Sixers Spring Clean Challenge- Week 3



  • KatieEppers
    KatieEppers Posts: 301 Member
    Good Morning Sixers! Just popping in to say hi. I probably won't be on much today. I am still sick and got about one hour of sleep last night so I will likely be resting today while the kiddos are at school. Hope you are all having a great day!

    Kristin-so glad you had a successful shopping trip! We all know how difficult clothes shopping can be.

    Hugs to you all!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member

    kistin....yea for new clothes. hope you have a great day.
    katie... hope you feel better, rest and take some vit. c.
    dr good to see you so often. hope you got to bed earlier? was a great way to spend a beautiful day.
    tiff...hope you are having a great time. go girl. super job on the run. what HIGH!!!! bottle it and you can snif it when you are having a bad day. :wink: glad to see you. you can do this. i know it's hard. you feeling. found last night hot dogs are a little tough now. got side ache.

    for me....already got house cleaning done. laundry started. a few phone calls made. waiting for DH to find somethng to do and leave the living room so i can get in a workout. he's watching tv still in his jammies. i could go get on the treadmill. forgot that. duh :tongue:

    we need to be on here when we are having a hard time. don't feel ashamed or mad at yourself. we are here to help you through the hard times. we all go through these times. this is a hard thing to do.

    well, off to get the treadmill work done.

    late :heart:
  • connieq288
    connieq288 Posts: 1,102 Member
    Well I finally made it back to the gym this morning. Step class was fun and hard today. I burned 630 calories and got in 6 glasses of water already during my class and right after it. I feel great though. It really does feel good to get back to it. Now I just have to make sure I get back to watching what I eat. I can do this and I will.

  • connieq288
    connieq288 Posts: 1,102 Member
    I just added my exercise onto introplay. Today was the first day that I did it so I only have 12.5 pts but any little bit helps.

  • connieq288
    connieq288 Posts: 1,102 Member

    Yesterday, I went and met up with the son I gave up for adoption. It was an open adoption, and when he was younger, I visited several times. Time passed, and I probably hadn't seen him for the last 10 years, although I've always known how to get in touch with the family. Last summer, I bumped into the adoptive mom, and we caught up again. Since then, it's been easier for him to touch base with my oldest, so I've been keeping a low profile. But, yesterday, adoptive mom, adopted son, my son, and I went for pizza together. Good sign that both boys wanted to extend the visit with bowling or a movie, but we didn't really have time for that. Cripes, we spent 3 1/2 hours sitting at the pizza place. Luckily they weren't busy and waiting for a table! Anyways, we have tentative plans for next weekend to go sledding together. Good day, bad food, no exercise, lol

    I was adopted when I was 8 yrs old and when I turned 20 I met my birth mother. I am now 32. It was not a good meeting but there was a reason why. My birth mother gave up my sister and me but kept my half brother. She claimed she didnt think anyone would adopt him because he was a mixed baby. Anyways, my main reason for meeting her was to find my brother. Well I was living in Lakeland fl at the time and he lived in Orlando which was only 50 miles away but 6 mths before I met her he committed suicide. It was just to hard to see her again after that. We have not spoken since then although recently I have been thinking about getting in touch with her again. I am really glad that you can have a relationship with your son. I hope that everthing works out for you. I love my adoptive family with all my heart and my adoptive mom actually passed away from breast cancer in dec of 06 and it was one of that hardest things that I ever had to go through.
  • pdxmomof2
    pdxmomof2 Posts: 643
    Good morning ladies. Just a quick hello! Last night was hell. I have my colonoscopy/endoscopy. The "clean out" process might be one of the worst things I have ever had to do. I slept for about a total of 2 hours last night and that was 15 minutes at a time. I dont ever want to have to do this again! They better take a good look at things while they are in there. Its their only chance! Good news is my procedure was scheduled for 1:30 but they called friday to ask if I wanted to take the 11:00 cancelation spot that was open. Yes! The sooner the better!

    I wont be on here until tomorrow. I will look for a new thread. I am sure I will be down but it may be bitter sweat as I know it might just come back.
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Cathy, good for you getting your work out in and so much done already!

    Connie, that's really heartbreaking. I'm sorry you've been through that. I'm glad you got back to the gym and that you're feeling more motivation again!! Your hair looks great :smile:

    Tamm, sounds like another lovely day!

    Amy, poor you - I sure hope that everything has gone smoothly and that you don't have to go through this again!! NO FUN indeed.

    Kristin, isn't it great to buy some of those clothes?? How have your workmates reacted? Hopefully all positive :wink:

    Deb, Katy WHERE ARE YOU?

    Cass, Em, Red, Shanell, AmyLou, Katie.... HI!

    So, I'm trying hard to hang on to yesterday's high. I've got an extra 4.5lbs showing on the scale today :noway: which is surely just my muscles holding on to water since they were pushed harder yesterday, but GEEZ! I would expect my TOM is somewhere near also but a) I don't know for sure and b) I don't usually see any kind of gain. Ah well, I just have to keep on with the right choices! I'm really motivated to try to run more than 5k of the 10k in April and I think that's a good goal for me to work toward, and will do a lot to keep me in line I think.

    It's SNOWING here today. This is wild because usually we don't get snow every year in the south of Vancouver Island let alone snow in MARCH. Big, puffy snow. So we're going to a friend's place for a lunch date but I am so eager to see this cold go.

    Have a great day ladies!
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Connie, I :heart: your hair! Your new av is gorgeous! Love it girl, get back in the swing of things and keep up the good work!!! That first day or two back in routine is the hardest but it's old hat after that. :wink:

    Robin, 5'' of snow last Monday. 70s this past weekend. Calling for snow flurries and 30s by this Friday. Welcome to North Carolina, where you can experience the changing of seasons back and forth all in one week!! :laugh:
    I think it's very cool that you met up with adoptive mom and your son. I'm guessing they live close by?

    Tamm, I just went out and bought a little manicure polish so I can get my feet ready for sandal weather, even if it's gonna snow this weekend :laugh: I'm jealous you are near the beach. Wish I was!!

    Rhiannon, you RAN pushing TWO kids in a stroller in a 5k? :noway: You are certifiably nuts. :wink: (Congratulations for real. That must have felt like SUCH an accomplishment.)

    Katie, your personals to me always make me get misty-eyed. Thanks for being such a dear. :smooched: I hope the time with the kids till hubby returns flies by. I'll be wishing for obediance for them and patience for you!!! :wink: Hope you get some well deserved sleep today.

    Kristin, I'm glad you found some fun maternity clothes!

    Chipper, I wish my house was clean. There is no better time for me to clean then when the weather warms up and I can open windows. Bright sunlight and warm breezes are invigorating, aren't they!

    PDX, thinking of you today during your procedure. Hoping to hear wonderful results!
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Rhiannon, you RAN pushing TWO kids in a stroller in a 5k? :noway: You are certifiably nuts. :wink: (Congratulations for real. That must have felt like SUCH an accomplishment.)

    Lauryn, you made me smile and totally re-invigorated my pride from yesterday :bigsmile: :smooched: THANK YOU! It just reminded me that the not-quite-full-picture number on a scale cannot be allowed to eclipse the very tangible accomplishment from yesterday :happy:
    I hear you on cleaning with the sun and the breeze. It's so peaceful to do so! And I just wanted to say, you're such a vibrant, loving, strong and graceful woman. I'm glad that you're posting more because it allows us to get to know you all that much better. I'm glad I "know" you :smile:

    In fact, I've generally been feeling just so lucky to have met you lot. Although it's not in the classical convention, the way that we're getting to know one another is through some of our most vulnerable moments and experiences in life and I genuinely count you as friends. Thanks for offering such honesty of yourselves and enriching my life because of it! :heart: :smooched: :flowerforyou:
  • nellienell12
    nellienell12 Posts: 325 Member
    Oh, Rhiannon, you are so sweet. I feel the same way. I may not post everyday, but I do try to read everyday to see how everyone is doing. Everyone is wonderful and doing such great jobs. Congrats on the 5k. I've been wanting to do something like that but the one's they have around here cost a lot to participate. But one day I'll find one cheaper.

    Lauryn, our weather is the same. As they say in SC, if you don't like the weather turn the corner it will change. I've seen it raining in my front yard and clear in my back.:laugh:

    Connie, welcome aboard lady. Keep it going.

    Momma, Hope you got your work out in. I did the Cario Max this morning and still feel the burn in my legs, LOVE IT!!!!!

    Amy, I know it's late, but good luck and hope you feel better soon.

    Dr Tamm- You are in such great spirits and it makes me smile reading you posts. Glad to see everything is going so well for you.

    Katie- Hope you feel better soon.

    Everyone else, hope your having a great day.

    I'm still keeping up with my workouts and feeling great. Didn't do too good this weekend, but didn't do to bad either. I didn't keep track but I only splurged once, banana bread!!!!!

    Well, off to finish watching Springer.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    got week 4 ready to go.....
    good luck
  • drtamm
    drtamm Posts: 427
    :flowerforyou: Hello Sixers! I will be brief this time. I read all the post and I am happy everyone is doing well. I developed a headache at work and I am going to take it easy this evening and yes.... Go to bed early!!! Well as early as I can!:laugh: I appreciate everyones compliments and good wishes. This group really keeps me going! I woke up this morning and jogged 2 miles w/ Dylan. Then this evening it was still light so I walked Dylan for 30 mins. I didn't want to do the second exercise of walking but I knew I hadn't gotten back into my dvd grove and I don't have a gym so I'm doing the best I can or the best I want to do at the moment.

    I did well today food wise.

    BF: boiled egg, small bagel (cinnamon) and cantaloupe
    L: sandwich w/ 100 cal pita bun thingy- lol and turkey and red fat cheddar slice, grapes, and carrots and cucumbers

    Dinner I am eating leftover veggies and a turkey wing I cooked yesterday!!! I feel the munchies coming! Don't know why. I REALLY WANTED CHICKFILA. I KEPT THINKING ABOU THE DRIVE THRU AND HOW I NEEDED IT. HELP!!! I love that there is one close but I need to resist when I just desire it. :happy: Such is life!!!

    Love you all!!!
    Nite !!!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    drtamm...good night
    hey, connie...glad to see you today.
    pedal...doing good

    don't know if my weigh in tomorrow will be good tomorrow. i have my 3 months blood work tomorrow. i have to drink loads of water to pump up my vains. so tonight i will be drinking lots. plus the other is stopped up again :blushing: . but, that's life and these things happen.

    off to watch chuck and drink more water.

    later :heart:
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    ARGH :grumble: Well, THAT was a bad afternoon!! Our plans fell through, we had little in the way of groceries so we made some pumpkin apple spice loaf (it's long gone now), and I finished off something way too salty... Darn it. The day had started off REALLY well too. I'll have to try to get a good work out in tomorrow and not replace all the calories to make up for it (if I do the work out early in the day it will make more sense since my ill choices are from the later part of today). I need to clear the 167lbs hurdle (which is like 10lbs away right now HA! but ever since the beginning of December it has been my nemesis. And bigger than that, I need to get under 163 because I have never been that weight at this height. I will plan my day out in advance and I'm making some bison burgers to store after the kiddos go to bed tonight. That helps! Fast, tasty, filling, low-cal protein!
    Not looking forward to weigh-in tomorrow, but I already wasn't since I'm holding water from my workout yesterday. Ah well. Life IS!
  • amylou24
    amylou24 Posts: 365
    Hi, I'm alive, I promise!!!!

    Sorry, the weekend was hectic, then it snowed and it took me a while to get back to MO and then I had a midterm today.....bleh!!! All excuses, but needless to say not looking forward to weigh in tomorrow morning!!!

    Haven't had time to catch up on things but will hopefully get some read tonight. Kind of blah still tonight, just found out my Grandpa has lymphoma in his bone marrow and lymph nodes but is going to have treatment which will give him 5-10 years, so for an 80 year old, that's pretty good. It was quite a shock, but he's a fighter!! Keep him in your prayers for me if you could!!! :heart:

    on a MUCH lighter note, and since i believe Cathy was asking about the boy....I spent some time with him this evening just relaxing and watching TV which was exactly what I needed after the test today (which he took too) and then everything with my Gramps. So we'll see if that goes anywhere! It was nice just to spend one on one time with him tonight, even though nothing remotely romantic happened. haha.

    anyway, have homework to finish, will see everyone tomorrow morning for weigh in and hopefully I will have a menu of sorts planned for once!!!

    Love you all