What is your most embarrassing moment at the gym?



  • asyouseefit
    asyouseefit Posts: 1,265 Member
    Laughing out loud while listening to a funny podcast ;-)
  • sjcply
    sjcply Posts: 817 Member
    haha, mine is super embarrassing, but hey...

    About five months ago after eating a HUGE lunch of five fajitas, rice, beans AND chips & guacamole from a mexican restaurant.... blah blah I farted while doing a squat.... in front of my trainers face.


    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: That is hilarious....I feel for your trainer!
  • I always get so embarressed when I don't know how to adjust the machines at the gym to fit my height, reach, etc. I feel like such a wimp!
  • asyouseefit
    asyouseefit Posts: 1,265 Member
    Slipped and fell on a naked colleague while exiting the steam room.

    Anyone else recalling the Seinfeld episode where Elaine fell on Teri Hatcher in the steam room?

    Wasn't she trying to see if the boobs were fake or real?
  • CannibalisticVegetarian
    While working with the tricep pull-down machine the other day, I accidentally hit myself in the forehead with the bar. I was fairly tired and my arms felt like noodles.. yet I kept trying to pull the weight when all of a sudden it sort of snapped back and just hit me. No one saw that though. Still to be safe, I looked around the gym to make sure.

    Also, while cleaning off the lat pull down machine, two different things have happened:

    1. I sprayed mindlessly in the air whilst trying to clean off the machine...only to have said mist come back into my eyes and mouth.

    2. Have cleaned off the area of the machine that I sit on and upon standing, have both had the bar catch into my ponytail, and have actually HIT my head on it. Mild giggling is all I got, but I felt like an *kitten*.

    OH.. also recently I had another member kindly comment on my 'high beams' under my shirt.
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Slipped and fell on a naked colleague while exiting the steam room.

    Anyone else recalling the Seinfeld episode where Elaine fell on Teri Hatcher in the steam room?

    Wasn't she trying to see if the boobs were fake or real?
    Yeah, but I don't think she meant to grab them...that part was accidental (just saw that one again in reruns the other day..we still laugh so hard at some of them).
  • runnerjenn0708
    runnerjenn0708 Posts: 400 Member
    trying to put my vibrams on - not noticing that my ex's dog has chewed a hole in the crotch of my running shorts ... MANY people were there.. MANY people got a show - STILL worked my *kitten* off :)
  • lniffa
    lniffa Posts: 718 Member
    Slipped and fell on a naked colleague while exiting the steam room.

    OMG! I just choked on my water..this is quite the dilema..lol
  • lucycaz
    lucycaz Posts: 191 Member
    This happened to me about 3 months after I started working out....

    During a rather tough session with my PT doing intervals with lunges and squats with added weight or the core stick I was halfway through a set of lunges with the core stick overhead when me and my gym pants parted company and they ended up round my ankles.

    I have a great relationship with Ben (PT) and we both ended up in fits of laughter

    I had been putting off buying new stuff as I still have a lot of weight to go but that was the final straw so today I bought some new ones and to my shock I had lost 3 dress sizes from a UK 28 to a size 22.

    I won’t be weighting another 3 sizes before buying smaller gym stuff
  • savlyon
    savlyon Posts: 474 Member
    Okay here is one that almost kept me from returning to the gym. Spin class and the instructor tells us to go to the standing position. After about 20 seconds one of the pedals breaks off. It sheared right off at the bolt. Anyone who has done spinning knows that the pedals don't just stop on a dime. Luckily I didn't fall and was able to quick sit down while one leg is trying to slow the wheel down and the other leg is trying to avoid getting sliced open by the sharp metal sticking out of the crank arm. It was pretty demoralizing seeing how the reason I was there was to lose weight and I felt like a total fat *kitten* for breaking the bike.

    One girl who is not fat broke the seat off of her bike. Good thing we were getting new bikes a few weeks later!!
  • cln714
    cln714 Posts: 174 Member
    This isn't really that embarrassing... just a little bit. Last week I wore a new pair of pants. When I stuck my phone in my pocket and started jogging around the track I realized they were a bit loose around the waist and with the weight of my phone they sliding down to the point that I had to continuously hold them up.

    I felt like one of those young punks you would see on Cops that would try to hold up their pants and run away from the cops at the same time! :tongue:
  • sjadams01
    Okay here is one that almost kept me from returning to the gym. Spin class and the instructor tells us to go to the standing position. After about 20 seconds one of the pedals breaks off. It sheared right off at the bolt. Anyone who has done spinning knows that the pedals don't just stop on a dime. Luckily I didn't fall and was able to quick sit down while one leg is trying to slow the wheel down and the other leg is trying to avoid getting sliced open by the sharp metal sticking out of the crank arm. It was pretty demoralizing seeing how the reason I was there was to lose weight and I felt like a total fat *kitten* for breaking the bike.

    I've had the seat break (bend back)..... I spin all the time so I know it wasn't me, but made me feel horribly fat (even more so than usual).....
  • 1prettysmile
    martial arts class...too much sweat on the floor...went in for a kick and slipped cartoon-style. I'm talking legs flying up in the air, the law of gravity, and the splat of my behind making solid contact with the ground. I nearly cried. My butt hurt but my pride hurt worse!!


    When my sister and I first joined a gym a few years ago, we were super excited to try all of the classes that were included. We barely got through a yoga class. We thought yoga would be easy. It's not! So, a few days later, we decide to try a Spinning class. We had NO idea what it was, but we should have known from the puddles of sweat on the floor from the previous class that we were not ready. We couldn't make it through the warm up! The trainer was so intense! I told my sister that I couldn't take anymore. She kept pleading with me not to leave her. I had to bow out of the room as the trainer yelled after me... "You'll be back!"
  • 1prettysmile
    Slipped and fell on a naked colleague while exiting the steam room.

    Anyone else recalling the Seinfeld episode where Elaine fell on Teri Hatcher in the steam room?

    "They're real and they are spectacular." Love Seinfeld!
  • giglionero
    I was at flag throwing practice (it's really common in Italy, doesn't really help to get fit but it's all I do at the gym) and I got hit by a flag right on my right boob. It hurt so much because the flags we use are really heavy! My team mates are all male except for another girl so they were too embarassed to check if I was alright and acted as if nothing had happened. And I acted as if it didn't hurt as hell. xD
    I also fell from a human pyramid. Straight onto the floor and almost hit my nose too. I can't stand on someone's shoulders and I feel embarassed everytime I have to do it because some people do it as if it was the easiest thing in the world...
  • PepeGreggerton
    PepeGreggerton Posts: 986 Member
    I've never personally had one, but I've seen plenty of people embarrass themselves at the gym
  • Toxictwist
    Went to do Weights. (Sit down and pull the weight bar down). Set everything to my proper settings for the weight & NOTHING happened. Wouldn't move. Stood up. Pulled down again. Still nothing. By this point, both feet are off the floor & I am hanging there with my feet dangling. THEN it clicks, there are hooks that hold the bar in place when not in use.. lol OMG, I was so happy no one was in there with me @ that point. lol *blushes*
  • paulyarwooduk
    A couple of years ago a friend of mine started successfully losing weight. He reached the point where his clothes were literally hanging off him but he kept putting off buying more.

    Then one day as I'd just finished the rowing machine I walked towards him and he was on the stationary cycle and saw an awful sight...his, um, 'bits' had completely fallen out of his shorts down one leg and were just bobbing there for all to see...and he hadn't noticed!!

    I think I was more embarrassed than he was; he just found it funny!
    I can't believe I am going to admit this outloud but in the spirit of it all...here it goes!
    My most embarrassing moment wasn't at a gym. It was on a soccer field at a championship game infront of about 300 people. The ride to the location we were playing was several hrs. When we arrived there was no time to use the restroom before the game started. I unfortunately had my monthly reminder that Eve ate the apple! The best I could do was to hope that "giant Q-tip" I had would hold out. Needless to say it did not!!! I had a mess all over my white goalie shorts and my coach was so intent on winning that he refused to take me out of the game! Finally a ref took pity on my situation and blew the whistle calling a time out for me to resolve the issue. I had to walk from the far side of the field to the school building infront of everyone who by now ALL were pointing, gasping,etc. To top it off when I finally reached the building it was locked and I had to stand there until a janitor could be summoned to let me in. At least we won the game!
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,901 Member
    We were doing high kicks in one of the dance aerobics class, and the instructor wanted me to show the class my high kick, flattering me I guess, I kicked so high I took my other leg out from under me and landed on my behind! :blushing:

    We all laughed it up:laugh:

    Luckily no soreness occurred.