Why are you fat???



  • mlewon
    mlewon Posts: 343 Member
    Art school.

    It's evil.
  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
    PCOS, hypothyroidism, insulin resistance...and not moving..cause i was able to maintain the weight 175-180..for over 10 years...now on the right meds..and moving more..
  • Excellentia
    Excellentia Posts: 182
    Cause I like bread. And pasta. And caramel and cheddar popcorn. And pizza. And fried chicken. And mashed potatoes. And.... Wait. What was the question again???
  • bobemmer
    bobemmer Posts: 16 Member
    i eat because----I am sad, Iam happy, the boss was mean, my kid drives me crazy, my wife is (fill in the blank), i am fat because i am needy and have never found a healthy way to met those needs, i feel every ache and pain of my soon to be 58 yerar old bodyand i am not happy to still be fat- I have spend thousands of dollars on weight loss programs and therapy - still fat- now i log in daily and try to create a community - thats why i am fat!:
  • missattitude57
    I love food! It all just tastes so good! I spent a good portion of my youngest years in my family's bakery and bulk foodstore so that sure as heck didn't help and we're all good cooks which I guess is a blessing and a curse all at the same time. I was also never encouraged to be active as a child unless you count my dad forcing us to play outside for an hour after school. Who wants to be forced to stay outside in the sweltering heat? I wanted to play soccer once but my mom told me I wouldn't like it and that was that. Oh well, it is what it is and I'm here to fix it!
  • SerinaK
    SerinaK Posts: 87
    Lazy and didn't want to exercise.
  • brocke84
    brocke84 Posts: 4
    Because I spend A LOT of money on Fast Food and I eat out a lot, as well. And I don't pray to God about anything. GOD OVER FOOD!!!!
  • Llorraine11
    Llorraine11 Posts: 350 Member
  • ANB22
    ANB22 Posts: 64
    I got pregnant with my first son at 18 and was stupid with the whole "eating for 2" thing and I am pretty sure I ate for like 5!!!! Needless to say I jumped up in lbs pretty quick:sad: , I finally decided to take it off (5 yrs later!!!!):tongue: and then got pregnant again. Luckily I didn't go with the last motto and watch what I ate and am now ready to lose again :flowerforyou:
  • petite_boleyn
    Emotionally ate after my former SO and I broke up, did a lot of drugs that killed my metabolism. I was homeless for awhile so I did a lot of walking and not a lot of eating, but then once I got stable again I started to eat out of happiness, just because I could. Eventually it became habit.

    I've since gotten sober but my metabolism hasn't caught on to that fact. Then, right after getting sober I filled my time with MMORPG's, and spent anywhere from 12-17 hours a day playing on my computer. Ate a lot of crap during that time.

    So yeah, it's not a pretty story.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Mostly just being lazy.

    Yep, that pretty much sums it up for me too. Except I'm not fat anymore.
  • Annette8479
    Annette8479 Posts: 82 Member
    I :heart: junk food
  • BarbaraC47
    BarbaraC47 Posts: 175 Member
    I love food, thats why.. I use it as a reward. I am bone idle.

    OH NO!!! Thats how I USED to be. Now I regard food as the enemy (within reason) and I can't waste any more time being so unfit. I will win this one, bring it on!!!
  • FluttershySweetie
    FluttershySweetie Posts: 216 Member
    Pregnant at 17... so going from high intensity cardio everyday to nothing at all.... and increasing my eating cuz i was "eating for 2" or so i told myself.... then just not changing those habits over the years.... so absolutely no one to blame but myself.... and really unless there are medical issues or someone is physically shoving food down your throat.... there is no one else to blame....
  • Mindarin
    Mindarin Posts: 93 Member
    LOL...I'm fat because for a long time, I didn't want to be skinny. I wished I was thinner, but not enough to change. I loved stuffing my face and sitting around more than a healthy body. Because of that, I destroyed my self-discipline.

    Now...I realize I can't continue my life in a pit of self-indulgence and I'm getting back in control of eating habits and exercise. :) I love it so far...
  • kittyhasclaws
    kittyhasclaws Posts: 446 Member
    After my first pregnancy, my thyroid stopped working right, and I ballooned up by 30 lbs before my idiot doctor decided to actually run tests. I maintained the higher weight once I got on the right medication. After my second pregnancy, I rocketed up in weight. And then had to be put on a higher dosage of my medication. And still, it's taken a LOT to lose any weight (I gained at one point on here, so my newest loss doesn't show up). I've always eaten pretty good, and I'm lightly busy all day keeping up with the kids. That's why this battle has always been frustrating to me. I gained weight not out of laziness or lack of healthy foods or eating out, but because of my stupid thyroid not working. I'm now 90 lbs heavier than when I got pregnant the first time.
  • shortstuff1822000
    I used to be super tiny when I met my husband. We ended up getting married moved to italyand got pregnant right away. He found pregnant women unattractive so that lowered my self esteem. I didn't have any friends over in Italy and my neighbors didn't speak English, and I couldn't speak Italian, so I was alone most the day. Then we moved to Flordia. After I had my first child I went from 105 to 125lbs. Once I got down to my pre pregnancy wieght, which was 2 years later I ended up pregnant again. I got as big as 145lbs. my problem was they always said pregnant women need to eat what they crave. That was junk food, and I was always hungry. After I gave birth I only got down to 135lbs. and was told I needed to eat alot so my body could heal. Well, it wasn't healthy food. My husband is not a health nut, he loves fried food. I aim to please. After 2 years the weight wasnt coming off I started hitting the gym. I got all the way down to 130lbs then I got pregnant again. WIth my son my weight jumped all the way to 169lbs. After birth I was 155lbs. I ate out of bordom, and to lazy to work out. I thought running after three kids would be enough, which it would of been if I would of watching my food intake. I was up to 3 pepsi's a day with lots of snacks. I've learned instead of turning to food for bordom or what ever go for a walk, or what ever. When I watch tv I now fold laundry, run in place, or lift weights. When I clean I turn the music up and dance. Life is now fun instead of boring.
  • gauchogirl
    gauchogirl Posts: 467 Member
    I broke my hip when I was 11. It was surgically pinned, but a year later the pins were protruding through the other side of the ball joint and digging into my hip socket. The pins were removed, but the resulting trauma left my hip joint deformed, ie: painful to move and with zero lateral movement. I spent my WHOLE LIFE afraid to do anything. It hurt, or it would hurt, or it COULD hurt. Food was a pretty awesome social outlet and my weight steadily climbed. At age 22, weighing 170 lbs, I got pregnant with my first daughter. I settled at 180 and 2 years later got pregnant with my second daughter. I settled at 200. A few years went by and I hit 240. I was having repeat kidney stones and once saw a doctor write "morbidly obese" on my chart. I was 26 years old, 5'6" and 240. I started doing what walking I could, managed to get down to 190. I divorced, moved, spent a wonderfully indulgent summer not working, found a good job, remarried and got pregnant with my 3rd daughter at 200 lbs. After she was born, I settled about 220. By then my hip being bad had thrown my back out, and I had a blown disc. Now I couldn't do ANYTHING. About 5 years went by and I progressively got heavier and heavier and had many health issues (tumor in my uterus, bad back, bad hip, kidney stones...you named it, I was a wreck. I had a hysterectomy and then was finally able to get my back/disc repaired, and 6 weeks later, my total hip replacement. Now I am back in the saddle, enjoying life, and down 60 lbs. I WISH I HAD INSISTED ON GETTING MY ARTIFICIAL HIP YEARS AGO!
  • richellekramer
    Abusive father
    Absent mother
    Emotionally abusive brother
    Lack of self esteem
    Irritable bowel syndrome
    a skinny husband who can eat whatever he wants
    baby number one - eating with no abandon - + 65 lbs
    baby number two - baby with health issues - + 40 lbs
    life with a challenging toddler/child and no family support
    baby number three - only gained a total of 33 lbs but still very overweight to begin with
    got in shape - well at least lost about 70 lbs
    went to grad school - no time to focus on food
    continued challenges with challenging/disabled child
    baby number one getting married -damn, time to wake up and do something to be around for grandkids
    down 66 lbs and counting - a long way left to go!
    Thanks to the medical weight loss clinic, and MFP, I have lost some weight since January 2012 and decided that 2012 is the year of me!!
  • HeftyHeather7
    HeftyHeather7 Posts: 38 Member
    I to am obese and I have to say it began as a child my father died my mother comforted me with junk food but still I should of been the one to fix my issues instead I didnt an conued on being a stress eatter. Ive been through alot in life and I have over 100lbs of extra weight to show for it. I have to say what Im doing now is trying to make a lifestlye change because I know even though Im losing now if I dont continue on with my new eatting habbits through life I will always be heavy. I am thankful for MFP and feel Im learning a lot as I go.
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