40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Well, woke up this am to a cold house- yep, the new one! I had to take the morning off from work to get someone there to fix it. It was a piece of fuzz on the ignitor- REALLY- a piece of fuzz! :wtf: He was there all of five minutes! We had an arrangement set up with the seller to take care of some furnace stuff anyway so this kind of falls under that- thank goodness!

    My daughter and son-in-law were over with my grandson last night. He needed a bath while he was there and got to use the big garden tub- now he is obsessed with it!! I am in big trouble!!!!! :o

    Trying hard to stick to healthy eating, but even the individuals in my program bring us gifts of chocolate and other yumminess- so hard!!

    Have a great day!!
  • laura2813
    laura2813 Posts: 84 Member
    Good Afternoon Cool Kids!

    I'm so glad to be here and read all the interesting post and see what you all are doing each day.
    Emmalusmom - so sorry about your neighbor. That nasty cancer thing doesn't care about anyone or anything. I'll be praying for you and for this family. That was my biggest fear when my children were young. Not being there for them.
    Larro - Rainy in NW FL yesterday? You must have been talking about the rain that came through here early that morning. I'm about an hour and a half west of you off of I-10. Love the pic BTW.
    KellySue - You sound real busy and I hate to hear your husband won't make it home for Christmas. I'll be praying for you and your family and that everything works out OK this Christmas.
    laramom - girl... with all you have going on and doing P90X and striving for 10K steps a day. YOU ROCK!!!
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Hi everyone.

    It's still drizzling here. We have steady rain and drizzley weather for about a week now. It's coming down nice and slow, so the streets aren't flooding over thank goodness.

    This new group of people I work with in the office now have this thing called the 12-days of Christmas snack table. Each of us chooses a day to bring in something sweet or savory. Today someone brought in french toast (with choices of syrup, whipped cream, strawberries, powdered sugar, etc.) and now they just brought in pizzas for lunch. Yesterday someone brought in Nilla Wafer banana pudding. I'm being good and not going back for seconds though! Ha! I'm making sure to load up on the veggies when I get home from work, and with a couple exceptions, I'm staying within my calorie limit, but the sugar meter is off the charts. Need to pull back on that.

    My nearly 71 year old dad went to the DMV yesterday to take his written exam to renew his license. He's been studying for it and taking mock online tests for the past month, and he got all the answers correct. I think he was a little worried about it, but I knew he'd pass with flying colors. It's a good thing they don't give hearing tests. He doesn't think he has a hearing problem, but he's wrong!

    Curious, I can't imagine riding in the dark and rain. That's dedication!! I drive 30 miles per day, and most of the streets aren't so bike-friendly.

    Caramel, I usually avoid the whole New Years resolution thing. I figure if it's something I need to do, then just do it. But, I've really slacked over the last few months on bringing healthy packed breakfasts and lunches to work. I used to be diligent about that, and I plan to get back to that at the start of the year. I've been eating out way too much lately (not to mention all the office goodies). Another goal, which I've already implemented is to go for walks at least 30 minutes per day. Good for the body, and good for the mind as it makes me step away from the crazy office each day.

    Hi to all the newcomers!

    Better get back to it. Have a nice day everyone.

  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Hey Kids,

    I see there are so many new posts and so much more engagement on here these days. I love it.

    I wrote a blog here on reflection because I find I get so caught up into what I am NOT doing, that I tend to forget all that I HAVE done. Due to that 1011 calorie burn Monday night and training last night, my thighs are really hurting today. With that said I will forfeit Extreme Fit tonight so I can recover. What will I do with all this pinned up energy? As it relates to the nagging coworker, I have ignored her for the last 2 days and it is working fine for me. I visit PS number one tomorrow and I am kind of anxious and excited at the same time. I will make an informed decision once I have met with all 3 and do a reputation/cost comparison.

    I will write my usual detailed post a little later this evening. Wanted to check in to say I am alive.

  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Hey cool kids - busy day with a morning full of meetings. Playing catch up and follow up after them this afternoon. Will try and post tonight or tomorrow morning. :)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    Too sick to lift.


    But, i had two good interviews. One company is organizing a lunch in january....the other company retained me for some project-work, which will introduce me to the honchos of the company, and hopefully a more permanent arrangement.


    I hope i am feeling better tomorrow.....so weak.....
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Hi All! It was a Jake morning- had fun as usual. Last night I wrapped all of my Christmas gifts and put them around my tiny tree for this year- didn't put up the big one due to the move. Nothing new to report otherwise.

    Beeps- I do hope you feel better soon. :flowerforyou: It's no fun being sick. Hopefully one something good will come from your interviews.

    Hope everyone has a good day!
  • laura2813
    laura2813 Posts: 84 Member
    Good Morning Cool Kids!

    I learned last night that my 11yr old son has a girlfriend. Not something a mama wants to hear especially when the son is the light of her life. UGH!!! His much older twin sisters were the biggest challenge that a mom could have and then he came along and restored hope in me. He's got orange hair so I call him my orange lifesaver. Anyway I've reached the point where I don't feel like I'm waking up half dead and am ready to start back into the regular gym and C25K routine. With all that's been going on at home the extra time to myself is needed for stress relief. :smiley:

    Beeps - keeping my fingers crossed that something comes of your interviews and I hope you feel better soon.
  • Curiousgeorgianna
    Curiousgeorgianna Posts: 187 Member
    Happy Thursday morn Cool Kids,
    Another successful bicycle commute this morning. Rain not predicted until tonight. On my ride home last night -- when it was raining -- I came across a girl with a flat, no tools, no clue, no rain gear. She'd already been walking with her bike for a couple of hours. It was dark and she was tired and cold. I tried to find the leak in her tire, but so noisy on the side of the freeway I couldn't hear the leak. I called B to the rescue, and he gave her and her bike a ride to town. They say that adventure is hardship taken with a good attitude (and visa versa), and she had game after all that, so I think she'll have a fun life.
    Laura, I'm sure your orange lifesaver has learned so much about girls from you and his sisters that he'll make wise choices, and have high standards! ;)
    KS, the tub sounds divine. Jake will be doing laps in there soon. Glad your heater malfunction was just a piece of fuzz.
    Mygnsac, it is so hard this time of year when you work in an environment full of well-intentioned co-workers bearing treats. Same thing going on in my shop, and I work at Public Health! LOL. "Do as we say, not as we do"!
    Sdereski, HI!
    Beeps, sorry about the bug, but it's way cool about the interviews! Good luck with that.
    Caramel, I will have to read your blog this afternoon! You have, indeed, already acomplished amazing things. You're being so smart about how you're choosing a PS. It's good you live in an urban area so you won't have to travel too far to find a good one. Enjoy your day of rest.
    Congratulations on your anniversary Larro! She may deserve a medal, but she's a very lucky woman to have you too! Have fun in Marianna.

    Good day to all the rest of you as you check in.

    I'm off to teach the last session of QI for my staff.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited December 2014
    Morning all. Gosh, it's already almost 11 am. Where has the morning gone?!

    Arrived to work today to more goodies on the 12-days of Christmas treat table. Today it was a homemade quiche made with cheese, eggs, spinach and ground meat, some homemade apple coffee cake, and some homemade chocolate covered butter cookies. And I didn't eat any of is. Ok, I lied, I ate it all! Super yummy.

    My Dad ordered one of those big blow up exercise balls (Dr's orders for his back problems) and I used the little hand held pump that came with it to blow it up. I swear it must have taken me 45 minutes to get that thing inflated, and today my arms are killing me. After we finished we smacked our heads because we forgot we had an electric pump out in the garage we could have used. doh2.gif

    Been eating a lot of salad for dinner at home. Not getting the veggies in during the day like I should. Come the first of the year, that's going to have to change. Since I've been sprouting my own sprouts for the past month, I've been tossing about a cup of those into every salad I made. First time I've ever grown anything that is edible!


    I woke up this morning to sunshine peaking through the clouds. We're supposed to get more rain this evening, but I'm enjoying the sun while it's here. Nice day to go for a walk.

    Back to work I guess. Have a lovely day everyone! :)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    The interviews went well. Thank you for the well-wishes! Still too sick to workout....but likely tomorrow I will try.

    Yummy photo, mygnsac.
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Good Evening.

    My customers changed their mind about how they wanted the Ball Room set up for tonight's Christmas party, so I had to come in early to take care of that. That meant I didn't get in all of my cardio, but I did finish lifting. It didn't take me long to change the set-up, and I have been reading all afternoon. If any of you like humor, you should read Boone's Lick, by Larry McMurtry. It is a hoot. Now I'm starting an Elmore Leonard. It is depressing reading such good writers. It puts my little scribbles in a not so favorable light.

    I was happy to hear the news that relations with Cuba might be normalized. I spent a week or two at GitMo when I was in the Navy. Very nice people, food and beaches. No need to mention the worlds best cigars, since I have gave up smoking ten years ago. But I guess the biggest effect will be to baseball.

    Today is Thursday, so here are the numbers for the week:

    21.7% Body Fat
    57.0% Body Water
    24.4 Body Mass Index
    174.4 Pounds

    Hope everyone had a good day,

  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Hey kids,

    Beeps..I wish a speedy recovery for you. I know you are not happy about no lifting. I know you aced the interviews and I hope the best company picks you.

    Kelly..Congrats on the new house. Sorry hubby won't be home for the holiday. Glad you are back to a warm home. It's too cold

    CG..You should write a book. You have so much adventure. That was nice to look out for the young lady.

    Larro..Happy Anniversary. I hope you and Margie many more. As usual, you are busy.

    Mygnsac...yummy photo...Nice about your dad passing his exam..In terms of office goodies, I know you will find your niche again.

    Laura..It's like the kids come right out of diapers into crushes and relationships. He will always be your lifesaver.

    I saw the 1st of 3PS's today. He confirmed what I already knew about having a lot of loose skin. He was shocked when he saw my pic from 2010. I really liked him. He was voted as a great PS in the top doc magazine. I know personally 2 people who went to him and he did a fantastic job on them. I only did 60 minutes on the eliptical today. My thighs feel much better since I gave myself a day's break.

    Have a great night everyone.
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Happy Friday!! Moved some furniture and boxes last night for a bit, but called it an early night and was in bed at 10:00. the last few nights have been closer to midnight. Tonight is cleaning night at the old house so I can get the pictures taken and get it listed!

    Tomorrow is Jake's 2nd Birthday party- YEAH!! I am looking forward to it- just love that little boy! :heart: :heart_eyes: After the party I will be heading to see hubs- he is finally heading back to rehab today. Same place he was at before, but in a different area due to his having to receive IV antibiotics. I guess that is a big deal for these places and not many will take on patients with these. Such a process to learn all of this stuff!
    Sunday I am having my tv hooked up- so it will be nice to get back to some of my favorite shows- not that I watch tons of it, but I do enjoy a few things and a good movie now and then.

    Caramel- good luck with the PS's. I am sure you will make a good, informed choice.

    Have a good day everyone!
  • anastasiaobrien
    anastasiaobrien Posts: 9 Member
    I'm in!
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Good morning. Woohoo it's Friday. I'm ready for this week to be done.

    The traffic on the way to work this morning was really light. People must be starting their holiday vacations. It's always a treat to not have to wade through bumper to bumper traffic.

    Our pretty sunshine has gone away again. We should be getting some more rain today, and then it's supposed to clear up for the weekend. Can't complain about the temperature. Our lows are staying in the upper 40s and our highs in the lower 60s.

    Last night I was playing around with my new Ipad Air 2 and stumbled on the slow motion feature in the camera. I used my dog as the guinea pig. Here he is trying his to get me to throw the ball...in slow mo (that tail is actually going a mile a minute). My first youtube video. The rule is, he must complete a command (this one is down/roll over) before I throw the ball. He sounds so ferocious in slow mo!

    Well, I'd better close and get to work. It's going to be a long day. Have a nice day, and Happy Friday!
  • Curiousgeorgianna
    Curiousgeorgianna Posts: 187 Member
    Happy Friday Cool Kids.

    3rd consecutive bicycle commute day. 3.5 round trips for the week. The storms slowed me down a bit, but it's been pretty good riding all in all. Absolutely had to ride today...holiday potluck, and we've got an office full of foodies. I brought venison and wild boar meatballs.

    The Pacific is kicking up again this week. 18' swells today, though it will be diminished by Sunday when we paddle out. Should still be bouncy fun.

    Tomorrow is supposed to be very stormy, and I'm looking forward to a day in the house. It's a disaster! Just so much going on, and not enough of me to do it all.

    Next week we're off to Hilton Head to spend the holiday with B's family. I'll bring the computer, but not sure if there's wi-fi. I've learned that I can't access the thread with my phone, so I may go MIA.

    Caramel, I'm glad to hear that your first SP interview went well, and that your legs are recovering and ready for what's next!

    KS, happy birthday to Jake! He's really is a steady bright spot in your life. Your anchor to happiness while dealing with so many challenges.

    Larro, I'm pretty excited about changes with Cuba too! Good job on the numbers! You're totally holding the line.

    Myg, my that looks yummy! I have fallen out of the habit of sprouting with all of the traveling about lately. Thanks for the reminder!

    Beeps, darn that bug! I'm sending bug-destroying thoughts your way.

    Happy Holidays to everyone in advance in case I drop off next week.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    Caramel -. What did plastic surgeon say?

    Still too weak to lift. But I am feeling better.

  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Hey Guys.

    I was back at work around noon after working until 0200 this morning. Right now it is wall to wall Christmas parties, but after Sunday I'll have a couple of weeks with very little going on. I will confess to some late night snacking that I didn't log. If it's after midnight, but before daylight, it's in that no-man's land. But I got in my full cardio this morning and have walked some since getting to work. Since I knew I would be eating lunch with the City of Blountstown's party, I mostly skipped breakfast. It's a good thing. When I went through the line they cut off a hunk of sirloin tip roast that weighed 400g. I only ate half of it, planning on saving the rest for supper in case my other customers don't feed me tonight, but then later when I was starting to tear down the tables and chairs, one of the ladies brought me an even bigger slab that someone had wrapped up as a to-go and had left it. So I'm set for meat.

    Curious, my sister and BIL have a time-share on Edisto Island. Last year they took their kayaks and spent most of their time on the water. They learned a lot about the rice and indigo plantations and the local African Americans who descended from the slaves who worked there. I had done a goodly amount of research on the area as Port Royal was one of the major Southern ports in the early 1700's {when my stories take place}.

    Beeps, glad you are showing signs of improvement.

    Mynsac, loved the video. It sounded other worldly.

    Kelly Sue, have fun at Jake's party. Those birthdays have a way of rolling along. Before you know it he will be leaving for college.

    Anastasia, welcome.

    Caramel, glad you like the first PS. I blew those skinny numbers right out of the water this morning when I stepped on the scale. {Gained 3 pounds in one day} The party last night left all sorts of goodies to be thrown away. I didn't throw them all away.

    I had better get back down to the Ball Room and get to work. My event tonight is in the other end of the building so there is no rush on getting cleaned up. Which leads to me not doing it until midnight.

    I hope everyone has a good weekend,

  • Mzklutch
    Mzklutch Posts: 39 Member
    Well good morning Cool kids,
    Whew! I am glad to make it to the end of the week. It was a very busy one at work. Thankfully the stress of the week and busyness didn't allow me to want to get off track with my eating, however the only exercise was that I did a lot of walking and moving around at work. The scale showed that I managed to do well by having no weight gain.
    Looks like everyone had a great week.
    Larro - congratulations on the anniversary
    Beeps I hope you get well and better soon. No fun being sick
    Curious - way to go on getting that exercise biking. My hat goes off to you for the dedication and determination to not let the weather impede that movitvation.
    KellyS - seems like you are getting settled. I thought I was too until my husband made it in last night and brought more stuff from our WI resident. I was sooooooo not happy because that meant I left work to come home to more work because I thrive on order at home. :#:)
    Caramel - wish you much success on your PS journey. After all the work you put in to be and stay healthy, you deserve to finish off by correcting the loose skin and adding even more beauty.
    Anastasia - welcome.
    Well the hubby and our son made so I will take a few days off next week to relax and enjoy them before our son goes back to WI.
    I look forward to finish out this year more healthy then last year. Additionally, I hope to have an even more healthy 2015. :D