breastfeeding in public



  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    Just saw a news article about how some women staged a breastfeeding protest in Target stores across the country. What are your thoughts about this? Is it okay or should the woman find a private place to breastfeed in?
    It's a natural and beautiful thing so long as the mom is not just hanging all out in the open.

    It's OK, but have some class.
  • DyannAlvarez
    DyannAlvarez Posts: 162 Member
    "its perfectly natural"
    "its beautiful"
    "its best for the baby"
    blah blah blah

    I think the ones who choose to breastfeed publicly are crying for attention, and they are sure to get it.
    Like most men, I enjoy the opportunity to see a breast every now and then, but this just doesn't seem like the right way to do it.
    I'd prefer they take advantage of a private spot.

    Just 'cause its natural doesn't mean you have to share it with the world.
    Other natural things I prefer not to experience others doing in public:
    passing gas
    clipping toe nails or finger nails
    clearing a nasal obstruction with a finger
    flossing or using a toothpick

    Yeah... either that or their infant needs food. Really? You "enjoy the opportunity to see a breast every now and then"? You really stuck your finger in your nose with that pig remark. Believe it or not! IT'S NOT ABOUT YOU!!
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    I have breastfed all my babies but always tried to be discrete about it. I have done it at the mall, resturant, in my car and in a bathroom (gross) But I never just let it hang out there for everyone to see. I used a light blanket to keep covered. If the baby was hungry I fed it. It's no big deal. But I sure wouldn't want my husband looking a a naked breast just hanging out there to see, like in your face attitude like. So I see both points. It can be done in a lady like way. We should be able to feed our babies whenever and where ever we are.
    Its just like any other kind of society member. You have those with class and those without.
    Just my humle opinion.
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    I have no issue with breastfeeding. When a baby - OR person for that matter is hungry - they eat.
    The difference is - you don't see people walking around a store shopping while stuffing their face with food and drink,
    in fact, in most stores that is not even allowed. When we are hungry we go to the appropriate place to eat - which is NOT a bathroom by the way. but it's also not the shoe aisle. If feeding your child you don't have to walk around shopping to do it. Sitting off to the side is fine. Walking up and down the aisles of a clothing store for example is not the appropriate place for eating/feeding - not just for breastfeeding mothers - but for anyone. I don't even notice mothers off to side breastfeeding.

    This is a ridiculous analogy. When a baby is hungry, the baby doesn't say "let's wait until we're in a restaurant." The baby screams, people give the mom dirty looks for having a screaming baby, and the mom now needs to quiet the baby while also getting things done. I'm not advocating whipping one's breasts out in public, but there are discreet ways of doing it, even in the aisle of a clothing store. If the mom feels comfortable with it, then you simply don't have to look.

    I was on an airplane recently where a woman in my aisle was breast feeding. People were complaining to the flight attendant about it. I mean, seriously, what was she supposed to do? Would these people prefer a screaming baby? Probably not...
  • kphillips83
    kphillips83 Posts: 56 Member
    No one freaks out when they see an animal feeding its offspring.. Why freak out when we do?
  • kphillips83
    kphillips83 Posts: 56 Member
    Anyone who gets that upset over the possibility of maybe seeing a part of a breast, while it's being used to feed a living human being, just needs to get over themselves. Period. There are bigger problems in this life. It's a boob. We'll all be ok. Riots will not ensue. Grow up. Put that energy to better use.

    Love it
  • SarabellPlus3
    SarabellPlus3 Posts: 496 Member
    I never get these "nurse-ins." I guess it's just not my style. I BF all of my babies, each for at least 2 years, but I didn't do it to get attention from people, so the whole "nurse-in" thing was never on my list.

    I live in the Midwest, where people are supposedly so conservative, myself. I BF in public a million times. No one has ever looked at me crossways. I think the "secret" is just doing what you need to do, rather than drawing attention to yourself on purpose. I have sat in every mall, and a hundred restaraunts, from here to Chicago, and Minneapolis, and no one every cared that I was BFing. I do know a gal who practically yells it to the restaraunt, and all but takes off her top to do it, non-verbally daring anyone to have a problem with it. Well, guess what? While I've never had an issue, she gets "dirty looks" all the time.

    But I don't really understand the desire to sit on the floor of Target and nurse, either. I don't run to the restroom to do it, but I like to find a bench or something.
  • romping
    romping Posts: 64 Member
    Only in the USA would this be an issue of discussion. Kids gotta eat doesn´t he? I live in South America and noone looks twice at women breastfeeding.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I have no issue with breastfeeding. When a baby - OR person for that matter is hungry - they eat.
    The difference is - you don't see people walking around a store shopping while stuffing their face with food and drink,
    in fact, in most stores that is not even allowed. When we are hungry we go to the appropriate place to eat - which is NOT a bathroom by the way. but it's also not the shoe aisle. If feeding your child you don't have to walk around shopping to do it. Sitting off to the side is fine. Walking up and down the aisles of a clothing store for example is not the appropriate place for eating/feeding - not just for breastfeeding mothers - but for anyone. I don't even notice mothers off to side breastfeeding.

    This is a ridiculous analogy. When a baby is hungry, the baby doesn't say "let's wait until we're in a restaurant." The baby screams, people give the mom dirty looks for having a screaming baby, and the mom now needs to quiet the baby while also getting things done. I'm not advocating whipping one's breasts out in public, but there are discreet ways of doing it, even in the aisle of a clothing store. If the mom feels comfortable with it, then you simply don't have to look.

    I was on an airplane recently where a woman in my aisle was breast feeding. People were complaining to the flight attendant about it. I mean, seriously, what was she supposed to do? Would these people prefer a screaming baby? Probably not...

    Clearly, the answer is to stop procreating.

    Bottom line is, the law says women can breastfeed in public and that's that.
  • voluptas63
    voluptas63 Posts: 602 Member
    I heard (this is published reports, who knows if it's correct?)... that she was siting in the middle of the floor in the ladies section. I would've asked her to move too. It's not safe for her to be on the floor in the middle of everything. Personally, if I had to feed my child, I'd want a little privacy. I wouldn't want to worry about people walking by or if I accidentally flashed someone etc. What I do is my business and not that of strangers.
  • BodyRockerVT
    BodyRockerVT Posts: 323 Member
    I have done it before and if I needed to I would do it again.

    That said I was always extremely discreet about it. I always had on two shirts, one would go up, one would go down kept me nearly completely covered. I couldn't using a nursing cover because my son (and later my daughter) would just wave it about like a flag causing more trouble.

    In reality I had a newborn and a 2 year old. I couldn't hustle all of us off to a bathroom or something every time my daughter needed to eat. I didn't respond well to the pump and would get mastitis if I used it...and she wouldn't take I had exactly one option...breastfeed in public.

    Luckily I never had an issue because VT is a pretty natural minded hippie place.
  • sherrie_w
    I breastfed all four of my children (now in their 20's and 30's) and yes, babies do get hungry when you are in public places. BUT, you can easily breastfeed an infant without anyone being offended or even knowing what you are doing. I was in Panera the other day and a lady with very large breasts calmly popped the whole thing out to suckle her child. No cover, no modestly, just a large breast completely exposed. Took my appetite away. There is a wrong way and a right way to do everything!!
  • sherrie_w
  • livnlite
    livnlite Posts: 520
    There are methods of discretely breast feeding which won't (or should I say "shouldn't) offend anyone.

    Personally, I think there is something beautiful and intimate about a nursing mother and child. Gives me goosebumps. It's natural, it's healthy, it's the way it was meant to be...if done with discretion. Open exhibitionism .. not so much.
  • shamr0ck
    shamr0ck Posts: 296 Member
    *sigh* Americans are so hung up on nudity, especially breasts. Men walk around with their breasts showing, but pull one out to use it for its intended purpose, and risk becoming an object of ridicule.

    Yes, women should feed their babies anywhere and anytime they are hungry. And formula is child abuse.
  • monroe61
    monroe61 Posts: 620 Member
    This is a touchy subject...obviously!

    I am huge on breast feeding! I breast fed both of my kids but I NEVER did it in public...and to be completely honest it is NOT natural that is why you have to "teach" your baby how to latch on and so forth. I learned that from my lactation consultant.

    I always pumped when my babies weren't hungry so that I had milk ready when we were out and about and so that my husband could share in the feeding duties.

    To each their own but I don't want to see your boob nor do I want my 5 yr old to see it when we are at the mall either. They make family rooms in the restroom area just for this reason.
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    And formula is child abuse.

    Really? How would you support this nonseniscal statement?

    Breast feeding is fine, but you can do it discreetly.
  • kit_katty
    kit_katty Posts: 994 Member
    There are so many other actual problems we could focus on. Nursing moms? Respect that those around you aren't on the same comfort level. Everyone else? Respect nursing mothers and look the other way!

    Well said!
  • jenbit
    jenbit Posts: 4,289 Member
    I didn't breastfeed my two children but that was MY choice (there were historical family medical reasons behind it) .Women should be able to breast feed or bottle feed anywhere. The child doesnt understand that he/she is out in public and it's hungery. Personally when I'm out with my children and someone is breastfeeding IF the children notice I tell them the truth "the baby is hungery and his/her mommy is feeding them. The only reason people freak out over this is simply for the joy of freaking out. Please remind the next striaght laced over flesh observent person that this is the way babies have been feed since time began. Enjoy your baby time ladies just do me a favor and dont drive and feed the baby (we had a case of that in south Florida 2 yrs ago very dangerous). People need to get over themselves
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    This is a touchy subject...obviously!

    I am huge on breast feeding! I breast fed both of my kids but I NEVER did it in public...and to be completely honest it is NOT natural that is why you have to "teach" your baby how to latch on and so forth. I learned that from my lactation consultant.

    I always pumped when my babies weren't hungry so that I had milk ready when we were out and about and so that my husband could share in the feeding duties.

    To each their own but I don't want to see your boob nor do I want my 5 yr old to see it when we are at the mall either. They make family rooms in the restroom area just for this reason.

    I don't know about you, but I never had to teach my baby to latch on. They already have that instinct. How in the world is feeding your baby the way it's been done for thousands of years not natural? That's the most ridiculous statement in this whole thread.

    That's nice you pumped. I was a 17-year-old mother. An electric pump cost a fortune and it took an hour to pump an unce with the manual pump I had.

    But you are clearly a superior woman.