Sixers Spring Clean Challenge- Week 3



  • KatieEppers
    KatieEppers Posts: 301 Member
    Thanks for the well wishes for the kiddos, guys. Alix is doing much better and Jaden still has his off and ons.

    Cathy-thanks for the speech, we can all use the motivation.

    Robin-glad to hear you are getting back into the exercise.

    Em-so sorry things are crazy. I hope they will settle down soon.

    Lauryn-have you noticed the change in you as much as I have. You seem more open and free! I am happy for that for you.

    Tudor-no caffeine is tough, baby steps.

    Kristin-love that you posted that pic for us!

    Shanell-can I just say how absolutely proud I am of you?! You are doing so great with your workouts. So good for you!

    Tamm-you truly are a huge bright spot in my day! So thankful for you!

    Pedal-wow! that 5k came quick! Good luck!

    So thankful for all you ladies. I love this group! I am definitely struggling with my weightloss journey, as we all do. But I know I can find my way back, thanks in part to the support of this group.

    Hugs ladies! Have a great weekend. I think I am going to get to see my hubby this weekend so I am EXCITED! He has been gone for like 2 weeks now, I miss him!

    Good night, all!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member

    ready and waiting to go get shanell to head to the gym....i need a good workout today. feeling frumpy. the scale is saying nice things. i am finding i can't eat as much bread as i did before surgery a good thing. pdx something to watch for. there are a few other things i don't eat often, but had an affect.

    off to get my stuff ready and leave. have a super on track weekend. mid 70's here today, so again yard work. hope it's the beginning of spring. i want my flowers.

    later :heart:

    ps,,,DH got home safe last night, tired. roommate said he snored loud and kept turning on the light to wake him up to shut up, and than used all the soap and shampoo in the room. he's glad to be home for sure.
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    shanell and i had a great workout. her cheeks were all red and she was a sweatin' :bigsmile: . told her next time i was going to stay with her and push her behind. she did great, since this is all still so new to her. she was workin' hard.
    now showered and off to fart around. maybe a few yard sales, lots of them out there today, it's so nice. than maybe a lunch somewhere.

    later :heart:
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Chipper, I love that you and Shanell are doing this together. I wish I could convince my mom to quit complaining about her weight and start to lose it! I know it's hurting her body and I want her around for a long time to come. I will positively fall to pieces whenever she dies, so I want that to be a LOOOOOONG time from now!

    Katie, I have my days honestly. I haven't journaled much lately. It's been 3 months since I asked him to move out, telling him I wanted a separation. I still don't think he's going anywhere so I'm trying to devise a Plan B, which involves much hardship on everyone (me moving out with the kiddo to my mom's, which is in the same city, luckily). His being here, running hot and cold, never knowing what mood he will be in, takes its toll on me. I'm an emotional wreck. I hit my breaking point mid-week and almost told him just to stay, deciding I'd shut down emotionally inside and just merely exist through life, but through the support of my closest friends (via email, none live in the same city), I was given enough strength to at least keep my mouth shut. I am going to visit one of my best friends from high school tonight in another city for his wife's birthday party. My hubby isn't happy I'm leaving for an overnight, but maybe he will get the point. If he won't leave.... I will make sure me and the kiddo are here as little as possible. It's just utter limbo hell around here... and I've gotta make the changes to get things moving. I'm gathering strength to do that now. Thank you so much for always asking about me. It means a lot to me. (Actually, I'm starting to tear up a little right now... stupid emotions, haha.) :flowerforyou:

    I ate crap last night for dinner, but boy was it worth it!! Took the kiddo to the local hot dog joint. I had a footlong and fries. I never eat that anymore, so I enjoyed every moment of it. When the kiddo wanted the requisite ice cream cone, I indulged in a hot fudge sundae. :blushing: No money was earned for me yesterday for making calories!!! :laugh: One meal in one day won't hurt. Now I'm back to eating right today.

    Mid 70s this weekend. I have the windows open and plan to get out and enjoy this!!

  • drtamm
    drtamm Posts: 427
    Hi Ladies!!! I had a great day! It started by doing a 5 miles nature trail walk w/ my Mom. It was so much fun, we just laughed and talked the whole way. :happy: Then I let Dylan outside to enjoy the wonderful weather as I did a little window shopping for potentials at the mall. Other than that, it was just a warm beautiful day!!

    Lauryn- glad you have some helpful friends. Stay strong! It will soon be part of your past. You can do it!

    Cathy- glad you enjoyed your workout and having your husband back at home

    Katie- I hope you enjoy your visit w/ your husband!! Have a great weekend!

    To all others.... take some time today and appreciate yourself! We need to be thankful for having the strength to push through any obstacle. YAY sixers!!!

  • connieq288
    connieq288 Posts: 1,102 Member
    I have been slacking off so much lately. I think because I havent been to the gym in weeks because of kids being sick. I went this week and got my hair done and it looks completely different so now I really want to get back into the swing of things and lose some more weight. I think my hair looks the best it has ever looked so I am really happy about it now to just make the rest of me that way. Im sorry I have been MIA lately but there will be a new me now.

  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Tamm, you are such sunshine!! Thanks for shining on us :wink:

    Connie, HELLO!! Glad to see you're here. I can relate all too well to what you've described but just leap back in okay? Right before I got my butt back on track I felt like I couldn't even remember how I managed to live "the other way" and I'm back feeling like I can't believe I had let things slide like I did. I'm still lbs away from clawing myself back to what I was right before we got sick but I need to do this because the alternative is just too terrible. YOU CAN TOO!!!!

    Had a great day - spent the morning at the observatory then went for a walk in the woods and visited the nature centre as a family. So nice :bigsmile: Now I have to see what we've got around for supper. I can't believe the 5k is in the morning. I'm interested to see how it pans out as far as what I can run! I know I've got the stamina but my knee is very out-of-practice with running and I don't want an injury. If I don't get back on, wish me luck tomorrow!! :smile:
  • drtamm
    drtamm Posts: 427
    Connie!!! - glad to see you back and enjoy the new hair cut!!! Like Pedal said jump back in and let the other steps come to surface one step at a time. You can do it!!!

    Rhiannon- BEST OF LUCK. Enjoy the race and remember it is a mental thing!!! :wink: Like I know!!! HE HE. I'm happy and can't wait to hear how much fun it was! Thanks for the compliment.

    Take care Ladies!!!

    Tamm:yawn: not really, I never get sleepy and this spring forward is going to kill me!! :laugh:
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    good mornin'

    drtamm.....get some sleep. you sound like you had the most glorious day...isn't the weather just beautiful? it's nice here too.:flowerforyou:
    connie....yea :happy: , how is you???? get you bottom and the rest of you back here. we are here for you. we won't judge you for falling. we are the ones here to catch you from falling into the black hole. we don't like black holes :noway:
    pedal...what a fun day planned. i wish there was stuff like that around here. i would love to take the grands to that stuff. may have to do some research. we have a university here, but, it's medical. i don't think they want to see bodies, blood, etc. LOL:laugh: . although one wants to be a baby doctor. :wink:

    i forgot to set my clocks. but, woke early anyway, would have gone right back to sleep, so just stayed up. going to eat breakfast, color my hair, dress.....than off to enjoy the almost 80 degrees today.

    later :heart:
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    nature how sad it can be at times....
    ok, warning first....i have color on my hair so can't wear glasses and cant's see, glad i know where the keys are :laugh:
    anyway.....was doing dishes and had the window open above the sink. heard this crying like a baby kitten. so went to the door and opened it, there on the ground was a bird about the size of a dove and it had another bird under it. i thought since when do birds attack other birds, it looked like the gray doves that are all over the yard. so called for DH and he said it was a hawk. :noway: . i had never seen one so little. he said it might be a young one, but it just caught it's pray. i didn't know hawks went after other birds, he said they go after anything that has meat. i said well if i would had seen that before i saw he was kiling it i would have went out and scared it. he said yea, than the hawk would come after you. no, i can run now :bigsmile: i just thought that was so sad. the hawk took it's catch away, thank goodness, i didn't want to hear that poor bird cry any more. i am always feeding the birds in the yard.

    ok, time to rinse.

    later :heart:
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    Cathy, it must have been hiar day yesterday, I colored mine too!

    And both Cathy and Lauryn... Quit teasing me with the mid 70's weather! We had a high of 40 yesterday, and they are saying a cold front coming in from Canada now.

    Rhiannon, keep your stinkin' cold front up there! We don't want it! (j/k) Sounds like your family always has such fun and educational days.

    Connie, are you the Connie on my introplay team? If so, we need to get our exercises in there, so we can win!

    Tamm, I love going for nature walks. We've got these nice trails that we can unleash the dogs on. I have to get her some booties though, because we can only go for a quick walk before she starts whining and favoring paws.

    Yesterday, I went and met up with the son I gave up for adoption. It was an open adoption, and when he was younger, I visited several times. Time passed, and I probably hadn't seen him for the last 10 years, although I've always known how to get in touch with the family. Last summer, I bumped into the adoptive mom, and we caught up again. Since then, it's been easier for him to touch base with my oldest, so I've been keeping a low profile. But, yesterday, adoptive mom, adopted son, my son, and I went for pizza together. Good sign that both boys wanted to extend the visit with bowling or a movie, but we didn't really have time for that. Cripes, we spent 3 1/2 hours sitting at the pizza place. Luckily they weren't busy and waiting for a table! Anyways, we have tentative plans for next weekend to go sledding together. Good day, bad food, no exercise, lol
  • nellienell12
    nellienell12 Posts: 325 Member
    Good afternoon sixers. Glad to see everyone is having such a great and eventful weekend. I love those kind of weekends, only if they lasted longer.:wink:
    I've been keeping busy, today will be a lazy day, I only have to do some laundry and go to the grocery store for some things. Still a little sore from yesterday, but no to bad, guess I'm getting a little use to it.

    Well, just wanted to pop in and say what up! Time to go be lazy some more. Later.
  • drtamm
    drtamm Posts: 427
    :flowerforyou: Hey Sixers!!!

    It is another wonderful day, it will be 75 again. I'm not sure why it meant people had on full summer gear but I was definitely enjoying it. My toes aren't polished so no sandals for me :laugh: . I am headed to Yorktown Beach today. Its only 15 mins from my house and it beats driving the 35 mins to Va. Beach which is probably really packed. I didn't go to sleep until 3 am or 4 who knows and I woke up at 1.... I did get my 8 hrs. :wink: I have always been a night owl... I'm going to try to work harder on it. It has resurfaced. It may be that I am used to the job now and now I'm not so exhausted when I get home.

    Robin- That is so amazing and I'm glad you enjoyed yourself. I know you are excited your boys are getting along and want to see each other more. I bet that brightened your day! :smile:

    Cathy- your husband has a sense of humor. I am glad the HAWK didn't get you! LOL

    Shanell- enjoy your moments of relaxation! :wink:

    Oh yeah, I wanted to give you this web link! Its for anyone with kids. Its a free website that offers parenting tips, cooking tips for the parents and it offers fun and information things for the kids and teens. saw it in a magazine. Hope it is helpful!

    Take care

  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Robin, sounds like a fun and emotional day! Glad you've got another planned soon :smile:

    Tamm, glad you're working on the sleep thing. Those patterns get so ingrained!

    Cathy, it's hard to watch the sad truth of predator-prey relationships in nature, for sure.

    Shanell, it's good to be sore! :bigsmile:


    I'M FEELING SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO PROUD OF MYSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    I ran all but about 2 blocks of the race today - and those were along a loose, wet gravel path that went up a steep hill and since I was pushing BOTH my kiddos in the big double stroller (to the tune of about 125lbs!) I physically couldn't move them fast. I honestly can't believe it but I am feeling so proud and so happy and so wonderful. I am so excited and can't wait to sign up for another one. In fact, it has made me feel a lot more confident about the idea of registering for a 10k and giving it a fair go! There's one in my town in April usually but I think it's at the beginning of April so I don't know. We'll see :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: This is something I didn't really believe I could do, and I DID IT. Just TRY to kill my mood today :drinker:

    Must shower then off to the museum. Hubby has gone mountain biking so it's just me and the kiddos today.

    :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    ...I just checked and the 10k isn't until the last weekend of April. Hmmmmm... New goal??
  • pdxmomof2
    pdxmomof2 Posts: 643
    Congrats Pedal! I can only imagine how you feel right now! What a way to jump start getting back on that wagon!
  • KatieEppers
    KatieEppers Posts: 301 Member
    Pedal- you should be SOOOOOO proud of yourself. I am totally stinkin' proud of you! Well done!

    Lauryn-of course I will ask about you. I truly care about where you are and want the best for you.

    Tamm- I agree you are just sunshine on our group. Thanks for that.

    Connie-glad to see you. Here's to a new you!

    Robin-that sounds great! So glad that visit worked out for you.

    Cathy-nature is hard to watch like that, but we just know it is the circle of life. Hakuna Matata! (which by the way, actually does mean no worries in Swahili, I learned when I was in Kenya)

    I had a lovely visit with DH last night. We are sticking around in Des Moines today to be able to visit with him this evening when he is done with class. It is cold here again. THAT SUCKS!

    My aunt flies back to TN tomorrow so I will be all alone with the kiddos again until hubby comes home on March 18 or 19. So, the gym may escape me for a while due to scheduling. But I will not give up.

    Glad everyone is having a happy Sunday. Talk to you later. I am still a bit sick so not much going on for me today. I have caught what the kiddos had.
  • connieq288
    connieq288 Posts: 1,102 Member
    Yes I joined the introplay team. I am getting back to the gym tomorrow so I will be adding my exercises on there. Thank you all for rewelcoming me. I know everyone falls at some time its just the getting back up that can be hard sometimes.
  • drtamm
    drtamm Posts: 427
    :flowerforyou: Hi Sixers!!!

    I had another wonderful day! I went to the beach and enjoyed the wonderful weather and letting my dog socialize. Then I came home and walked my dog for 2 miles. I was thinking on my walk... today was the first time I didn't think ... I wish I could wear a two piece. :laugh: I was excited for everyone who has kept their body in good shape and am waiting on the day that my body will show all the love Im giving it! :wink:

    Rhiannon- Go Girlie!!! :drinker: :drinker: You did an amazing job! I hope you do the 10K you can do it!!! Proud of you and I hope you enjoy your accomplishment for days to come!

    Amy- Glad you stopped in. How are you doing? I hope you are feeling well. I miss seeing you on here. Get well!!!

    Katie- I'm glad you spend some quality time with your husband!!! I'm sure you miss him. Thanks for the compliment too.... I appreciate it! You have helped me with your comments many times. Hows the motivation thing going now?

    Well ladies! This weekend I am stepping into a new zone! I want to do as many things as I can possibly do in a day to work towards my healthy lifestyle goals. I am actually planning my meals for the next 3 days!!! CAN SOMEONE SAY ... BINGO!!! :tongue: I have a spark sitting under my butt, telling me to get to it. So I will!!

    Its been fun talking to the group more! I have found a way to include you in my tasks for the day! :wink: Thanks ladies!

    Take care
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Morning all! Just a quick check in before getting to some work! I went maternity clothes shopping this weekend and other than having to exchange jeans for a smaller size, I did pretty good. One pair of dress pants, a few shirts, a few dresses, and the jeans. So...pretty excited!

    ANYways...gotta get to some stuff! Hope you all are having a FABULOUS morning! I'll BBL!