I'm thinking of going off of my BC pills (I've been on them for about 10 years), and I've been looking into getting Paragard. I feel like BC pills are not helpful in my wanting to lose weight, however I don't want to be pregnant either...so, I feel like a hormone-free IUD would be a good solution. Any thoughts? Does anyone have Paragard?

I've read on WebMD that it hurts to get put in...and that scares me a lot. I want to hear what people NOT on WebMD say though. I feel like I should've stayed away from that site....


  • Fit4Kateri
    Fit4Kateri Posts: 81 Member
    It hurts like crazy! Take someone with you to drive you home. I almost passed out in the parking lot, but still went back to work. This I wouldn't advise.
  • annameier8706
    annameier8706 Posts: 572 Member
    I had the mirena for 2 years. It was quite uncomfortable to have put in. I wouldn't say it was painful exactly, just really uncomfortable feeling. I also have a small uterus, that may have made the insertion more uncomfortable, and it did stick out the bottom just a tad (the hubby could feel it). I drove myself there and back, but i'm also used to severe menstural cramps.
  • zenthebird
    zenthebird Posts: 46 Member
    I used the copper one for years with no problems except for the occasional cramps. Yes, the first afternoon after insertion I laid around in bed watching tv and on mild pain drugs, but after that I was back to my regular self. I eventually stopped the IUD and had a tubal ligation (after much discussion with my doc and persuading that yes, two children were enough for me). I know the pill and I did not get along weight/bloat-wise, so it was fantastic when I changed to these alternatives.
  • stylistchik
    stylistchik Posts: 1,436 Member
    I looked into it because a friend of mine got one after she had her baby and they recommend it for people who have previously given birth, otherwise there's a greater chance of it piercing the uterine wall. I decided to stick with the pill, but a different one that makes me less crabby.
  • chocolateandvodka
    chocolateandvodka Posts: 1,856 Member
    answer: i have the mirena. the hormones are contained within the uterus and the effects are simply marvelous. lighter to nonexistent periods.

    it DOES hurt to get put in... for about an eighth of a second. and then it's just like menstrual cramps for an hour or so, and it's all over. five years later, i get a new one. if you go with paragard, you're good for 10 years, but will have normal to heavier periods.

    edited to say part of the reason it hurt for me is because i've never been pregnant/given birth. i hear it hurts less for women who have. also, talk with your doctor. they're very skilled at distracting you and will give you a pain pill about a half hour before insertion in some cases and that helps with the cramping.
  • zenthebird
    zenthebird Posts: 46 Member
    Also-- have a discussion with your doctor about your anxiety over pain, and simply ask if you can take something before the procedure ( maybe some valium or xanax, or a prescription pain reliever). Just get a ride home!
  • sydanne33
    I just got my Paraguard "installed" last month, it felt uncomfortable...not gonna lie....but it was not as painful as I expected. My doctor put it in while I was on my period, so my cervix would be dilated.

    Four years ago I gained about 15 lbs after starting birth control with no changes in my diet or exercise program. I know people swear that BC doesn’t affect weight, but I know for me it did. I pretty much cut out all sugar and was able to lose about 5 lbs that I had gained, but I never got back to my original weight before I started BC (which was 112 lbs). I have gained over 20 lbs the past two years…which was completely my fault, but I do know that initially, BC made me gain weight.

    Everyone is different, but I have loved being on Paraguard for this month, I have had some spotting, but nothing serious. You should at least try it, I love that it has no hormones and I don't have to take a pill everyday!
  • djkshdfd
    djkshdfd Posts: 443 Member
    I have Paragard Copper IUD. I do not feel it if that is the question. No weight gain. Only thing painful are my periods. But I already had painful long periods to begin with; I just did not want any hormonal birth control and the copper was the only option. Oh, and I got an ovarian cyst like a lot of people say (went away now). I kept it anyway because I prefer not to get pregnant. I suppose it is worth the inconveniences.
  • soccerella
    soccerella Posts: 623 Member
    I have 4 friends that had them put in in the last year - only 1 still has it. The other three had issues with bleeding or implanting in the uterus and had to have them removed. Not to scare you and granted thats only the people I know and a very small sample size, but make me never want to have one......and all of them said it hurt horrible to have it put in , and they all have had kids
  • MamaTina08
    MamaTina08 Posts: 5 Member
    I have the Mirena... It wasnt painful... they are only recommended after having children! I have had no issues except Cyst... which where only hormonal. My hormone levels where off and causing cyst, but other than that was fantastic!
  • kaspily
    Mirena works wonderfully for me. I didn't have any kids so I was told up front to expect it to be more painful going in. It was very painful and I even swore at my doctor. Afterwards though it just felt like cramps for the afternoon and no problems since. I would still do it again.
  • TheCats_Meow
    TheCats_Meow Posts: 438 Member
    I have the Mirena and I absolutely LOVE it!

    It didn't hurt at all to have it inserted, but according to my Dr., the fact that I've had two kids, naturally, helped in that regard.

    There was mild cramping for a few hours afterwards but nothing a few Motrin didn't take care of.

    I don't know about the non-hormone one but I don't have a period anymore with my Mirena and that is the best thing ever.
  • itsuki
    itsuki Posts: 520 Member
    I've had a copper one and yes, it hurts a lot to have it put in, I'm not going to lie to you. You can take pain killers ahead of time, and some places have a numbing gel that they use, but it still hurts. I was scared as heck going into it - I think I almost broke the nurse's hand (she offered to hold my hand during the insertion), and I was shaking like a leaf.

    My sister had a Mirena (also an IUD, but uses hormones), and she had a similar experience. Her BF says that he could hear her yelling from the waiting room.


    15 minutes of intense pain and maybe a day or two of cramping is followed by 10 years of not having to worry about it.

    I will second the advice of having someone to take you home, and taking the day off. If you work, try and have the procedure on a date right before you have time off (ie, Friday if you have weekends off). Stock up on heating pads, pain killers, and comfort food.

    Good luck!
  • thatgirl125
    thatgirl125 Posts: 294 Member
    Honestly, it does not hurt getting put in nor put out. If anything it is like a dull cramp feeling. But it does go away.
    I got mine put in 8 weeks post pardon, just then I was starting to stop bleeding but once that got in it went up. I bleed for about another 2 months.
    After about a few weeks of having it in, i started feeling absolutely horrible. To the point I was having panic attacks and just craziness. Of course I was told it was because I was post pardon but then I started researching panic attacks after getting an IUD put in or even just syptoms with an IUD put in. I found many forums with woman who started feeling the same things as me and advised to get it taken out. I knew I was not crazy and it was not just post pardon because some of the woman had them in for 2 years feeling great then suddenly the symptoms would start up. I told my doctor about it but he shrugged it off (Just like many of the woman said would happen). So after a few trips to the ER thinking I was dying and having a heart attack I finally told my obgyn I wanted it out. Ever since I got it out my "panic" attacks have been going away. They have not completely went away but they are slowly going away.

    Now my best friend got the IUD in, she said it was great at first then started getting horrible pains. After the pains kept going on she started bleeding. She tried holding out for as long as she could but then she started cramping and getting stabbing pains so she went to the hospital. What had happened was it in bedded into the walls and was cutting away at stuff. Pretty much they told her if she were to wait any longer it would have been a very bad thing. (cant remember exactly what they told her, she told me about it a year ago when I had my IUD problems).

    *EDIT* I had mirena put in, and yes there are woman who are completely fine and have no effects from it. My body just did not like it and was rejecting the foreign object.
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    I'm thinking of going off of my BC pills (I've been on them for about 10 years), and I've been looking into getting Paragard. I feel like BC pills are not helpful in my wanting to lose weight, however I don't want to be pregnant either...so, I feel like a hormone-free IUD would be a good solution. Any thoughts? Does anyone have Paragard?

    I've read on WebMD that it hurts to get put in...and that scares me a lot. I want to hear what people NOT on WebMD say though. I feel like I should've stayed away from that site....

    This may not be a very pleasant thing for some to hear but.........The IUD does not prevent conception. It prevents a fertilized egg from implanting. Many people do not know this.
  • JillianP00
    I switched from the Nuvaring to Mirena and I'm soooo glad I did it! It was painful and uncomfortable for the 20 seconds it took to put in and I had a little cramping for about 2 hours after, but its worth it! I haven't had a period for 6 months =)
  • zenthebird
    zenthebird Posts: 46 Member
    Not exactly. The copper one especially has spermicidal action.
  • kaydensmom12
    Sorry but have you thought about implanon. I've had it for a couple of months. It is an implant in your arm that takes less than 1 minute for your doctor to insert. It doesn't hurt, just feels like a bruise on your arm for 2-3 days, it looks like a bug bite where they insert it. It stays effective for 3 years with over 99% effectiveness. The only downfall is irregular periods then alot of women stop having thier period 6 months after its in. I love it, you can't tell its in.
  • emilydmac
    emilydmac Posts: 382 Member
    Sorry but have you thought about implanon. I've had it for a couple of months. It is an implant in your arm that takes less than 1 minute for your doctor to insert. It doesn't hurt, just feels like a bruise on your arm for 2-3 days, it looks like a bug bite where they insert it. It stays effective for 3 years with over 99% effectiveness. The only downfall is irregular periods then alot of women stop having thier period 6 months after its in. I love it, you can't tell its in.

    THIS! I have implanon, it was not painful to insert, i have had no periods, weight gain or side effects (aside from some minor hormonal moodiness) and it lasts 3 years with no pregnancy. I love it and will definitely be getting it again.
  • bgrune131
    bgrune131 Posts: 703 Member
    I've read about the Implanon and I definitely do not want that. I'd rather go for the IUD vs. BC pills. I don't really want anything inserted in my arm.

    I don't know what I'll do. I know that everyone is different and their bodies respond differently to things. The only way I'll know for sure is to try it for myself. I just like to hear other people's opinions & experiences.

    The Mirena sounds good, however I haven't had any children yet..and I think those are for women who have had children already. Paragard is hormone-free and supposedly works well. I've read more positive reviews than negative.