Does your half/wife/partner supports you?

tell the truth....


  • SpringFever19
    SpringFever19 Posts: 180 Member
    I'm assuming this means significant other of any type, although I was a bit lost on the "half" part. But to answer your question, honestly, ABSOLUTELY my boyfriend supports me, and I support him. We work out together, sometimes he works out I don't, or I work out and he doesn't, or we do separate things, but we are working together. We support each other in healthy food choices as well. Down side of all this, when I lived alone a few months ago, I was doing AMAZING on my own, really hitting the gym and making great food choices. Then we moved in together and we let go as a team too. So either way, we are supportive of good AND bad habits lol.
  • Hayesgang

    He makes dinner for the family when I take my yoga class 3x per week (don't get home til 8), has no problem starting my dinner if I'm having something different then the rest of the family. Doesn't offer me food, doesn't complain when I buy a new food then throw it out because I don't like it, bought me a tv for the workout room, tells me how great I look all the time. BUT it's a 2 way street - I don't push my way of eating on him or tell him he can't eat certain foods in front of me, we still go on dates to all types of resturants, I don't judge him - This is my journey and if he want to join great but if not that's ok too.

    I am blessed to say the least - His motto "Happy wife, Happy Life"
  • TXchris
    TXchris Posts: 54 Member
    Absolutely! It makes all the difference for me. He understands that it is extremely important to me that I am active every single day right now. Some days he joins me. On the days he can't or chooses not to, he always volunteers to help out around the house so I can clear enough time in my schedule to go. His support is a huge factor for me. I'm pretty sure I couldn't do it without him right now.
  • porterbaby38
    honestly no my boyfriend doesn't and neither does his sister, but my my mom and sister does in ohio.
  • yogavegan
    yogavegan Posts: 116 Member
    yep 100% and then some. he has lost about 100 lbs before we even met, and he is mindful of his calorie intake. not really a gym rat or an exerciser, but he will go hiking, cycling and practices yoga!

    doubtful if i could do it without his suport!
  • BobbyClerici
    BobbyClerici Posts: 813 Member
    Of course.
    I'd be a big fat NOTHING without her support.

    Actually, we support each other. She's here with me on MFP - doing great, feeling wonderful and looking like a million dollars.
  • C_Lopez
    C_Lopez Posts: 79 Member
    He is supportive and is learning what I can or can't eat. Sometimes he'll forget but he means well.
  • Sp1nGoddess
    Sp1nGoddess Posts: 1,138 Member
    Oh HELL no! He's like 'who's your new boyfriend'? Really it took him being hospitalized for high blood pressure to turn around. It's all about him. We used to workout together pre-kid, but working out and eating healthy were never a priority for him. I'm glad he's on the healthy path now but I'm quite amused...I'm a wannabe nutritionist and drove him nuts!
  • ShadowSoldier23
    ShadowSoldier23 Posts: 321 Member
    Yea. He has always been very kind to be and loved me regardless of my weight. Even when I knew he wanted to say something because I was gaining TOO much weight he still made me fee beautiful. Now he is even trying to go on my food changes with me, although I told him I won't be upset if he eats some of the things I can't, just not my BIG temptation foods. lol. It's not easy to be with someone who doesn't support you, so I am lucky. He also lost about 90 or so pounds since we've been together and I found 60 of now it's my turn. lol
  • PepeGreggerton
    PepeGreggerton Posts: 986 Member
    Nope... she didn't. One of the reasons we parted ways.
  • kemeko
    kemeko Posts: 161 Member
    No support... if anything, my SO is a constant source of irritation and temptation. It's almost likes he's purposely trying to sabotage me and wants me to fail. Honestly, it's made me work harder... but it shouldn't be this way. :angry:
  • daryls
    daryls Posts: 260
    All the way - and it continues to increase. We did a 60 minute circuit training class yesterday and then ran together today. One of the best ways we have found to increase communication is through being active and healthy.
  • MrsKyhemia
    1000% Yes!! My husband has always been supportive.....even when I would start...then quit...start...then quit again, lol! He was always on my team :) This time around I've stuck with it and he has told me how proud he is and even if I don't reach my 30lb goal by xmas.....i'm still awesome! :love:
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Yes, but not with the eating. Hubby cannot understand that weight loss is about eating well not just killing yourself on a treadmill. He's coming around though.
  • dragonssoftballmom
    No. It makes it very hard and frustrating.....
  • mmocarr
    mmocarr Posts: 108 Member
    my boyfriend has his good moments and bad moments. most of time he is considerate enough to ask how my workouts went or take me to the gym when i need a ride and try out healthier recipes that i prepare. However, he does complain about me being gone so much and cant understand why I have to log all my food. i often like to log before i eat so i know what choices i am making he gets pretty impatient.

    he did really well when i had more to lose, but now he doesn't understand the difficult/frustrating/ the need for dedication to losing those last 5-10 lbs.
  • sixpacking
    sixpacking Posts: 148 Member
    not only supports me, he jumped the bandwagon and since June 2010 has lost ~50lbs. He became more aware of the calories and the importance of having in depth knowledge of nutrients.
  • Nikki582
    Nikki582 Posts: 561 Member
    Mostly. He doesn't like that I have to think carefully about if I want to eat something, rather than just being impulsive, but he doesn't mind the gym-junkie that I've become. :) He supports me and cheers me on, but sometimes he thinks i need to loosen up - fair call.
  • AshDHart
    AshDHart Posts: 818 Member
    We both support each other. He has lost 75 lbs and I'm at 77 lbs. We have a great in house support system. :bigsmile:

    We keep each other motivated, we notice the smallest changes and compliment the heck out of each other. After 18 years together we are in a second honeymoon phase right now. :love:
  • Stoptheviolins
    Stoptheviolins Posts: 18 Member
    Nope. Im trying to get his support, and thankfully he likes what and how I cook, but I dont get any motivation from him