What was your trigger to lose weight?

Hi everyone.
My trigger was when we visited my mother in law and she got the family photos out...I had forgotten how I had used to look. The diet started that day.
That was on 15th May this year. I have lost 24 pounds and now weigh between 95 and 96 pounds (I'm short). I am 38 and generally feel happy again with my size.

How about you?


  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member

    How about you?

    Someone called me fat.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Giving birth. :happy:
  • dcmat
    dcmat Posts: 1,723 Member
    Giving birth.

    ...fed up being a bloke who looked like he was about to give birth.

    Really - ballooned after being off the bike for 4 1/2 monthsa following a knee op as I was still eating the same number of cals, if not more
  • lik_11
    lik_11 Posts: 433 Member
    31st bday. Looked preggers in pics. I wasn't. ew.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    I met a guy who was younger than me who looked way older then me...he was buying the same food at Giant.
    Banquet microwave meals.
    I was almost at 170lbs.
    My perfect weight is between 130 and 140.
    I went back and changed my food for avocados and whole foods.
    That was 213 days ago.
  • janf15
    janf15 Posts: 242 Member
    Hypertension, lipid panel off, and borderline diabetic.
  • RainbowDream83
    Hoping to have a baby, and having PCOS.
  • jhardenbergh
    jhardenbergh Posts: 1,035 Member
    A couple things, started to have issues with my knees and my wife and I wanna have a kid, so I wanted to be able to be in good shape for the kid as well as it's safer and easier to have the kid at a smaller size than we were. Oh yeah, I was a diabetic and didn't know it too. It was the *kitten*'s gonna hit the fan moment.
  • LethaSue
    LethaSue Posts: 285 Member
    Feeling like I couldn't breath. Then being told by my Dr. I might have something I never have even heard about (Pickwicken). Many times caused by being obese. It's when there is so much weight on your chest, it signals your brain to stop responding to natural breathing.
  • tyresank
    tyresank Posts: 174 Member
    When all of my slacks would not button and I had to go buy 'fat' pants the kind with no button nor zipper to make do... I am an apple and most of the wieght goes to my middle, so it's impossible to buy womens clothes when you are shapped like this. In fact I had to get men's jeans just to make do for a trip to a mfg plant recently, because all women's clothes are too small in the wait and way to big in the but and thighs.. such a pain. But I estimate 10 lbs to go and I can get most of my slacks back on, maybe not perfectly loose in the waist:love: but enough to manage.

  • cheshirechic
    cheshirechic Posts: 489 Member
    Having to buy the largest size in work pants that I've ever had to in my life. Getting engaged.

    Now, I'm a smaller size than I was in high school, and am MUCH healthier.
  • candlelady
    candlelady Posts: 21 Member
    My youngest son will start high school in 2012. The whole "I've just had a baby" excuse may be a bit hard to pull off :/
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,118 Member
    Looked at pictures from when I was in college and when my husband and I were first married. Then I looked at pictures when my son was born and I was disgusted. Couldn't believe I let it get so bad and that my husband never said anything. Another was a comment my husband made about how there are hardly any pictures of me from when my son was born and I hated the fact that I avoided pictures because of my weight.
  • flagator11
    flagator11 Posts: 103 Member
    December 2009 - I had let myself go for a while, didn't know how much, but I knew my waistline was ever expanding. After Christmas, I said "Screw it, I'm fat and always will be." I spent all my Christmas money on new, larger clothes, and was ready to embrace it.

    Fast forward about a month later. I was putting my coat on at the end of my work day, and I caught a reflection of myself in the window in my office. I couldn't believe how big I was. I looked at myself and said, "Oh my goodness, look at how fat you are." I was in a cycle where I would come home from work each day (I work a typical desk job) and just fall asleep. When I woke up, I'd basically pig out until it was time to go to bed for the night. I weighed myself, and I was up to 240 pounds. I am 5'10" tall.

    So, I decided that Super Bowl Sunday in Feb 2010 would be my last pig out day. I started daily exercise (mostly walking and elliptical) in that time period after work where I used to sleep. I began to feel a lot better, and pounds started coming off. When I discovered MFP in May 2011, I was down to 202 pounds. Today, I concentrate more on toning my body. I am currently at 197 pounds, with my ultimate goal being 185.

    Sorry so long...I've always been wordy. lol
  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    Being single forever, and extremely low self-esteem and the realization that if I continued at that rate I'd only get larger and I did not like that one bit.
  • Suziq2you
    Suziq2you Posts: 396 Member
    A friend posted a 90 day challenge on Facebook. I lost 26 pounds, won the challenge and kept on going. I have about 20 pounds to go, give or take a couple.
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    for me it was getting a view of myself sideways in a mirror. I knew i had put on weight in the last 6 months but sheesh.... then it was one visit at my mom and she bluntly said " oh looks like someone is getting quite the pot"! ya, THANKS MOM!!!!! she admitted right then that i had put on weight...... well good kick in the a**... That day i went home and started exercising and have done so daily since.. this was about 2 moths ago.
  • Mardill
    Mardill Posts: 141 Member
    My doctor told me my blood sugar levels show that I am pre-diabetic! I started eating more consciously right away & started mfp1 week later for accountability. I love the food charts and having pals that understand the process we all must go through. I am looking forward to my 1st weigh-in on Tuesday.
  • nurse_chris
    For me it was February 2011. A girl in one of my classes told me i would be very good looking if i wasn't fat. At first I laughed as this girl was bigger then i was, but when i was driving home, i realized i was wearing size 40 pants and haven't gone to the beach in years because i was embarrassed to take my shirt off.
  • tausha_k
    I was going to a cousins wedding, I needed to get a dress. I shopped at alot of stores and nothing looked good, realizing I was fat. I came home from the store crying and feeling bad. I ended up wearing a $12 bathing suit cover up (looked like a stapeless dress). And I looked 8 months pregnant!!