40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    Thanks, larro....I haven't started packing yet, but sunscreen, hat, sunglasses are FIRST on my "checklist"!

    caramel - my mood is "down in the dumps", too.....also why I am not posting very much. BUT, while I am in Mexico, I am COUNTING ON YOU to do the "right" thing and get your lifting in and done! For me, too....k?

    ruby70 - I hope your high school football team just ROLLS OVER the competition....sounds promising given their record!

    No lifting for me. I am at my office doing boring old paperwork. Oh well. Mexico tomorrow!
  • nickpnh
    nickpnh Posts: 111 Member
    have fun beeps! Still on track with my calories. Yeah!
  • Curiousgeorgianna
    Curiousgeorgianna Posts: 187 Member
    Good morning all,
    No riding today. As carlosjenno says, "it's pissing down out there"! I'll get a walk in at lunch. There's been a hummingbird in the tiny courtyard outside my office window, and I'm walking to the bird store to get a stick-on window feeder. Had another small 'scale' victory. What seems to really be helping is the mega-batching of food on the weekend. I have 5 jars of veggie & tofu soup, 5 bananas, one pint of plain yogurt, 10 little eggie things, and 10 slices of cheese at the office. I make a concious schedule for eating so that I don't randomly snack, so: yogurt/banana at 7:30, cheese at 10, soup at noon, eggie things at 3. On days that I cycle commute, I have about 1500 cals left when I get home. I can (embarassingly) actually eat that much, but I strive to keep eves to under 1K, which is totally doable. Anyway, seems to be working, and it's plenty of food. Not ever getting hungry.

    Larro, who ever heard of an illegal orange? Sounds like a good song title! It seems that jumping rope would be excellent exercise, especially for bone density. As a middle-aged woman who's had a couple of kids though, I experience some...how to say it delicately..."leakage issues" when I jump up & down too much. Trampolines are definitely off the list!
    Myg, I think you hit the nail on the head about making your new healthy lifestyle sustainable. Glad you got to enjoy the capitol on your walk.
    KS - geez! Poor guy! How frustrating for you dh and for you. Keep prioritizing your excercise. It will keep you strong and balanced while you navigate this storm.
    Beeps, hasta manana!
    Carlosjenno, sounds like 2 great runs! I hope your dw comes home soon. In the meantime, marathon-watch that TV!
    Ruby, enjoy the game, and good job keeping your cals under control.
    Nick, every moment is an opportunity to reset! Enjoy the brisk walks.
    Caramel, so sorry to hear your spirits are low. You're so strong and capable. Not sure what's getting you down, but here's a (long, but important) story.

    When I was in my mid-twenties I went to a 6-day personal improvement camp. Anyone remember EST? Anyway, one thing we did that has really stuck with me is this:
    Every morning we were to run a mile. I figured it would be a piece of cake since I was in excellent running shape at the time. The rules were to run full out the entire time. There was no walking or jogging allowed. IF we couldn't run full out, we had to stop until we were able to run again. The instructions were that when we felt like we had to stop, to listen to the conversation in our heads. This is the conversation that will stop you everywhere in life, so listen to it, and recognize it. The first day I had a lot of conversations! The second day I just ran full out. Then it hit me that I still had 4 days to go, and no more excuses ;) . It was a very valuable lesson, and I still recognize that conversation whenever I hear it - mine and others.

    Sorry so long, but wanted to share that.
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Good Morning Afternoon Cool Kids.

    Ruby, good luck to your team. Hope they play well.

    Nick, I snack all day long, but I put more thought and planning into my snacks than I do meals. I always eat the exact same thing for breakfast, and it's pretty late, so lunch is always light for me. But I have found carrots and grapes are great snacks that are low in calories and they make you feel good. I also eat almonds and popcorn every single day.

    Carlos, hope your wife gets home soon, no matter how nice it is to watch TV in your skivvies.

    Curious, enjoy your humming bird. We have several at the Civic Center. My boss is a smoker, and we sit on a screened in porch for our staff meeting so she can smoke. There are hummingbird feeders all along outside the screen, and we get to see some epic battles as they fight to keep each other off the feeders. The story with the oranges is that if a cold resistant orange was allowed in, then you could grow them on much cheaper land in Georgia and Alabama and Florida's grip on the OJ market would lessen.

    Caramel, sorry you have the blahs. I thought about PM'ing you a picture of my smiling face, but figured that might have the exact opposite effect of the one desired.

    Beeps, back in my Navy days we would count down to an important even by saying you have so and so many days and a wake up. Well you are down to a wake up. Have fun.

    I got my cardio {including 2 minutes of jumping rope} and lifting in this morning, and just finished breakfast. I usually have Thursday off and cook supper, but I have to work tonight. I've decided to cook before going in to work. On Tuesday when I did the shopping, I bought ground turkey and ground turkey sausage for my famous Larro's BBQ Turkey Burgers, so I guess that is what I'll be cooking. And since it's already afternoon and it looks like I'll be skipping lunch, I'm going to fry up a package of bacon while I'm at it. I have a hard time getting enough calories on lifting days anyway.

    Need to run if I'm going to get the cooking done and get to work on time. Hope everyone has a good day,


    PS: here are the numbers for the week.

    22.0% Body Fat
    56.8% Body Water
    24.6 BMI
    175.7 Pounds
  • nickpnh
    nickpnh Posts: 111 Member
    Thanks for all the encouragement. On calorie track and walked 2 miles in the toasty 45 degrees (much warmer than yesterday - actually broke a sweat).

    Larro I have yet to have a day where getting calories in was a problem :smiley:
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    OH! And here's a link to the 2-ingredient vegan chocolate frosting!


    this sounds / looks delicious!
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Hello all,
    I have been meaning to write all day, but the day got away from me. It has been a bit busy these past few days.

    Welcome newbies!

    Larro - that tornado looks scary. Glad it didn't touchdown on your ranchero.

    Kate - fantastic job! Amazing weight loss!

    Beeps and Carmel, I see you are still pumping it out like there is no tomorrow. WTG ladies!
    Carmel - ouch on the fingernail bit. I am always breaking my nails. Sigh. Not sure what I have to do to strengthen them. I've tried everything I can think of.

    Curious - your meal prep is always so interesting and involved! I love hearing about it. No just "go to the supermarket and buy..." It is "hunt", "pick", "butcher", "trap", "dig" etc. All such wonderful sounding foods. I keep telling you, you are living my dream. :smile:

    Kelly - glad to hear your husband is feeling a bit better. Hope progress moves along. Hope you're tummy issues settle down though. How is the packing going?

    Ruby - good luck with your strength training.

    After all my chatter about people putting up their Christmas stuff already...........I brought up some of my Christmas bins and put a few things out - like my table runners and cushions. lol. I am hosting bridge tonight, so I wanted the house to look a little "festive". :lol:
    I curled on Tuesday and we won. :smile: No exercise yesterday, just housework. Not sure what I will get in today, but I sure as heck hope it's something!

  • Emmalusmom
    Emmalusmom Posts: 61 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    Sorry to be MIA for so long. I really appreciate those of you that were worried about me. That is the best feeling in the world to know that you have others thinking and concerned about you.

    I was sick for a little over and week and am having family issues right now. But I wanted to let you all know that I am still alive and trying to stay on track.

    I can't believe how many people have joined the group. It took me forever to read through all the posts. But it also excites me to see so many people are jumping on board.

    Larro - You are a special man and I feel proud to call you friend.

    CG - You have a special place in my heart too. And I LOVE buttercup! I have a 4 wheeler that is a lot of fun.

    KS - You are in my prayers. You are such a strong woman. You inspire me!

    Caramel - You are awesome and remember that this too shall pass. You are way too much of a bad@ss to let anything keep you down for too long. You are a Rockstar!

    Kate - I am so proud that you are almost at your goal. You give me hope that I too can reach mine.

    Beeps - Enjoy your vacation!

    Carlos - Glad to hear that your wife is doing better. I hope that she gets to come home soon.

    Ruby - Hope that your team goes all the way. My kids HS is in the play offs too.

    Nick - Stay foucsed! You can do it!

    Sdereski - I hope that you get choosen for The Amazing Race. I have never watched but will if you make it. Best of Luck!

    I hope all you have a wonderful evening! I do feel it is a privledge to be in this group! I really appreciate the support and friendship I have make through this thread!
  • Kate7294
    Kate7294 Posts: 783 Member
    Good evening Kid's!
    Had a great workout at the gym. Managed 12 machines ( I think it was ). 40 minutes strength training in all and another 44 minutes on the elliptical. Spent a lot of time rushing around (( insert me in circles here )). Ended up falling asleep on my sister's couch. LOL.
    Playing phone tag with my hubby. He was still in Radford finishing up a job an hour ago (6 p.m.) . Probably won't be home till late. Getting ready to go make another pot of coffee. :smiley: Since lunch was only a 100 calorie pack of pretzels I can enjoy more fru fru coffee this evening. LOL

    Carmel- Do you take vitamin D? I know a lot of people don't get enough in the winter months. Though I'm trying really hard not to be overly stressed here too. Holidays do that to me. I used to be the bread winner years ago. I get really tired of stretching those pennies.

    Emmualsmom- glad to see you back hun.

    Curious- LMAO I tried showing up my 16 yr. old at the gym about a week ago. He said " He couldn't remember how to jump rope" Another reason I don't run either.

    Beeps- I hope you have a wonderful time.

    Carlos- I don't remember your saying you were watching tv in your skivies! LOL.

    Sdereski, Emma, and Curious- thanks for all the encouraging comments. 9 pounds till goal. :)
    Hello Newbies! I'll check back later
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Kate7294 wrote: »
    Good evening Kid's!

    Carlos- I don't remember your saying you were watching tv in your skivies! LOL.

    I said that. I figured all men watch TV that way when their wife is away. Also don't use a coaster with a glass of ice water, leave the dirty dishes in the sink, etc, etc, etc.


  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    E's Mom, good to see you made it back. Hope your troubled waters calm down soon. Remember to take time to keep yourself healthy.

  • Blythe777
    Blythe777 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, 40+ and joining!
  • carlosjenno
    carlosjenno Posts: 174 Member
    Larro, you don't know how right you are!

    She's discharged today. Pots are washed, all my running kit it put away, the bed's made, all the cushions are flushed, both toilets are bleached and I've put the seats down.

    Oh well, it was good while it lasted! Be good to have her home though, and she'll recuperate better here than on a ward. Nasty place.

    Another 17km run this morning. 1761kcals earned. Where's the chocolate?
  • Mzklutch
    Mzklutch Posts: 39 Member
    Hi all, I didn't get to chat at all yesterday. I was flying from Tx to see my husband in WI. Wow what a change in temperature! I did manage to log and track calories within my MFP range, given the nature of airport food.
    I don't imagine I will be able to get much exercise in except as I run errands but at least I feel like I can be in control on the food intake part.

    Caramel, I don't know you but I am familiar with living in stressful life situations, keep your head up and keep moving by taking control over those things you can manage and control.

    Larro and Kate, I look forward to getting to my weight goal and achieve greatness like ya'll.
    Everyone else great job getting the work outs in.

    Try to stay warm, I am going to try in this freezing tundra of WI :#
  • jneesy
    jneesy Posts: 6 Member
    hello all, in from miami and back out tomorrow still on track hope everyone is doing well.had a nsv this week, i went to the dr for a gout attack and had completely normal heart rate and bp after years of marginal high bp y'all just dont know how happy this made me
  • Kate7294
    Kate7294 Posts: 783 Member
    Morning Kid's!
    Probably won't be working out much this weekend. :( Had to go ahead and make a Doctor's appointment for Monday morning. Dreading it since it's with the Doctor who previously gave me hell over my cholesterol numbers. Hopefully she will see my 48 pound loss and wait on the new labs before giving me too much grief.

    jneesy- great news on the heart rate and bp. Keep it up.

    Mzklutch- LOL at first I thought it was mzklutz. :) I could relate. Thanks for your comments my main goal was to get my cholesterol numbers down and be healthier. Been putting off retaking the labs till I was in the healthy BMI range.

    Carlosjenno-Glad your wife's home and recuperating.

    Hello Newbies! and I'll check in later.
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    All Right Cool Kids~ I didn't make it on here yesterday, but so much to tell. Wednesday evening my DH tells me they think he has some paralysis setting in in his legs and he is freaking! I headed up to the hospital to be with him. They did an MRI Wednesday night but did not get results back until yesterday morning. Initially they did not see anything new, but after a second look they found that his infection has actually gotten a bit worse and he has an abscess that is pressing on the muscles in his lower back. They are doing a procedure today to take care of the abscess and then he will be in the hospital for a bit to get the infection under control and get everything else settled down before he goes to continue rehab. Needless to say, I am exhausted. I ended up staying in the area yesterday due to crappy, snowy weather and left to come to work this morning. I have not heard from hubby this am in regards to how things went. I,unfortunately, had to come back to work this morning and wasn't able to stay another day.

    No workout this morning and I probably won't make it back to the gym until Monday. I will be heading back to Rochester tomorrow to see hubs.

    I see a lot of posts and don't have time to read all, but hope everyone is doing well. Have a good day and a great weekend.
  • Curiousgeorgianna
    Curiousgeorgianna Posts: 187 Member
    Happy Friday Cool Kids!
    Got to ride my bike in this morning, and now I'm ravenous! LOL. But luckily I already have my breakfast lined out, so that's all I get. We've got a storm coming in today, so I'll probably get hosed and blown about on the way home. Bring it! :D

    Kate, I'm sure both you and your dr will be stoked about the amazing things you've accomplished! Your blood will shine! Glad you got to enjoy some fru fru coffee. :)

    EsMom, sooo glad to hear from you again! :flowerforyou: You were missed!!! I hope your family can work through this time quickly.

    jneesy, awesome! Really great news.

    Mzklutch. It sounds very cold up there! I bet your dh is really glad you're there so you can keep each other warm! ;)

    Carlosjenno, you're logging some impressive Kms! It sounds like you really love your dw, and she'll definitely heal faster home with you.

    Sdereski, curling sure sounds like fun. We don't get to play very many ice-related games here on the Ca coast. I only know what curling is from the Olympics! I have a great vision of your lovely home by the lake with festive runners and cushions. Sounds lovely.

    Larro, send some of your famous turkey burgers this way!! Those sound awesome. Good job keeping up on your cardio and lifting!

    Caramel, I'm thinking of you and sending thoughts of comfort and joy.

    As usual, I'll probably drop off the thread over the weekend...I just never get to the computer. Saturday we're heading to Crescent City (Ca) to hunt for mushrooms. We'll spend the night there and on Sunday folks from our kayak club will meet us for a paddle. Of course we'll drop the crab pots! If we catch enough I want to try canning them. They don't freeze well, and I want to be able to preserve them. I've heard they don't can well either, but I need concrete proof, so I'm trying it. We should gather mussels while we're there too.

    Have a great weekend everyone!

  • Curiousgeorgianna
    Curiousgeorgianna Posts: 187 Member
    KS, our posts crossed in the air. I'm so sorry to hear what an ordeal this has become for you and dh! I'm keeping you in my thoughts :flowerforyou: Be sure to take time for yourself, even if it's just a tiny bit, it will keep you strong.
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Good Morning. Not much time before I have to leave for work, so I'll just say hello to everyone collectively.

    I noticed on Face Book last night that it was my niece's birthday. That means that 29 years ago tonight we were visited by Hurricane Kate. My parents had gone to Colorado Springs to be with Sister when she was giving birth, so my aunt and I was holding down the Ranchero all by our lonesome. The eye of the storm came ashore at Mexico Beach just before midnight, and produced lots of tornadoes. We lost about 50 big trees, some as old as 200 years, and several hundred smaller ones. One big oak broke and fell to the east. If it had gone to the west, it would have crushed their house. Back then I lived in the little house by the pond, 1/4 mile from my parent's house. When I walked over the next morning to check on the house, there was about 20 trees down across the road. Kate, coming ashore on November 21st, is still the latest hurricane to make landfall in the US.

    Got to run. Shower, shave and squats. Speaking of shave, I always grow a beard in the Winter. So less than a month before I get a three month break. I claim it is a family tradition. My Great Grandfather Lamb always shaved and cut his hair in May when he sheared his sheep. I don't wait that long. I shave the 1st day of Spring.

    See y'all later,
