I give up. Gained 3 more pounds.



  • TheBraveryLover
    TheBraveryLover Posts: 1,217 Member
    Okay I'm not going to tell you to exercise because a lack of it is not why you've gained.

    I looked at your diary, everyday since November 29th. I noticed that although you have days that you're under or near goal, you have just as many where you're over by several hundred. One day you logged 700 cals and then typed in notes how you also had a bunch of food and a huge margarita, etc. Not to mention the days you're over in cals, you're sometimes double what you should have in sodium.

    I'd suggest you be more consistent in staying near your caloric *and* sodium goal, as I'm not convinced you've gained 3 pounds of fat. I honestly think most (if not all) of the gained is water retention. Try this for 3 weeks without weighing yourself until the 3rd week is completed: 6 out of 7 days, make sure to stay with 100 calories (either way) of your goal, and 2500 or less sodium. One day of the week no more than 400 calories over calorie goal. Try that, be very precise, measure well, and log everything for those 3 weeks and see where you end up.

    I understand your frustration. We all do. But it's up to you to figure out what's going on and fix it. Good luck hun!:flowerforyou:
  • SiltyPigeon
    SiltyPigeon Posts: 920 Member
    Being busy, having kids, having a job.... NONE of that makes you exempt from Physiology and Biology. If you want to be fit, you exercise more and eat less. No amount of complaining will grant you a reprieve. You buckle down and do it or you stay fat and unhealthy. Simple as that.

    I run my own business 60+ hours per week WHILE taking care of my 2 kids. No babysitter or daycares and my 2 years old is too young to go to school, so she's here at my store with me all day. I still find time. It took me 6 months, but I met my goal and have been successfully maintaining for 6 months now. No excuses. You can do it, too.
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    If you don't want to do this, no one can make you. Only you can make this work.
  • pinkita
    pinkita Posts: 779 Member
    By the way, regarding sodium: The USDA changed the normal limit to 2300mg a day for most people, and 1500mg a day for diabetics, African-Americans, people over 50, and people with kidney problems.
  • TheGreatYaYa
    TheGreatYaYa Posts: 215 Member
    You think YOU feel like giving up. I've been doing this since July (except for the break I took in Oct/Nov due to death in family and I was grieving) and I've only lost 3 lbs!! And, I AM exercising!! But, I have lost 12 inches in my waist, belly, hips, and thighs! I can't figure out why the scale isn't moving for me, but I'm working on it with my doc., so maybe we'll come up with a solution soon. Hang in there...give it more time. Things don't change overnight. It takes time!
  • crisnis
    crisnis Posts: 83 Member
    Don't give up, and quit making excuses. If you really want it, then you will "find the time" to add exercise, and keep control over your diet.

    Weight loss doesn't happen overnight. I have been stuck in a plateau for FOUR MONTHS. It's law school final exam time, so I am super stressed and eating like crap, but I am still making sure to take time to be active, whether going to the gym, or walking down Connecticut Avenue to check out the Christmas Tree.

    Stop whining, and start acting. I promise you will see results.

    And if not, then follow the other posters' advice and have a chat with your doctor. There may be something deeper inhibiting your progress.

    My thoughts exactly - except the law school part :)
  • tattooedtwiin
    You think YOU feel like giving up. I've been doing this since July (except for the break I took in Oct/Nov due to death in family and I was grieving) and I've only lost 3 lbs!! And, I AM exercising!! But, I have lost 12 inches in my waist, belly, hips, and thighs! I can't figure out why the scale isn't moving for me, but I'm working on it with my doc., so maybe we'll come up with a solution soon. Hang in there...give it more time. Things don't change overnight. It takes time!
    Good for you hanging in there! I'm sorry for the loss of your family member.
  • Artemis_Acorn
    Artemis_Acorn Posts: 836 Member
    I only skimmed most of the responses, and was sad to see so much negativity. You have obviously been doing what you feel you can, and are discouraged by what seems to be no results. What lies beneath however, is not always so apparent on the surface. If you are eating healthier foods, you are nourishing your body with important vitamins and minerals, antioxidents and other important nutrients. If you are drinking more water, you are leveraging your body's ability to detoxify and eliminate harmful waste. If you are getting more fiber, you are helping your colon with it's work and helping to regulate your blood sugar levels as well. The list of these things could go on forever, and none of them are specific to the scale even moving.

    Please do not throw in the towel because you can't put very bit of energy into losing weight due to a very busy schedule. You have a lot of people counting on you. You have a lot of balls in the air So do what you can. Focus on beneficial changes that will help you be healthier, and try to at least maintain your current weight and not gain. There are a lot of people who scoff at the idea that parking a little further out can help, but in reality, it is the sum of the energy you expend in a day that amounts to your caloric burn. If you can't find the time to squeeze in a full-blown workout, do not despair that you are limited - this is not an all or nothing game - there is a whole spectrum and you CAN do something. Get yourself a pedometer and set some realistic goals about how many steps you're going to take in a day. Then try to meet them, or better yet, exceed them. Look for any opportunity to get in a few more steps. For the average person, every 2000 steps = about a mile of walking, so 10,000 steps = 5 five miles.

    You can do this - it may not be at a breakneck pace, it may not be even as fast as you want, but pace yourself and in the long run, you'll still see results. Your health is IMPORTANT. Take it a day at a time, and pay attention to the positive changes you'll notice, like a little more energy and stamina, sleeping well, clarity of mind and other indicators of good health. The rest will follow.

    Good luck to you.
  • NZblue
    NZblue Posts: 147 Member
    Oh gosh... I fully understand you. I eat clean, mostly. (I try to keep balanced, so that it's a maintainable lifestyle.)
    Since beginning trying to lose weight, I've put on 9.3kg. Which amounts to a LOT of pounds. =P

    Have you tried taking measurements? I was getting so incredibly discouraged, but I've lost over 10cm from around my belly button since starting.

    I would talk to your doctor, still. It sounds like it could be something else, as eating clean is the most important thing to make a change. I would check it. (I'm planning on doing the same thing, 'cause although cm losses are great, 9.3kg has taken me to nearly 90kg...) Plus, I exercise daily. (Shred every day, Zumba several times a week, and run several times a week, as well as avoiding using the car and biking everywhere.) I eat less than my husband, but the same nutritional foods, and he's been losing weight, despite being very slim and toned, already. So I can relate to how you feel. <3
  • NZblue
    NZblue Posts: 147 Member
    Another thought:

    are you excited about what you're eating?

    I try and get exciting foods. My husband and I are not well off at all. He works in a cafe, as I'm a student, training to be a primary teacher. So being at uni, I am busy, and neither of us get paid a lot. In fact, at the moment, we're living on his minimum wage job. (Then when I am qualified, he'll be the student, and I'll work.)
    But it's still possible to eat healthy and affordably. I would suggest getting some fruit plants. Strawberry plants, blueberry plants, etc.

    Greek yoghurt and blueberries are a great protein and antioxidant boost.

    Poached egg on spinach is a light and nutritious meal, packed with protein and iron.

    For both, there is little sodium, but a good deal of nutritional content. You've got to love what you're eating, too, otherwise you'll crave that cheeseburger. (And every now and then, I don't think a cheeseburger is bad. But I avoid, 'cause I know I'm very prone to gaining weight.)

    Eat to live. =) Eat for the nutrition.

    But make sure you're enjoying your food, because it'll make you more motivated to work hard. xox

    Have you considered the 30 Day Shred? It's only 20 minutes, and even when I'm in the throes of massive assignments, it's so easy to fit in, 'cause once you start, you're almost done. ;)
  • anna_b1
    anna_b1 Posts: 588 Member
    Giving up is your choice. If that's even a possibility for you, then you're not really committed. Sorry, but you're not.

    I've been roughly the same weight (give or take a pound or two) for the past 2 months, but I've only myself to blame for that. Since returning to work in September, I'm not exercising as much nor am I being as careful with my food choices. And my results show that. I'm owning it, but I'm not going to beat myself up over it.


    I haven't looked at your food diary, but it sounds as if others have and that you too haven't really been as committed as you could be. You don't need to answer to any of us, but you do need to be honest with yourself.

    I hope you find the answers you're looking for and that you begin to see you're worth making time for regardless of how busy you are. (I hope the same for myself as well!)
  • MzMiller1215
    MzMiller1215 Posts: 633 Member
    No one can make you do what you don't want to do. You don't need our approval of disapproval, although, I think you posted this so that maybe, just maybe, someone could convince you to keep trying. If losing weight was easy, there would be no overweight or obese people in the world. Any thing worth having takes will, determination and sacrifice. You must have the will to achieve the goal you have set for yourself, determined not to give up and sacrifice an hour of sleep so that YOU can take care of YOU. As mothers, we always put ourselves last, including our health which is SO important. I have made my health MY priority.
  • sarah307
    sarah307 Posts: 1,363 Member
    dont give up!! just give yourself a little break :) don't be so hard on urself!
  • jezmarie89
    do some tabata workouts im sure you have 4 mins a day
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    Been there! Just got off a 4 week plateau. There is a good article on MSN today regarding weight loss. Good job on getting calories down and in line. I know I had to look at the nutrients to get my weight loss moving, so I now concentrate more on sodium, carbs, protein and fiber. We really got things moving when we stopped with processd food and went fresh and whole foods. I hope you don't really give up, but if you do this awesome support base will be here when you decide it's time to do something. We've been doing 30 day shred and it only takes 20 mins, but it works. I work 10-12 hours daily plus have 1.5 hours of drive time. Don't workout everyday, find three or four days to get it in and you'll see a difference. Good luck!
  • dreamshadows
    dreamshadows Posts: 734 Member
    The second thing my doctor asked me when I came to here clinic was why I wanted to lose weight. If I could commit to logging what I eat, making small changes, etc. The first 3 weeks with her were amazing, I gained 3 pounds, and gained an understanding of the food, not the quantity, or calories. Our first focus was what. I had to be honest on the whats.
    Second focus was where, with the third focus being why. I have been with this doctor for 6 months. because I am committed to change.
    Struggles: Night Shift, Borderline, drugs that gain weight, foot pain,

    That is my story. I was ready to commit to weight loss, and my doctor is helping me.

    If you want a cheering squad, Your friends will cheer your victories.
    Eat your cheese Burger, and ask yourself if you are ready to go at this journey.
    It is okay to say you are not ready. Just as it is okay to treat yourself , and eat your favorite foods.
    We are here to help you, but if your not ready, the only person to make you commit is you.
  • delong99
    delong99 Posts: 22 Member
    From looking at your diet it does seem like you eat a fairly high sodium diet. Try keeping that down and mixing in more fresh fruits and vegetables. Also maybe invest in a food scale so you can really keep track of portion size. I think unless we are measuring, literally, most of us underestimate our portions.

    If you don't have time for formal exercise try doing sets of 20 jumping jacks during tv commercials. Park further away at the grocery store. Take stairs instead of elevators. Crank up the music and dance around the house with your daughter. It doesn't have to be formal exercise to count!

    Losing weight is not fun for most people and it is uncomfortable - either feeling hungry is uncomfortable or exercise is. Get comfortable with the uncomfortable and you might see better results!
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    Hi there,

    I think I can related to this frustration of yours to some extend. I'm not expert on this so please don't be more upset if I am wrong. :) I often hear stress plays part in people's weigh loss process and often that part is negative. Sounds like you are living a pretty stressful life. If there is nothing wrong with your health, and if possible, is it possible for you to bear a month of misery and keep your calorie intake to 1200, 50 plus and minus? I know lots of MFPs don't like the idea of dieting alone to lose weight but you can definately lose weight by simply limiting the input. And drink LOTs of water when you can. Replace some of the processed meat with lean protein and vegetables such as spinach, broccoli, and asparugus. And make sure you go at least once a day. I know it sounds gross, but it works. :)

    Best of luck and don't give up.
  • CoraGregoryCPA
    CoraGregoryCPA Posts: 1,087 Member
    I wonder if you read any of these posts. A lot of people put time in to talk to you.. Wish you luck in your choice.
  • megansoriano
    As of this morning, I am within 5 pounds of the wieght I was at 9 months pregnant in 2007. I give up. No weight loss in a month. I started this at 173. This morning, I'm 177.8. Screw it. I'm getting a cheeseburger for lunch.

    Before anyone decides to look at my diary and tell me that I need to exercise, I already know that. I'm extremely busy. "But you have to *make* the time". I know that, too. Again, I'm trying but I'm very busy. I'm not going to cut my sleep by an hour to exercise. I'm not a morning person. At night, I do homework, make dinner, give my girl a bath and get things ready for the next day. After tomorrow, I should be able to find some time because it's the last day of class for the semester. I work full time, school part time and single mom to a 4 yr old.

    If you guys only knew how much I've changed my diet since I started this, you would understand my frustration. Going from eating anything and everything to 1100 - 1500 cals a day, I should've seen some results. Can I do better? Yes. But I've made big changes and haven't seen any results. I don't want criticism. I don't want anything but to vent about it. I give up.

    If you're not willing to put forth the effort, quit *****ing about gaining weight.

    I work 70-80 hrs a week and I still find time to run, eat right and go to the gym.

    Hey, that is no way to talk to someone. She is obviously frustrated and looking for some kind words!