40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    I lifted today. Had meetings. Got up too early, so am zzzzzz'ing big time right now!
  • Mzklutch
    Mzklutch Posts: 39 Member
    Hi all, just getting a chance to check in late. I didn't get to do much reading this weekend so I enjoyed seeing what everyone was up too.

    Caramel- I did get to work out Saturday - Cardio consisted of rowing for 12 minutes( which is all I could tolerate Lol) and treadmill 45minutes and did some lifting.
    I did 50 minutes on the elliptical this morning and it felt good to complete it.

    KellyS - I am still packing too and will be moving on Wednesday. So needless to say I have to eat out and am trying to make wise and healthy choices.
    Larro sounds like you had some fun.

    Toodles and look forward to hearing from everyone again tomorrow.

  • Kate7294
    Kate7294 Posts: 783 Member
    Morning Kid's!
    Haven't made it to the gym lately. Now with the Holiday's upon us I'm in "flight of the bumblebee mode" trying to get everything done so I can relax for the Holidays. I stocked up on felt yesterday at JoAnn's Fabrics. < That was fun it took me 3 or 4 tries before I could get Josie out of their shopping cart ( ended up having to take off her shoes to get her out ). She weighs over 40 lbs. Ugh. My back and shoulder are still bothering me. Grrr...
    Packed up my Christmas Village since Josie kept decapitating the villagers. LOL. Still working on sewing projects for gifts which seems to really calm me. So that's good.
    Finally got my BMI in the healthy range at 24.9 so that made me super excited. Just 3 lbs. till goal ! Though may go a little lower just don't tell my husband. LOL . He's trying to be supportive but prefers me with a little more curves. I just don't have any. LOL

    Larro- Got my protein up yesterday! "Hide hide tonight !!" LOL. Squealing girls...No thanks. Yesterday I kept hearing a sound like a shop vacuum running or a constant train whistle I finally had to leave the house. LOL

    E'sMom- Glad to see your back hun.

    KellySue- Hoping your husband can come home soon.

    Carmel- Your a beast in the gym/workouts Girl!

    I'll check back later. Off to make cupcakes and targets out of felt. This mouse is really annoying me today. LOL

  • Kate7294
    Kate7294 Posts: 783 Member
    Just because it makes me happy to see this I'm posting my ticker.

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    Kate 7294 - get lifting and you will get that hourglass shape!

    Today is my max-strength group class. BOOM!

    I also aim to hit the malls and get all xmas shopping done.

  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Good Morning.

    I only have a minute before I have to hit the shower, so Hello to everyone.

    For the first time in days, I got my full cardio in this morning. Now off to town to do the weeks's shopping. I know all the stores will be crowded, but luckily my list is short.

    Tonight's event may be even worse than last night. It's the Pee Wee football banquet. It's as loud as the cheerleaders, just three or four times as many of them. They always end up in my flowerbeds.

    This is my last full day without Margie. I've been so busy at work I haven't really had a chance to miss her except for the short period between when I get home at night and go to sleep. That part is good, but I also didn't get the chance to sit around in my skivvies and watch TV. I feel like I have been deprived :)

    Hope everyone has a good day,

  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Good afternoon! My supervisor has been here with me at work all morning. She's a nice person and all, but I feel like I don't always get tons accomplished when she's here. (and I can't check in with all of you lovely folks!!)
    Last night I moved BIG bags of garbage- 20 of them- to the curb and then made uncounted number of trips upstairs with packed boxes. Seems backwards to take them upstairs when we will just have to bring them down on Saturday, but my grandson was at the house this morning and will be back there on Thursday so I have to keep it safe and not so cluttered for him so he doesn't get hurt. I will tell you I worked up quite a sweat by the time I was done. Will be so glad when this is over!!

    I off for a lunch break to buy toilet paper!! Have a good one all!
  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Hey Kids,

    I hope everyone is fine and progressing along.

    Kate--glad you are finding things that are therapeutic for you. Hope you can hit the gym and get the heavy thing going once again.

    KellySue--Of course you are still getting in a good workout, just as I knew you would.

    Larro--What kind of world is this where you could not walk around in your skivvies? Even without Margie, you still have quite a bit going on. You rock!!!!

    Mzklutch--You got something in and that is what counts. Keep forging ahead. I am rooting for you. In terms of the moving, you are getting in additional exercise unless you have hired movers.

    Beeps--High 5 on the lifting and I agree BOOM.

    After the numbing wore off yesterday my eyebrows felt like a nagging toothache. I do not know how people get tattoos. Not only do they penetrate the skin deeper there is nothing provided to numb you. It will take 3-4 weeks for things to calm down and the color to really burst through. Nothing more than a walk today so my muscles can relax for the next 2 days of torture.

    Have a great night kids.
  • Mzklutch
    Mzklutch Posts: 39 Member
    Good Morning Cool kids
    Workout finished this morning, only cardio (60minutes on elliptical) because I will get heavy lifting with moving boxes and furniture, today is move day :o .
    Kate - keep up the great work!
    Larro I hoped you enjoyed your day sans wife yesterday. I know I have been enjoying my time away being that my husband will soon join me as I have been living solo since May since starting my new job in Tx. I have to admit it started out rough because we have never been apart in our total 28 years but it grew on me. Lol.
    Caramel - I hope your soreness and healing gets better and guess the look after all the pain subsides will be rewarding.
    Hope everyone has a great day! Ttyl.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    Hi all you cool kids... TGIF!!

    I saw this forum and noticed that I can play! I am a cool kid..

    Please add me if you need a cool friend!
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Happy hump day!! It's snowy and icky here today- blah! Not sure what the rest of the day will bring if it stays this way. I have a day full of meetings either way. Packed last night and planning more of the same tonight. Tomorrow is a late work day so probably won't get too much accomplished then. Well gotta run! Have a good one!
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    I hope you all are doing well. Been super busy and don't get on as much these days.

    We are battening down the hatches (so to speak) because we are supposed to get some pretty severe winds and rain over the next couple of days. Last week we had a lot of rain and the neighbor's tree fell over into our backyard. We were worried it destroyed the fence, but after we had our gardener remove the tree we were happy to see the fence held up under that pressure. Hopefully no trees topple with this next storm.

    We had a lot of street and freeway flooding with last week's rains. One night it was taking nearly 3 hours to drive home from work, when it usually takes 30 minutes. Too much leaves and debris running off into the gutters and clogging them up, and too much rain all at once. Hopefully we don't have a repeat of that this week.

    I think today I'm going to eat really light. I had an super caloric day yesterday and need to offset that. Overall, I've been doing really well this holiday season. I have the odd day where I eat more than I should, but those days are rare. On Thanksgiving, I kept that meal under 1000 calories, but we went out to a restaurant, so it was easier to control the intake. Luckily, we don't have a lot of junk floating around the office this season. Now, if someone brings in some iced sugar cookies, I'm all in. Those are my favorites. I don't make them because I don't need the temptation, but I'll have one or two if someone brings them in.

    Well, better get going on my crazy work day. One good thing about it, I'm racking up some serious overtime!

    Have a nice day everyone. :)

  • Sylvarose
    Sylvarose Posts: 70 Member
    edited December 2014
    Hi! I'm 47 starting on needing to loose 100+ (down 4llbs already). I'm a cool kid though! Just ask my cats! ;) No seriously - my big activity this past weekend was carrying a banner in our local Krampus parade! Had a guy with a fire whip right behind us! Talking about motivation to keep moving! LOL Still, was a lot of fun and we had a fantastic turnout. The kids loved the parade and was so happy that even though I'm struggling with my weight I was able to be apart of it (and got to log it...bonus points!)

    Hope everyone else is having a good day.
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Good Morning Cool Kids.

    Hello to everyone, and welcome to Gia.

    I am doing the Wednesday thing. I'm through with my cardio and breakfast and have a good head start on the laundry. Not too many dishes. I washed them on Monday and wasn't here long enough yesterday to dirty anything but a couple of coffee cups.

    Margie called, and they are already on the road. They skipped one session so they could get an early start. She should be getting in around 3-4 this afternoon. I will have to run to Bristol to pick her up.

    Hope everyone has a good day,

  • Curiousgeorgianna
    Curiousgeorgianna Posts: 187 Member
    Good morning cool kids!
    Sorry I've been MIA this last week. Ended up going to Sacramento to present on a panel, then it was the weekend, then I was down sick for a couple of days...whew! Home, better, and on track today.
    Nick, how are you and the family doing? I love dogs. After my last one passed years ago, I haven't had another. Not for lack of wanting, but because I work all day and, and we can't bring dogs to work. :( . And I know what you mean about how emotionally attached we can get to a number on the scale! Mine is 169.
    Caramel, Congrats on the new brows! I'm sure you didn't really look like an alien ;), but it's so nice when something new and positive is making you smile at the mirror! Your workouts continue to impress. I loved lifting heavy, but haven't for nearly 20 years! Soon...gym membership is in my future.
    Mzklutch - great work on keeping up the exercise. Biker name? Tell me more!
    Kate, only 3 lbs to go?!?! So amazing!
    KS, I was glad to read that your dh is steadily improving, and may be released home. I hope the 20 bags of garbage left you feeling purged and unburdened both literally and figuratively. Releasing real stuff always makes me feel a little lighter in spirit. I hope the big move goes well this weekend.
    Larro, how are your cousin and mom getting on? I'm sure you're glad to have Margie back.
    Bw - that nordic track sounds awesome. I just have the old school wooden ski one, but it still gets the butt kicked.
    Mykalis, I hope your new pics turned out great. What's the news on the potential surgery?
    Stef, I love fish too. It's a good food when you can find quality fish. If I don't catch my own, I always torture the fish counter guy with my Monterey Bay Seafood Watch card :). There's a new recipe on Spiralizer today with cod. I think I'll try it.
    Sdereski, the story about those poor Italian boys sounded like a Murphy's Law experience. I'm glad it worked out. Now get out there for a jog!
    techie, welcome. I'm a huge fan of juicing! It's a great way to get lots of veggies in a day. Smoothies too. I'd love to hear your favorite recipes.
    Myg - yeah...about the crazy weather! We're having the same system here. B & I are headed to the jetty at lunch to watch the giant waves -- predicted at over 20' today. Should be a good show. Good job staying on your calorie track!

    I'm hanging in there with the holiday food temptations. Not losing, but not gaining either! Too windy for cycle commuting, so yesterday I explored a new trail in the forest near my house, and this morning I went on a walk in the early dark hours enjoying the blustery wind.

    Btw, have I mentioned my spiralizer? It's a blast! Today I made zoodles (zucchini) to go in my soup. 35 cals verses 150 if I used wheat noodles. I'm a fan.

    Happy Hump Day everyone. :flowerforyou:
  • handyandy9x
    handyandy9x Posts: 93 Member
    edited December 2014
    Hi all....
    back at work for a month of checking in on you guys.. found I had 160 updates on the Cool Kids thread, I have still been logging and now up to 340 odd days. I just didn't get much chance to check in with you guys during my 3 weeks off work. Now back for my 4 weeks work, so here in Abu Dhabi for Xmas and New Year, so that should curb all the seasonal temptations, no booze allowed on site and minimal treats either although the food here at the camp isn't always the healthiest and I have to estimate as best I can from the database as to what they actually contain calorifically. The good thing is that there are losts of entries now appearing for major catering companies as they all work to similar menu's for cost purposes. The only problem is that they are listed as serves, which is difficult as it is serve yourself here. But one thing I have learned in the last year is how much a serve of something is, where before MFP I would load up my plate, I now eat much smaller portions.

    My MFP year in review -
    Hit the big 50... was under 100 kg for it which was my aim for the year, and 12 kg lost overall from this time last year.
    In my recent Dr's check up found my overall cholesterol was static, but my good is up and the bad is down. My blood pressure is fine and no risk of diabetes, and a heart health risk of 2% down from 7% earlier in the year.
    I got a Stand Up Paddle board for my big birthday present so looking forwards to exploring the rivers and glorious beaches of Western Australia in the New Year as a great new fitness activity, we did have a large 2 seater kayak but that was difficult to manouver on and off the car even when I home and my BH could not use it all when I was away, so now we have both got SUP's as I have got one for her 50th birthday as well!.
    Down to a 34" waist in jeans and down from XXL t shirts, though hate the way even 'Designer' XL shirts seem to be made for 12 year olds....but hopefully when I have dropped anothe 5 or 10 kg my back fat and moobs will have diminished a little more allowing them to fit!

    Seasons greetings to all members of the group old and new and keep up the logging!

  • Sylvarose
    Sylvarose Posts: 70 Member
    Good morning! Hope all are well. My goal today is to get to they Y for water aerobics. I packed the gym bag. So I really have no excuse not to go but I'm sure as you all know just because there really is none doesn't mean one can't be created. LOL Anyway, hope you all have a happy and healthy day!
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Hi all! Was out shoveling about a foot of snow at 6am today. Had to make sure that Jake could get in safely. We ended up closing early at work yesterday so I got some good packing time in. I will do a bit when I get home tonight, but won't be done here until around 8:00pm or so. My brother-in-law and his wife are coming tomorrow to help me finish up and Saturday is IT! I know it will be good, but I am nervous and a little stressed about the whole business.

    I got two calls from the hospital staff today. Hubs is going to have to go to rehab for a bit, but can't get into anything closer to home so will have to stay in Rochester. I was hoping to have him home by next weekend for Jake's b-day party or at least by Christmas, but not sure that is going to happen.

    Hope you all have a great day!
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    edited December 2014
    HI all, I too have been MIA, but with the holidays fast approaching, I seem to be in overdrive. I am pleased to report that I have worked out 4 out of 5 days this week. :) I've been doing the PiYo workouts at home and did get a run in yesterday. My goal is to try and get some exercise in everyday. Have Christmas bridge tonight, so there will be treats. I had my protein shake this morning and a salad for lunch. I think I have time for a quick workout before I go.

    Everyone continues to do well. Kate - congrats!! You are almost at goal! You will get there. And, as Beeps says, start lifting heavy and you will get that great shape.

    Kelly - the time has arrived! Hope you will love your new home! Here's hoping your husband will be able to make it home for Christmas.

    Curious - is there anything you don't do? I am always so impressed by all that you do when it comes to your food. You catch it, raise it, hunt it, grow it, etc. I too have a spiralizer, but have yet to put it to use. I need to start looking at some recipes.

    So, am no where near ready for Christmas. Our tree is up, but not decorated. :\ My baking has started, and will continue to do a little each night. Still have to shop and get the remainder of my cards out. So much to do and I'm running out of time! We are away this weekend, to finish up the shopping, but being away from home means the stuff that I would normally try and catch up on the weekend will not get done. O well, it will come whether I am ready or not, so may as well just go with it!

    Keep up the great work everyone!