pictures of women that were around 140 trying to get to 125



  • SunnyBoudreau
    SunnyBoudreau Posts: 7 Member
    Wow! How'd you get such great results?
  • spectralmoon
    spectralmoon Posts: 1,230 Member
    Wow!!! I really needed to see this today. I've been getting frustrated that I'm not losing anymore, even though I'm doing weights. I *know* muscle weighs more, but it's still discouraging when the scale stops moving.

    It is! I've had that problem for over a week, but after getting some compliments today, I measured and found that I was losing inches instead of pounds.

    I'm also 5'5" and heading for 125-128. Can't wait to finally hit near those numbers!
  • persistent33
    so for those of you that broke through your barriers and are maintaining in the 120s to 130, HOW DID YOU DO IT??

    did you average a half lb a wk for the last 10lbs?
    did you workout 5 or 6 or 7 days a week?
    did you switch to more strength, than cardio?
    did you eat 1100-1300 cals or more like 1300-1500 with your workouts?
    did you follow a certain food plan, or just track on mfp?

    i am at 139, goal weight 130-132. my entire closet of clothes is for the 132s. I am 5'8".
    i have one pair of joes jeans that are forgiving, and my 11 year old daughter asked me for the 2nd time in 2 months, "Are those your favorite jeans, Mom?" You see, she knows i have about 7 other pair of jeans in my closet, but what she DOESN't know is that they DON'T FIT!

    It's hard to keep up the motivation, when
    1)you're not at your heaviest(heaviest 222 pregnant with daughter)
    2)you're not on your way down with momentum behind you(i was maintaining at 130 for over a year and a half and then too many trips, stress, etc.)
    3)i'll get down to 136 after 3 wks of consistent clean eating, still not fit in my clothes, lose motivation, and pop back up to 140-142. CYCLE, PATTERN, yes, i see it.

    Just wondering if any of the people that are currently maintaining at THEIR feel good weight, and can relate to any of the above please send me a message or post. PLEASE :)

    Some one once asked me when I was 130, how's life different at 130 vs 155 or a size 4 vs a 10.
    My reply was,"I still have the same husband, kids, and house. I will not be on the cover of a magazine, but I have always wanted to be thin, not skinny, thin and FEEL GOOD in my clothes and skin.z'

    I loved going to the closet and thinking about what matches and what haven't i worn lately instead of what fits."
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