Diet Soda??? Your thoughts?



  • Arabian♥Breeze

    Why should we leave your post alone when it may contain incorrect or misleading information? It's a public forum and we are allowed to rebut your information. Everything that ninerbuff said is accurate.

    Everyone has there own opinion and beliefs ...this site is here for us to have support and help and you being rude doesn't help anyone. What i posted is what i believe so please stop being rude and think about others feelings.
  • skateboardstef
    skateboardstef Posts: 164 Member
    Diet soda makes me feel I don't drink it. But if you can drink it in moderation and still lose weight, that's fine I guess.
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    Why should we leave your post alone when it may contain incorrect or misleading information? It's a public forum and we are allowed to rebut your information. Everything that ninerbuff said is accurate.

    Everyone has there own opinion and beliefs ...this site is here for us to have support and help and you being rude doesn't help anyone. What i posted is what i believe so please stop being rude and think about others feelings.

    Yes, everyone does have their own opinions. Just because someone disagrees with you does not mean they are being rude. You are also correct that this site is here for support. Supporting means offering the best information and advice as possible. Your argument had flaws that were pointed out for the benefit of others forming their own opinions. Don't take it personally.
  • Arabian♥Breeze
    Why should we leave your post alone when it may contain incorrect or misleading information? It's a public forum and we are allowed to rebut your information. Everything that ninerbuff said is accurate.

    Everyone has there own opinion and beliefs ...this site is here for us to have support and help and you being rude doesn't help anyone. What i posted is what i believe so please stop being rude and think about others feelings.

    Yes, everyone does have their own opinions. Just because someone disagrees with you does not mean they are being rude. You are also correct that this site is here for support. Supporting means offering the best information and advice as possible. Your argument had flaws that were pointed out for the benefit of others forming their own opinions. Don't take it personally.

    Excuse me but you are being rude. And by the way i got that information from a website so stop being rude and your really upsetting me please just stop
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,695 Member

    Keep drinking it and leave my post alone
    Don't post on a public forum if you don't want refutation of mis information.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
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    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Arabian♥Breeze
  • sandiki
    sandiki Posts: 454
    Cant live w/o it here. I try to limit to one or two a day but coffee is my real weakness.
  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member
    I am not missing your point I replied to your point, chemicals are in everything yes, but some sources of chemicals are better than others. And having chemicals is something does not make it unhealthy because chemicals are necessary to our bodies natural functions, they and not only necessary but good for us.

    And many things that are good for us can be dangerous if you receive to much, that does not make them unhealthy, it means your not supposed to get to much.

    Another point you made was "Check the chemical composition of anything (including organic vegetables) and you will see that you are consuming harmful chemicals" when in fact those chemicals not harmful.
    The example I gave was for an apple.

    So according to what you have said it is safe to eat phosphorous?

    If you aren't aware of it, phosphorous (like sodium) is also a reactive compound that self ignites when exposed to moisture.
  • Arabian♥Breeze

    Keep drinking it and leave my post alone
    Don't post on a public forum if you don't want refutation of mis information.

  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    Excuse me but you are being rude. And by the way i got that information from a website so stop being rude and your really upsetting me please just stop

    I'm sorry that people disagreeing with you is so upsetting, but that's what happens in a public forum. Anything discussed is up for debate. That's how discussion works.

    Also, not everything on the internet is completely accurate. Websites are not peer-reviewed sources of information.
  • thirdtime
    I have stopped drinking soda for good about 10 years ago. I used to drink about a can of diet Pepsi 4-5 days a week. It was my treat and I liked it! I have never experienced negative affects of it...But, I stopped drinking it after I came across the study showing some pretty nasty effects of artificial sweeteners used in these drinks...It's terrible for your kidneys..and some studies show it could impact your weight loss efforts:
  • christibear
    christibear Posts: 93 Member
    I am not missing your point I replied to your point, chemicals are in everything yes, but some sources of chemicals are better than others. And having chemicals is something does not make it unhealthy because chemicals are necessary to our bodies natural functions, they and not only necessary but good for us.

    And many things that are good for us can be dangerous if you receive to much, that does not make them unhealthy, it means your not supposed to get to much.

    Another point you made was "Check the chemical composition of anything (including organic vegetables) and you will see that you are consuming harmful chemicals" when in fact those chemicals not harmful.
    The example I gave was for an apple.

    So according to what you have said it is safe to eat phosphorous?

    If you aren't aware of it, phosphorous (like sodium) is also a reactive compound that self ignites when exposed to moisture.

    Yes I am because phosphorus is found in the body, and actually "Phosphorus is the body’s next most abundant mineral after calcium."

    and extra amounts are excreted, so yes, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium and a whole bunch of others are essential to the human body. Apples and other fruits and vegetables are not harmful and you have yet to provide any proof that they are. Just because it is a chemical does not make it bad for us.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,695 Member
    This just seems like a reason to not try to eat better. Okay say everything is chemicals, there are better places to get your "chemicals" than others.

    If you want to drink soda, diet or other wise fine, do it, but that does not mean its good for you.
    Subjective. If it helps to keep peoples sweet cravings at bay, then it's "good" for them. If it makes them happy to enjoy it, it's better for them. People just can't make the assumption that because it's not "natural" that it is a detriment to the body. While there's really no nutritional value, it's not the poison that some make it out to be.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
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    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member
    I am not missing your point I replied to your point, chemicals are in everything yes, but some sources of chemicals are better than others. And having chemicals is something does not make it unhealthy because chemicals are necessary to our bodies natural functions, they and not only necessary but good for us.

    And many things that are good for us can be dangerous if you receive to much, that does not make them unhealthy, it means your not supposed to get to much.

    Another point you made was "Check the chemical composition of anything (including organic vegetables) and you will see that you are consuming harmful chemicals" when in fact those chemicals not harmful.
    The example I gave was for an apple.

    So according to what you have said it is safe to eat phosphorous?

    If you aren't aware of it, phosphorous (like sodium) is also a reactive compound that self ignites when exposed to moisture.

    Yes I am because phosphorus is found in the body, and actually "Phosphorus is the body’s next most abundant mineral after calcium."

    and extra amounts are excreted, so yes, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium and a whole bunch of others are essential to the human body. Apples and other fruits and vegetables are not harmful and you have yet to provide any proof that they are. Just because it is a chemical does not make it bad for us.
    Thank you! I rest my case.

    By your own words you have said exactly what I have been saying all along. :smile:
  • Arabian♥Breeze
    Excuse me but you are being rude. And by the way i got that information from a website so stop being rude and your really upsetting me please just stop

    I'm sorry that people disagreeing with you is so upsetting, but that's what happens in a public forum. Anything discussed is up for debate. That's how discussion works.

    Also, not everything on the internet is completely accurate. Websites are not peer-reviewed sources of information.

    Stop assuming things about me, it's not that your not agreeing with me. I dont mind that people will disagree and i respect the fact you dont believe what i posted... i just dont like to be treated rudely in the process. And i do know that not everything on the internet is true im not stupid. Can we just stop talking to each other we are bad for each others health
  • hillm12345
    hillm12345 Posts: 313 Member
    I just recently ended my 3-4 can a day habit of Diet Coke. I noticed that I was using Diet Coke to replace my water intake. Since I wasn't drinking enough water, I was constantly hungry and it led to overeating. Since I've switched to water, I find myself feeling fuller longer and I am well hydrated. I still enjoy an occasional diet soda with a meal.. just not 3 LOL
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,695 Member
    Here is something I just read and I will quote here, It might help you decide. Personally I am frightened by artificial sweeteners. My sister in law had a brain tumor removed and still has seizures. She cannot drive because of the seizures.
    Here is the quote I recently read.
    "Two, the number of diet sodas per day to potentially increase your waistline six times more than if you weren't drinking any at all." University of Texas Health Science Center
    Correlation not causation.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
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    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • christibear
    christibear Posts: 93 Member
    But there is a difference between natural sources and unnatural sources. And it is not things like sodium o, its the food colors, the artificial sweeteners, things that could possibly cause cancer. Like I have said a few times, soda has no positive nutritional value and possibly many harmful affects, while I love soda, I know that by avoiding it I am making a healthy decision, and there is a big difference between justing eating less and eating cleaner.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,695 Member
    See, now you're getting a little ridiculous. Of course everything is made up of all the elements - any 6th grader can tell you that. Arsenic and Mercury are also on the table of elements, but I don't see people reccomending you drink THEM by the liter.

    People need to educate themselves on what is being put into our bodies, that's all I'm saying. Smokers have been ignoring the health warnings associated with smoking for decades, some vegetarians stopped eating meat because they didn't want to consume the hormones and whatnot that ends up in our meat supply, and the Organic movement is stronger than ever because people don't want pesticides and other chemicals on the food they eat. If you do the research and say "meh - I'm cool with that" then do whatever you want.
    Research from Peer Reviewed Clinical studies (Mayo clinic, American Cancer society to name a couple) have shown that some of the "correlation" evidence spouted by many a "natural" organization is flawed and incorrect.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
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    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,695 Member
    Everyone has there own opinion and beliefs ...this site is here for us to have support and help and you being rude doesn't help anyone. What i posted is what i believe so please stop being rude and think about others feelings.
    Where are they being rude? Have you been personally attacked? No. Have you been mocked or humiliated? No. Sounds like you just don't like someone disagreeing with your opinion. If you have actual peer reviewed clinical studies (not articles, blogs or anecdotal evidence)to support your stance then post it.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition