Starvation mode- I'll probably regret posting...



  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    jenna you have got me laughing with that pic! xD
  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
    jenna you have got me laughing with that pic! xD

    I try :blushing:
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    "Just eat when you're hungry" and "follow your body" is what lead me to be both very underweight at about 103# and slightly overweight at 160#. I'm at my healthiest and look my best pretty much dead center between the two, and if it takes logging my food to make sure I eat enough, not too much, so be it.

    My body has already proved to me that it's not very bright. I'll trust my brain instead.
  • willnorton
    willnorton Posts: 995 Member
    does anybody else know what the heck macros/microni are ??

    some people have strange things to say

    oh well
  • stcar
    stcar Posts: 207 Member
    I guess my question is... for those on here looking to lose weight saying that they can't possibly eat more than 1200 calories a day, how did you end up with extra weight to lose in the first place?

    Maybe i'm the only one... but I certainly didn't gain this extra 20 lbs by "eating only when I'm hungry"
    Not everyone gained weight by pigging out
    True !! There are medical conditions that inhibit weight loss..Hypothyroidism(which I have )
    Also diseases that cause people to gain, I am here because I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis (form of hypothyroidism) after having my 4th child so it was a battle (and still is) to lose those pregnancy pounds.
    I am also hypothyroid. When I am able to stay within my 1200 calories for a while, I lose weight. therefore, my weight gain was in large part to eating too many calories.
  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
    "Just eat when you're hungry" and "follow your body" is what lead me to be both very underweight at about 103# and slightly overweight at 160#. I'm at my healthiest and look my best pretty much dead center between the two, and if it takes logging my food to make sure I eat enough, not too much, so be it.

    My body has already proved to me that it's not very bright. I'll trust my brain instead.

    You've done so well since!
  • gritgirl
    gritgirl Posts: 95 Member
    I checked my bmr on this site and it was under 1200. I don't think there is anything wrong with consuming only 1000 cals a day I do it often but thats because I am not hungry and I am not going to force feed myself to meet a standard created in a country full of fat people. No offense to anyone but I would have to be stupid to take diet and fitness advice from a sea of people who can't get their own weight under control. I wonder if the calorie minimum is different in other countries where obesity isn't such a problem. Does anyone know?

    Oh, a post to win friends and influence people.

    Don't mind me. I'm out here swimming in the sea. :-)
  • ymhand
    ymhand Posts: 188
    Not trying to be rude..but if you don't think it's harmful, then try it. What's the point in asking people about it. the way you presented it sounds like you have your mind made up. How is anybody going to change your mind about it?

    So if I don't think shooting myself in the foot is harmful, I should try it?

    If you do not think shooting yourself in the foot is going to be harmful, then yes! maybe you should try it. bring ya back to reality, but make sure you shoot yourself in the left foot so you can still press the gas with the right and drive yourself to the hospital : )
  • LovelyMumOf2
    I'll be back to read more. Ya;ll are replying faster then I can keep up and I have some things I have to get done around the house.
  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
    Not trying to be rude..but if you don't think it's harmful, then try it. What's the point in asking people about it. the way you presented it sounds like you have your mind made up. How is anybody going to change your mind about it?

    So if I don't think shooting myself in the foot is harmful, I should try it?

    If you do not think shooting yourself in the foot is going to be harmful, then yes! maybe you should try it. bring ya back to reality, but make sure you shoot yourself in the left foot so you can still press the gas with the right and drive yourself to the hospital : )

  • RainbowPearl
    RainbowPearl Posts: 42 Member
    IT is possible. I am 4' 11"", 49 and weigh 118 and my BMR is 1066.
    Small person, small frame.

    I'm suppose to eat 1200 cal. but some days that is hard to do and I lose very little weight. Trying to get down to my after children weight.
  • ashnm88
    ashnm88 Posts: 748
    Why do people waste money on quick solutions. Put in the effort and do it the healthy way. Eat well and exercise is really all you need.
  • akaMrsmojo
    akaMrsmojo Posts: 762 Member
    "Just eat when you're hungry" and "follow your body" is what lead me to be both very underweight at about 103# and slightly overweight at 160#. I'm at my healthiest and look my best pretty much dead center between the two, and if it takes logging my food to make sure I eat enough, not too much, so be it.

    My body has already proved to me that it's not very bright. I'll trust my brain instead.

    Right there with you.
  • ashnm88
    ashnm88 Posts: 748
    Not trying to be rude..but if you don't think it's harmful, then try it. What's the point in asking people about it. the way you presented it sounds like you have your mind made up. How is anybody going to change your mind about it?

    So if I don't think shooting myself in the foot is harmful, I should try it?

    If you do not think shooting yourself in the foot is going to be harmful, then yes! maybe you should try it. bring ya back to reality, but make sure you shoot yourself in the left foot so you can still press the gas with the right and drive yourself to the hospital : )

    I agree with that.
  • Asil76
    Asil76 Posts: 477 Member
    Whoever told you HCG was FDA approved lied HORRIBLY.

    This was on the news this morning and there was nothing positive said about HCG all very negative actually.
  • FierceFox81
    Ok in simple terms... your body needs at least 1200 calories to keep your organs working properly. When you are not giving your body enough calories or a huge caloric deficit, your body is going to "think" it's starving and start retaining everything you eat in order to protect you from starvation.

    The HCG is ONLY approved as a fertility drug NOT as a weight loss supplement. There is no magic trick to weight loss, so just stick to creating a proper deficit.

    If you are not feeling hungry try to exercise more so your metabolism runs faster.

    Exactly what I was taught while getting my Psychology degree. Nicely worded :)
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    I know I can just click search and read a million posts on it, but I'm not going to go through them all. i've done it before.

    I don't get it.
    (and please don't give me some article that is a million pages long because I won't read it).

  • lupa01
    lupa01 Posts: 162 Member
    I checked my bmr on this site and it was under 1200. I don't think there is anything wrong with consuming only 1000 cals a day I do it often but thats because I am not hungry and I am not going to force feed myself to meet a standard created in a country full of fat people. No offense to anyone but I would have to be stupid to take diet and fitness advice from a sea of people who can't get their own weight under control. I wonder if the calorie minimum is different in other countries where obesity isn't such a problem. Does anyone know?
    This is an international site, the goals do not change based on your locale. If you consider this to be a sea of people who can't get their own weight under control, you are seriously ignorant.

    Not to mention, just plain rude.
  • eliste
    Have you regretted posting yet? :)

    I've been reading a lot of scientific studies lately, and I'll refrain from rounding them up and pointing you to them. The simple answer is: all this weight stuff is NOT SIMPLE! How the body works is not simple, and what we are all trying to do here isn't an exact science, because science is still looking for an exact answer to how the body regulates, loses, and gains weight.

    There's lots of confusion because there's lots of valid scientific theories of weight loss running around, a bunch more half-proven theories, and three times as much complete nonsense on top of that.

    Sadly, there is no One True Answer....or we'd all do it and all have 'ideal' bodies! The best you can do is to try to balance your nutrition (i.e., eat lots of fruits, veggies, whole grains, a little dairy, and a moderate amount of fat & protein a day), get your body moving in some fashion you find fun, and enjoy your life! You only get the one.

    To help you make some decisions, here are a few things that I think of as facts:

    1. BMR, aka Basal Metabolic Rate, aka resting metabolic rate, is real. Your body needs 'X' amount of calories to get through a day even if you lie in bed for 24 hours straight. Because lying in bed still requires your heart to beat, your lungs to draw in air, your cells to repair and divide and grow, your brain to think and dream, your central nervous system to regulate all this....and that all takes energy. You can figure out your BMR through a number of tests, or you can use a calculator online to get a general idea of what yours is. If you do not eat more than this number of calories a day, your body will go into starvation mode.

    2. Starvation mode is real. If you are in starvation mode, you will not feel hungry. After not eating enough calories to function for a few days, your body decides that you don't have enough food in the surrounding environment and turns off your emergency siren (hunger signals). It no longer has the resources to waste on making you feel hungry if you can't/aren't going to fix the situation anyhow. The body also slows down your metabolism to try to meet the lower calorie intake--that's what starvation mode means. It tries to keep you going on less, so your body becomes very inefficient at burning and very efficient at storing, so it can try to make up the difference between what you are eating and what it needs.

    I think that addresses what you asked. Since I don't know what your BMR is, I can't guess at how many calories you need to get through a day lying on your bed, never mind being up and running errands and working and cleaning and then exercising on top of that. Hunger is only an excellent gauge when you know you are getting the base nutrition and calories your body needs to keep running.

    Good luck!
  • butterfly10398
    I myself have suffered with my body going into starvation mode. It isn't something that is going to happen overnight, it will take a long time of abuse to your body before your body will recognize it is starving. What happens is when you go into starvation mode, you can eat 1200 calories a day and still be gaining weight, that is what happened to me. Being careful about your calorie intake isn't all about not going into starvation mode though. I have found that people who don't eat just because they want to lose weight have a higher chance of gaining the weight back when they finish their "dieting" because they didn't make it a lifestyle change, they just wanted to lose the weight, and go back to eating as they were before and gain all their weight and then some back...

    I have learned a lot about starvation mode from both research and personal experience. if you would like more information I would be more than willing to discuss it. :-)