40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • mccdl34
    mccdl34 Posts: 43 Member
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    So its Friday night here and my report card is due. Missed working out Fri and Sat last week due to being in the hospital with my father, and yes he is out and recovering from a small stroke, he's a tough old bird. 87 yrs old, WWII and Korean war Vet etc.

    That being said, I returned to the program Monday night and have'nt missed a work out or been over a calorie goal. Each day I have hit my 30 min cardio and 30-60 min of strength training. Yesterday was a off day for strength training so i did the P90x Plyo workout (forgot how brutal it was).

    Today is Ellipitical and chest / shoulders. Tomorrow is a 3 mile run and arms. with Sunday as a rest day. supposed to be 81 degrees here so a round of golf may be in order.

    My goal for next week is to increase my calories a little more. Full all the time but only hitting 1800ish calories a day. want to be up to 2000 - 2100 regularly.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend.

    Glad to hear your dad is recovering from his stroke. :noway: I want to thank him for his service!

    Keep up the good work!!! :drinker:
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Welcome to the new members!!! :drinker: Of course we have room for more!!!! The more the merrier!!! :laugh:

    kidzz and tmfparty, congrats on the weightloss!!!! :drinker: :drinker:

    My rest day today but have some house cleaning to do...have eaten really well today and it is my lower calorie day. Going out with hubby tonight, hopefully dont get tempted by crappy food and alcohol. :laugh: :noway:

    Have a great one!!! :flowerforyou:
  • TonyL68
    TonyL68 Posts: 133 Member
    Hiya, gang

    Newly starting MFP in earnest. I'm 43, married with 2 great kids. My overall fitness level declined after my 20s and nose dived abou 7 years ago after a very serious back injury and surgery. I'm tired of making excuses and feeling fat, slow and weak.

    So here I am! Combining nutrition resistance and cardio to get where I need to be.

    Nice to meet ya!
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Hi all,

    Welcome newbies! :flowerforyou: Nice to meet you all.

    hamncheese - your profile pic looks like you are finishing up a Tough Mudder. Are you? I am hoping to do one this summer, but am a little nervous about it.

    Had a lousy run today. :grumble: I knew as soon as I started that it was not going to be good. Every step was a chore. I did manage to finish it, but I walked that last 2 miles. O well, some are good, and some are...not so good.

    Tomorrow is X-country skiing. It will be the first time out for me this winter, but I need some good cardio cross training, and it allows me to spend some time with DH. :happy:

    I'm sure many of you will be watching the super bowl. Although I am not a football fan, I will be as well. I do enjoy the final game.

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend friends.
  • hamncheese67
    hamncheese67 Posts: 1,715 Member
    hamncheese - your profile pic looks like you are finishing up a Tough Mudder. Are you? I am hoping to do one this summer, but am a little nervous about it.

    It was a Warrior Dash a couple of weeks ago. 1/4 the distance of a Tough Mudder. I'm thinking about a Tough Mudder in December but not sure.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,985 Member
    Today I'll just do some light cycling and tons of stretching while my son is swimming at the YMCA. I'm anxious to get back to lifting (tomorrow). My tendon feels like I should be able to give it a go. I want the rest of this month (year?) to be injury-free, that's for sure!

    My daughter has an ice hockey game and then a pizza party - hubby and son are gonna race home to watch the super-bowl.

    What's on your agenda??
  • tmfpartyof4
    tmfpartyof4 Posts: 125 Member
    hamncheese - your profile pic looks like you are finishing up a Tough Mudder. Are you? I am hoping to do one this summer, but am a little nervous about it.

    It was a Warrior Dash a couple of weeks ago. 1/4 the distance of a Tough Mudder. I'm thinking about a Tough Mudder in December but not sure.

    im doing my first one with a few friends in Ohio II on Aug 25, this year! that looks like a blast. how was it?

    thank you for the warm welcome and the congrats on the weight loss.

    My first week back in the GYM (joined the Y last saturday) and I workwed out 4 days this week (last night was my least tough workout as i am recovering from Bronchitis) but I did it! 22 mins on 1% incline ar 3.4 MPH last night after work. That was a toughie.
  • tmfpartyof4
    tmfpartyof4 Posts: 125 Member
    Today I'll just do some light cycling and tons of stretching while my son is swimming at the YMCA. I'm anxious to get back to lifting (tomorrow). My tendon feels like I should be able to give it a go. I want the rest of this month (year?) to be injury-free, that's for sure!

    My daughter has an ice hockey game and then a pizza party - hubby and son are gonna race home to watch the super-bowl.

    What's on your agenda??

    Im working today, and the Y is closed at 6, so I will go home and rest with the family, and probably watch the Superbowl as well.
  • inuit
    inuit Posts: 72 Member
    Well another week gone and 2lbs lost this week, which is a surprise, when i have eaten some rubbish, but tried to stick with my calories, but let myself creep up about to around 1400ish net, sometimes a little over.

    My work out is 5 days a week - swimming for 30 to 45 mins. Some days i have found it quite tough, need to up my protein a bit so ordered some whey powder to have a pre workout drink. I really need to shake my workout up, but i love swimming, so will stick with it.

    My press ups are getting better, can get three quarters of the way down and up so i am getting there, love trying to do them and improve them as it feels like there is a lot of my body working to do them.

    Inch loss has been a little dissapointing again, but started adding a short 10 - 15 mins weight routine for the weekends which i have off from swimming.

    It is great to see other doing so well and is lovely and motivating to post here.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hiya, gang

    Newly starting MFP in earnest. I'm 43, married with 2 great kids. My overall fitness level declined after my 20s and nose dived abou 7 years ago after a very serious back injury and surgery. I'm tired of making excuses and feeling fat, slow and weak.

    So here I am! Combining nutrition resistance and cardio to get where I need to be.

    Nice to meet ya!

    YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    inuit, congrats on the weight loss. Sometimes that is what most people need to do in order to lose weight, eat some more. So if you are overeating at 1400 how much do you eat?

    I just finished my strength trng workout. I have to choreograph and practice some Zumba songs. I am not really into football, I just like watching the commercials and the halftime show so I will try not to miss those. Other than that not much going on. Oh, might look for some healthy quinoa recipe to make some for the week. Any of you have a nice recipe to share?

    Have a great one!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Peggy088
    Peggy088 Posts: 17 Member
    Said hello last night and nothing more as I had a migraine. Tonight I thought I would introduce myself. I am 46, in a committed relationship, we each have 2 grown married children and between us we have 8 grandchildren with one more due in March. I need to lose about 80 pounds. I just started MFP last week, I am also starting the C25k program with my sister in TX. We will be doing a 5k together in April. Can't wait to see her and be in better shape.

    This board is very motivating!
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    Cross Training Day: I had originally planned on doing 60 minutes of inline skating, easy pace. But ended up doing 10 hours of dating instead :D Girl on OKCupid messaged me yesterday, we talked a bit and set a breakfast date up for this morning. That went well so we went to Busch Gardens, walked around a lot, rode on 4 of the roller coasters, saw some of the shows, then had dinner afterward. I think that's an acceptable substitute for 60 minutes of inline skating, don't you? :)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,985 Member
    hew - you have my "favourite post of the day"!
  • parys1
    parys1 Posts: 2,072 Member
    Got my exercise in today in the form of tobogganing. It was great fun. My kids and I would race each other back up the hill, then all come down on the toboggan together. Awesome!
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Got my exercise in today in the form of tobogganing. It was great fun. My kids and I would race each other back up the hill, then all come down on the toboggan together. Awesome!

    Sounds like a blast! :happy:
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    hamncheese - your profile pic looks like you are finishing up a Tough Mudder. Are you? I am hoping to do one this summer, but am a little nervous about it.

    It was a Warrior Dash a couple of weeks ago. 1/4 the distance of a Tough Mudder. I'm thinking about a Tough Mudder in December but not sure.

    Looks pretty intense, but great fun too! WTG!
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Hi all,

    Had a pretty good day. Instead of a 3 mile recovery run, I skied 5.5 miles. Nice easy ski. The weather has been so mild. Was great to get out. Saw a grouse and a beautiful lynx on the trail. Bonus! :happy:

    Came home and made a veggie pizza - grated zucchini in the crust and grilled veggies on top. Yum! A "healthy" super bowl dinner. Homemade guacamole for appetizer n fresh fruit & frozen yogurt for dessert.

    Not a real football fan, but like alf, I enjoy the commercials and half time show. Madonna did not disappoint, she was good. Not spectacular, but good.

    Have a great night all. :drinker:
  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,444 Member
    Welcome to all the newcomers!!!

    Hi everyone- I miss you all, since the new season has started I have been running all over the place. My exercises have not been strong and I have even gained weight. Gonna kick it up this week.
