

  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,401 Member
    Honestly I'm shocked to see some people have lost 8,7,5 lb! That's great! I'm happy my weight is going down period.

    8 - sick
    7 - ?
    6 - high protein/low carb

    I'm happy mine is too. It tends to be slow also. This week was an anomaly for me since it was holiday gain coming off.
    I lost the 7lbs this week. I weigh 335lbs when I started and because of my weight, I tend to lose a lot at the start, plus I'm doing the 17 Day Diet and it's mainly lean protein, veggies, fruits, ect, so I'm shedding fast, but am not hungry so it's great!

  • darina23
    darina23 Posts: 114
    Name: Erica

    Goal: To lose at least 19 pounds

    Current Weight: 154
    Challenge Goal Weight: 135

    01/02: 154
    01/09: 153.2

    What time are these due on Monday btw?

    Weigh ins are due no later than noon PST, on Mondays. For those who can't make that, why not weigh on Saturday or Sunday morning?

    Sorry, I didn't realize you wanted them by noon on Mondays. I thought any time was ok, as long as it was Monday. I'll make sure to post mine on time next week!
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    good morning all,,

    the last two days have been very good, good eating, very good workouts(i am also trying out the oliva methods)i have been keeping the green numbers as close to 500 as possible, today on the other hand, i only have 27 calories left for the day and wont be able to workout(its my bday and have lunch with my sister, and dinner with my sons)so if i keep to it i will be very happy:love: ....have a wonderful day all
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    pam - are you doing okay adjusting your brain and your eyes to keep the green number at 500-1000 versus 0??? i'm doing it too and just have to keep remembering i need to eat and leave 500 including my's a bit hard adjusting to this method but worth a shot for a few weeks :) good luck and let me know what you think of it....
    good morning all,,

    the last two days have been very good, good eating, very good workouts(i am also trying out the oliva methods)i have been keeping the green numbers as close to 500 as possible, today on the other hand, i only have 27 calories left for the day and wont be able to workout(its my bday and have lunch with my sister, and dinner with my sons)so if i keep to it i will be very happy:love: ....have a wonderful day all
  • shannonaufman
    pam - are you doing okay adjusting your brain and your eyes to keep the green number at 500-1000 versus 0??? i'm doing it too and just have to keep remembering i need to eat and leave 500 including my's a bit hard adjusting to this method but worth a shot for a few weeks :) good luck and let me know what you think of it....
    good morning all,,

    the last two days have been very good, good eating, very good workouts(i am also trying out the oliva methods)i have been keeping the green numbers as close to 500 as possible, today on the other hand, i only have 27 calories left for the day and wont be able to workout(its my bday and have lunch with my sister, and dinner with my sons)so if i keep to it i will be very happy:love: ....have a wonderful day all

    I just (as in, a few minutes ago) started with the Olivia Method. I think I'm really going to like it when it comes to using the MFP phone app. I can go to the "weekly" tab and see exactly where I stand in terms of a deficit. It makes me feel like I'm actually achieving a deficit! It really drives the point home that if I eat over my calories, I am cutting into my deficit, thereby cutting into my weight loss. It also reminds me that exercise can help me achieve my deficit, not just give me an opportunity to eat more! :laugh: At this point, looking forward, I feel like this is going to be really good for me!

    Also -- HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Pam!!!
  • Roni_M
    Roni_M Posts: 717 Member
    Some amazing losses this week! Congratulations to everyone!

    I can't do pushups due to the PsA in my hands and wrists... So instead I will keep to the challenges from last week. I hope this is ok. I'm trying to do 3 days of cardio and 3 days of strength per week. Squats are deffinately kicking my butt but I manage to get 100 of them in on strength days! My thighs are gonna be toned if it kills me! LOL

    I'm off to jump on the treadmill for an hour...hope everyone has a fabulous day! =)
  • sew1222
    sew1222 Posts: 241


    im so happy!! i really didnt think i was going to lose that much!!
  • gmomlyn
    gmomlyn Posts: 134
    Happy Birthday, Pam! I just ate a piece of chocolate cake to celebrate for you! (Ok....I would have eaten the cake even if it wasn't your birthday, but it sounds good!) The cake was the last piece left over from a Girl Scout meeting here yesterday....and it was killing me to keep seeing it all morning. I finally caved.
    Now I just have to use my treadmill a little longer tonight to work off that cake!
    Have a good day, all!
  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,444 Member
    Congrats to the losers!!! woohooo and to all that me! WE CAN DO IT:) I am not finding a balance with stress right now and it has me all over the emotional spectrum. Hopefull soon I will find my balance.
  • Time2getFit4Life
    Time2getFit4Life Posts: 521 Member
    Happy Birthday, Pam! I just ate a piece of chocolate cake to celebrate for you! (Ok....I would have eaten the cake even if it wasn't your birthday, but it sounds good!) The cake was the last piece left over from a Girl Scout meeting here yesterday....and it was killing me to keep seeing it all morning. I finally caved.
    Now I just have to use my treadmill a little longer tonight to work off that cake!
    Have a good day, all!


    Work it off you can do it Lyn!!
  • Time2getFit4Life
    Time2getFit4Life Posts: 521 Member
    good morning all,,

    the last two days have been very good, good eating, very good workouts(i am also trying out the oliva methods)i have been keeping the green numbers as close to 500 as possible, today on the other hand, i only have 27 calories left for the day and wont be able to workout(its my bday and have lunch with my sister, and dinner with my sons)so if i keep to it i will be very happy:love: ....have a wonderful day all

    Happy birthday Pam!!!
  • Time2getFit4Life
    Time2getFit4Life Posts: 521 Member
    kc--I'm really not well so if you would like I can give the challenge however I won't be participating in it until I feel better. I have been doing the p90 and I love the 7 push ups so that's the first challenge. Everyone is to do sets of 7 push ups. 7 regular width, 7 close and 7 spread wide. Do 1 set the first day and then try to build from there. As for the second challenge I would like everyone to try to and have a day where they don't eat any processed foods. (it's harder then you think)

    1st... I hope you feel better real soon!!!
    2nd... I love the push ups challenge, great idea! Thanks!!
    3rd... I already removed all processed foods from my diet... trying to be all PALEO... you'll be surprised how much better you'll feel.

    Great job everyone.... keep up the good work!!


    I made it through 3 days this week no processed foods I am trying to do strictly Paleo for 2 weeks!!
  • julidav
    julidav Posts: 188 Member
    Happy Birthday Pam!!!

    Today is also my mother's birthday...
  • AmyByExample
    AmyByExample Posts: 422 Member
    Happy birthday Pam!!!!!!

    I am loving the iPhone Ap (I don't have an iPhone, but Santa brought our family an iPod touch). I'm crazy for scanning the barcode & having it just pop up my nutrition info! How cool is that? I've found I can log everything in so much faster with the ap.

    Question - is the "olivia" method something an olivia here is doing - or is it an actual technique? I will have to google this along with the no processed foods thingy

    Got a great workout in at the gym today.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful night!

  • AmyByExample
    AmyByExample Posts: 422 Member
    Ah! I have googled & am now informed (Paleo & Olivia). Very interesting stuff!

    Can't wait to hear your results!

  • shannonaufman
    Amy -- You need to search the forums here for the Olivia Method. It's something a person here on MFP came up with. I started today and it really makes a lot of sense. So far it's pretty great!
  • aerdna88
    aerdna88 Posts: 74 Member
    Happy Birthday Pam! I had some ice cream for you!!

    Well for those of you not on my friend list...I sprained my ankle pretty bad. It's tendon issues! I'm in a big black boot for 2 weeks at minimum! I'm SO mad! I had to quit 30ds at 9 days! I was doing that and Zumba, running, walking, etc. Sigh! But I've decided I'm gonna keep at it. I am going to keep doing sit ups and crunches, girl push ups which is all I can do anyway cuz I have bad wrists and had surgery where they removed a whole region of my wrist on the inside (you can't tell on the outside)....anyway so I'll do those...and that is how I'll have to do the challenge this week. Then il be lifting with the hubby to keep the work outs going! I am just bummed cuz I was doing good. Even with my stupid pulled muscle from last week in the other leg. I think this all came from not wearing shoes in the beginning. Now I'm paying cuz I can barely walk! As much as this boot is a pain in the least I can walk! Anyway what doesn't kill ya makes you stronger! Right? Ugh! My body can't handle the work out with how much weight I have gained! Ughhhhh! This 40 pounds WILL be gone!
  • kcthatsme
    kcthatsme Posts: 5,136 Member
    Happy birthday, Pam!! I hope it was a GREAT day!

    Roni_M - You can do the challenges or you don't have to. It's totally up to you. :-)

    AmyByExample - I love using the barcode in the app also!

    aerdna88 - Keep doing well with your food, do what you can with your body, and your numbers will still come down!
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    good morning all,

    thank you all for the lovely birthday wishes.....had a wonderful day, lunch with my sister and dinner with my sons and some family...had pre logged my foods and kept to it...YAY for me !!!!.....

    @aerdna88...i agree with kristen, watch your careful, so you heal well....

    @amy and @denise...i am liking the OLIVIA method,....i think i should see good results next youngest has done the paleo, but its too strict for me....amy i also used the app on my phone to it and very helpful

    off to the gym, its a spinning and weigt day, have a great day:flowerforyou:
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    i saw 174.6 this am but i'm not recording anything yet...i was nervous cause yesterday i was back up to 178.4 sooooo who knows lol....i like the olivia method cause "I" can do the math myself...i see i have left 500 cals at the end of the day i know i am 1/7 of the way to a 1lb loss....hope monday shows good things on the scale for my next weigh to do some work.....i have a plastic surgeon consultation to discuss the possibility of a tummy tuck in the future....i'm nervous and excited....i saw the surgeon who did my past breast reduction last january when in had just entered onederland and was not overly impressed with my appt so i decided i'd see another surgeon when i got into the 170s...well i've been here since may so i decided no time like the present to get more info.....wish me luck.....

    i have spin class and some elliptical and treadmill work tonight at the Y...chinese takeout tonight with my hubby after the runts go to bed....still pushing to get to bed before 1130 but it is a struggle....100+oz of water is on my things to do list too....have a great day friends....