Chanty- Great job at getting back into the game!!!

    Prayerful- Welcome back!!!!

    healthymom- Ive had people tell me the same thing, it is VERY nice to hear from people who havent seen you for a while! Congrats!!

    nitag- Not sure if you were referring to the sit up challenge or not. Its a website - Basically you start out doing as many situps as you can to find out how many you should do 3 days a week. Each week the numbers go up and after about 6 weeks you should be close to or at 200 situps.
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    Hi, everyone, first time to check in tonight. I had to watch the season finale of Leverage. HAD to. :wink: Sorry about the bursitis, lulu. I wish I had some ideas, but speaking as someone who at the age of sixteen was being confused with my brother, that particular problem has passed me by. Even as heavy as I am, I am only in a b cup. Its a real treat trying to find a 52 b. :blushing: Seriously, though, the headache part is a little concerning, at least I think it would be good to get it checked out.
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    I wish I had some ideas, but speaking as someone who at the age of sixteen was being confused with my brother, that particular problem has passed me by.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: omg.. that is awesome, I never woulda thought to describe it that way. We always called it the itty bitty titty commitee of which Im a life long member myself.. ^5 girl
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Hey, just wanted to remind THE team that If you've lost some weight and are seeing your losses change (to being less or hitting a wall) then it might be time to check your MFP goals. I just updated mine with my current weight and it changed my calories to burn for exercise and knocked 50 calories off my food intake. Not a big difference, but still a thought I would throw the reminder out there to re-evaluate your MFP goals occasionally.

    Also, when you go in and change your goals, it doesnt effect your ticker at all :smile:
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    Yep, member in good standing, right here! My mother (also a amember) used to say that she was grateful, because she didn't have to invest in fancy bras. :laugh:

    Ya gotta love her! :bigsmile:
  • get_fit2009
    get_fit2009 Posts: 827 Member
    lulubar, hope you are feeling better! Hurting is no fun and it zaps your energy. Nita, hope the baby is doing well.

    Ok, I have had a baaad couple of days. My schedule has been crazy and so I did not plan ahead, and for me that spells disaster. CMR gave me some calming advice, so I am headed downstairs to pack my lunch and organize my day. Most of the craziness is over (for a couple of months anyway) from the high school basketball season. Then we start up with summer league.

    Also, I didn't get to exercise yesterday. I am going to a step class before work this morning. Exercise seems to help me get back on track.

    By the way, stillkristi, I don't like fancy bras either. They itch. :grumble: :laugh: (Sorry to our guy friends if that is TMI!)

    Everyone have a great day and I will check in later. :flowerforyou:
  • nitag
    nitag Posts: 706 Member
    Losingit, thanks, I was talking about the sit up challenge..

    I so need to work the core section.. I feel thinner lmao ( don't look it yet) but I feel it.. my clothes sure are big.. My jeans wouldn't stay on yesterday so I am officially at 0 pants that fit me now.. size 20 gone - size 18 gone.. but size 16 a little to tight... What to do now.. Guess I am buying a belt to keep the jeans up but slacks.. Uh oh... wearing jeans to the office till I figure that out....

    I have to admit, I am part of the biggestloserclub and you guys all so ROCK compared to them... I am staying in my team challenge there till it ends but honestly, I get so much more support here and it's FREE....... I did appreciate the books..

    Losingit, I also updated my weight on my profile and I lost some calories :angry: and now I have to burn more :grumble: oh well... I am in this till the end... I also decided that I get so much support here that I changed my goal weight from 155 to 145... I am pretty sure I can do that, it might take time but you guys all make me feel like I can...

    I wish I could remember everyone's name here, but I can't.. Once I start typing I lose the memory name thing :sad: but a BIG SHOUT OUT TO YOU ALL....

  • nitag
    nitag Posts: 706 Member
    lulubar, hope you are feeling better! Hurting is no fun and it zaps your energy. Nita, hope the baby is doing well.

    Ok, I have had a baaad couple of days. My schedule has been crazy and so I did not plan ahead, and for me that spells disaster. CMR gave me some calming advice, so I am headed downstairs to pack my lunch and organize my day. Most of the craziness is over (for a couple of months anyway) from the high school basketball season. Then we start up with summer league.

    Also, I didn't get to exercise yesterday. I am going to a step class before work this morning. Exercise seems to help me get back on track.

    By the way, stillkristi, I don't like fancy bras either. They itch. :grumble: :laugh: (Sorry to our guy friends if that is TMI!)

    Everyone have a great day and I will check in later. :flowerforyou:

    Kole is doing well... He is a fighter... He is still a very sick little guy but he is still here. They are x-raying his brain daily to make sure he has no brain bleeds, so far so good.. Thank you for thinking of him :smile:

    IBTC {Itty bitty tittie commitie) - I wish I belonged... I was blessed with tatas lol.. I hate them... But I lost 4 yes 4 inches off them.. I have so many cute bras that I used to wear 8 years ago.. I saved them all - paid a lot of money for those puppies.. I am going to wear them again - even if they are outta style...:laugh:
  • adopt4
    adopt4 Posts: 970 Member
    Ok ok I'm back, sorry, forgot to check in yesterday. So you've all been waiting for that big losing toe fat secret? It's.... drumroll... having lots of belly fat that refuses to go away. Ok so it's too early for me to think of something actually funny.

    I can't wog or run, I have a bad knee. So if that's the secret, I'm screwed. I'm pouring myself into a smaller size jeans which fit perfectly except for the waist and that's really tight, because my waistline has not gone down AT ALL. I measured. NO CHANGE. Hips - lost another inch. WTH??

    I am doing as much abs as I can. I keep upping it and it doesn't seem to work. Trainer told me I need to build muscle, well, I'm trying! So I guess it's just going to be stubborn on me.

    Have to go to the gym early today cuz cable guy is coming at 10.

    Yesterday I ellipticalled 11 mins. Whoo-hoo! Then upped my walking to 3.4. Which, again, I have shortie little legs so that's fast for me! But I'm excited to see that I can, geez, a few weeks ago I barely could do 2.5. Weighed myself today - hit my goal for the week already and then some! But I'll wait till Fri to officially log it in. But it's 3 pounds so far this week! Already changed my goals a week or so ago, so shouldn't have to do that yet...
  • nitag
    nitag Posts: 706 Member

    Yesterday I ellipticalled 11 mins. Whoo-hoo! Then upped my walking to 3.4. Which, again, I have shortie little legs so that's fast for me! But I'm excited to see that I can, geez, a few weeks ago I barely could do 2.5. Weighed myself today - hit my goal for the week already and then some! But I'll wait till Fri to officially log it in. But it's 3 pounds so far this week! Already changed my goals a week or so ago, so shouldn't have to do that yet...

    Adopt4, how tall are you? I am 5'4 and seriously I can't go over 3.5 on the speed on that dang treadmill. My short legs are going as fast as they can and I usually can only do that for a few mins then I have to decrease it.. I feel like I am walking o fast. The waist on me, same thing.. only have lost like 2 inches off it and 4 yes 4 on my bust... I was thinking that maybe the core exercises might help the waist line??? Anyone have thoughts on that???