40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Annette, next time just make your own pizza. My husband and I do this because he hates bought pizza. You can go quite healthy doing it yourself. Anyway, I don't think that pizza hurt you any. You are in great shape.

    :flowerforyou: Beeps, welcome back. :love:

    :flowerforyou: LadyPersia, don't give up. You can lose those 7 pounds. Drink lots of water. A lot of the weight just might be water retention.

    I did a bit better this past weekend. I didn't over eat as much as I usually do on those days. I am up a pound, though. I know that it will take about three days to lose them.:cry:
  • mary127
    mary127 Posts: 90 Member
    Happy Monday everyone,

    Busy weekend going to my daughter's activities (high school drumline comp all day Saturday and piano recital yesterday), plus a couple family gatherings. Did good with my eating Saturday but had pizza last night at the in-laws. Haven't done that in a while.

    The 5k that I am signed up for next month had a free training session yesterday where they went over proper stretching and running technique, then went out on a group run. Seemed very helpful but today I've learned what muscles I haven't used while running! :noway: If I get used to it maybe my putt-putt jog can eventually look like a run, lol.

    Truly enjoy reading everyone's posts, you are all great and motivate me!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,993 Member
    Alf - I started Stage 3, today....can't wait for you to join me!

    Swiss, no worries on the scale....throw it away!

    mary - I did a "learn-to-run" program about 15 years ago and LOVED EVERY SECOND OF IT. And, if memory serves me, I started it about the first week in April, so I think *spring* is the PERFECT time to give that a go - good for you!

    I was sooooooooooooo glad to be back at the gym, today. So glad. My muscles rebelled!! (Truly did - my quads, BOTH OF THEM, cramped up not 5 minutes into my routine!) But, by the end of it, with all the huffing and puffing, I felt the RELAX hormones moving around in my body and boy did I LIKE THEM!

    Despite the break, which was good and fun and terrific, I really *do* like to exercise and it REALLY helps me manage my stress! (Returning to work today was HIGHLY STRESSFUL since my boss had spent the entire weekend in the office, and was again back at 4:30 am....he's pretty "martyr-ish" and caves on his vacations, where I don't....)

    Let's GO!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,993 Member
    I didn't get my work-out in, today. It was a cardio day, so I'm okay with that, actually. Unscheduled rest day due to DOMS.

    My middle son is very sick at home with a stomach flu. Bad enough that even with the nanny, husband switched up his meetings so he could work from home, today.

    I, actually, am TERRIFIED of returning home because: a) son is REALLY sick; b) nanny/hubby will be worn out and I'll likely have to play "nurse"; and c) I am DESPERATELY AFRAID of the stomach flu.

    Sheesh....my daughter barfed when we were on vacation. Once. At midnight. And, I stayed up all night TERRIFIED that she'd be sick again (and then, of course, so would I). And, here it's one week later and my son has been VIOLENTLY ill all day long.


    Irrational, I'm sure. I've been a mom for nearly 25 years and it is STILL my achilles heel - that damn stomach flu!!

    I remember when norovirus hit our household 7 years ago....Worst. Week. Of. My. Life.

    <still shuddering at the memory...>

    First world vent OVER!!
  • Tybalt71
    Tybalt71 Posts: 1,081 Member
    *whispers* PSSSSTTTTT!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Beeps, I have to agree about the stomach flu. I have found that strangly enough if one of my kids had it, I wouldn't get it. I would somehow pick it up in other places. Hope your son gets well soon. I really can't ignore the scales. I am addicted to them.:happy:

    I have lost the pound gained over the weekend and then some. My weight is steadily dropping.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,993 Member
    Son's fever broke at about 7:30 pm last night. He slept the night through. I'm back at work, so waiting to hear from the nanny as to how he is doing today.

    My legs are *STILL* too sore to do my scheduled heavy lifting, today. That BUMS ME OUT!

    I'll do some light cardio and LOTS of stretching, instead. Have booked appt with trainer, tomorrow, for weight-training.

    Gosh, I *really* hope to be 100% back on schedule by Sunday.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,993 Member
    I did my weight-training, today. And, it was a good session. Yay!

    I'm swamped at work....so, not gonna hang around here very long, but I'm slamming my lunch salad down my throat, so can type as I'm chewing!

    There were 2 other women on the free weights side of the gym with me, today - probably 7 or 8 men. Well, these girls were EASILY a decade younger than me and weren't lifting even HALF of the weight I'm pushing. So, THAT FELT DAMN GOOD!!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Beeps, I post here while eating lunch just about every day. I have been told that I shouldn't do that. That I am not enjoying my food if I am busy with other things. Plus, I might over-eat without realizing it. What do you think? I am not going to change. I am too much of a multi-tasker. Glad to see that you are keeping up with your exercising. Don't you feel so good after a hard workout?
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,993 Member
    I think there is definitely some logic about sitting down and just focusing on the food and the chewing, etc. But, then again, I eat the SAME thing for lunch, everyday, so I don't think it's gonna be SUPER-DUPER enjoyable, anyway! Since I work-out, first, and then grab my lunch and eat it at my desk, I'm gobbling, gobbling in part because I'm HUNGRY and in part because I'm TIME-CRUNCHED.

    I *do* love a good work-out. Even better if I have the music that I like!

    Today is a cardio/stretch day....
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Hi all,

    Beeps, glad to hear the virus has vanished. Stomach bugs are the worst!!
    Swiss, I too often am logging while eating my lunch at my desk. I bring my lunch to work, so I know what I am eating and how much, but people do say that focusing on your chewing certainly helps when you are trying to lose weight. CHEW your food slowly. As Beeps said, I am often time crunched...so am eating and typing at the same time.

    Had a busy work week and a big workout week. I was supposed to do a short 4m run today, but I was just too tired. I came home and had a nap instead.
    I have a long run planned for tomorrow. Sure hope it goes well. I still get nervous before a long run. :tongue:

    Well, I am off to bed for some much needed rest.

    Keep up the good work my friends!:flowerforyou:
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    Hope you all having a fantastic weekend. It's snowed quite a lot last night, 2 ft and still snowing. Guess winter finally decided to make an appearance. :smile:

    I love my new job. My boss is so nice and I'm able to do a lot more by myself. I've even done a couple of easy tax returns. My only issue is trying to get my husband to stop staying up so late. I already had an issue with being tired all the time but now that he keeps me up late and I have to get up early it's really bad. Maybe I should start taking vitamins. :yawn:

    I went to take the generator out from in front of my treadmill the other day and in the process spilled a bunch of coffee everywhere. Uggg! So everything came to a halt so I could move everything and clean then wait for the carpet to dry so I could move it back. What a dummy I am! :ohwell:

    My birthday was on the 15th. Can you believe I got 3 cakes!!!! What the heck am I gonna do with 3 cakes! :noway:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,993 Member
    I hope you got your run in sderesk....and I hope you got some sleep, too!

    Happy belated b-day, tron....3 cakes are PERFECT - can you freeze some??

    I worked out yesterday, and today, and I feel great. 100% back-on-track and that feels REALLY GOOD.

    Daughter's ice hockey finished, today - 2 play-off games yesterday and 2 today. I am SO GLAD IT'S DONE!

    And, we get a 2 - week break until son's baseball starts. So, I'm REALLY going to enjoy that.
    Oldest son is making an appearance tonight, with gf in tow - at least I can hug him and give him the souvenirs we brought him back from Hawaii.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: tron, you are an Ides of March baby. Be glad that you were not named Caesar. :laugh: Glad that things are going so well with your job.

    :flowerforyou: Beeps, I love to read that someone is 100 % on track. You are a wonderful inspiration for us.:heart:

    :flowerforyou: sdereski, let us know how the run goes. I have never done a run. Too afraid that I will trip during it.:bigsmile:

    I didn't do very good over the weekend. I usually don't. I should get away by myself with only a bag of veggies.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    HELLO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES, IT IS ME!!! REMEMBER ME?? LOL I know I know, bad bad bad...sorry....I have definitely not read the posts now and will not even try...so will start fresh and new.

    First of all, Happy belated birthday Julie!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think I said happy birthday in Facebook but cant even remember. LOL

    Beeps, hello! I started Stage 3!!!! Did B workout today. :drinker:

    sdereski, good seeing you. It is nice that all of you have stayed active in the thread inspiring everyone. I too eat lunch at my desk. I usually swallow my food, not good. Not too concerned about my lunches while at work because they are usually my healthiest meal of the day. :)

    Little bit about me right now...unfortunately extremely busy at work. I am longer more hrs plus I am sharing my office with others so I have to be a little careful about doing something else but work...plus truly there is no time to do anything else but work. I am still of course busy with my Zumba classes, I have added a Zumba gold class once a week so more songs to practice, choreograph, etc. I am still working out on my own as well, on stage 3 of New Rules of lifting for women. There are 7 stages. I am eating well, mostly clean but I am not logging in my foods. I am not really sure then if I am underating or overating. The times I have weighed myself I have stayed at 129/130. Have not lost any since end of Jan. :( I have lost inches though so that is great! I would really love to get back down to 125 but will see.

    Nice "talking" with all of you...keep up the good work!!! :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,993 Member
    I think you are doing GREAT, alf!!

    For me, it is ALSO really busy at work....but, so long as I get my work-out in at lunch, I'm doing just fine.

    Today I'm doing Stage 3 of NROL4W. On my own. My trainer walked me through A and B work-outs last week and I even did the body matrix over the weekend! It was VERY challenging and, for the first time since I really started down this weight-lifting trek, my GLUTES have FINALLY started to engage and I HOPE this is the END of their LAZINESS.

    I'm a little nervous, doing the stuff on my own, but I'm excited, too....without my trainer there, I get to listen to my ipod and do things to a "beat", which I prefer.

    have a great week, folks! Remember, it is PROGRESS, not perfection, that matters most.
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    Thanks for the birthday wishes! :flowerforyou:

    Alf... I would rather have inches gone than weight any day!:smile:

    Beeps... Great job on the workout! :happy:

    Yesterday my workout consisted of shoveling the 2 ft of snow off my driveway. My lower back is killing me today. Work was great. I was late due to the emergency break freezing. Never had that happen to me before. I'm gonna try to squeeze in some exercise today but I doubt it will happen. Why is it when the man works the woman cooks dinner and has it ready but when the man is home.... Nothing!
  • BrainandGirth
    Hi everyone,

    I'm new here. Just started on the weight loss journey. I saw this group and I fit the age requirement...if there is a height requirement I could be screwed though :-)

    I am a "Mature" student just finishing my masters and starting my PhD in September. So, my life is basically sitting in a chair writing papers and reading an endless pile of books. All of this has culminated in my butt being the size of a chair. I have an amazing personal trainer, who I have worked with in the past (read back in my skinny days when I used to run a lot). He has given me a 10 week challenge to follow, and MFP is part of the challenge.

    I know this will all be easier with friends....so I thought I would jump into the forum.

    Its very nice to meet you all.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,993 Member
    Shoveling snow is HARD WORK, tron....good for you!! I'd much rather get my exercise outdoors, but so rarely do....

    Welcome, Brain!

    My company is releasing quarterly results, today, so I'm chained to my desk. Enough said. At least I'm working very hard at making sure I'm making appropriate nutrition choices!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hello all!!! Not much here going other than the same ol same ol LOL Well, just came back from an awesome Zumba gold class with my students who are cancer survivors. I love their smiles and enthusiasm. Teaching my regular class tonight. I logged in my foods yesterday and noticed that I underate, well ate a little more than 1500 cals when I should be shooting for 1700-1900. That might be the reason I am not losing much, undereating. Will have to watch it more closely.

    Brainandgirth, welcome to the group!!!! Congrats on finishing your masters and starting your PHD soon!!! :drinker: Height requirement? NO :laugh: how tall are you? Age, yes, 40+ :happy:

    Tron, that is not nice about your hubby not cooking...I would just not make anything so he can get the message. LOL I hope your back is feeling better. :flowerforyou: How is your brother and his family doing?

    Have a great day!!!! :flowerforyou: