40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • stef123633
    stef123633 Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks Larro!
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    stef123633 wrote: »
    Thanks Larro!

    Glad to help.

  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    I got out late this afternoon and walked over to my old house {3/4 mile} to make sure the pump was off and the waterlines drained. It is going to get down to 24F on Tuesday and Wednesday. Sister reminded me that it needed checking on, so I went ahead and went right then. The way my memory is, I would have forgot about it otherwise.

    I walked on down to the pond {another 1/4 mile} while I was over that way. I saw six deer. I was too far away to tell if there were any spikes, but there were no big horns in the bunch. Round trip in just over 30 minutes. I was walking fast trying to stay warm. It was 49F when I got back. My nose and hands were all that got really cold. I should have worn a jacket, but I just grabbed a Henley to put on over my {workout} undershirt.

    I don't know how late Margie will be out, but I'm turning the porch light on for her, then taking my laptop to the bathroom and watching Dish Anywhere from the tub. This is my only night off this week, so I'm going to soak. There is college football, pro football and NBA to choose from. If you guys hear what sounds like rapids, it will be me turning the jets up to high.

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    I lifted again, today....because I got 8 hours of STRAIGHT sleep last night....which I MUST attribute to my trip back to the gym!


    So, stiff and sore, I still marched in there and got 'er done. Tonight I look forward to more zzzzzzzzz's.

    I will lift tomorrow and then Sat/Sun are full of kidlet volleyball, basketball and ice hockey activities.

  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Evening kids, hope all of you are well and in great spirits.

    I was doing push ups and broke my pinky nail down to the skin. My pinky looks like a slab of meat. Can you say throbbing like a toothache?

    I was the only one in Extreme Fit last night so you know the pressure was on and there was so much running, I thought I was going to drop and roll to take a nap (lol). There was a exercise I never saw before and that was a box jump burpee. Needless to say I needed a demonstration. It was literally a box jump and then convert into a burpee. I had to run outside with 25lb weights in each hand in the cold while dreaming of vegan chocolate cake. After it was over, I had to do V-Sits my entire silhoulette was on the mat from sweat. I guess I earned my shower (sheesh). I trained tonight with my PT and my thighs were screaming.

    Why is it a snow/rain mix and I haven't raked the leaves yet? I am not ready for a dreary winter.

    Stef--Welcome aboard

    Larro--Congrats on the weight loss. You're doing great.

    Ruby---Glad you are taking control again. I believe in you and know you can do it.

    Carlos--Thanks for the update. I know you are beside yourself. I hope things work out better next week.

    Beeps--I am happy to read you lifted. Awesome stuff.

    Sdereski---hmmm too much wine and good food. Glad you enjoyed your time with your BFF

    Alf--Where are you? We need an update

    Kate--My energy is truly my drive to stay on the road of being healthier. With iron will, one can accomplish anything.You are doing so good.

    CG--How's the new bike?

    KellySue- dont remember seeing anything from you. I hope you are well.

    I would love to know about your most recent NSV's (non scale victories). My 8 inch bracelet needs to be shortened as it's draped over middle of my hand. When I was heavier it was so tight around my wrist.

    I hope I didn't forget anyone. If so, forgive me.

    Good night
  • Mzklutch
    Mzklutch Posts: 39 Member
    Hi all I am new to MFP. I decided it was time to get and stay healthy. Something about the 40"s. Anyways I have been logging for 17 days and love it. I am a private person when it comes to these sort of things and I just didn't want to do another go weigh in or a pay as you go program. I wanted a eating and tracking free program and one of my nurses recommended MFP. This has been easy because I hated to keep track by writing when having a piece of paper with you is not always a realistic way to track for me. I have been reading several posts and usually don't like chat forums because people can be so cruel and insensitive with subjects such as weight loss. However when I got to this blog and started reading the 2012 posts, it seemed like the place to be. Looking forward to this journey and like-minded folks.
    Question: How do you use MFP to track calories in restaurants that may not be in MFP app?
  • nickpnh
    nickpnh Posts: 111 Member
    Welcome Mzklutch! I try to find an item as close to what I am getting as possible. Another restaurant slice of pizza or chicken dinner. I sometimes google the item and find another site that has calculated the calories for that restaurant and do quick add calories. Just do your best.
    I am home again with sick kiddo so wish me luck to stay on track. Wednesday was a bad day eating comfort foods and sitting around.
    NSV - my wedding band is loose - probably needs to go down a size.
  • Kate7294
    Kate7294 Posts: 783 Member
    Morning Kid's!
    It's super cold this morning. A pair of tights under my jeans kind of day.
    Curious- I may have to break down and make a Doctor's appointment. May need to adjust my metformin to half a dose though some mornings I forget them and end up taking both doses closer together. I even put a magnetic strip on the back of my daily pill things but still don't remember. Some days I only end up taking one dose. <<This could be the culprit to my energy. Just set alarms on my phone to help me remember and see if that helps. I've always been bad about taking medication. (** I take it for my PCOS no longer pre-diabetic). Also going to try adding B12 complex.
    Ruby- Wow. I remember a woman in our office years ago riding her bike to work. Of course back then she was super thin and I was in my horrible 30's. LOL.

    Larro- At least you know when to take it easy. Take care of your back.

    Carlosjenno- I would have been mad too. If nothing else from fasting for no reason. I always hate getting labs done since I can't even have my "Fru fru" coffee beforehand.

    Sdereski- I still have a few wine coolers in the fridge. Been there a couple months may have to have one this weekend. LOL. Though I usually prefer to eat my calories.

    Carmel- I always secretly wanted the permanent eyeliner myself. Though I'm too much of a coward. LOL

    Hello Newbies!

    Carmel- My weird NSV this week...when over my sister's yesterday I picked up a pair of shorts and put them up against my waist. Thought those aren't too small ( my sister's 5'2") they were a size 4. Went home later and managed to pull down one pair of my 10's without unsnapping or unzipping. <<<At 5'7" I have no desire to wear a 4. Just for reference. LOL.
  • stef123633
    stef123633 Posts: 16 Member
    Wow Kate7294, you're doing great. I checked out your profile b/c I have PCOS also. I am on 500 mg (1 pill) metformin but it is extended release....is extended release an option for you - less to remember?

    TGIF! Time to start running my kids around town to various activities. Hope you guys have a great day!
  • Kate7294
    Kate7294 Posts: 783 Member
    Stef123633- I'll have to go check. 500 mg sounds right but I take two. Mine say HLC or HCL. Though I was some where between 243 lbs. and 262 lbs. when I was originally diagnosed in 2009. Going to go ahead and make an appointment soon ; though they usually just fuss about my cholesterol numbers when I go.
  • Curiousgeorgianna
    Curiousgeorgianna Posts: 187 Member
    Happy Friday Cool Ones!

    Caramel, I sooo wanted to ride the moto to work this morning, but I rode the peddle version again instead. I really really need to get excercise in daily, and that's about the only way it will happen. The weekend is looking good for a MC ride, though! I'm glad you were the center of attention for your class. I should send you my favorite recipe for vegan chocolate cake! Did you know you can make an awesome "buttercream" frosting using the solid part of coconut milk? (not low cal!!!)

    Carlosjenno, so sorry about the hospital experience. My bf had surgery a couple of months ago, and it's hard enough to prepare without having to do it again. :\

    Myg, I bet your dog looks adorable in his jacket!

    Larro, sounds like a nice walk. I got excited about the deer! It's amazing to me that it's colder in Florida than here now. Bundle up!

    Mzklutch, welcome. Glad you found your tribe!

    Kate, wow! You've come so far and accomplished so much!

    Sdereski...brrr...snow! Sounds like a lot! Even if it wasn't planned, I hope it was nice to have some extra time with your gf. Friends are awesome. Glad not to hear of any travel mishaps with that weather.

    Beeps, happy to hear about quality zzzz time! So important!

    Nick, that's how I guestimate at restaurants too. Mostly I just don't go to restaurants LOL!

    Ruby, I know you have to power to do this! :flowerforyou:

    I also heard from EsMom. I think she'll be back with us soon.

    Stef, glad to see you're still here! Way cool.

    Cheers everyone. I'll really try hard to check in over the weekend so I don't have so much catch up to do on Monday! :)

  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Happy Friday kids

    Kate--You really have come a long way and what a great NSV. Please see a doctor so you can find out if anything is wrong.

    Stef--It's nice to see your posts so we can get to know you.

    Beeps--glad you got some quality zzzzzzz. Considering I am an insomniac, I envy anyone who can sleep past 3-4 hours.

    CG---I had Wholefoods make me a vegan cake with vegan icing. First of all I am the only vegan in my house. I often get the yuk faces and veggie jokes, yet, my cake disappeared and so does my VEGAN FOOD. Riddle me that one...(lol)...I would love to know your recipe for icing.

    Ruby--Hope you are well.

    Nick---Love your NSV. Sorry you have a sick kid. In terms of comfort food, if it fit in your macros enjoy. Yesterday I looked at my diary yesterday and it was 85% snacks and I did not go over one macro. If you are going over; that is another story. You can do it.

    KellySue--I hope you are ok and have a great weekend.

    Beeps--Are you ready for your upcoming trip?

    MZklutch--I google and often find what I need at caloriecounter.com.

    I train with my PT at the crack of dawn tomorrow and will follow up and take her Extreme fit class. I am striving to hit a 1000+ calorie burn.

    Remember we are on a journey and it is filled with ups and downs, highs and lows. Even when we fall, it is important to see what caused you to fall inthe first place and hopefully that knowledge will curtail the next fall. High 5 to all of you.

    Have a great evening.

  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Happy Friday cool kids!
    Got my run in yesterday....in the snow. The temperature was not too bad, but running in some of that snow was like running in sand. Got a good workout in, that's for sure.
    Time to go and do something physical!
    Tomorrow is dance day, which means a date with my granddaughter. :smile:
    Hoping for some sunshine this weekend.
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Good Friday Afternoon.

    Welcome MZklutch. There are no meanies in this club. One thing I have done when eating out, is to divide the meal in half, {meat especially} and take half home to weigh. Eating out is more of a chore these days than a pleasure like it used to be. Just knowing what everything is going to cost me in cardio takes a lot of the enjoyment out of it.

    {I hate to say this with everyone having trouble sleeping} I slept in 'til after 0800 again today. But then I do work nights, so I should get a pass. I got my cardio in and ate breakfast by 1100. I have to hit the shower by 1200, so not too much time to get anything done.

    Nothing much going on here tonight. I have a wedding lockout. That is where they come in the day before the wedding to decorate. They pay a flat fee and can stay until midnight, so I never know how late I'll be working.

    I hope everyone has a good weekend,

  • Mzklutch
    Mzklutch Posts: 39 Member
    Thanks everyone, I hope to learn and grow even more this time around as well as enjoy the weight loss journey.

  • Kate7294
    Kate7294 Posts: 783 Member
    Hey Kid's!
    So I'm beginning to think my husband might prefer thick girls. I knew he doesn't like super skinny girls. Last night I noticed I was developing shoulders now. When I showed him..he says "Doesn't do anything for me". LOL after 20 yrs. he is stuck with me. Took a picture in my old favorite jeans ( new profile picture) .
    Been cleaning out my closets. Going to try to sell some of my bigger stuff for christmas money. Wow I had a lot of clothes. LOL
    Anyway I'll check back later.
  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Happy Saturday kids. Hope all of you are well and in good spirits.

    I delivered and passed the 1000 calorie before 10 a.m. this morning. My pt is by far the best. LOVE how she push me. When I work out in the morning, I am WIRED all day. I am still full of energy.

    Kate--Love the new photo. You must be so proud of your progress. I had a yard sale and sold stuff so I could purchase more clothes. What was left I sent to GW. You are resourceful. Great stuff.

    Sdereski--You are the 3rd person who mentioned snow. I am NOT ready. I am glad you still ran despite the elements. I love hearing GD stories.

    I know its often quiet here on the weekends.

    Enjoy the remainder of your day.

  • stef123633
    stef123633 Posts: 16 Member
    Hey Kids,

    Hope you all are doing well on your weight loss journey this weekend. Weekends are always so hard for me. Last Sunday I made a giant pot of Weight Watcher's veggie soup and ate it all week, it really helped me stay on track....I ran out yesterday at lunch though, guess I know what I'm doing tomorrow!!

    I am so super tired this evening. Woke up to a sick kiddo in my bed in the wee hours of the morning and that was the end of my sleeping. On the flip side, if I go to bed as early as I hope, I won't be tempted to snack :-)

    Take care!!
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Good Morning.

    I got in from work an hour ago, and I'm having trouble getting to sleep. Margie went ahead and got up. I'm hoping to get some good sleep or my whole Sunday will be shot.

    I'll check back in later to tell of my adventures at work tonight {last night, I should say}

  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Good morning kids (I posted the message below on my main feed and decided to post it here also) I hope all of you are well and in good spirits.

    I am truly overcome with emotion. I was encouraged to come back to Body Step Intense training today. I came and the teacher welcomed me back and many of the classmates hugged me and was happy to see me. My NSV was comment after comment about how far I have come. I spend so much time encouraging others and neglect myself. I feel a sense of renewal and more vigor. Never forget the power of encouragement. Have a great day. Whoa to my family, I am wired now...lol