

  • Squir88
    Squir88 Posts: 24
    I gained about 2 pounds over the 24th and 25th, but quickly shed those 2 pounds and lost somewhere between 20-25 pounds last month.
  • realme56
    realme56 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Lost 4# over the last 2 weeks..... very happy holidays!
  • kittybitz79
    I gained about 10 lbs over the past week... I am not sure though if it is actual gain or "the curse of eve" ... they both happened at the same time... so who exactly knows... I am hoping most of it is the later... but will know in a few days
  • Squible
    Squible Posts: 359 Member
    I only gained half a lb after eating so much rubbish from xmas eve to boxing day!

    Was rather impressed with that actually esp with the amount I consumed I was preparing myself for the worst!
  • kegonzales
    I lost but I have an advantage (or disadvantage depending on how you look at it) I am allergic to dairy products so I can't have chocolate.
  • Danahimself
    Danahimself Posts: 279 Member
    I actually lost weight. : )
  • Sharon009
    Sharon009 Posts: 327 Member
    I lost a pound between Thanksgiving and Christmas but gained a half pound the week of Christmas. i consider that really good because for me part of enjoying the season is all the great food you get to eat.
  • MisterDubs303
    MisterDubs303 Posts: 1,216 Member
    I gained 10.5 pounds, but I've learned from the past, and confirmed again now, that it's mostly fake weight. I've already dropped 9 of it (Wednesday to Sunday), so I figure I had a net gain of about 1.5. Small price to pay for celebrations and living. I know how to lose that 1.5 and the rest that follow.

    Thanksgiving to New Year's down 8 pounds.
  • jilliebk
    jilliebk Posts: 252 Member
    I maintain during the holidays!!!
  • Psychomasokism
    Psychomasokism Posts: 46 Member
    i dont even want to be near a scale!!!!!!! lol

    LOL! This was me yesterday xD but I mustered up the cojones to get back on there and found I gained… 3 whole pounds back! ;_; which sucks BUT I usually gain much MUCH more between Halloween and New Years (7-10lbs. give or take). I also noticed I was better about portions and only eating what I "really" wanted (damn cookies:grumble:) so I'm taking this as a positive!! :flowerforyou:
  • ruthie3110
    ruthie3110 Posts: 160 Member
    I'd been in hiding from the scale so when I got on a few weeks back to have lost 5lbs I was quite pleased.. I got on today...
    6lbs gained *facepalm*
  • MiaOrange
    MiaOrange Posts: 151 Member
    There was a weight-loss contest in my group and I lost several pounds. The contest lasted 7 weeks and ended right before Christmas. Afterwards, I kept exercising and eating healthy, except for some gluten-free cookies I made and a little turkey and divinity. Even at the 2 potlucks I went to I ate salad and a bite of something else. I ended up gaining several pounds and was pretty mad.

    I am working to lose the weight. We had a holiday break for one week from my group's weigh in, which I use as my official weight. We will weigh in Tues and I hope I get these stupid pounds off again by then.

    When I weigh-in weekly at my group and use that as my offical weight, I will log that in MFP gain or loss, but I don't log the daily fluctuations.

    This happened to me last spring break camping, I lost a lot of weight and 1 week camping I ate a couple burgers and gained 6 lbs and took a long time to lose it.

    I am also a student, so when I have a holiday I'm at home sitting around. When I go to school, I'm walking between buildings and climbing stairs all day...that's probably part of it, yet at home in the summer I was able to work-out more at home.
  • Mickyboo1
    I maintained this week. I was happy with a maintain.. :happy:
  • BattyMama
    BattyMama Posts: 136 Member
    I did not gain nor did I lose any thing noticeable I however was to busy to workout as much as I would like.
  • pupcamper
    pupcamper Posts: 415 Member
    My weigh in day is a Wednesday but I am sooooooooooooo happy to say that this year I have lost 6lbs in the month of December, 1.5 lbs last week! Glad I was able to keep up with some exercise, albeit slightly modified and having drastically reduced the portions size of the junk I would normally stuff in my face over the holiday season I can honestly say that I don't feel I missed out on anything and I really don't miss the 6 pounds!
  • Mickyboo1
    From Thanksgiving to New Years Eve I'm down 3 lbs....I'll take that as an success. :happy:
  • ZombieSlayer
    ZombieSlayer Posts: 369 Member
    Didn't track December at all. I held steady... but I'm also in my "happy weight zone" (the 5 pound zone my body rebounds to when I'm not looking... except when I'm significantly over, of course.)
  • sprinkies
    sprinkies Posts: 309 Member
    i've been up 2-3 pounds since halloween, but i'm not worried cause once i cut out sodium/do 1400 net cals a day, it comes off in a week. i'm definitely going to clean up my diet starting NOW. the cookies are out of the house, and i'm DONE.
  • spottedlee
    Like Thanksgiving, I lost weight,, I don't know how even though I sneaked in candies and cookies.......
  • spottedlee
    Do you all log your weight gain or wait til it comes off and then log when you go down a pound.
    I log in so I can see my up and down on progress report,, I gained once, by 1 pound a while ago