Does your half/wife/partner supports you?



  • nehushtan
    nehushtan Posts: 566 Member
  • Punkedpoetess
    Punkedpoetess Posts: 633 Member
    He has throughout my MFP journey 100% and my weight loss journey's pre MFP as well. He is one of the few in my life outside of MFP who actually does and knows the full extent of my weight loss journey as well as the ups and downs I have had with food and my weight. Most people in my life don't care either way, but know that I eat healthy most of the time and am an active person. Having the support of people here and my husband is all I really need for support though. I generally don't make a big deal about it to others and simply do what I need to do to get where I want to be.
  • virginiejaubin
    virginiejaubin Posts: 497 Member
    Yes he supports me! I do have the habbit to count what he's eating though, I think that bothers him a little :P Other then that, he really respects all the efforts I make and helps me calculate receipes from time to time.
  • elo83
    elo83 Posts: 97 Member
    200% he's behind me every step of the way. He's been incredibly encouraging, he's my rock!
  • More than anyone! He does zumba with me, tries new exercises. Buys me workout DVD's. Goes to skyzone aerobics. Makes healthy dinners for me. I'm so lucky!
  • tegla
    tegla Posts: 132
    He'd love me to lose weight, of course. But does he want to join me? no. He doesn't want to exercise with me, or try and like (i.e) hummus or greek yogurt. He'll say things like.."Just don't eat, plus it will save money" o.O ((which is why I'm fat to begin with)) Though I must say he has started reading labels, but he doesn't want to work at a greener healthier life so much, that is it'll take time away from stupid games.
  • annabellj
    annabellj Posts: 1,337 Member
    my boyfriend has his good moments and bad moments. most of time he is considerate enough to ask how my workouts went or take me to the gym when i need a ride and try out healthier recipes that i prepare. However, he does complain about me being gone so much and cant understand why I have to log all my food. i often like to log before i eat so i know what choices i am making he gets pretty impatient.

    he did really well when i had more to lose, but now he doesn't understand the difficult/frustrating/ the need for dedication to losing those last 5-10 lbs.
    this--- he loves me no matter what but doesnt really understand that i need to do this and that i want to still lose some more. my goal weight the last time i was there he said i looked anorexic! no way! i am 5 8 and have a large frame for a girl but i want to be 147 or 150, that is what i used to weigh. he likes to eat out and i plan what i want to eat and then he tries to derail me! mostly he knows how important it is to me but it would be way easier if he would want to lose the 30 or 40 pounds he needs to lose also. good for all of you that have the support!
  • Crystal_Pistol
    Crystal_Pistol Posts: 750 Member
    100% supportive. I actually don't want his tips because he is a little bit psycho about fitness and I want to do this my way. He is psyched about me focusing on my health and fitness and I always hear him talking to people about how proud he is of me.

    :heart: Love my hubby for being honest when I was lazy that it wasn't sexy and supporting me as I make changes!
  • AussieNikki
    AussieNikki Posts: 168 Member
    My husband is wonderful. I think part of the reason I was so successful this time (I am a yo-yo with my weight since I was 21) has been because of his support.

    He drives me to Trader Joe's every week even when he has had like 3 hours sleep, he works nights and I don't have my US drivers license. He let me join the YMCA and he is fine with the healthy food I make for dinner.

    I honestly couldn't have done it without his support.

    I :heart: Him!
  • EricNCSU
    EricNCSU Posts: 699 Member
    Nope... she didn't. One of the reasons we parted ways.

    Same here.. past tense.
  • raevynn
    raevynn Posts: 666 Member
    Oh Yes... in fact, he's here on MFP, too, and is losing weight as well.

    He gets up in the mornings and makes my juice / smoothie, packs my lunch, calls out the grams while I log it, and usually makes dinner, as well, though I'm usually the one finding the recipe.

    He walks with me, cheers me on, and complements me constantly! :happy:

    He's my hero.
  • Absolutely not. I know that men and women are hard wired differently but my husband should be the poster child of how not to act and what not to say for all men. His compliments are always insulting somehow, he belittles and watches what I buy and how much I eat of it and when I eat it. He implies that I eat all the time (which I kinda do since I eat 3 meals a day and snacks). He's been onto me to lose weight telling me how fat I am for a few years now but refuses to compliment me for losing (not that I want his compliments now). I have a very supportive sister though and that's all I need.
  • cfergy
    cfergy Posts: 67 Member
    Not really. He doesn't understand what it's like to have a weight issue. He is very picky about food, doesn't eat any vegetables except corn. He eats a lot of fast food and used to ask me to even stop and pick something up for him on my way home. I put a stop to that. He tried in the beginning to go to the gym with me, but it didn't last long. (Honestly, I'd rather go by myself anyway)
    I know the weight I carried bothered him, but he doesn't seem to realize how hard it is to take it off.
    I think he is impatient with the process.
    I am doing this for ME not him and have told him that his support would be great, but overall I am respsonsible and can do it with or without him.....besides, I have MFP. :wink:
  • nihummel
    nihummel Posts: 21 Member
    My fiance is supportive...most of the time! Due to my schedule I go to workout class after work and don't get home until almost 8pm every night. I have workout class 6 days a week so we've been spending less time together and also planning a wedding on top of that! he always has supper ready when I get home and always tells me how great I'm starting to look. However, he gets frustrated by my calorie counting and thinks its crazy. Sometimes he offers me food when when he is well aware I shouldn't eat it. That is frustrating sometimes but I don't think he does it intentionally!
  • MrsObundles
    MrsObundles Posts: 138 Member
    Yes he does! He works out and eats healthy along with me. He is so supportive and constantly challenging me. I love that being healthy is something that we can do together. He is supportive of everything I do and I am so blessed.
  • danger_kitteh
    danger_kitteh Posts: 301 Member
    All the way and then some. He's digging the happier healthier me.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Absolutely supportive, he encourages me in everything. He drove an hour and half aftera 12 hour backshift to watch me run my first triathlon even though he knew he didn't have to (I loved him being there but I know what backshift is like) He runs races with me because I love to do them and we enjoy doing things together, he has even done triathlons with me (I beat him in one, he beat me in the next, we still need to get in the tie breaker). When some people in my group were going to a triathlon training camp, he encouraged me to go even though I felt it was out of my league. He encouraged me to train for my first fitness competition (currently in training for) and believes in me way more than I do. He eats what I have to for my training diet, which isn't easy for him because he loves junk food, he has totally cut it out of his diet too. I have to be constantly cooking to prep for my work shifts and he does a ton of cooking for us. When we have the time off together he comes to the gym with me. He is there when I am frustrated, hungry, craving, whatever.
    I am sure I missed some stuff, but for sure I would be no where near where I am without him.
  • brookepenni
    brookepenni Posts: 787 Member
    More than anyone! He does zumba with me, tries new exercises. Buys me workout DVD's. Goes to skyzone aerobics. Makes healthy dinners for me. I'm so lucky!

    Ive got one of these too! He does Zumba with me because I enjoy it and I do spin with him as a thank you. Every day he tells me how proud he is of me, and how hot I look. He cooks dinner and makes it as healthy as it can be, and always asks me what I want. He gets up extra early to roll me some rice paper rolls for lunch (and makes me a coffee at the same time lol). He encourages me and gives me motivation when I really cant be bothered and he relaxes and unwinds with me when I need it. I think I'm extremely lucky :)

    (oh and he's also on here... I wonder if he'll read this!)
  • DaniellePF
    DaniellePF Posts: 308 Member
    Yep. Couldn't have done this without him :heart:
  • annabellj
    annabellj Posts: 1,337 Member
    Absolutely not. I know that men and women are hard wired differently but my husband should be the poster child of how not to act and what not to say for all men. His compliments are always insulting somehow, he belittles and watches what I buy and how much I eat of it and when I eat it. He implies that I eat all the time (which I kinda do since I eat 3 meals a day and snacks). He's been onto me to lose weight telling me how fat I am for a few years now but refuses to compliment me for losing (not that I want his compliments now). I have a very supportive sister though and that's all I need.
    boy i think i would be looking for a new one if mine treated me like this! he loves me fat or thin, supportive or not, but never says anything if i gain or never says i need to lose. i bug him though!