40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • Kate7294
    Kate7294 Posts: 783 Member
    Hey Kid's!
    Wow. All in all I thought I had done pretty good with my protein shake for breakfast, watching my portions, skipping the rolls, skipping the mac & cheese, skipping the mash potatoes, and having no pie. Now I look like I'm pregnant with a small turkey. I may need my husband's help getting this dress off. LOL. I guess the bacon blanket really was a calorie bomb.

    So got my cholesterol labs back this morning.
    Total 205 down from 222 on 6/13/14 and 234 on 5/31/13
    Triglycerides 80 down from 195 ( ) and 163 ( )
    HDL 52 up from 37 ( ) and 42 ( )
    VLDL 16 down from 39 ( ) and 33 ( )
    LDL 137 down from 146 ( ) and 159 ( )
    LDL/HDL ratio 2.6 down from 3.9 ( ) and 3.8 ( )
    Work in progress.

    Was at my 163 lbs. this morning but scared to visit the scales any time soon.

    I'll try to get on the treadmill once I give birth. LOL. Have a lovely day everyone.

  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member

  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Hey kids...
    I hope all of you are enjoying your 3 F's...Food, Family and Friends.
    I trained last night with my PT, then took Extreme Fit. The class is getting more intense. We had to do Burpees with battle ropes. Can you say CRAZY? Woke up this morning and took the 75 minute boxing and bootcamp class. From my neck down is sore and I am taking advantage of the quiet and relaxation.

    Beeps...hope you had a great vacation. Lovely pictures.

    Larro..Congrats on the weight loss. Do not worry what others think. You have to determine what weight works for you.

    KellySue..Hope you enjoyed your time with hubby and family.

    Alf..Glad to see a post from you. Miss you.

    Emmalou...Sorry you had to endure the aftermath of suicide. I am still numb and trying to understand.

    Kate...You are doing a fantastic job. Pat yourself on the back.

    Stef..Hope you are well.

    CG....I can't wait to read what you did today.

    Ruby...Thank you for being kind. I hope you are still fighting and keeping your eye on the prize.

    There are so many newbies. Welcome to all of you. I hope you stick around.

    If I forgot you, please forgive me. I will catch you on the next post.

    Remember to encourage someone.
  • SKME2013
    SKME2013 Posts: 704 Member
    Hi there,

    I am Stef., hitting 50 next April, so I guess I fit the profile?

    I have been on a weightloss and fitness gain journey for a year now, have reached goal weight and went from being a couch potatoe to training for a marathon next year. (Did a couple of shorter races already).

    Happy thanksgiving from Vancouver, B.C.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    Vacation WAS great.

    But flight was delayed. Then, after landing, we sat on the tarmac for 90 minutes waiting for a gate! It is past 2 am. Now waiting for luggage. And then a drive home on icy streets.


    And we have to be up at 6:30 am to get kids to school.

    I don't think I will workout on Friday. Will likely try and go back to bed.

    Weekend is full of kidlet activities on bad roads.

    Back to lifting on monday - I promise!
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Good Friday morning to you all! Yesterday was a good day. Hubby was doing pretty good overall. They still have not attempted to get him out of bed yet. I am hoping today- It has been so long already and he needs to get moving again!! Had a nice dinner with my family. My mom made way too much of too many things, but I love the left overs!! I think mom and I are going to try to hit up a few stores today for some Christmas shopping, and then tomorrow I will be visiting with hubby again and having dinner with my parents. I am staying with them through Sunday and then will be heading home for church and then packing. Will be heading back to the gym on Monday.

    Hope everyone has a great rest of the weekend! Those who are facing icky roads and weather- be safe!
  • Kate7294
    Kate7294 Posts: 783 Member
    Morning Kid's!
    Braved the scale this morning ( my OCD made me ) down a pound! 50 pounds ! Whoop ! Whoop ! The day after Thanksgiving too. Insert cheesy grin here.
    Been to the chiropractor first thing this morning. Tendonitis is killing me since yesterday. Must have been lifting that 21 pound turkey. Shoulder's doing that cold pain thing right now. :( So annoying.

    KellySue- Have a wonderful weekend hun. You deserve it.

    Carmel- Thank you. I'm still working on it.

    Hello Newbies!
    I'll check back again later.

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    KellySue - I am glad your mom spoiled you for thanksgiving!

    Kate7294 - congrats on the poundage loss....this is seriously awesome!
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Hi all - Happy Thanksgiving to all my American friends. I know am a day late, but I just didn't have time to get on here yesterday.
    - Welcome back Beeps, glad you enjoyed your vacation.
    - congratulations Kate! 50 lbs down is freaking fantastic! Well done.
    - KellySue, hope your husband is able to get up and moving again, You have both been through so much. Enjoy your shopping day with your mom. :smile: -
    - Carmel - great job getting that workout in. No such thing as doggin it in your books!
    - Larro - you lost more weight! Well, am sure Thanksgiving dinner may correct that some.
    - Welcome SKME! congrats on the weightloss and good luck with your marathon training.
    - Ran yesterday. It was cold, but am determined to run outside all winter this year. It was -23C with the windchill, but I was toasty warm running. I ran indoors last winter and I disliked every darn minute of it, so....back out on the streets.
    - Staff Christmas party tonight, and no time to get a workout in beforehand. Grrrr. We had a couple of university students coming from Italy. They wanted to experience the north and snow, so they decided to come here. :smile:
  • Mzklutch
    Mzklutch Posts: 39 Member
    Hey all, sorry I am late making an entry but I went to work today too. I worked on thanksgiving and shared in a meal with my staff but managed to stay in my calorie goal.
    Great Job Larro and Kate on your wonderful weight loss journey.
    Caramel nice to see you are keeping on moving.
    Kelly Sue hopefully your husband keeps healing!
    KME2013 - welcome
    My goal is to get through the holidays and not let food be the focus. I must say I am definitely seeing more to the journey then just weight loss.
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Good Evening everyone. I just got through cleaning up after the big meal. Margie worked two days to get everything together, so I did the dishes and put up all the leftovers. I just got my pictures posted and haven't done the numbers yet. I'm sure I found those three pounds I lost though.

    Hope everyone is having a good weekend,



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    All looks seriously yummy, larro!

    Sdereski, how long are the italians sticking around?

    I am running a 101 fever today....icky.
  • Mzklutch
    Mzklutch Posts: 39 Member
    Hey all,
    Larro the food looks awesome and yummy.
    I think I splurged a bit today and went over on my calories by 300. This has been the first time in 31 days so I am ok with that. I will be back to watching it for the rest of the weeks. I am ok with having occasional detours without berating myself like I use to and then quit. Not this time though. :)
    Beeps hopefully you feel better.
  • stef123633
    stef123633 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi Cool Kids!

    Guess I fell off the wagon since my parents arrived because I haven't looked onto MFP since last Tuesday, yikes! Nor have a weighed myself. Ugh!

    Kate, glad you birthed that baby without going over your "due date", congratulations!!! Hahaha

    Larro, totally understand about your arthritis, you learn what to avoid. I have it bad in my lower back, I walk like an 80 yr old for the first 3 to 4 hours of the day every morning.

    Beeps, hope you feel better soon!

    Stef, welcome from one Stef to another :-)

    Everyone enjoy your Sunday!
  • Mzklutch
    Mzklutch Posts: 39 Member
    Good morning cool kids,
    I am logging before I go the work. I finally upheld my goal of getting into the gym bright and early this morning. 30 min on treadmill and 20 minutes on the elliptical. Feels good. Let's see what this week holds. I hope everyone had a blessed weekend. I did.
  • nickpnh
    nickpnh Posts: 111 Member
    edited December 2014
    Hello all. Sorry I've been MIA. I lost power in the storm. Generator broke. Snowblower broke. I had to schlep half done Turkey and trimmings to MIL's and finish there. It was still a nice meal if fragmented.

    Dog passed away Saturday night at 15.75 years - a good long life for a black lab but still tough with the kids. Came home to throw out and wash out everything in fridge and freezer since power was down more than 36 hours. On the plus side - a lot of junk food is now gone.

    Glad to be back and trying to get back on track.

    Congratulations to all who stayed on track! You should be proud!

    KS - hope hubs is improving.
    Beeps - feel better.
  • LouLouStBijou
    LouLouStBijou Posts: 987 Member
    Well, I feel a lot better about a slight over indulgence on my wedding weekend (mostly in really good wines!) when I see all the postings of the Thanksgiving feats all you Americans got up to!!! I won't get on the scale again until I am feeling like I have this past weekend in the past....at least food and booze wise....starting logging again today although and back to my exercise routine. I figure that if I spend enough time walking and doing other (ahem) physical activities on my honeymoon next weekend, I should be okay.

    Hope everyone on the southern side of the continent had a wonderful long weekend with family and friends and food.
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Hello All!

    Nichpnh- sorry to hear about your dog. It is always so hard to lose a family pet.

    I had a good rest of my weekend. Got all of my Christmas shopping finished up for the most part- may pick up some odds and ends still. Had to have a heart to heart with hubby this weekend as he has been reluctant to participate in therapy. He is remembering the pain he was in prior to his surgery and is fearful, but his pain level is so much better since having the surgery and he has agreed to get up and get moving so he can be home for Jake's 2nd birthday and Christmas.

    Home inspection is being done this afternoon and then to set up the official closing date! Hopefully very soon. I have been packing, packing and packing when I have been home. My backroom is full of boxes!

    Went and did my circuit workout this morning but had to walk instead of run. My pants kept wanting to fall off when I ran- guess it's time to send them to good will!! :blush:

    Have a good day all!
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Good Morning Cool Kids.

    It being Monday, I did my lifting. And it being the 1st of the month, I moved up to standard reps after a month of intro reps. It kicked my butt. I got real shaky on the last set.

    I think I'll cut my hair today. The shaggy sheepdog look isn't suiting me anymore.

    Beeps, hope you are feeling better.

    Stef, as long as you get back aboard a day or two off the wagon doesn't matter.

    Mzklutch, a morning workout sure is good. I had to go into work early yesterday, so I skipped my AM cardio. But I ate like I had done it, so after supper I went ahead and knocked it out. It's so much easier to do in the morning.

    Nick, you sure had a rough weekend. Sorry to hear about your dog. There is never a good time to lose a beloved pet. And a trick I learned about power outages, {from dealing with hurricane season} is to keep a couple of gallon jugs of ice in your freezer. When you first loose power, put one of them in the fridge, then 24 hours later put the other one in there. And if you don't open your freezer or fridge anymore than you have to, everything will be good for a couple of days.

    Louisa, congratulation on your wedding. About that other physical activity. I'm sure most of us do it, but yet none of us log it. Why is that?

    Hello to everyone else. Hope everyone had a good holiday and weekend.


  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Hey Kelly Sue. I guess our comments crossed in the inner workings of the interwebs. You are rocking the Christmas shopping. Margie picked up a gift for the BIL, and as far as I know, that is all we have bought. But I always buy my boss and co-workers beer. If I get to Sam's Club in Panama City, I will get my boss another one of those soft sided hot and cold bags. The one I got her a few years back is showing daylight, so I know it isn't keeping ice very well.

    Maybe your talk will light a fire under Hubby. Getting home for Christmas should be a good carrot.

    Hope to hear the home inspection goes well.

    I can relate to losing pants. A few months back I had to run my sister to the airport in PC and forgot my belt. I was losing my pants every time I stood up. I ran by Walmart once I got her on her way and bought a belt. I have been lucky finding good pants in thrift stores, but finding a good belt is a lot harder. I had bought so many while I was losing that I bought a leather punch so I could add holes.
