Stay At Home Moms. 3/2-3/8

Good morning, Mommies!

How is everyone doing today?!

I know this thread got a little slow as of lately, but I'd really like to revive it & bring back some old members as well as meet up with the newer ones! We all need a little support, don't ya think? :flowerforyou:

Have lovely days, ladies!


  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Good morning, Mommies!

    How is everyone doing today?!

    I know this thread got a little slow as of lately, but I'd really like to revive it & bring back some old members as well as meet up with the newer ones! We all need a little support, don't ya think? :flowerforyou:

    Have lovely days, ladies!
  • iftcheiaf
    iftcheiaf Posts: 960 Member
    Hello all.

    It has been awhile for me. My beautiful eight year has been sick since Wednesday night. Common flu, but settling in her lungs more than I would like and fever not going away, so to the doctor's I go today. Oh yeah, did i mention that she shared it with me? What a loving little thing! In addition, I have my six year old son and their stepsister from their father's family with me today because schools are closed because of snow. :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: Just one of those days. No exercising for me. Just getting out of bed, I guarantee I burned 200 calories, it was that difficult.

    Hope everyone is doing well. Smile, it's a new day.
  • jcarter81304
    Good morning every one. Sorry things have been slow with me on the here...having three boys keeps me busy sometimes. Exspecially with DH i lost 1 pound this week. thats better than nothing and i wasn't really trying to hard so i'm ok with that.

    I was wondering though what are some things ya'll eat for breakfast?

    I hope everyone has a great week!
  • Islandgirl74
    Islandgirl74 Posts: 170 Member
    I haven't posted in this forum before,so....I am a stay at home mom with a 4 (almost 5) yr old and a 2 yr old (boys).
    I am mad at myself because I went over my calories yesterday (stinking slice of banana bread!:grumble: ). Ugh!! My son is home today from school b/c its closed due to icy roads. I live in Georgia, and it snowed yesterday! It hasn't snowed in years. The kids were happy though, b/c they got to play in it. Today, we are just gonna chill at home.
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Hello all.

    It has been awhile for me. My beautiful eight year has been sick since Wednesday night. Common flu, but settling in her lungs more than I would like and fever not going away, so to the doctor's I go today. Oh yeah, did i mention that she shared it with me? What a loving little thing! In addition, I have my six year old son and their stepsister from their father's family with me today because schools are closed because of snow. :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: Just one of those days. No exercising for me. Just getting out of bed, I guarantee I burned 200 calories, it was that difficult.

    Hope everyone is doing well. Smile, it's a new day.

    LOL I'm SO sorry that everyone is sick & that you have additional kids in the house, but I had to LOL at the 200 cal comment. There's the bright start to the day. :wink: I hope you start feeling better soon! :flowerforyou: Oh, and I'm glad to see you back! I was wondering where you poofed to!
  • iftcheiaf
    iftcheiaf Posts: 960 Member
    LOL I'm SO sorry that everyone is sick & that you have additional kids in the house, but I had to LOL at the 200 cal comment. There's the bright start to the day. :wink: I hope you start feeling better soon! :flowerforyou: Oh, and I'm glad to see you back! I was wondering where you poofed to!

    Well, my ex called. Daughter's fever is 101, but they're snowed in. She sounds horrible and I want her with me, but they're going to be staying there for a good part of the day. He's a good father, although I don't feel he always takes the sicknesses as seriously as he should...and maybe i go overboard in the other direction. Just don't want another ER visit. But at least I won't be getting a household of kids today, so I'm going to try and get as much work done as possible...or just go back to bed.
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Good morning every one. Sorry things have been slow with me on the here...having three boys keeps me busy sometimes. Exspecially with DH i lost 1 pound this week. thats better than nothing and i wasn't really trying to hard so i'm ok with that.

    I was wondering though what are some things ya'll eat for breakfast?

    I hope everyone has a great week!

    I don't know how you military moms do it. *hugs* Thank you so much for your sacrifice so your husband can serve our country. :heart:

    Hmmm...breakfast. I usually eat a little more than most for breakfast b/c my kids get up so early that lunch seems like it'll never get here! Yogurt (yoplait thick & creamy light are my faves), fresh fruit (any kind really & at least one serving of it), a piece of toast with some fruit preserves. That's a typical breakfast for me. Sometimes I do Kashi Go Lean Crunch with some Stoneyfield Farms yogurt over it & mix in some berries. THAT is really good & filling, too. Sometimes, it is just a banana b/c my kids won't let me have 5 seconds to breathe. Like this morning. :grumble:
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    I haven't posted in this forum before,so....I am a stay at home mom with a 4 (almost 5) yr old and a 2 yr old (boys).
    I am mad at myself because I went over my calories yesterday (stinking slice of banana bread!:grumble: ). Ugh!! My son is home today from school b/c its closed due to icy roads. I live in Georgia, and it snowed yesterday! It hasn't snowed in years. The kids were happy though, b/c they got to play in it. Today, we are just gonna chill at home.

    I'm sorry, but I'm glad it is you & not me! I'm so blasted sick of the winter here in Ohio I could just scream. I hope it clears up soon for you!

    Try not to fret about the day of being over your calories. It's just one day. I fall victim to tasty breads all the time. Stupid carbs & their yummy goodness.
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member

    Well, my ex called. Daughter's fever is 101, but they're snowed in. She sounds horrible and I want her with me, but they're going to be staying there for a good part of the day. He's a good father, although I don't feel he always takes the sicknesses as seriously as he should...and maybe i go overboard in the other direction. Just don't want another ER visit. But at least I won't be getting a household of kids today, so I'm going to try and get as much work done as possible...or just go back to bed.

    Well at least the stress level at your house will be a little lower than you expected! Sorry the dd is sick, though. Poor girl. Sick kids are just simply not fun.

    What did you have to go to the ER for?!
  • iftcheiaf
    iftcheiaf Posts: 960 Member
    What did you have to go to the ER for?!
    Usually when she gets this sick for this long, twice it has turned into pneumonia. Her last episode was about three months ago. I thought she had strep, which she had been getting alot, but that time it was the beginning of pneumonia again. My complaint is that she got sick starting on Wednesday night and was with me until Saturday morning, then went to her other father's and play in a basketball tournament for an hour. I got her back Sunday and she looked like death warmed over. I was at the game and against it, but it was their call. I did get her to take some tylenol which she said helped tremendously. I just feel like they live in the moment and don't realize the repercussions. Little bodies are strong, but how we take care of them when they young will greatly impact what they can produce when they're older. Anyway, that's my rant. Need to keep busy today so I don't think about it too much. Fortunately, for me and my kids, I am now married to a wonderful man who adores them and me and would do anything in the world for them and truly looks out for their future in helping make decisions on their present. :love: We luva him
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Oh, that's horrible that she's had pneumonia like that! Poor girl. I hope that she recovers quickly & this doesn't turn into that. No one needs that stress!

    Have fun (? :huh:) working today! Get some stuff done while the house is calm!
  • iftcheiaf
    iftcheiaf Posts: 960 Member
    Oh, that's horrible that she's had pneumonia like that! Poor girl. I hope that she recovers quickly & this doesn't turn into that. No one needs that stress!

    Have fun (? :huh:) working today! Get some stuff done while the house is calm!
    Thanks. Will do. Nice chatting with you again. Keep your world safe and have a great day!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    You, too! I've missed seeing you around! :flowerforyou:

    Gotta go tend to the monsters & get some breakfast in myself (finally! 3 hours later...)
  • Islandgirl74
    Islandgirl74 Posts: 170 Member
    I haven't posted in this forum before,so....I am a stay at home mom with a 4 (almost 5) yr old and a 2 yr old (boys).
    I am mad at myself because I went over my calories yesterday (stinking slice of banana bread!:grumble: ). Ugh!! My son is home today from school b/c its closed due to icy roads. I live in Georgia, and it snowed yesterday! It hasn't snowed in years. The kids were happy though, b/c they got to play in it. Today, we are just gonna chill at home.

    I'm sorry, but I'm glad it is you & not me! I'm so blasted sick of the winter here in Ohio I could just scream. I hope it clears up soon for you!

    Try not to fret about the day of being over your calories. It's just one day. I fall victim to tasty breads all the time. Stupid carbs & their yummy goodness.

    We moved from NJ 3 years ago and I was thrilled to leave the snow behind! I guess it snowing here once every 6 years or so wont kill me right??:laugh:
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    LOL Islandgirl! I just read your profile! Jamaica to NJ to Georgia! I don't know how you survived NJ for that long! I'm FROM the cold weather climate & it nearly kills me every year.

    Try to appreciate the "beauty" in the snow. At least that's what other people tell ME to do. :laugh:

    Hang in there! It'll be gone for you soon & hopefully you won't see the crap for another 6 years! :laugh:
  • CrystalOKeefe
    Good Morning !!! I am here !! I havent been around much between voting for Maeve and the girls being sick!!! This sick thing is everywhere I see !!! Finally Cali is off to school today...... Maeve though is on her 5th day of antibiotics for Strep that she was diagnosed with but never tested for ..... She has bad bad bad cough sometimes it is hard for her to catch her breath , she has been pretty much on our laps snugglin or sleeping on the couch. Her temp has been up to 102.8 Yikes .... Poor little girl has such a congested head to she has a hard time breathing through her nose. But today she is moving around a little more this morning... for now I hope it continues .. Iam seriously thining of switching drs. I just know that they have been seen their whole lifes by this doctor and they know the girls but somtimes I dont like the decisions the dr makes???

    Well working out has been hard..... got my dog Otis to finally walk on the treadmill !! I need a turn .... Today I am going to get out my TBL video and buts a move LOL !!! Ok Spinach Lasagna today for lunch/dinner .... We eat dinner food earlier cause hubby leaves for work at 3 so we eat lunch later?? Confusing I know ....

    Well moms with sick kids I hope they all get better really soon .. Poor little ones.....

    Have a wonderful healthy afternoon !!
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Wow Sara you have been busy on the board this morning!!!

    Good morning everyone. I hope we can see some familiar faces back on this thread and of course we always welcome new faces!!

    My heart goes out to all of you with sick kids. Adi (7 months) has had a bit of a cold as well as having a tooth come in for the last couple weeks. She hasn't been sleeping well either and has been getting up at least once almost every night. I'm so thankful that she has been sleeping thru the night pretty much since she was born cuz this gettin up in the middle of the night thing sucks!!!

    For those of you that know about my "job" situation, the additional child is back today. For now I think we are on a MWF schedule. I've talked to my mom (child development major and worked for Head Start for the last 5 years) a lot about how to keep the kids undercontrol and teach them both to respect each other and get along. I think the biggest issue is my son is VERY mature for his age, and he feels that he can be the boss. The additional child hasn't been taught (hasn't been in a situation) to stand up for herself and use her words to let him know she doesn't like what he's doing. That is going to be something we are going to work on a lot in the coming weeks and see if we can resolve some of the issues.

    Anyway that's my little update, since I wasn't on the board much last week. Looking forward to a new week. I feel sorry for those of you in snowy/cold areas. It's suppose to be warm but rainy here today and throughout the week I believe.

    Gotta run. Have a wonderful day.
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Good Morning !!! I am here !! I havent been around much between voting for Maeve and the girls being sick!!! This sick thing is everywhere I see !!! Finally Cali is off to school today...... Maeve though is on her 5th day of antibiotics for Strep that she was diagnosed with but never tested for ..... She has bad bad bad cough sometimes it is hard for her to catch her breath , she has been pretty much on our laps snugglin or sleeping on the couch. Her temp has been up to 102.8 Yikes .... Poor little girl has such a congested head to she has a hard time breathing through her nose. But today she is moving around a little more this morning... for now I hope it continues .. Iam seriously thining of switching drs. I just know that they have been seen their whole lifes by this doctor and they know the girls but somtimes I dont like the decisions the dr makes???

    Well working out has been hard..... got my dog Otis to finally walk on the treadmill !! I need a turn .... Today I am going to get out my TBL video and buts a move LOL !!! Ok Spinach Lasagna today for lunch/dinner .... We eat dinner food earlier cause hubby leaves for work at 3 so we eat lunch later?? Confusing I know ....

    Well moms with sick kids I hope they all get better really soon .. Poor little ones.....

    Have a wonderful healthy afternoon !!

    It is like the entire country has something it is passing around! I hope your girls get better really soon!

    Spinach lasangna sounds delicious! We used to have all sorts of funky lunch/dinner/ night time eating schedules b/c of my dh's work & school schedule as well. It gets even more difficult when you add the kids to the mix!

    When will you find out if Maeve wins the contest or not!?
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member

    My heart goes out to all of you with sick kids. Adi (7 months) has had a bit of a cold as well as having a tooth come in for the last couple weeks. She hasn't been sleeping well either and has been getting up at least once almost every night. I'm so thankful that she has been sleeping thru the night pretty much since she was born cuz this gettin up in the middle of the night thing sucks!!!

    For those of you that know about my "job" situation, the additional child is back today. For now I think we are on a MWF schedule. I've talked to my mom (child development major and worked for Head Start for the last 5 years) a lot about how to keep the kids undercontrol and teach them both to respect each other and get along. I think the biggest issue is my son is VERY mature for his age, and he feels that he can be the boss. The additional child hasn't been taught (hasn't been in a situation) to stand up for herself and use her words to let him know she doesn't like what he's doing. That is going to be something we are going to work on a lot in the coming weeks and see if we can resolve some of the issues.

    Such a challenge ESPECIALLY when it isn't one of your own kids, kwim? I hope the new tactics help out some! I need to teach my kids how too use their words more than they do. Being boys, they just beat each other until one wins. :bigsmile:

    Good luck getting Adi back on track with the sleep! When T was sick, she thought she could do the same thing so I had to go through a night of ignoring her (once she was better) to convince her that she did NOT need to get up & eat 3 times! Geeesh! I'm trying to start weaning here! The nonsense of it all! :laugh:
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Well we made it thru the morning. Had the "opportunity" to teach them about using words and making choices a couple times and then we had a talk about playing fair and not cheating and not accusing someone of cheating. OHHHH I love being a parent.

    Sara part of our night problem is that Hubs goes in and picks her up rather than patting her or giving her her pacifier or finding a way to comfort with out picking her up. It drives me crazy!!! And he carries her around during the weekends all the time. He doesn't put her down!!!! :explode: And then he wonders why she's so cranky for me on the weekends when he isn't her. He's already "taught" her that weekends mean daddy carries me. I am constantly reminding him to put her down or play with her on the floor rather than just walking around with her or.....I'm sure you get what I'm talking about, UGH!

    Anyway, I got my workout in and now I'm eating lunch. Baby is sleeping, kids are gone and the house is quiet THANK GOODNESS!!! It's over 65 outside but the winds are whipping at about 25 mph. Can't decide if I should walk to the school this afternoon or not....hummmmmm

    Have a great afternoon!