What odd thing has your pet done?



  • morganhccstudent724
    morganhccstudent724 Posts: 1,261 Member
    Jada, my Beaglier tries to lick my panties when I am using the bathroom. She runs in the bathroom when she hears the light switch flip up.

    To date, she has eaten 4 pairs of panties. She is only 9 months.
  • datguy2011
    datguy2011 Posts: 477 Member
    yeah my beagle eats everything.... wood, stairs, pants, boxers, socks.... :) that he`s now develop`d an ear for words.. I cant say the words Smart, Roxy, Walk, Outside, etc... cause he flips!
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,793 Member
    Jada, my Beaglier tries to lick my panties when I am using the bathroom. She runs in the bathroom when she hears the light switch flip up.

    To date, she has eaten 4 pairs of panties. She is only 9 months.

    No comment. Who says I can't practice restraint?
  • eellis2000
    eellis2000 Posts: 465 Member
    When I run around the parking lot and let my dog out with me she chases me, tries to bite my butt without actually biting me, and then rams into me with her shoulder like she's trying to tackle me like a line-backer.
  • spottedlee
    My sister has a cat who SWIM in bathtub. He plays with water alot to the point that she has to keep toilet seat down and water dish in bathtub... if she failed to do those,, water everywhere on floor.
  • Johnnyswife
    Johnnyswife Posts: 1,447 Member
    Our cat loves to knock over water bottles, but only ones without a cap and it has to have water in it. He will look right at us, raise a paw and knock it down and watch the water spill out. lol If it has a cap, or no water, they remain standing.
  • Tink_89
    Tink_89 Posts: 23
    It's not even my poor pets fault. We have a dalmation and he had injuries to his paws from licking them raw, I guess like kind of ezcema. So the poor thing had to wear socks after we put his cream on him. The worst thing is, my brother chose pink socks. Poor Scooby :(
  • firesoforion
    firesoforion Posts: 1,017 Member
    Well I've got one cat who has decided it's not quite cool enough to catch mice, so he catches snakes instead. I'll just be walking through the house and there will be this little snake playing dead on the floor (he hasn't killed one yet, knock on wood), or basking at the window. One day he brought in a toad but that was only one day. We couldn't figure out how there was this frog in the living room and we turned away and he was making that face they make when they've tasted something really horrible. I was a bit worried but he was fine and he never even considered doing it again.
  • firesoforion
    firesoforion Posts: 1,017 Member
    Our cat loves to knock over water bottles, but only ones without a cap and it has to have water in it. He will look right at us, raise a paw and knock it down and watch the water spill out. lol If it has a cap, or no water, they remain standing.

    That is hilarious. I can just envision it.
  • jmruef
    jmruef Posts: 824 Member
    My dog Earl lies to us. All the time. He sleeps on the bed with us, and will get up in the middle of the night and whine, like he has to go outside. Of course, we don't want him to have an accident inside, so we get out of bed to let him out. As soon as we get up, he jumps back on the bed in the spot that was just vacated. :grumble:
  • Spruillie03
    Spruillie03 Posts: 155 Member
    My roommate's little yap-yap dog poos with his leg raised. What the heck??

    He also pulls her undies out of the hamper and leaves them in a pile in the middle of her room. He doesn't chew them; just moves them.
  • jmruef
    jmruef Posts: 824 Member
    Oh- and our foster dog, Lou, would steal my laundry out of the bucket. He'd manage to leave it perfectly folded, but would bring it over to his bed and lie down on it. If you got it away from him immediately, he was fine. He had this whole 3-second rule established, though - any delay and it was HIS, and he got a bit growly/possessive. Silly dog...
  • livnlite
    livnlite Posts: 520
    I've caught my cat rubbing her butt on my carpet, I was shocked cuz I've never seen that before

    one word .. 'worms'.
  • Gosser
    Gosser Posts: 178 Member
    My 18 month old cat loves to sleep on the back of the sofa, but has a habit of rolling over and falling off. He doesn't land on his feet and always tries to look as if he meant to end up there :laugh:
  • PegasusDeb
    PegasusDeb Posts: 665 Member
    <--- This. She will eat "half" of her food. It's actually normally straighter then that. She has requested to eat from a plate, not a bowl anymore. She would try flipping her bowl over & eat it off the floor, so I tried a plate.
    She also plays fetch by herself. I'll toss her ball, sock, pinecone, whatever... and she'll run after it, pounce on it, grab it toss it up in the air, pounce on it, toss it back up in the air. It's hilarious!
    She apparently is a social drinker. I have no signs of her drinking all day, but she will when I get home. I thought she didn't like her outside bucket, but she does drink from there, when I'm home! She also watches the water level. She has a big heavy horse bucket (because she kills a cheapy!) She can't move it when it's full, but she watches when the level gets down, so she can tip it over & play with it! I would love to put a camera on her when I'm gone. She has her own fan club. The kids that walk past going to school all talk to her, my folks have friends that go out of their way to go by the house to see what Misty is up to! And then give full reports! ha ha ha
    She's my little goofball! Never a dull moment with my girl! ^..^ Wouldn't trade her for the world!
  • NiciS72
    NiciS72 Posts: 1,043 Member
    Heh heh these are hilarious. They reminded me of two things my guys do. The older Sheltie male likes to suckle the stuffinless toys, the blankets, sheets, tissues, sweaty workout towels, shoestrings, you name it if it has my smell on it. Last night he got scolded for suckling the puppy's leash as not the hand area is all hard.

    The other Sheltie is a puppy and he's just plain silly. He chases shadows ALL the time. Drives us nuts in the morning when we're not quite awake and he's going insane!
  • Tkwild
    Tkwild Posts: 116 Member
    I have two cats, just turned one year old. They are both crazy :)

    Surfy plays fetch, less so now than when he was a kitten but he also will jump up in the air if you throw a ball over him, and bat it directly back at you. Accurate enough that you can catch it! He also sleeps on his back in the middle of the bed and if you put your hand near him, he grabs it and holds it with all four legs along his tummy, wrapped around your arm like a glove.
    When he was little, when you put fresh cat litter in the box he would jump in and flick it all out, roll around in it, generally get it EVERYWHERE. When we started letting them outside, he didn't realise they could go to the loo outside and one day he got stuck out there for hours. When my partner realised and went to let him inside, poor Surfy was apparently just about cross-legged on the doorstep and sprinted upstairs to get to the catbox.
    One day I got home and there were feathers all over the stairs and the garage floor. I thought I was going to find a little birdy corpse somewhere. Turns out the neighbours, who were doing a cleanout of their stuff into a skip bin had thrown in a feather duster. Surfy had jumped up into the skip bin, picked up this duster (which was bigger than he was) and jumped back out with it before bringing it home to shred.

    Trixie has never quite figured out the whole burying her waste thing in the dirtbox. She scratches along the sides of the box, along the floor (only gently), everywhere but the actual litter.
    When she's finished her food, she does the same fake burying thing around her food dish. One day we came home and she had found a plastic bag, and managed to wrap it over the food dish with the edges completely tucked under it!
    She steals socks and hides them under the bed. Just one at a time. She IS the bad sock fairy.
    She also doesn't seem to know her name. She'll come running if you call Surfy though!
    Trixie also loves to drink out of a glass of water, especially if it's on the bedside table. If you let the water level get too low so she can't reach it, she puts her paw into it and tips the glass over toward you. A glass of water over your head at 3am is quite a wakeup! She has us well trained now :)
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    My husband's border collie dog, Patchy is afraid of the wind. When it blows, he paces around the room and pants heavily. He is also afraid of travelling in the car. He pants heavily and drools like crazy in the car. Lastly, he dislikes basements and tile floors. You practically have to carry him through those areas.

    Since he's a shelter dog, we feel that he was abused and that's why these things spook him so much. SO sad!!!
