Repost: Because I got ZERO response the last time.



  • Aprillsmith
    I'd like to chime in here because you sound like you are doing what I did the last time I lost a bunch of weight. I went from about 350 to 225 in a matter of 7-8 months. I was gung-ho. I hit the gym HARD twice a day EVERY DAY (once on Saturday and Sunday). I could often burn 1500-2000 calories between my two trips (according to my HRM). I ate minimal amounts of food.. what I did eat was beans, rice, and turkey. I was at peak performance (I know this isn't true, but I really had a self-image that I could do anything), and the weight just melted off my body.

    Then the problems came knocking. I moved and lost access to a gym. I lost scheduled workout time. Through all of it I hadn't taught myself anything about how to eat. Within 18 months I had put almost all of the weight back on.

    You see, you can keep up a feverish pace for a while. You can really nail it to the wall, and do some really amazing things. But it's very likely that you can't maintain 2 trips to the gym forever... nor do you really want to.

    I recommend really learning how to eat. Take your time getting it right, because you will have a lot of years to use what you've learned. Use your time in the gym wisely. Cut out your second trip, but destroy the place every time you're there.

    Cliche alert: This isn't a get skinny quick program, it's a change in lifestyle.

    You are right. I had made a goal to workout twice a day on mon and tues because those were my days off and well i quickly let go of that goal today!! So now my goal is to GO ONCE, GO HARD, AND GO HOME! l And I find that the hardest part for me is not the working out but the nutrition! Because I want this as a lifestyle cahnge I really really want to know more about nutrition not only for me but for my family as well. But now that I love to workout, I dont want to stop. I will go for my two hours a day, six days a week and let that be it.
  • tbrewst
    tbrewst Posts: 93 Member
    I know this isn't what your post was about but I took a gander at your food diary....HOLY COW! The weight may be falling off now but sister when you get down to the last 30, 20, 10 lbs you are going have issues. I've been lifetime with Weight Watchers for 10 years and was even an employee, followed that plan to a "t" and couldn't lose weight. Then I went to a nutrionist with two weeks of WW journals in tow....her response was "I don't even know any kids who eat that bad". Even though I was following the WW plan correctly, 98% of my diet was carbs. I, at 39, am having to learn how to eat like an adult....i.e., no more cinnamon toast and chocolate milk for breakfast, raw veggies, lean protein, etc... And "quick adds", oh my! All Bites, Licks and Tastes need to be logged....if you bite it, write it. Throw in a salad, green beans, something. I have a bad habit of staying "within" my calories but carb loading, that is why I love the report tools that show you how much of your day was carbs, protein, etc....Good Luck!
  • rachelboddy
    rachelboddy Posts: 115 Member
    I bet there are some inexpensive nutrition classes you could sign up for, and may even be available at the gym you go to. Just make sure who you talk to is certified to give you the advice and use common sense. Don't let them talk you into "diet" drinks or "fat free" foods. All natural foods, in their natural state (which means if you're like me, you have to learn how to cook) and you will be all set. Whole wheat, brown rice, etc. If they try to get you on processed foods, find someone else, if you want this to be lifestyle and make good habits.
  • dewgirl321
    dewgirl321 Posts: 296 Member
    I think if you're not sore, work out as much as you feel like. If you are feeling worn out and sore, back off a bit. I do think you are overestimating your calorie burns so an HRM or a BodyBugg would be a good investment. It looks like you are using the calorie burn estimates from MFP, which for me were COMPLETELY wrong. I think the first thing you should do is figure out how many calories you're really burning, because if you're forcing yourself to eat these extra exercise calories and the amount is wrong, you won't lose, and you might gain. The items you eat aren't such a big deal as long as you are keeping a calorie deficit.
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    don't do body pump every day. it is not benefiting your muscles! You should rest at least a day in between strength sessions. (weight train 2-3 times a week).... also it sounds like youre doing a lot of the same thing day in and day out -- change it up - your body becomes too used to it and it's probably not that beneficial
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    I'd like to chime in here because you sound like you are doing what I did the last time I lost a bunch of weight. I went from about 350 to 225 in a matter of 7-8 months. I was gung-ho. I hit the gym HARD twice a day EVERY DAY (once on Saturday and Sunday). I could often burn 1500-2000 calories between my two trips (according to my HRM). I ate minimal amounts of food.. what I did eat was beans, rice, and turkey. I was at peak performance (I know this isn't true, but I really had a self-image that I could do anything), and the weight just melted off my body.

    Then the problems came knocking. I moved and lost access to a gym. I lost scheduled workout time. Through all of it I hadn't taught myself anything about how to eat. Within 18 months I had put almost all of the weight back on.

    You see, you can keep up a feverish pace for a while. You can really nail it to the wall, and do some really amazing things. But it's very likely that you can't maintain 2 trips to the gym forever... nor do you really want to.

    I recommend really learning how to eat. Take your time getting it right, because you will have a lot of years to use what you've learned. Use your time in the gym wisely. Cut out your second trip, but destroy the place every time you're there.

    Cliche alert: This isn't a get skinny quick program, it's a change in lifestyle.

    You are right. I had made a goal to workout twice a day on mon and tues because those were my days off and well i quickly let go of that goal today!! So now my goal is to GO ONCE, GO HARD, AND GO HOME! l And I find that the hardest part for me is not the working out but the nutrition! Because I want this as a lifestyle cahnge I really really want to know more about nutrition not only for me but for my family as well. But now that I love to workout, I dont want to stop. I will go for my two hours a day, six days a week and let that be it.

    start researching - or talk to a nutritionist, dietician and/or trainer..... most people on here seem to know nothing about nutrition, and just think to lose weight you don't need to eat - in fact you do need to eat, you need to feed your body properly - and most people here don't do it.
  • skb135
    skb135 Posts: 11
    spike day?
  • jskaggs1971
    jskaggs1971 Posts: 371 Member
    In a previous post, I talked about "eating better". What I meant, and what works for me, is pretty simple: More fruit, more vegetables, enough meat, and less processed food of all kinds.

    I think anybody who's trying to lose weight and have a healthier diet can easily start with one small change. Eat a BIG green salad before one meal a day. Green means greens, mesculin, field greens, and spinach, not Iceberg lettuce. I like to throw in baby carrots, tomatoes, and celery for variety, and then top it off with protein and as little salad dressing as I can get away with while still getting the flavor. I usually add a little crunchy junk just to get that "crunchy food" craving taken care of -- usually just a few chow mein noodles.

    I try to avoid putting nuts, dried fruit, or cheese on salads, because those items pack a big caloric punch. For me, the idea is to fill up on relatively healthful food that's not very calorie-dense, leaving me satisfied, but not loaded down.
  • rebsaganes
    rebsaganes Posts: 112 Member
    I never did see if you responded whether you use a heart rate monitor or not. I know when I got mine I found I wasn't always burning what MFP was saying.
  • Aprillsmith
    I know this isn't what your post was about but I took a gander at your food diary....HOLY COW! The weight may be falling off now but sister when you get down to the last 30, 20, 10 lbs you are going have issues. I've been lifetime with Weight Watchers for 10 years and was even an employee, followed that plan to a "t" and couldn't lose weight. Then I went to a nutrionist with two weeks of WW journals in tow....her response was "I don't even know any kids who eat that bad". Even though I was following the WW plan correctly, 98% of my diet was carbs. I, at 39, am having to learn how to eat like an adult....i.e., no more cinnamon toast and chocolate milk for breakfast, raw veggies, lean protein, etc... And "quick adds", oh my! All Bites, Licks and Tastes need to be logged....if you bite it, write it. Throw in a salad, green beans, something. I have a bad habit of staying "within" my calories but carb loading, that is why I love the report tools that show you how much of your day was carbs, protein, etc....Good Luck!

    IF YOU BITE IT, WRITE IT! GREAT TIP! That was the 300 quick calories I added yesterday because i took a bite of my twins cheeseburgers, had 4 fries and a sip of their soda. I am quickly learning that my nutrition, not exercise, is where my biggest challenge lies! The nutrition I also want to learn for my family. being that I am the only one who cooks I want to develop a healthy lifestyle as well. If you look at the beginning of my diaries I had started out good but then opted for fast food because well, its fast and the calorie counting, weighing and measuring was sooo time consuming. But Im must get back to that. I must admit I also felt better eating home cooked meals vice fast foods.
  • courtgosvener
    courtgosvener Posts: 66 Member
    If she is very overweight I know MFP tells you to eat a ton of calories, but she doesn't look that obese. I know there was one girl in my weight loss challenge group that it told them to eat 2400 calories, but I thnk she is like 400 lbs or so. I basically think most people should eat between 1300-1800 based upon their goals and their size and current weight. I have read a lot of forums and most say don't eat your exercise calories back. I would agree, but some days you may be hungrier or need a little "cheat" so overall, I would say if you burn 1000 calories a day from exercising you could probably eat maybe 100-200 back. I think this will keep you sane. I know when I eat too few calories I go nuts and eat the wrong things or too much.
  • Aprillsmith
    I never did see if you responded whether you use a heart rate monitor or not. I know when I got mine I found I wasn't always burning what MFP was saying.

    Im sorry, No I dont use a hrm. For zumba i use the zumba calories website, it goes by your weight height and intensity level. I always use medium intensity though the classes i go to are definitely high impact! For the elliptical I use the number on the machine because its always less than what mfp states and i figure its a little more accurate than mfp. for the weight lifting classes i use the mfp number which is relatively low (about 325 cal for a one hour class). I thought about getting body bugg but at the moment cannot afford the price. Though they have a new years special which i do plan on taking advantage of but as for now, no I dont have a hrm.
  • Aprillsmith
    If she is very overweight I know MFP tells you to eat a ton of calories, but she doesn't look that obese. I know there was one girl in my weight loss challenge group that it told them to eat 2400 calories, but I thnk she is like 400 lbs or so. I basically think most people should eat between 1300-1800 based upon their goals and their size and current weight. I have read a lot of forums and most say don't eat your exercise calories back. I would agree, but some days you may be hungrier or need a little "cheat" so overall, I would say if you burn 1000 calories a day from exercising you could probably eat maybe 100-200 back. I think this will keep you sane. I know when I eat too few calories I go nuts and eat the wrong things or too much.

    i'm considered morbidly obese...5'6 and 235 lbs. I started at 259.
    ok maybe not morbid but definitely SEVERELY obese
  • EngiAli
    EngiAli Posts: 83 Member
    From reading your diary you are not fueling your body to be working out for 2+ hours a day. A lot of Red Bull, chips & chocolate, Smoothie King (sugar rush with little protein), Fast Food, packaged food etc - not a single piece of fruit in any of the days I read. Sure you could argue calories in = calories out, but I will argue that you need clean nutrient dense food to fuel yourself. While you are watching your calories and I assuming watching portions, you need to change the TYPES of food you are eating for long term success. Everything in moderation, so bring yourself down to 1 "treat" a day that fits in your calories. Try some of these foods - Salad, nuts, WHOLE fruit, eggs (boiled eggs are good on the go), cheese (even full fat if you watch portion), yogurt, whole grain bread/wraps, chocolate milk (great post workout), nut butter (great with fruit), grilled or baked meats, oatmeal.

    And if you need to get your calories up a bit without stuffing yourself try higher fat dairy products, cook veggies with garlic and Olive Oil, eat a handful of nuts or add in some protein powder to your smoothie.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I'd 2 hrs a day is overkill yes... Esp if you are doing lifting, zumba and elliptical everyday... thats a bit insane. Pick one a day and you'll be better of in my opinion.

    As far as your food diary goes, choose more calorie dense foods... like nuts, lean meats, etc. That will help fill out some of the calories.. also, watch the processed food. It tends to have a lot of sodium and not much of anything else.

    Here is why I disagree with this. She says she's not working out to the point of being really sore, just feeling a burn. She must be eating enough to fuel her exercise on most days or she'd pass out trying. Unless she's on some sort of diet pill, in which case everything I just typed goes out the window. You can starve yourself and workout to the point where it's dangerous if a pill is tricking your body into thinking it's full and rested.

    So OP, are you using any diet drugs, teas, drinks, etc. that might be cutting your appetite and increasing your energy levels artificially? If not, and if you don't suffer from any eating disorders or other obsessive disorder, and if you feel good and if you keep on feeling good, shouldn't you listen to your own body first? Or you could go check in with your doctor, show him your routine and calorie intake and ask for a referral to an expert.

    About the weights I don't know, though. Daily weight use may be counter productive. But several hours of exercise isn't. If it were, my several years working warehouse doing heavy lifting would have killed me. Instead, until I got stupid and starved myself, I was quite healthy. I also went to the gym regularly before work.

    Also, humans didn't used to be this sedentary, did we? Surely it used to require hours of effort everyday in most hunter/gatherer/early farming societies just to stay alive. So why should several hours of physical activity every day be unhealthy?
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    Also, humans didn't used to be this sedentary, did we? Surely it used to require hours of effort everyday in most hunter/gatherer/early farming societies just to stay alive. So why should several hours of physical activity every day be unhealthy?
    True, and they would have the conditioning and metabolism to match it. Most modern humans, though, do not.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    2469 calories remaining today after my workout and 420 cal breakfast


    I have to run 20km to be able to eat that much!
    Something's not right here. Crunch the numbers.

    It's because you're not running in a built in fat suit. I don't know about OP, but I burn a huge amount of calories in a very short time, both according to this site and according to my HRM. Usually I eat most of mine back, though. I didn't get this fat by having no appetite!

    Fair enough.

    Seems incredibly high for someone wanting to lose weight, unless burning 1700+ cal/day.

    Cheers and stay on track :)

    Thanks, and safe journeys to you. :smile:

    I'm trying to listen and learn what my body wants. If I'm hungry, I eat. But I've been eating less garbage foods overall and more high-protein, high calcium foods, because I'm also trying to figure out what foods best fuel my workouts. I've only been at this a few weeks, but I've already noticed a difference in how I feel. And I've lost some weight, so I must be doing something right!
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Also, humans didn't used to be this sedentary, did we? Surely it used to require hours of effort everyday in most hunter/gatherer/early farming societies just to stay alive. So why should several hours of physical activity every day be unhealthy?
    True, and they would have the conditioning and metabolism to match it. Most modern humans, though, do not.

    Yeah, but how can we get that conditioning and metabolism if we don't do what they were doing?
  • ajball90
    ajball90 Posts: 211 Member
    I'd like to chime in here because you sound like you are doing what I did the last time I lost a bunch of weight. I went from about 350 to 225 in a matter of 7-8 months. I was gung-ho. I hit the gym HARD twice a day EVERY DAY (once on Saturday and Sunday). I could often burn 1500-2000 calories between my two trips (according to my HRM). I ate minimal amounts of food.. what I did eat was beans, rice, and turkey. I was at peak performance (I know this isn't true, but I really had a self-image that I could do anything), and the weight just melted off my body.

    Then the problems came knocking. I moved and lost access to a gym. I lost scheduled workout time. Through all of it I hadn't taught myself anything about how to eat. Within 18 months I had put almost all of the weight back on.

    You see, you can keep up a feverish pace for a while. You can really nail it to the wall, and do some really amazing things. But it's very likely that you can't maintain 2 trips to the gym forever... nor do you really want to.

    I recommend really learning how to eat. Take your time getting it right, because you will have a lot of years to use what you've learned. Use your time in the gym wisely. Cut out your second trip, but destroy the place every time you're there.

    Cliche alert: This isn't a get skinny quick program, it's a change in lifestyle.

    this ^
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    Also, humans didn't used to be this sedentary, did we? Surely it used to require hours of effort everyday in most hunter/gatherer/early farming societies just to stay alive. So why should several hours of physical activity every day be unhealthy?
    True, and they would have the conditioning and metabolism to match it. Most modern humans, though, do not.
    Yeah, but how can we get that conditioning and metabolism if we don't do what they were doing?
    Metabolic change and conditioning would take time. Too much too quickly, though, will lead to injury.