
  • cindyw7
    cindyw7 Posts: 29 Member
    Hi Folks - I'm sorry but I don't have time to read the postings from today. I'm getting ready to head to choir practice. My brother Don had his biopsy today. We won't know the results for about a week. I'm under calories today but ate poorly (lots of fatty foods.) I guess I hoped on the nervous eater train. Will start anew tomorrow.

    Love & prayers for all of you! Cindy
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,473 Member
    Pam - "oh i think that persons diary must be private...if not it would say "view...." That's what I would have thought, but then I see people making comments like "good job" "good day" and so on. How can they comment on something when they can't view it? That's why I was wondering if maybe it can be viewed by certain people and not by others. Even tho you didn't do any workouts today, sometimes it's really good to take some time off. That actually helps repair your body the most.

    Jane - prayers coming from NC

    Laura - Glad the audit went well.

    Did an hour of deep water today(Wed). Tomorrow I'll do Jari Love's Ripped to the Core DVD, then go to crochet class, then play canasta.

    Cindy - I certainly hear ya about children moving away and how we feel about it. On the bright side, be glad that at least your daughter is on the same continent as you! Wish I could say the same

    barbie - how right you are when you told Virginia never to stop being vigiliant. Maintenance IS hard, sometimes I think it's harder than losing the weight.

    Kate - I know that anger only too well. I'll try to make this short since I don't want to get myself too upset. dd#3 is with this guy, and has been, that we know physically and emotionally abuses her. She won't admit it. To me, his family is enabling this (his mother cosigned for an apt, they skipped out so she owed $2000 then she cosigned for another one). We're going to get thru this. That's one of the reasons I'm sort-of glad she's in PA and I'm in NC. My nerves were shot, I know that Vince would get so upset that I was afraid for his health. I won't even go into my eating habits. But it's much better here in NC.

    genalace - so happy for your DBF and you. "one small step"

    Welcome pecanpiej and congrats on your upcoming "grandmotherhood"

    Mary - I usually have to go thru the 4 pages of recent foods, what I meant was after they are removed from that list, do they go into a "semi-permanent" list?

    jb - thanks for the recipe. Sounds good. Are these mini muffins or regular sized ones?

    Carol - a friend of ds's works for Microsoft, so I'll be really interested if you get that job. Good luck to you, keep us posted.

    Welcome lululagrand! Do you still live at the Jersey shore? What part of the shore did you grow up in?

    Jackie - WB! Congrats on the new grandson. Awesome news and so glad he's better. I've always dreamed of going to Alaska. Twins!!! How fantastic can you get???? Now you're off to China! Have a wonderful time. When are you going, how long will you be there, and most importantly, would you like for me to come along??????

    Sarah - at one point I was subbing for the aide in the home ec area. We had to taste all of the foods. Yup, that was a killer all right. The nice thing was that sometimes I got to take some of the food home and we'd have dinner so I didn't have to cook

    kackie - interesting list you have. Sounds like something I could have written about what NOT to do....not that I don't do it.''lol

    Yikes...looks like I forgot to post last night. So here's the addition:

    Did an hour of Jari Love Ripped to the Core DVD today, then went to crochet class, then canasta, then a little food shopping, not much. I will have to go tomorrow since Ken & Lynette are coming over for dinner and Lynette thinks Ken will like salad, so need to get salad fixings. I'll get romaine lettuce, a cuke, some cherry tomatoes if they are good, maybe I will make some egg whites, do you think they might go over??? Have the brownies made for tomorrow and in the freezer, just made the apple pie. I originally thought Vince would eat it, but now I'm having second thoughts. I accidentally mentioned that it's a new recipe with sour cream and he just said "no, apple pie is in a crust with juicy apples". hmmm...I should have known better than to tell him what was in it. I found a recipe for zucchini brownies. If I grate the zucchini up small enough, I bet he won't even know it's in there, yet the zucchini will probably give it good moistness.

    jb - thanks for the idea. I'll get some broccoli and cauliflower for the salad tomorrow night. I'll probably be the only one eating it, tho. But that's OK, their loss

    barbie - 36,000 steps, wow!!!

    We always used peanut butter on our mouse traps. It worked real real well.

    genalace - so glad to read that your DBF is getting better. Slow, but it's progress

    Yea - the Stairmaster at the one gym is fixed after quite a long time. I think I'll do that tomorrow. Also, the mahjongg session is going to be later so that means that I'll be able to take most of the taichi class too.

    BigSusan - welcome. That's surely some incentive to lose the weight, lose and you can have the surgery. We're with you all the way.

    Welcome to any newcomer that I may have missed. You've joined a wonderful bunch of ladies.

    Gotta get ready for tomorrow, take a shower, then beddy bye.

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Looks like it's been a busy Thursday for everyone!

    Evenings are so hard to take the time to post to everyones comments...but

    To those that are struggling:flowerforyou: hang in there and look ahead tomorrow is a NEW day and we all have some ups' and downs.

    To those nursing loved ones{{hugs}} to you I'm sure that your love and support is helping the healing process.

    To those that are having the struggles that many of us do / have / had with our Kids:flowerforyou: know that this too shall pass.

    For exercise:drinker: so many of you are truly an inspiration....now if I could only find the time to do that much. By the time I get home, change clothes and get in 1/2 hr of some kind of exercise it's usually after 6:00 and closer to 6:30 and then I have to prepare dinner...thank goodness hubby cleans up my mess:bigsmile: . I do try to get to bed early so I have some quiet time in bed to read because I know how important those 8 hrs of sleep are....beauty rest and all that:wink:

    The reason I am back here is because I let last year and all the things that I couldn't control take over my life and I remembered that in 2010 I was in the same place (only different, then it was taking care of my Mom long distance, she passed in Oct 2010) I had no control over what was going on around me and I realized that the ONE thing I did control was what I ate and if I exercised....so here I am again with everything around me out of control (hubby no job, company filed Chapter 11, company has NO cash flow) but I CAN AND WILL control what I eat and if I exercise:wink: Confesson is that I gained 30 lbs in about 7 months which I'm still really upset with myself:sad: over....but I will succeed. Another thing that I'm looking forward to is that when I have that weight back under control I feel sooo much better:drinker:

    Se everyone drink your water:drinker: :drinker: and get up and move...and we will succeed in this battle together:flowerforyou:

    :smile: Laura
  • topaz2986
    topaz2986 Posts: 92 Member
    I have missed so much!! So many new ladies...new grandbabies. Welcome and congrats to all!

    I see a few of us are also dealing with some serious family illnesses and other family/home issues. Hugs and prayers to all of you. We all go through tough times....let's hope n pray peace returns quickly.

    I can't even remember the last time I checked in. When I get home from work, I just haven't been able to get myself back on the puter! The insanity at work is continuing and increasing. It isn't a horrible thing...we have alot of projects going on right now...which is a good thing in the long run. I've made it to the gym a few times. My food dehydrator is running almost all of the time. I'm getting quite addicted to banana, papaya, pineapple and apple chips. It's made snacking so much easier for me. Eating small meals or snacks has always worked best for me.. At least this way I can grab my dried fruit containers and walk past the Girl Scout cookies.:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    I'll do my best to check in more often..and start logging my food n exercise again. I am so good at letting everything else get in the way!

    Tomorrow's Friday. I am soooo ready to celebrate!

  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    A quick check in for tonight. I was at a new low in weight this morning ....so feeling really good about that. Had a doctor visit this morning and learned that I need to have a pelvic ultrasound. ( I don't mind the test.... I mind that it cost me $225. out of pocket last time. I know that in the big picture this is very worth it so I need to get over it and stop whining). Had a great meeting with my old team I used to work with. We are starting to do our work together again so it was exciting to be getting ideas rolling again. The national organization we worked for just cut our department and we were devastated. So it was great to be with these people today.

    Laura....glad you are back here.

    Have a good night!
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    The Low Fat Blueberry Muffin recipe is for REGULAR sized muffin tins, not mini. If you make minis, you'll have to recalculate calories. What are they, half the size of regular?

    How great you're adding broc and cauliflower to your salads, Sistas! The more vegs you can pile on, the better. I love a few roasted/salted sunflower kernels sprinkled on top! Crunch crunch crunch

    :wink: jb
  • jaks97
    jaks97 Posts: 179 Member
    I get up at 5:40 each day to get ready for work, I get home about 5:15 at nite, how can I get motivated to do exericise , seems once I get home think about dinner, etc I am ready for bed. Any tips?

    good job ladies that get that exercise in
  • topaz2986
    topaz2986 Posts: 92 Member
    I get up at 5:40 each day to get ready for work, I get home about 5:15 at nite, how can I get motivated to do exericise , seems once I get home think about dinner, etc I am ready for bed. Any tips?

    good job ladies that get that exercise in

    Hi Sherry,
    I've joined a gym that's on my way home from work and stop in for some exercise before i even pull in my driveway. If I set foot in my front door, that's the end of any hope of doing anything but dinner n housework. :laugh: And on the nights I stop to workout, I have more energy for getting things done the rest of the night. The one I joined is Planet Fitness. It's been working well for me and it isn't too hard on my budget...$10/month.
  • chicletgirl21
    chicletgirl21 Posts: 99 Member
    Coming from me (especially after I post here), you may think who is she to give advice. But when I was working, I had long hours too. I was simply too tired to exercise in the evening. I was too busy playing catch up with everything at home. What I did was exercise on my lunch hour. There wasn't a gym nearby, but I would walk for the hour, usually at a nearby park or whatever.....just walking. I felt better, and saw myself losing weight and got stronger. Weekends I did the gym or workout DVD's. Do you have somewhere you can work out at work maybe with a DVD and some other employees? Just a thought. :smile:

    Okay, here I go.

    I am (as usual) down in the dumps!:frown: Three days ago, while transferring mom from the wheelchair to her bed, she just gave up and siad she couldn't do it. This was as I was guiding her to the bed and she was standing at the time. Mind you, it is only 4 or 5 steps to the bed but she just went limp on me. Thats 200 pounds of limp that I am trying to hold up so she won't fall to the floor. I immediately pushed my knees against hers to force them back so hers would lock into place, but she refused to help. She put all of her weight on me and my arms and knees took the brunt of it all. I could here my own knees popping and cracking while balancing here and I was yelling at her saying, " Stand up, force yourself to stand up!" Of course she didn't, so I had to toss her onto the bed from where we were standing about a foot and a half away. She ended up face down, crying, and I had to flip and turn and lift, etc over and over to get her in the right position on the bed. It took me a solid half hour to do this. The whole time she is yelling at me and crying. Finally I got her settled. (Frankly I was shocked I was able to do it. I have noticed that I am not able to handle her as well as I used to. I feel weaker and points in my body hurt now where they never did before.)

    Anyway later that night when I went to walk the dogs, I was in so much pain (knees) and I swear I could feel my knee cap popping out! I had to call a freind to come and walk my dogs as I couldn't do it. The next day, I felt like I had been hit by a truck. I couldn't lift my arms without all my muscles (what little I have) being knotted up and stiff and I couldn't walk. I was barely able to move mom in the bed during diaper changes. Now it is 3 days later, my arms still are stiff and so now are my shoulders and neck muscles. My knees are a little better, I can walk my puppies now with just once in awhile my right leg popping out.

    I spoke with the doctor and told him what happened and he is trying to get authorization to put mom in a rehabilitation center sooner. I and he, hope she can stay for at least a month. But once again, it all depends on her and how well she progresses. If they don't see progress weekly, then they can release her early, saying they have done the best they can. Unfortunately, I am expecting her to be there only 2 weeks. I know she won't try, she'll give up. She doesn't want to walk bad enough.

    Tonight when we were doing a diaper change, she just burst into tears and I asked her what she was crying about now? She said she had been praying all day to die and she was still there. I got upset. I told her, "That's what you pray for? Why don't you pray for the strength to work out or walk again. You always just want to give up!" I told her it was highly unlikely that she would die soon. She asked, "Why?" I told her, "Because you have nothing wrong with you. Your heart is strong and healthy, you have no diseases, and the doctor says you will probably live to your nineties."

    I don't get it.:noway: How could someone who knew they would be living a very long life,in good health, not want to simply exercise to rebuild her muscles so she could walk again? She doesn't want to experience any pain from the exercise. She had recently lied to me and told me she was doing her exercises in bed with her respite careworker. When I asked the worker, she said, "I havent; been doing them with her because she says she doesn't feel up to it." I was furious and went in and told her in front of the worker that she is to do them with her every time she comes here to visit. (The respite worker comes only once a week. I mean is the really going to kill her to do????)

    So I have gone grocery shopping this week (before all this happened) and bought my veggies for roasting and chicken and fish, you know all the stuff I know I should be eating and haven't touched a thing. They just sit in the refrigerator to be stared at. Tonight I am still sore and cannot stand for long, so I didn't make dinner, but just ended up heating 2 corn dogs in the microwave for dinner. (I bought these for my son, when he comes over and wants something to eat quick-like.) Besides being sore I know I am depressed and that also is why I and not making an effort to eat better. I'm not kidding myself....I know it's all my fault and I have to do it. I am not making excuses. I'm just exhausted and worn out. I'm gong up and down in moods, and feel myself losing control and I am like a plane spinning out of control and cannot right myself. I don't want to gain any more weight....but I don't know why I can't snap out of this. All I know is I am tired and all I want to do is sleep.

    Well by now I know you are all bored with me and my ongoing "poor me" story. So I will end it now. At least I can tell someone what I am feeling and get it off my chest.

    I just wish I had my life back. I miss it.:cry:
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Morning - just had a marathon reading session, it's taken me ages to catch up with everyone.

    :heart: Chiclet my heart aches for you, I hope your mum gets into some sort of respite care soon, otherwise you are going to end up in hospital - please look after yourself too, you need to eat healthily to keep your strength up.

    :heart: Cindy I hope the results from your brothers scan are good.

    :heart: Jane sending prayers and good wishes your way.

    Thinking of everyone who has health troubles sending good wishes your way.

    On a more cheery note

    :flowerforyou: Welcome back Jackie :drinker: :drinker: Your post made me smile, I was glad when we had eaten all the Christmas Cake - have you seen the amount of calories in it? I was having thin slivers of it and giving huge door step size chunks to everyone else :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Congrats on the news of twins expected. I'm sure Amanda will give you lots of tips.

    :flowerforyou: Robin congratulations Olivia is beautiful and what a lovely name. Keep posting lots of photos.

    :flowerforyou: Barbie, the most steps I've managed so far is 21,000 . Not so good when you think I was averaging 23,000+ a few years ago.

    :ohwell: I too have the problem with finding the time to exercise, but I'm sure if it was something I really wanted to do I'd find the time. I get up at 5:30 to walk the dogs and need to get back to into the routine of putting on an exercise DVD when we get back before eating breakfast. Trouble is, that is also the time when the computer calls me to check out MFP and then by the time I've read a few posts or entered food etc I need to rush to get ready for work and no time for the DVD. I must also get back into the habit of exercising at lunchtime.

    :noway: I had so much more I wanted to say, but look at the time (wish it had a pause switch :laugh: ) going shopping this morning with my mum and haven't done a thing yet so I'll say ta ta for now.

    Hang on in there to all who are struggling :heart:
  • realpure
    realpure Posts: 156
    TGIF! So happy to see Friday. It's been such a gray week here. Kids are tired. Everyone needs the weekend to catch up on sleep. 1 week away from my first weigh in. Keep eyeing the scale, but I commited to 21 days. Going to check out a gym today. Haven't been a member lately as I'm unemployed and broke my foot/ankle this Fall. Hoping there aren't any hidden fees. I gym would be great with a pool. Wishing everyone a productive temptation free weekend. Good luck!
  • justkate2
    justkate2 Posts: 33 Member
    Good Morning everyone. Thank goodness its Friday its been a long week. Just heard on the news that we are going to
    get a little snow tonight .

    For everyone that has a hard time to find time to workout I think that you have to find the time that works best for you. I go at 5)) each morning but thats because I dont have to be at work till 8 and I have enough time to come home to shower and dress.

    :smile: Welcome to Mary and Deternined glad you are here

    :smile: Reapure: My gym is 19.95 monthly and no added fees it includes all classes and everything. They do have a 10.00 monthly but it doesnt include the classes.

    :smile: barbie How do you manage to do 23000 steps in one day?? I have to struggle to reach 10,000. Great Job

    :smile: chiclet I really feel for you with your mom. my mom lives with me she is legally blind and doesnt hear very much. Yes it can be trying and i do get angry and agravated but i know that im blessed to still have her with me. I take it a day at a time with her and just do the best i can ( which in her mind is never enough :laugh: ) Hang in there im sure you will make it through these tough times.

    :smile: Michelle thanks for letting me know im not alone..my d too lives about 1 1/2 hour away so i dont see her or hear from her very much....after the other day i really dont exect to hear from her at all until someting else happens to her. Even then she may not call because she is stubbourn. All we can really do is pray for them and hope everything will work out. Hang in there

    Hope everyone has a wonderful need to get breakfast and off to work TGIF :happy:
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    good morning all,,

    a quick check in as i am off to spinning class, yesterday was a good day with logging my food, stayed within the green numbers and my workout was great(2hours spinnings/weights)....will check back later have a great day all:flowerforyou:
  • jaks97
    jaks97 Posts: 179 Member
    What I did was exercise on my lunch hour.
    I have a 30 to 45 mn drive, and only half hour lunch, Somehow I need to either get up earlier or walk in the door, and just do it. Even if it is starting out in small increments, but need to get the heart rate up there, having a sit down job, I don't get much walking in except to the bathroom. This has been a difficutl week food wise, with potlucks, and birthdays at work. Tomorrow is a new day. Thanks everyone and keep up the good work
  • Hi everyone. Sorry I was MIA for a few days, technically I still am but wanted to pop on and say ... I'M A GRANDMOTHER!!! Scarlett Victoria has finally arrived. Will still be out of town for a few days and will do my best to stay focused and will be back next week to my old routine. Too happy for words and so very tired right now. Talk to you all again soon and will read through all these posts when I get a few minutes to myself. Take care all.
  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Happy, happy Friday! :laugh: This has been a long week, don't know why. DH doesn't work Fridays and J'boy has the day off for high school term end so I am going out the door alone. I am also breakfasting alone and enjoying the novelty of not having to roust anyone else out of bed.

    Time for exercise? :huh: If I stop after school I'm done, not happening. The gym is on my way home from work so I either go straight there or I come home, change and leave without stopping except to say hello to the house and the dog. On the day I don't go to the gym I walk, and I go right after supper. I don't even do the dishes, I just get up and go. Again, if I hesitate I'm down for the night. :yawn:

    Motivation? I need some instant feedback for sure. I've been using the Nike ap on my iPod to count "runs" on the treadmill (not that I do much running :wink: ) and when I plug the iPod in to update it I get a little hit of fun because it takes me to the Nike website and I get a graph of my runs, times, calories burned, etc. The vertically challenged group (sorry tall girls) had a January challenge to do 24 hours of exercise in the month, so I've been logging my time on the move there every day. Finally, the new HRM keeps ten days of files on my activity. Like Robin I'm a bit of a spreadsheet geek (she said it first!) so I think I'll make up a spreadsheet for my HRM data and keep track there. The fitness numbers come up before the pounds come off, so I can see the results sooner and it keeps me interested.

    All that said, and one more thing. Be gentle with yourselves, you fine and wonderful women. :smile:

  • shmogo9
    shmogo9 Posts: 31 Member
    Good Morning all - Happy Friday (TGIF) just a quick note to say hi and have a great day!

    realpure - hope you find a deent gym - I have a really good one with a theraputic pool and everything - cost is $56 a month but that also entitles me to a kit locker (to keep everything there like shampoo etc) and two towels a day....my only problem now is I'm payint every month and I haven't gone to the gym in over a year... :angry: don't tell my husband :embarassed: I am still in physio for my broken ankle and more recently a car accident so I am working out there - trying to get back to the gym because if I cancel my membership I know I won't go back....

    I too am wondering how you get 23000 steps in one day Barbie...wow :flowerforyou: - that's awesome!

    Pam3 - good for you - wish I could do spinning but I'm afraid to look like a fool - I get winded going up stairs now which I'm not supposed to do because of my knees so not sure I could do spinning BUT - that is a goal of mine to at least give it a try once I get healthier again :ohwell:

    Jaks97 - I totally understand - I too have a desk job and since my best pal at work left I never leave my desk anymore except to go to the bathroom so I go to the furthest bathroom in the building - it's 327 steps one way - and yes I counted lol....that's my 10 minute walk twice a day at least... :laugh:

    Magnolia - congrats on the new grand daughter :drinker:

    anyway - back to work - have an awesome Friday everybody!
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Just a quick pop-in before I go off to visit DBH. Spoke to his nurse, and she said he slept fairly well. He had porridge and a drink for breakfast. They'd had him up and doing his exercises.

    It is probable that he will be moved up to the 3rd floor this morning out of Critical Care Unit which is the step between ICU and the ordinary ward.

    This morning he is only complaining about the pain (big improvement from last night when he was fixed on complaint that he hadn’t be given any supper).

    I’ve had a chance to go shopping and get him a bottle of sparkling water, but lt is a dreadful day here again with snow, freezing rain, and now snow again, so it is very, very slippery. I have my ice spikes for my boots, and I'm using his cane with ice-pick on the end.
  • Good evening everyone ..........

    A quick nip in here tonight!
    1) the peanut butter bought for the mouse ...is lovely on toast! I have logged it down by the way!
    2) The mouse is still enjoying our hospitality ...but more robust traps were bought. Listen out for he "Snap" as one does it's job!
    3)Chilly indeed here tonight ...snow forecast but not as much as some of you have!!

    and ...:bigsmile: it's Friday!!!!

    Nothing planned for the weekend except helping #1 son with getting some extra storage ie. a new wardrobe for #1GD's bedroom, (was mum & dad's room ...they're going in what was the dining room downstairs!!). The twins will go in her little room to begin with but it'll be fun to see who goes where later on! #1GS is staying put ...:noway: with his snake!! ...Maybe the snake could comeover and catch our mouse!!
    They do try and stand on their own feet but things are a bit tight moneywise ...so the £ we're setting aside for when they feed the cats while we're on hols ..... will be useful (and not just a handout!)

    Oh well!!

    :flowerforyou: BFN
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hello ladies

    I actually had the chance to stay in bed a little later this morning and made the most of it. I've been getting up at 5:00 am most mornings, but today I didn't get up until 7:45 and I can't tell you how much I felt for that extra time. I am a poor sleeper and rarely get more than four hours a night, but from now on I'm going to try to have at least one day a week when I don't get up before 7:30. I think my body will thank me for it.

    Got to feed DH now - have a good weekend everyone.

    Amanda x