40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    I am feeling just fine!

    Got my lifting in-and-done. Have meetings most of today, got some work I am cleaning up this afternoon, and then it is book club tonight.


    Go lift heavy things you 40+ ers!
  • Curiousgeorgianna
    Curiousgeorgianna Posts: 187 Member
    Hey all! I've just gotten through the posts, and it looks like everyone had a pretty healthy and happy holiday season. I'll be on track with posting tomorrow! :flowerforyou:
  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Hey kids....

    Nick...here is a hug as I am soon sorry about your dog. They are family and it hurts. I hope you open your heart to a new friend. Sounds like you had a tough time. I am here if you need me.

    Larro..I really admire your contributions to the group. You never disappoint. Hugs to you. Your burns are impressive. You rock.

    Beeps..glad you are better and lifting once more. You would have been proud of me as I am lifting more and my goal is to add more weight every other week or so.

    KellySue..I hope your heart to heart motivated you hubby. I am happy you are still getting some exercise in.

    Mzklutch..Nothing like a morning workout. Keep it up.

    Stef...Atleast you acknowledged it and returned. Many give up after around the holidays.

    Sdereski...How was the visit of the Italian students? Hope you are well.

    Kate..Congrats on the weight loss especially after the Holiday.

    I could barely move days after the Thanksgiving boxing/bootcamp challenge. My legs finally loosened up Sunday and I tightened up again after extreme fit tonight. I am not losing weight the via scale but I can really see how my body is changing and my clothes are fitting better. I agree with beeps...lift heavy. We are expecting snow and I am not ready. How many of you make new year resolutions? If so, did you stick to it?

    Welcome newbies.

    Have a great night everyone.
  • KimofTas
    KimofTas Posts: 48 Member
    Hi I'm Kim ... 40 in 10 days so I thought I'd join this happening thread.

    I've been lazy and inactive for about 7 years and now that I'm going to be 40 have decided that enough is certainly enough.

    Last New Years Eve I quit smoking without relapsing so I figure if I can manage that, I can lose this weight. Currently 117kgs (257 pounds - started MFP at 122kgs so have lost 5kgs in the 20 days since I started).

    I now realise that I like to exercise - all the time! Wish I had gotten my head into gear long before this :)

    Am aiming for 75kgs (165 pounds) and to start lifting weights in January. By next October I intend to be fit, firm and flexible in time for our family reunion.

    I'm so glad I came across MFP because I never liked the idea of those shakes and diet programs and this makes much more sense and is a plan with great directions that I can follow.

    Add me if you need some more friends to support you!

    P.S. If you guys who use pounds would convert to kgs you'd feel better about yourself pretty much immediately. Doesn't 117kgs sound better than 257 pounds? LOL :)
  • Mzklutch
    Mzklutch Posts: 39 Member
    Day 2 of workout goal achieved. I am loving it! Hey cool kids I hope all are having as much excitement as I am.
    Welcome KimofTas - Welcome and believe me I feel the same way "Wish I had gotten my head into gear long before this". However I am embracing this time around too because I wasn't ready to do it nor would I have been ready to accept the hard work and results.
    Caramelgyrlk - thanks and I long to be like you and do more challenging work outs. For now I am going to take it day by day and before I know it, I will be at that level. Lol.
    Beeps great job! I started weight training today and it felt great!
    Larro- thanks. The morning workouts help my mental energies all day long and at least if I get off work late then I don't have an excuse as to why I didn't get my exercise in.
    KellySue - Wow, keep up the good work!
    Nick - sending hugs your way.
    Louisa the trick is staying on track, there will always be detours. We just can't let the detours de-rail us permanently.
    Enjoy your day today Cool kids!
  • nickpnh
    nickpnh Posts: 111 Member
    Thanks for all the kind thoughts. We're all adjusting to coming home to an empty house. We'll let a new friend in soon. Hubs has a hard time even considering that but soon...
    Mz - great job on the workout. I swam 14 laps this morning. Not as much as I like to do but easing back in a bit to prevent injury.
    Beeps and Caramel - great workouts! Inspiring.
    Larro - great numbers.
    KS - Good luck with inspection.
    Kimoflas - Kg would just make me way to 'comfortable' with my numbers. I need to see the pounds and go eek! But you did make me laugh.
  • Kate7294
    Kate7294 Posts: 783 Member
    Morning Kid's!
    Been busy trying to get house decorated, buying presents with a 3 yr. old in tow, and making a few gifts. On top of that Josie's ill again. Not sure why kid's always end up sick over holidays. Last Thanksgiving she ate so much turkey she got sick. Of course between my tendonitis and case of the " Lazy A-s" and now this my motivation is dwindling.

    KellySue- Great success on the loose pants! Hope your talk motivates your husband.

    Nick- Sorry about your dog. I'm a big softie for pets here.

    Louisa- I actually found a U.K. sex calculator online. LOL. After getting a few males on my friends list I stopped logging the relations though. Happy Burning to you!

    Here's a few pictures for your enjoyment. One is an apron I made Josie ( turned out great), one is a tunic for a knight ( still a work in progress), and 3rd is our de-lit tree with a bunch of my husband's homemade slingshots on it ( before I got home to decorate it) He's obsessed. LOL




  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Kate- Love the pics! The tree is a riot!! I'd be tempted to leave it that way! I don't know that I will actually put my tree up this year. Since I am moving, I will not be putting it up in my current house as it just doesn't make sense. When I get to the new house, it will depend on how things go and how much energy I have left!

    Today was a Jake day! I love spending time with him, but hate taking him to the babysitters :cry: He always cries when we get there. I know he is fine after I leave, but he makes it hard to leave. Last week when my daughter picked him up he didn't want to leave!
    I got tons packed last night thanks to my B-I-L and S-I-L. They are coming back tonight so it should be another good packing night!

    PT told my husband that if he shows he can get up and start maneuvering with the walker, he could possibly be discharged to home instead of rehab and possibly have some in-home therapy instead. That would be ideal!! He seems excited about that possibility to hopefully that will give him something to work towards!

    Have a good day all!
  • rdmitche1
    rdmitche1 Posts: 400 Member
    I want to join this group. I qualify I am 49. Will be 50 in June...trying to lose 50 pounds by 50, that will put me at 200 lbs, still not my ideal weight but hey, it is a goal. I am looking for some friends and support of people my age.
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    edited December 2014
    Hey Cool Kids. I came in to work a couple of hours early today, since my boss has a Doctor's appointment. That meant my shopping trip was earlier too. No great finds like the cast iron griddle of last week, but I did get two more plates in a set with a fruit pattern. Margie and had found 3 plates and 3 bowls in a different store a couple of weeks ago when she went with me. As all of you who look at What's for Supper???? know, I like apple plates. These have an apple, a pear, a plum and a cluster of grapes. Hope to find enough to round out the set, but if not, I can still use them for serving plates.

    Because I had to leave earlier than usual for town, I did cut 5 minutes off my AM cardio. But there isn't anything going on here, so I've been walking extra to make up for it.

    Welcome to Kim and Rd. You guys will like it here.

    Love the pictures.

    Caramel, {or anyone else who is so inclined} here is a recipe for vegan pulled pork using Jackfruit. A friend of mine on the tractor site posted it this morning. Looks interesting. http://www.moreveganblog.com/2014/06/28/bbq-pulled-jackfruit/{I can't get the thing to link right, but you can copy and paste, maybe}

    Hope everyone is having a good day,

  • Mzklutch
    Mzklutch Posts: 39 Member
    Good Morning Cool Kids
    Workout done, 40 min on elliptical and a little bit of leg work on weights. Hope everyone has a good day. Will check in later on after work.
  • lisaanne1369
    lisaanne1369 Posts: 377 Member
    welcome to 40 pgoood.45 aint so bad!
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Happy Hump day again! It feels like we were just here!! I feel like I've been run over by a train today :weary: I have been running around packing and moving boxes and other household items getting ready to move and it is taking it's toll. I would normally go to the gym today, but didn't.

    Beeps and Caramel- Talk about lifting HEAVY!!!

    Welcome to the new folks! Hope everyone else has a good day!
  • Bry_Fitness70
    Bry_Fitness70 Posts: 2,480 Member
    I finished assembling my new Nordictrack Commercial 2450 treadmill last night! It has a HD screen that you can hook cable up to and connects to wifi for internet use - there are also simulated running courses, so i can pretend to run through different areas of the world! I can't wait to use it later - I expect that it will be so distracting that I'll look up and realize that hours have passed and I actually ran 26.2 miles rather than the 5 that I'm intending to run :)
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    edited December 2014
    Good Morning Afternoon Cool Kids.

    I'm done with my cardio and breakfast, and am on the 3rd 4th load of laundry. {had a couple of interruptions} Haven't got to the dishes yet, but I will have to clear out all the Thanksgiving leftovers from the fridge when I do.

    It's another nice day here in NW Florida. 76F 79F with sunshine. So shorts and a T-shirt for work attire again. I'm going to ride that horse as long as the weather will allow.

    Bw, that sounds like a nice treadmill. I have sports talk and The Daily Show on my DVR to watch during my workout. I used to watch You Tube videos, since I can hook up my TV to my laptop, but that took too much input. As it is, I add an extra minute to account for having to slow down to fast forward through the ads.

    Hope everyone is having a good day,

  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Hey Kids...I hope all of you are doing well and feeling great.

    I was so excited when my Nike pullover came today along with my matching Beanie. That was what I chose as my completion prize for the fitness challenge at work. I am thrilled that my employer does this every single year and I have a chance to win some great prizes all for my exercising and trying to stay healthy. My first visit with one of the 3 chosen PS's is 12/19 and I am excited. I have extreme fit tonight and you know I am ready for the torture, I mean class (lol). Had a talk with my PT and we are going to put more emphasis on heavier lifting so I can gain not only strength but to keep taking shape. I really wished I had this mind set 20 years ago.

    Larro..You talk about me with all this energy and you get tired reading my posts, you wear me out also. I bet shopping with you would ticke my sides. You know I love you more since you provided me with a vegan recipe.

    Kelly--I take it heavy lifting for you was by way of boxes and moving. Guess what? You still got exercise in and here is your high 5 and a hug.

    Beeps---Where are you? Are you lifting HEAVIER? I need to see something from you.

    Mzklutch---love to see those morning workouts. Keep em coming. You rock

    Welcome--Kim and RD and any other person I may have missed. Hope you stick around. It's a great group here.

    Kate--Sorry to hear about Josie being sick. I wish a speedy recovery.

    Nick--Hope you are coming along and some normalcy falls in place soon.

    Well off to get my can kicked. Have a great night kids.

  • Mzklutch
    Mzklutch Posts: 39 Member
    Good morning cool kids
    KellyS - I hear ya. I will be moving next week and I have been taking little stuff at a time to the new place. The main move is coming. :#

    Bw - sounds cool, let us know how the new equipment is working
    Larro- wow! I am so holding off on doing laundry but I think I will get to it today.
    Caramel - thanks for the word of encouragement, I look forward to the day when I can increase the intensity to include some of what you are doing. You giving me something to look forward too.

    Workout done, completed 40min of walking on treadmill this am.
    Off to work I will be going shortly. Everyone have a great day!
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Hi All~ Had a dr appt this morning. It was much better than expected! My blood pressure was 124/68, total cholesterol was 153, triglycerides- 118, HDL-54, LDL-88, and A1c was 5.6. Needless to say, my doctor was happy. I only showed a .5lb loss since my last visit, but I am not too concerned about that- right ladies :wink:

    I did more stuff to get ready for my move- I can't really say I packed anything, I did more throwing away last night than anything. I had a "junk" room that basically had 17yrs worth of stuff crammed into it. Tonight, my daughter is coming over to help get a couple of beds that aren't going to the new house. She is working with a needy family that needs them so off they go!

    I am planning on making it to the gym tomorrow.

    Have a good day all!
  • nickpnh
    nickpnh Posts: 111 Member
    KS - Awesome numbers, kindness to that family and progress clearing away the clutter! High Five!

    I am happily down 3 pounds of bloat from the high after Thanksgiving. Makes me have hope I can stay on track for the Holidays. If I can just maintain this number 162 into January I'll be happy to push for a loss in the new year. Of course, a loss between now and then would be better! But this is the upper limit of my normal 5 pound flux. Silly how happy a number can make you :-) Weight, exercise goals, paycheck, refund - they are all emotional.

    Caramel - Congrats on your swag! You earned it. Thanks for the thoughts. December is in full swing with a million commitments with 3 kids. Makes it easier.

    bw - let us know how that marathon run went with your new uber computer treadmill.

    Kate - we get all the germs too. 3 kids at school just incubate it all. The stomach bug is the worst. Hope she recovers and you deflect it.

    Mz - great job on the workout.

    Happy Thursday everyone! only XX shopping days left to <insert holiday celebrate here>. LOL
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    I did three days in a row of lifting heavy - M T W.

    Today i have to travel for Fri and Sat board meetings.

    They will be boring.

    Back to the gym on Monday. I have zero inspirational stuff to post these days.