40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited November 2014
    Good morning everyone.

    Our office was closed yesterday for Veterans Day, so that was a nice break in the week. Back to it today though.

    On the commute to work this morning on the bumper to bumper highway, I was one car away from being in an accident. A car in the lane to the right of me tried to cut in front of me when there was not much room to switch lanes, and he wound up slamming into the rear of the car right in front of him. No one was hurt, but there was some pretty severe damage to the driver side rear bumper of the car he slammed into. Yet another person in a hurry trying to weave in and out of heavy traffic causing an accident.


    My dog got sick a couple times yesterday (once on my Dad's bed and once on mine...he's since been banned from the beds till this passes). We think he found a dead mouse and buried it. I noticed the day before he unearthed the disgusting thing and was eating it. I suspect it made him sick. That's the first time he's been sick since we adopted him in July, 2013. He seemed ok this morning though. He turns his nose up to dog food, but has no problem eating a liquifying mouse. Ick!

    Someone on MFP posted these high protein apple/banana/oatmeal snack bars, so I made a batch yesterday. They turned out really good. I love all the great ideas shared on this website. The only changes I made to her recipe was I added extra cinnamon, ground ginger, pecans and raisins, and used 2% greek yogurt instead of nonfat. They are similar to these Banana Oatmeal Bars I've been making for the past year, but have a lot more protein in them.


    Other than doing a little cooking, I was lazy yesterday and didn't do much of anything. Will definitely take a nice long walk today.

    Curious, Buttercup looks really nice. Have fun!!

    Looks like it is time to get back to work. Have a nice day everyone!!!

  • jamesbaird35325
    jamesbaird35325 Posts: 23 Member
    I would also like to be added. Single male 49, was here last year lost 35lbs. Then ended up back on bad eating habits again. Here I'am for round two and ready to go !! New Trek bicycle for weekly bike rides!
  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Hey Kids,

    My oh my the group is growing.

    Welcome to all newbies.

    Jules-- I am fond of the natural path. I look forward to gaining some knowledge and insight.

    Larro--As I say time and time again, you never disappoint. Love the photos. Atleast you know your Thanksgiving plans ahead of time. I am glad you have Thursday free so you can have man cave time.

    CG--You already know I love buttercup and I am soooooooooooo jealous in a good way of course. Awesome photo.

    Mygnsac--Very yummy looking snack bars.

    Beeps--You are experiencing one adventure after the other. No heat and no lifting...What is the world coming to? In 10 days you will be in warm Mexico. With all of your activities listed I am sure you will come back harder than when you left.

    Kelly--I would like to think the sellers are responsible for the pipes. If not, I would be puzzled as to why not. Glad you still got your workout in,

    Ruby--How are you doing today? How are you feeling? I am going to send you a FR so I can keep an eye out for you.

    Has anyone heard from Emmalousmom? This is unlike her. I will send her a PM today.

    Carlos--I hope your wife's surgery was sucessful and you are not as stressed now.

    I have extreme fit tonight and Mike trains on Wednesday's and he is brutal like my PT Denise. He likes to make sure I am equally hurting since they are peers and its friendly competition as to who tortures me the most. The crazy part is, I pay to be tortured. Perhaps it's too much air hitting my shiney dome (lol). My gym is open Thanksgiving and I signed up for the 75 minute bootcamp-boxing challenge. 2 of my favorite trainers are teaching it and I am excited. We are in the process of forming our holiday challenge team at work so we can finish ahead of schedule and win more prizes. Last but not least, I want a hunk of vegan chocolate cake with vegan buttercream icing and a tall glass of almond milk.

    Have a great day everyone.
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member

    Has anyone heard from Emmalousmom? This is unlike her. I will send her a PM today.

    I sent her a PM over the weekend and haven't heard back from her. At that point she hadn't logged on for 7 days. I looked just now and she hasn't logged in for the last 3 days. I hope she is alright.


  • nickpnh
    nickpnh Posts: 111 Member
    Plans to go swim were waylaid by sick kiddo. Spent the night caring and cleaning. Home with 1 of 10 4th graders who were hit with the stomache bug in same class. Only 6 kids made it in so they did review and cleaning. At least she doesn't have a ton of work to make up.

    Oh well, try to get there another morning if I can sort this one out and keep the other 2 plus myself upright (DH is on his own :-) ).

    Love all the support - you guys looking for Emmalousmom is really nice.

    Larro - no split pants. The 13 lbs lost has given me plenty of room but thanks for the concern. I got in 30 squats yesterday before I was pulled into meeting after meeting with no breaks and well none today.

    Welcome newbies and keep rocking those workouts. You guys are inspiring!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    Larro, I like the food pictures!

    Hi caramel and hi curious and hi KellySue and hi larro....I will say "hello" to all the newbies when they actually make it to, say, 5 posts????!?!?!?!??


    I LIFTED TODAY. Oh yeah I did!

    I can only IMAGINE the DOMs that will arrive tomorrow. Dang. But, I will go back to the gym tomorrow and just get back into the swing of things.

    I ran errands the rest of today and it felt productive. Had a good networking lunch and hopefully something will come of that, if not in 2014 than in 2015.

  • stef123633
    stef123633 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi guys! I'd like to start following/posting in this thread too, you all look fun! And not snarky like 90% of the threads I ever peruse. I turned 40 this year and two days after that had a lap-band removed. I am battling returning bulge BUT my life is soooo much better without that piece of junk :-)

    Live just N. of Houston, have a 9 & 12 yr old that I homeschool. I workout 3-4 times a week at Title Boxing....I have the exercise aspect down pretty pat.

    Looking forward to learning & communicating with others that have similar goals!
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    edited November 2014
    Beeps2011 wrote: »
    Larro, I like the food pictures!


    There are tons of what I call food porn @

    but the last food picture here was posted by mygnsac. Her food pictures are so much neater than mine. It might have something to do with the amount of food on my plate ;)

    I need to get back to the flowerbeds. I have them torn up and can't quite until I get them put back together. I'll be working late tonight.


    Not sure why the link isn't working.
  • MikySchwartz
    Finally a 40+ group!!! Love it! Need to lose 12 pounds I gained since I stopped smoking 6 month ago!!!!!!!! :)
  • tracemyroots
    tracemyroots Posts: 16 Member
    LOL I hear ya once you cross 40 its harder to loose the weight.
  • moya_bleh
    moya_bleh Posts: 1,375 Member
    It's harder to get up out of comfy chairs, too!
  • Kate7294
    Kate7294 Posts: 783 Member
    Morning Kid's!
    Mygnsac-I need to make some of those protein bars since you haven't sent me any. LOL

    Larro- Can't wait for tax return so I can't work on the yard again. Kept putting too much off the last couple years. This year I will plant some mums. I miss having their color in the later months. I mainly love my perennials. When we brought our house 18 yrs. ago it came with 34 azaleas, 4 crepe myrtles, and 4 rhododendrons. Hopefully Josie will be at an age to let me do the things I want out there this year.

    Nickphn- Hope your child is better soon. I know Josie is a horrible patient when she's ill.

    Carmel- Please send me some of your energy. Mine seems to be down lately. Makes working out more of a chore. May have to look into a protein shake versus the bars I've been using or actually taking a lunch again ( I've gotten lazy about that).

    KellySue- I'll continue to pray for your husband's recovery. Sorry about the pipes. Houses are a lot of work. Seems something always needs fixing.

    Curious- I was a "Mopagan" when I was a teenager. Miss that thing! LOL.

    Ruby- Hope your son's doing well with his expansion.

    As for myself...I'm trying to push myself to do the machines at the gym at least every other day. Then of course my cardio. My energies been lagging here lately. I play games on the elliptical ( 9-11 resistance) just to distract myself from wanting to get off the thing. Started pushing myself more now by adding 2-3 minutes between majhong games of full out at higher ( 12-14 resistance). Trying for 400 calorie burns, and then jumping on a treadmill for another 100 calorie burn.

    Anyway. Hello Newbies!
  • Curiousgeorgianna
    Curiousgeorgianna Posts: 187 Member
    Good morning Cool Kids and welcome to Thursday!
    It rained here last night, and was a bit drippy still this morning for my ride in, but I didn't get too wet. I'm really glad that getting back in the saddle hasn't flared up the hips. I actually feel pretty good! While there are no guarantees, my boss has been working to get a promotion approved for me. It would be significant. If/when it happens I'll be able to afford a gym membership. I think that would really help move me to the next level. I wonder if they have an extreme fit class?

    mygnsac, I'm so glad you weren't part of the accident! But it would have been better if it was behind you so you didn't get stuck in the mess. One thing that's nifty about living in the sticks is that we really don't have much traffic. Sac has great bike trails though!

    jamesbaird, hope you stick around. I ride a Trek too! Mines a 520 touring bike. A real steel work horse. I bought it back in '97, and have about 7,000 miles on it. I hope you have many fun adventures on yours.

    Caramel, did extreme fit kick your craving for cake (mmm...cake...)? Or even better, make room in your macros so you could indulge?

    Nick, bummer about the sick kids! I hope everyone feels better soon.

    Beeps, I'm sure you'll get back in the swing at the gym just in time to head to Mexico! :D

    Stef, welcome to your 40s. It sounds like you're plotting a healthy path. Hang around!

    Larro, how did the flower bed turn out?

    Miky, congratulations on quitting. I smoke from 16 - 20, and quitting was hard, but the best thing I ever did. Grab onto a health regime and it can become your new addiction. That's how I got through it.

    Kate, haha a "Mopagan"! I wonder what's up with your energy? It's been going on for a bit now. I used to drink Spirutein shakes. They have an unsweetened one now that's really good. Are you sleeping well?

    Good day to the rest of you as you check in.

  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Oh man, am I ever behind! Busy all weekend with company and then had to head out of town to bring my g/f to the airport. We left a day early as they were calling for bad weather. So, left Monday afternoon, Tuesday was an absolutely horrible day - weather wise, and as a result, the flight was cancelled and highways were closed, so spent another night out of town. Wednesday dawned a little better, so we got the necessary errands done, g/f to the airport and we came back home....to 2 feet of snow! My husband and I spent almost 2 hours shoveling the driveway and the 50 steps down to the house. Man, a pile sure fell in a short time. Snowbanks were so high on the main street, they are already doing the snow removal thing - this after our 1st snowfall of the season. Crazy!
    Anyway, due to missing 2 days of work, have not had time to catch up with everyone, although I did notice the great pictures.
    Curious, I have to say I LOVE YOUR BIKE! Great picture.

    Welcome newbies!
    Hope to catch up soon.

    Oh...totally fell off the eating plan with my bff here. Drank way too much wine. UGH! Now, to try and get back on the horse.
  • stef123633
    stef123633 Posts: 16 Member
    Good afternoon again Cool Kids....so I think I'll need a week to jump in here and contribute to conversations meaningfully, some of you have been around a long time, huh?

    Is there a way to "bookmark" this thread or is the only way to go in and search the name of it?

    Tomorrow's Friday, hope everyone survives, it's almost the weekend!
  • carlosjenno
    carlosjenno Posts: 174 Member
    I'm not going to bang on about it, but my wife's surgery was cancelled. At 5pm. After she'd fasted since 7am and been at the hospital since 11am. In those lovely DVT stockings. To say we were a little upset at this was a slight understatement. We think (actually we're pretty sure we know) we were lied to by the surgeon and the nursing staff. Cancellations happen. Lies about it are uneccesary and difficult to accept. I don't thin the surgeon expected the reaction she got from my wife. She was furious. Not only about the surgery but all the organisation we'd had to sort for me to have time off for her immediate recovery period etc, which has all had to be cancelled and rearranged. Luckily it's now been sorted, rescheduled for next Tuesday where we'll go through all the stress again.

    Happy days.

    Thanks for all the positive thoughts though, much appreciated! Keep 'em coming. Updates as they happen!
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    stef123633 wrote: »
    Good afternoon again Cool Kids....so I think I'll need a week to jump in here and contribute to conversations meaningfully, some of you have been around a long time, huh?

    Is there a way to "bookmark" this thread or is the only way to go in and search the name of it?

    Tomorrow's Friday, hope everyone survives, it's almost the weekend!

    If you will click on the star at the upper right hand corner of the thread, that will bookmark it for you. Then when you go to "Community" click on the star {beside the bell} and all your bookmarked threads will show up.

  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Good Afternoon Cool Kids.

    Welcome to all the new folks, and Hello to everyone else. Too many to say hey to individually.

    I got a reply PM from E's Mom. She was sick last week, but is feeling better now.

    I slept in and got a late start with my cardio and lifting. I was 50 minutes in my usual 80 minute session of lifting when I felt some back pain. I cut it short there, not wanting to risk a real problem. Crazy thing was I was down to my lightest weight. Go figure.

    I did get the flowerbeds put back together. There are still three or four plants I haven't decided where to put, but they are stuck here and there for now. It was 2200 before I got out of there last night.

    I have the night off, and Margie is going out with some of her friends after work. I picked up a rotisserie chicken yesterday, so I will make something with it for supper. I just ate breakfast, so I may skip lunch.

    There is plenty of outside work I need to do, but it is cold today {54F right now}, so if I get out there I will have to wrap up.

    Almost forgot. Today is Thursday, so here are the numbers.

    21.9% Body Fat
    56.9% Body Water
    24.4 BMI
    174.9 Pounds

    I lost a couple of pounds since last week. That is with a lunch buffet on Tuesday. But I stacked a couple of low calorie days to offset that. Maybe I did one too many.

    Hope everyone has a good day,

  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    edited November 2014
    [Ruby- This is a time to reflect on where you once were and strategize on how to do things differently. At some point all of us will or have gone through the mid life cycle. You are entitled to your feelings. Lean on your support system until you get through it. You can certainly PM me and I will encourage and motivate you to death]

    This really made sense to me, I have decided to focus on the things I used to do that made me successful, tracking and journal my food every day, cardio 7 days a week (with a desk job this has to happen), strength training with weights 2-3 times per week. I am taking control back and the scale is going to start going down instead of up.

    I hope all is well with all of you, riding around the CA coast on your bikes, making awesome protein bars, taking care of leaking pipes, sick kids, shoveling snow (me too!!! :s ), planting flowers, and of course Caramel kicking butt at extreme fit. Whew that makes me hurt just thinking about it.

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Good afternoon everyone.

    Busy morning and gonna be a busy afternoon.

    We've been drizzly here today. Hasn't really rained much yet, but just steady drizzle. It was enough to have a soggy dog when he and my Dad go back from the morning walk at dawn. We have a little rain jacket we put on him (the dog that is) and that keeps most of him dry, but his head, butt and legs get a good dousing.

    The commute to work this morning was just awful. The people in my town just can't seem to figure out how to drive in the rain. It's always like that when we have inclement weather. What should have taken me 30 minutes wound up taking 90!

    Kate7294...leaving you a couple virtual protein bars. Enjoy! I've been eating 2 a day since I made them. One on the drive to work, and one on the drive home.

    Curious, Sac does have a great bike trail. I bought a bike (my first in 30 years) last year, but haven't used it much. I should break it out once the weather cooperates again. My dad had year pass to use the bike trail, and was a frequent rider there until 2013 when he started taking Coumadin His doctor told him he can't risk a fall while on that drug, so no more bike for him. He put it up for sale on Ebay and sold it a few weeks later. He was bummed about having to give up his bike.

    Ugh. Time to get back to work. Y'all have a wonderful Thursday afternoon!