What is your most embarrassing moment at the gym?


I had a new pair of exercise shorts on and went to Yoga class. I looked in the mirror after most of the class while I was doing a toe touching stretch. That's when I realized my shorts were very,very see through. I rushed out of there laughing in horror. I felt sorry every one around me.



  • RahBuhBuh
    RahBuhBuh Posts: 585 Member
    That is kind of hard to beat.
    I just do goofy stuff like: spill my entire water bottle, knock my phone off on the floor, rip my shorts, and start talking my wife on the next elliptical only to look over and see she isn't there anymore. :P
  • NightOwl1
    NightOwl1 Posts: 881 Member
    I've been going to this cardio boxing class that's almost entirely made up of tiny women. I'm significantly out of shape from where I used to be, so I struggle the most out of everyone in the class pretty much. That's pretty humbling/embarrassing.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    Kind of gross:

    Massive nose bleed mid lift one day. White shirt and it was just disgusting xD
  • nikki91950
    That is kind of hard to beat.
    I just do goofy stuff like: spill my entire water bottle, knock my phone off on the floor, rip my shorts, and start talking my wife on the next elliptical only to look over and see she isn't there anymore. :P

    back when i first joined the gym and was getting acquainted with walking on a treadmill and drinking from a water bottle AT THE SAME TIME, i somehow knocked my bottle while drinking one time, dropped it, and it bounced and squirted all over me, the floor, and the treadmill i was on, along with the one next to me.
  • flyawaybyebye
    When I was doing my personal training orientation with the trainer who is really into pushing the weight stuff, I wound up getting dizzy and throwing up in the garbage can. She had to bring me oranges from her personal stash to get my color back and help me to be able to walk on my own to the locker room. It was pretty awful.
  • Thena81
    Thena81 Posts: 1,265 Member
    a decade back when i was teeny, i went to the gym with my girlie, Dustie and i saw some super hot dude. i jumped on a machine thinking hey im skinny, i run, i can do this i epic failed so hard. i couldnt do the reps, i lost steam and stopped. he looked at me like i was a dummie. total face palm lol
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    LOL You should see the guys in the free weight area when I have to gear up for heavy bench press day! I have to strip down to my sports bra to put that crazy bench shirt on and am seriously the center of attention. Because there are only a few geared lifters at my gym I look like a wacko!

    Back in high school I had dance class. I had been given these new sweatpant/pajama pant things and I wore them to class! Well, thats all fine and dandy but I found out they were also super see-through and people could see my black thong! :( I couldn't leave class to change either, but heard about it the entire time!
  • ChrisStoney
    ChrisStoney Posts: 479 Member
    Never had one .... yet....
  • manvsfood
    manvsfood Posts: 175 Member
    haha, mine is super embarrassing, but hey...

    About five months ago after eating a HUGE lunch of five fajitas, rice, beans AND chips & guacamole from a mexican restaurant.... blah blah I farted while doing a squat.... in front of my trainers face.

  • Thena81
    Thena81 Posts: 1,265 Member
    thats hi-la-rious
  • Deckershann
    Deckershann Posts: 272 Member
    martial arts class...too much sweat on the floor...went in for a kick and slipped cartoon-style. I'm talking legs flying up in the air, the law of gravity, and the splat of my behind making solid contact with the ground. I nearly cried. My butt hurt but my pride hurt worse!!
  • Crystalchaos72
    The first time ever using the treadmill, I flew into the wall behind me......it was only 2 ft or so away from the machine.....almost knocked myself out......and no one helped me, but that is ok.....years later I tried again and no repeat performance
  • PBJunky
    PBJunky Posts: 737 Member
    Slipped and fell on a naked colleague while exiting the steam room.
  • yasemasuyo
    yasemasuyo Posts: 177 Member
    On arrival, I enthusiastically ran up to reception, straight into the closed glass door... blood everywhere, broken nose, very embarrassing :blushing:
  • amyvandyke
    I was trying to keep a low profile in the back of the room during a body pump class, I was a beginner. I had situated myself in front of the fan as it was the only place left and halfway through the class ripped a pretty serious SBD...so much for the low profile!
  • cowboydan43
    cowboydan43 Posts: 306 Member
    It was after I had lost a few pounds and I hadn't realized how big my yoga pants had gotten on me. I sped up to do a sprint interval on the treadmill, had my ipod hooked up to the waist of them and down they went! I was going too fast to do much so I was awkwardly fumbling to stop the machine while grabbing at my pants as to not completely expose my bum. It didn't work well. Chick next to me got quite the peep show :laugh:
  • zer0grams
    "I'm hypermobile, therefore yoga will be soooooo easy as I'm uuuuber flexible."

    Yeah, flexible joints =/= flexible anything else. As I learned, one pulled muscle later ...
  • zer0grams
    It was after I had lost a few pounds and I hadn't realized how big my yoga pants had gotten on me. I sped up to do a sprint interval on the treadmill, had my ipod hooked up to the waist of them and down they went! I was going too fast to do much so I was awkwardly fumbling to stop the machine while grabbing at my pants as to not completely expose my bum. It didn't work well. Chick next to me got quite the peep show :laugh:

    I've done this! I don't own any remotely flattering underwear either, so the whole row behind me got to see my sexay black granny pants.
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    Slipped and fell on a naked colleague while exiting the steam room.

    ^^This is so funny^^ :blushing:
  • RonneyKay
    RonneyKay Posts: 464 Member
    this isn't at the gym, but its my exercise...

    So, I hike, I love it, one time I was hiking alone, and almost done. Well, where this hike is, its rather flat with loose dirt and pebbles. So I am strolling down the mtn (hill really) and I am facing forward instead of looking down, which I usually do. I tripped over a rock (probably the ONLY rock sticking up out of the ground, yes I'm serious, and it wasn't that big, I'm just clumsy) anyhow I tripped over a rock, did a face plant skinned my knee on another rock. Well, I took my bandanna off and wrapped it around my knee not thinking anything of it, and began walking to my car. So I get to my car and I look down and my bandanna is COVERED In blood, I take it off and notice that its a clean break, anyhow I ended up getting 5 or 6 stitches, my husband had to leave work and come and get me and take me to urgent care LOL... a face plant is always embarrassing, speaking of which...

    This is rather more embarrassing.
    We were at a friends house in Oct, and we were drinking and we ALL Played wiffle ball. LOL I was in flip flops, anyhow so i went to catch the ball and I tripped (again) face planted into the rocks, landed on my right knee. it was jacked up! THAT was embarrassing LOL Right in front of the kids, God, and everybody! LOL

    anyhow I could go on and on, I have a balance disorder. So I ALWAYS Have to look down when I walk.

    I like the farting story! haha, thats awesome1
