How am I supposed to drink 8 cups of water!



  • wokandroll88
    wokandroll88 Posts: 20 Member
    To be completely fair, MFP does say they 'recommend' that you drink at least 8 cups of water a day.

    I always take recommendations as I do speed bumps in an older car - they're suggestions ;)

    Our friends the urologists will tell you that if your urine has any color, you're not getting enough water. To get it clear, you pretty much have to shoot for 8+ cups per day.

    This is so wrong. I don't know if you just made that up about urologists saying that or you heard some myth (your friend told his friend told his friend) but it is perfectly normal to have a pale yellow color to the urine. I'm not trying to be mean but I don't want people on here being scared if their urine isn't clear that they need to go see a doctor.

    If you have a deep, DARK colored urine you are not drinking enough water. This means you're dehydrated. Having a pale yellow urine is normal. It is just a pigment of the urine.

    Also, clear urine can mean you're perfectly healthy. It can also mean you have Diabetes Insipidus. I am worried about some people who post here saying they drink 18 cups of water and if they don't have water for 5 secs they panic. Polydipsia (excessive thirst) is another symptom of Diabetes Insipidus. I'm not saying anyone here has that, it's just a huge misnomer saying clear urine is the only healthy color. It doesn't really mean anything. Clear urine can also mean you're over hydrated.

    I'm not an expert or anything but I just took Medical Terminology and we learned all this. We looked at UA results, and what normal results should be and it said a pale-yellow/amber color to urine.

    By Mayo Clinic staff
    Normal urine color ranges from pale yellow to deep amber — the result of a pigment called urochrome and how diluted or concentrated the urine is.
  • iamnotashley
    iamnotashley Posts: 26 Member
    I'm not an expert or anything but I just took Medical Terminology and we learned all this. We looked at UA results, and what normal results should be and it said a pale-yellow/amber color to urine.

    By Mayo Clinic staff
    Normal urine color ranges from pale yellow to deep amber — the result of a pigment called urochrome and how diluted or concentrated the urine is.

    So basically:

    Pee usually depends on medications also. Or what you eat and what is in your diet. As far as water drinking goes: In my opinion it is necessary to drink as much water as you want within reason. I feel that dehydration is the most important thing here. As long as you aren't dehydrated or sick, the amount of water you are drinking is good. Too much water can mean water poisoning also, so you want to stay away from that. I feel that you can be addictive, or have unhealthy relationships to things that are usually considered healthy. I feel water might be one of the most common.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    It's not hard. Open your mouth and tip it in. Your body needs liquid.

    I have a glass whenever I walk past the tap at home, and I keep a couple of bottles on my desk at work.

    I don't get how this is difficult, to be honest. Just drink the stuff.
  • Crystler
    Hello hun to make the water taste better, throw a bit of juice into the water. That is what I do. I'm up to drinking 6 cups of water a day.
  • iamnotashley
    iamnotashley Posts: 26 Member
    It's not hard. Open your mouth and tip it in. Your body needs liquid.

    I have a glass whenever I walk past the tap at home, and I keep a couple of bottles on my desk at work.

    I don't get how this is difficult, to be honest. Just drink the stuff.

    Yeah, you're right. Just because it's easy means you should do it. I should get food everytime I walk by the fridge. Thanks for the advice. If only it was that easy.

    It's easy to get water, everyone can, but I believe it's much harder than just drinking water. Some people just aren't thirsty, or they brainwashed into thinking that 8 cups of water is actually needed and force it on themsevles. The main importance here is to remain hydrated.

    What I don't get is why everyone is so condescending to others just because they do something different than them. Posts like these aren't helpful at all. They make one another feel bad just because they aren't drinking 10 gallons of water a day, as if it's needed.
  • swatts7622
    swatts7622 Posts: 85 Member
    I drink 96 oz a day. I just got a jug and fill it up 3 times. I take my jug with me EVERYWHERE. Do you not work out? I can down 32 oz just at the gym.
  • swatts7622
    swatts7622 Posts: 85 Member
    PS- Water does AMAZING things for your skin! Added Plus!
  • wokandroll88
    wokandroll88 Posts: 20 Member
    It's not hard. Open your mouth and tip it in. Your body needs liquid.

    I have a glass whenever I walk past the tap at home, and I keep a couple of bottles on my desk at work.

    I don't get how this is difficult, to be honest. Just drink the stuff.

    Yeah, you're right. Just because it's easy means you should do it. I should get food everytime I walk by the fridge. Thanks for the advice. If only it was that easy.

    It's easy to get water, everyone can, but I believe it's much harder than just drinking water. Some people just aren't thirsty, or they brainwashed into thinking that 8 cups of water is actually needed and force it on themsevles. The main importance here is to remain hydrated.

    What I don't get is why everyone is so condescending to others just because they do something different than them. Posts like these aren't helpful at all. They make one another feel bad just because they aren't drinking 10 gallons of water a day, as if it's needed.

    I totally agree with you. There's a lot of misinformation out here and not only that, everyone's body is different. I don't get why people have to be rude to other's just because they don't drink 100 glasses of water like they do.
  • stayxtrue
    stayxtrue Posts: 1,190 Member
    I used to hate drinking water, However I forced myself to drink more and as I did I started to drink much more water. At the moment I am consuming around 30 glasses of water today. :smile:

    I now only thirst for water and nothing else, sugary drinks and juices no longer appeal to me, but hey thats me
  • lindzmt22
    Oh my goodness, I already pee enough drinking 9-12 glasses of water a day...I can't imagine drinking 20....30...??? I feel like the bathroom would take over my LIFE. lmao.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    It's not hard. Open your mouth and tip it in. Your body needs liquid.

    I have a glass whenever I walk past the tap at home, and I keep a couple of bottles on my desk at work.

    I don't get how this is difficult, to be honest. Just drink the stuff.

    Yeah, you're right. Just because it's easy means you should do it. I should get food everytime I walk by the fridge. Thanks for the advice. If only it was that easy.

    It's easy to get water, everyone can, but I believe it's much harder than just drinking water. Some people just aren't thirsty, or they brainwashed into thinking that 8 cups of water is actually needed and force it on themsevles. The main importance here is to remain hydrated.

    What I don't get is why everyone is so condescending to others just because they do something different than them. Posts like these aren't helpful at all. They make one another feel bad just because they aren't drinking 10 gallons of water a day, as if it's needed.

    God love you.

    Yes, ok. Let's have it your way. It's immensely, overwhelmingly hard to drink healthy liquids. I'm not sure how anyone manages it. It's tantamount to abuse that MFP ask it of you! How very dare they?

    There. Do we all feel better in the hand wringers' society now?


    (And did I ever suggest anyone needed to drink 10 gallons a day? Or indeed pure water? Erm, no, I didn't. But let's not let facts get in the way of a nice self pity post, eh?)
  • iamnotashley
    iamnotashley Posts: 26 Member
    God love you.

    Yes, ok. Let's have it your way. It's immensely, overwhelmingly hard to drink healthy liquids. I'm not sure how anyone manages it. It's tantamount to abuse that MFP ask it of you! How very dare they?

    There. Do we all feel better in the hand wringers' society now?


    (And did I ever suggest anyone needed to drink 10 gallons a day? Or indeed pure water? Erm, no, I didn't. But let's not let facts get in the way of a nice self pity post, eh?)

    I never said it was hard to drink 'healthy liquids' but it just isn't as easy as drinking water. Different people have different needs and some have problems with it. If this question could be answered simply as 'just drink it' I'm sure it wouldn't be a problem for OP, or thousands of other problems. Where did I say anything about MFP "abusing" me by recommending 8 glasses of water? Lol. You are assuming something therefore it is not a fact.

    I could have easily said fluid, because the 8 glasses of water needed in actuality is 8 glasses of fluid. You can get your daily requirement of fluid from food, even. Beyond the tap: Other sources of water (from

    Although it's actually really good to keep water within reach at all times, you don't even have to rely on it completely, it's just the topic in this case. My 10 gallons was an exaggeration of what everyone was talking about. I didn't even mention the other types because our topic here is water.
  • asyouseefit
    asyouseefit Posts: 1,265 Member
    I don't track water. I drink when I'm thirsty. Between water, diet coke, coffee, tea, soups, fruit and veggies, I'm pretty sure I'm getting enough fluids to stay hydrated. There's no need to force down water down your throat if you don't feel like it.

    (and people are way too obsessed about their urine color. Reminds me of Louis XIV who had his poo checked after he went)
  • wokandroll88
    wokandroll88 Posts: 20 Member
    I don't track water. I drink when I'm thirsty. Between water, diet coke, coffee, tea, soups, fruit and veggies, I'm pretty sure I'm getting enough fluids to stay hydrated. There's no need to force down water down your throat if you don't feel like it.

    (and people are way too obsessed about their urine color. Reminds me of Louis XIV who had his poo checked after he went)

    You put it better than me, my friend! This is exactly what me and Iamnotashley were trying to say. There's so many ways to get water/fluid into our systems besides just plain water. While I make sure I get plenty, but like the Mayo Clinic thing says, as long as you don't feel thirsty you are fine. Some people do fine and are hydrated with as little as 6 cups a day. Forcing water when you're not thirsty is never a good idea... it's just going to come right out if you don't need it.

    Again, exactly on point about the urine color. I was just going on and on about it just because someone mentioned that if it's not clear you need more water... I didn't want anyone actually believing that.
  • xSophia19
    xSophia19 Posts: 1,536 Member
    8 cups seems alot to me, i could never go and refill my glass 8 times a day! soo what i do is get 4 normal size bottles, fill them up with water and stick them in the fridge! then i carry a bottle around with me in the house, when its finished i go grab another. and thats 4 cups of water down already! easy peasy =)

    in my honest opinion drinking 4 bottles of water seems less than 8 cups, even tho it works out the same! it just saves me the hassle of refilling my cup.

    hope this has helped :) i had the same problem until a friend told me to keep 4 bottles of water in the fridge :)
  • stylistchik
    stylistchik Posts: 1,436 Member
    It's actually recommended you drink half your weight in ounces of water (if you weigh 200 lbs you should drink 100 oz of water). I keep water on me all day long in a bottle and sip it throughout the day. I fill my 24 oz water bottle 3 times.
  • jenniferg83
    jenniferg83 Posts: 278 Member
    i didnt like drinking water, now i love it!
  • jaitken_22
    jaitken_22 Posts: 212 Member
    I found it hard to drink 8 cups of water at first but I managed to get myself into the habit. I drink either sugar-free flavoured still/fizzy water, low sugar diluting juice and tap water. At breakfast, I have a big glass which fits 2 glasses worth of water and drink that with breakfast, this is usually flavoured water or diluting juice. At work I take a bottle of water and keep filling it up with tap water so that can be at least another litre. If I'm at the gym after work, I have another 500ml flavoured water and then evening meal I try another 500ml which should total about 8 glasses. At work I keep water in front of me at all times at my desk so I keep drinking it. I find it easier to drink more water on week days, but weekends I'm bad for water intake. I think as long as you keep yourself hydrated with the right things, that's all that matters.
  • vi_msbehavin
    vi_msbehavin Posts: 58 Member
    I use a camelbak water bottle and find that I drink more water now. Something about a straw to me makes the water taste better :)
  • xSophia19
    xSophia19 Posts: 1,536 Member
    i didnt like drinking water, now i love it!

    same here! Few years ago i never drank water, it was always coffee, or fizzy pops like Coke & Dr Pepper. I used to drink like 4 bottles of fizzy pop a day!! and never touched water. It was only last year when i tried water on its own. =/ I couldnt believe what ive been missing out on! water is way nice! :D