

  • echeindl
    echeindl Posts: 326 Member
    Name: Erica

    Goal: To lose at least 19 pounds

    Current Weight: 154
    Challenge Goal Weight: 135

    01/02: 154
    01/09: 153.2
    01/30: <<<mini goal weight>>>148
    02/27: <<<mini goal weight>>> 141
    04/07: <<<challenge goal weight>>>135

    What time are these due on Monday btw?
  • kcthatsme
    kcthatsme Posts: 5,136 Member
    Honestly I'm shocked to see some people have lost 8,7,5 lb! That's great! I'm happy my weight is going down period.

    8 - sick
    7 - ?
    6 - high protein/low carb

    I'm happy mine is too. It tends to be slow also. This week was an anomaly for me since it was holiday gain coming off.
  • darina23
    darina23 Posts: 114
    I'm doing high protein and low carb period as a lifestyle. I'm also burning between 350 and 800 calories a day just from exercise EVRY DAY!!! My weight loss is slooooooooow :) Like I said, I have PCOS, so I'm happy with losing any weight at all.

    *corrected typo
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Kristen....Thanks for the great chart!
    Poopoomonkey1....I hope you feel better.

    Looking forward to another good week....gotta keep moving
  • kcthatsme
    kcthatsme Posts: 5,136 Member
    Name: Erica

    Goal: To lose at least 19 pounds

    Current Weight: 154
    Challenge Goal Weight: 135

    01/02: 154
    01/09: 153.2

    What time are these due on Monday btw?

    Weigh ins are due no later than noon PST, on Mondays. For those who can't make that, why not weigh on Saturday or Sunday morning?
  • 1ArmyMom1
    kc--I'm really not well so if you would like I can give the challenge however I won't be participating in it until I feel better. I have been doing the p90 and I love the 7 push ups so that's the first challenge. Everyone is to do sets of 7 push ups. 7 regular width, 7 close and 7 spread wide. Do 1 set the first day and then try to build from there. As for the second challenge I would like everyone to try to and have a day where they don't eat any processed foods. (it's harder then you think)

    1st... I hope you feel better real soon!!!
    2nd... I love the push ups challenge, great idea! Thanks!!
    3rd... I already removed all processed foods from my diet... trying to be all PALEO... you'll be surprised how much better you'll feel.

    Great job everyone.... keep up the good work!!

  • julidav
    julidav Posts: 188 Member
    Congrats to all the losers this week!!!
  • vallejos6
    vallejos6 Posts: 146 Member
    Congrats to all the biggest losers this week! Poopoomonkey1, feel better! Being sick is no fun at all. I'm in for the pushup challenge, but not sure I can do the close ones, will have to see, LOL.

    1ArmyMom1- do you have a child in the Army? My second child is in the Army (currently in school- intelligence, stationed in California, but awaiting orders to Texas).

    I just got done with my workout and it kicked my butt! It's a usual workout, so not sure why I'm so exhausted. I do have a headache, maybe just a little dehydrated. I got my 8 glasses of water in, but I suspect that our frigid temps (-28 and has been falling all day!) are making me use up more water than usual.

    Today was the first day back at work with kiddos, last week was prof. development and workdays in the classrooms, so it'll take a few more days to get back in the swing of things! Already missing my son and it's only been 10 days since we left him. I already bought our tickets for the next visit (mid March). I think it'd be better if he could talk, so I could at least call him on the phone! I'm really hoping to have some good movement on the scale before we head back down there!

    Hope ya'll had a great Monday, and a good rest of the week!

  • Time2getFit4Life
    Time2getFit4Life Posts: 521 Member
    Wow I so just learned that I have to come in here daily and read post and comment I just read as many post as I could and forgive me if I missed anyone but I am going to put this in a round about way for all not pointing out any names.

    Congrats to all of our biggest losers this week and all of those that had a loss period!!
    To all those that maintained like me today is a start to a new week wishing you all the best this week!
    To all those who may have gained that was last week news this week it's time to rewrite the story!!

    So sorry to hear about your boxer no more suffering is hard to face but glad she is at peace!! Congrats to a great loss this week!!

    Congrats to all the runners and those getting back in the groove with working out!!

    I hope all those not feeling 100% due to sinuses and colds get the proper rest, meds, and recovery time to feel better!!

    I hope those who are having issues with there meds get things taken care of!!

    To my friends who are dealing with stress, anxiety, and depression I will be praying for you I was dealing with this and I truly prayed it off of me I hope I'm not offending anyone when I speak of prayer and healing but I truly did this for myself!! I was having really bad anxiety attacks and I did some research because I was having the chest tightening feeling and I was confusing it with a heart attack went to the ER and everything!! I read a article that said you bring anxiety on yourself and at that very moment I began praying and asking God to remove this illness from me and talking about how I am in control of myself and I have to admit I have been anxiety free I felt myself getting over whelmed in Wal-Mart a few days before Christmas I immediately took a few deep breaths and had a little self talk and was able to move on without having a full on attack!!

    I can truly agree that stress and depression affects your weight loss success as well my whole 2010 was a very rough yr and I gained the same 5-7lbs the whole entire yr I tried to gain control in 2011 but the cycle continued I am finally trying to get things totally together but are they ever really......................So I am just preparing myself not to make any excuses and living each day to it's fullest!!

    My goal this week is to come in and check in daily so I can see how things are going for everyone!
    Have a great week Team Egg-Cellance!!
  • poopoomonkey1978
    poopoomonkey1978 Posts: 108 Member
    thanks for the well wishes everyone I am fighting either strep or mono and it's been awful. I have no energy and am only really having ginger ale. I really hope the mediacation kicks in soon, not being able to care for your family is the worst feeling in the world. Hope you all kick it with the challenges this week for big losses next week. (I'm really hoping once I am back to eating I don't gain all this weight back)
  • AmyByExample
    AmyByExample Posts: 422 Member
    Hi All! Congrats to all the "losers" this week! Great job everyone!

    I can't believe I hit one of the Biggest Losers this week! I am so so excited!

    Got in 2 workouts today - Jillians Extreme Shed & Shred (apparently it's working!) and Zumba. I am a wee bit tired!

    Hugs to all - I have a crazy day tomorrow (work 8-5, then a committee I'm on for the kids school at 7). Hopefully I'll be able to get online at some point!

  • 1ArmyMom1
    Congrats to all the biggest losers this week! Poopoomonkey1, feel better! Being sick is no fun at all. I'm in for the pushup challenge, but not sure I can do the close ones, will have to see, LOL.

    1ArmyMom1- do you have a child in the Army? My second child is in the Army (currently in school- intelligence, stationed in California, but awaiting orders to Texas).

    I just got done with my workout and it kicked my butt! It's a usual workout, so not sure why I'm so exhausted. I do have a headache, maybe just a little dehydrated. I got my 8 glasses of water in, but I suspect that our frigid temps (-28 and has been falling all day!) are making me use up more water than usual.

    Today was the first day back at work with kiddos, last week was prof. development and workdays in the classrooms, so it'll take a few more days to get back in the swing of things! Already missing my son and it's only been 10 days since we left him. I already bought our tickets for the next visit (mid March). I think it'd be better if he could talk, so I could at least call him on the phone! I'm really hoping to have some good movement on the scale before we head back down there!

    Hope ya'll had a great Monday, and a good rest of the week!


    Yes, My oldest son Ryan is in the Arrmy... he's currently stationed at Fort Carson in Colorado however he just got orders that he'll be going to NTC in a couple of weeks to prepare for deployment in June. :ohwell:
  • koutroulakis
    I usually do not get home till late on mondays so I may need to post my weigh in on sundays...I started last week at 185 and today I weighed in this morning at 183....I thought it would be more :(
  • abby1791
    abby1791 Posts: 34 Member
    Hi Kristen!
    I'm in too many challenges and can't keep track of them. So please take me out of this challenge before I cause you any more hassle when i forget every Monday.
    Thank you for everything and the best of luck to everyone in this challenge!!
    Abby (abby1791)
  • kristinkt
    kristinkt Posts: 921 Member
    Name/ real name: kristinkt / Kristin

    Current Weight: 183
    Challenge Goal Weight: 170

    01/02: 183
    01/09: 183
    01/30: 180<<<mini goal weight>>>
    02/27: 176<<<mini goal weight>>>
    04/07: 170<<<challenge goal weight>>>

    Sorry for posting late -- I should do better in the future -- I bought a new scale on Sunday since I wasn't really trusting the one I had been using - Shock!!! My new scale upped my start weight to 183 instead of 175. I'm sorry to be a pain, Kristen, but on the next chart could you change my goal to account for the new scale. It may be higher, but it is consistent. Thanks for all you do!!

    I think I am on track now -- no loss this week but next week should be better.
  • MoLivesLuvsLifts
    MoLivesLuvsLifts Posts: 1,168 Member
    Congrats! Everyone did a great job! Winners, you did an awesome job!
  • tamanella
    tamanella Posts: 500 Member
    Honestly I'm shocked to see some people have lost 8,7,5 lb! That's great! I'm happy my weight is going down period.

    8 - sick
    7 - ?
    6 - high protein/low carb

    I'm happy mine is too. It tends to be slow also. This week was an anomaly for me since it was holiday gain coming off.

    I lost the 7lbs this week. I weigh 335lbs when I started and because of my weight, I tend to lose a lot at the start, plus I'm doing the 17 Day Diet and it's mainly lean protein, veggies, fruits, ect, so I'm shedding fast, but am not hungry so it's great!
  • aerdna88
    aerdna88 Posts: 74 Member
    Yes, My oldest son Ryan is in the Arrmy... he's currently stationed at Fort Carson in Colorado however he just got orders that he'll be going to NTC in a couple of weeks to prepare for deployment in June. :ohwell:

    We are at the Air Force Academy in the Springs. My daughter was born at Ft Carson!

    Edited to say: not sure what happened to the quote box?
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member

    I have been fighting a sinus infection the last two weeks, so
    I am on medication so I hope to get back into the swing very soon.
    The meds are making me feel tired. :yawn:

    The plan my DH and me are on, is vegetable soup, as much as you can eat.
    Lots of vegetables, fruit and 6 ounces of meat a day. This is just a kick start plan.
    No bread, rice , pasta and such.
    I just started exercising this week again. I will try the push ups, not my fav.

    Good Luck everyone next week. Just kick it :drinker:
  • erzille
    erzille Posts: 524 Member
    Congrats to all! :flowerforyou: