40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Greetings Cool Kids. I am still alive and well. Just spending all my time on that hamster wheel of work, garden {green house is up}, camp, shopping, cleaning, etc, etc,. . . .

    We had our first two frosts on Monday and Tuesday morning. I half-assed a greenhouse on Sunday, with lots of help from my cousin and her two kids.


    I camped last night, and plan to be back down there for the next two nights. We are doing Thanksgiving on Friday, so Margie wants me out of the house while she is getting ready for the crowd. She is off today, so we are going to run to town for lunch and last minute shopping while the cleaning lady is here this afternoon.

    I have been doing some serious ice cream and granola eating at night, and briefly got up to 170.1 pounds. Back down around 167 now though.

    Hope all of you {in the US} have a great Thanksgiving this week. Welcome to the new guys and hello to everyone else,

  • gam3rguy
    gam3rguy Posts: 3,773 Member
    Shoulders=DONE! did my routine backwards today...just because. :p
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    A hockey tonight....with a tummy full of buttered movie popcorn.


    No.....i won't step on the scale for a few days. Yes.....i loved the movie: "spotlight".
  • threadmad
    threadmad Posts: 190 Member
    gam3rguy wrote: »

  • u61815
    u61815 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello everybody,

    Just want to share that I bought a George Foreman grill so I can cook my fish and vegetables without using oils or sprays on a skillet. :)
  • gam3rguy
    gam3rguy Posts: 3,773 Member
    Chest & Tris=Done! yeeeesh!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Chaelaz wrote: »
    I am 48 and in terrible health weight wise. I can't even do a lunge. I hope to be part of a community of successful weight loss experts like many of you are at the moment

    Start with small changes in eating and light exercise you can do. Make sure they are changes you can sustain. Continue to build on those adding more changes in eating until you are at the proper deficit and the exercise is at least 30 minutes a day 5x's per week with at least two days of a full body strength work out. I see so many newer folks fail because they jump into these crazy hardcore routines that set them up to feel defeated and fail.

    Progressive improvements.

    Welcome ThomasChang!!! Yes, slow and steady but DO start! Don't keep wishing for it. Great advice Chaelaz!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Larro great seeing you!

    I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! Those of you in the US. Mine was good. Ate too much of course. My sister and niece are here visiting from CA.

    Sdereski, what is the name of your B&B?

    @jnorman6, that's an impressive weight loss!!! Great job! Those last 10-15lbs are the toughest to lose but not impossible. What helps me the most is to focus on healthy foods and perhaps changing the exercise routine, now I need to start eating healthy again myself. I once again have overdone with the treats and being injured doesn't help either.

    Speaking of injuries, Beeps, yes, it sucks. I have my PT appt on Wed to address the muscle inflammation. On the 7th I'm supposed to get a steroid shot in the neuroma. Yikes!! My brother said I shouldn't get the shot, that it can make things worse. Any advice anyone? I miss exercising the way I used to. I couldn't even swim!! My leg was hurting while swimming!!!

    Have an awesome day!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    Cardio workout today. I am eating too much, which is contrary to my plan. This depresses me.
  • nickpnh
    nickpnh Posts: 111 Member
    Up after Thanksgiving. I figured as much but worse than I thought. Birthday party today so I weighed to convince myself not to indulge in the pizza and cake. Walked and played with kids all weekend but not enough to balance the foods... this week I will do better, starting today. Want to drop 4-6 pounds by Christmas.
  • cindytw
    cindytw Posts: 1,027 Member
    So how does one join the cool kids? I just can't read back 300+ posts...
  • gam3rguy
    gam3rguy Posts: 3,773 Member
    LEGS! DONE! walking funny already!
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    cindytw wrote: »
    So how does one join the cool kids? I just can't read back 300+ posts...

    If you post, you are in. So let me be the first to welcome you. Good luck,

  • NealNH
    NealNH Posts: 106 Member
    Hey I would like to join the cool kids. :)
    40 + 24 as of next week so I think I have the 40+ covered.
    5' 10" male started at 272 and now 222 as of today.
    Goal using BMI calculators is 160 but that may require adjustment over time.
    Currently on the treadmill 5 days a week for 30 minutes each and using a Bowflex 3 days a week.
    I came down with a cold/flu Thanksgiving day so exercise is on hold for now.
  • allenpriest
    allenpriest Posts: 1,102 Member
    nickpnh wrote: »
    Up after Thanksgiving. I figured as much but worse than I thought. Birthday party today so I weighed to convince myself not to indulge in the pizza and cake. Walked and played with kids all weekend but not enough to balance the foods... this week I will do better, starting today. Want to drop 4-6 pounds by Christmas.

    Some or most of that will process through quickly. It takes 3500 calories extra to make a pound of fat. It's really hard to eat that much extra in a day - possible but hard. And your body may not be able to process all that before it moves on through. So make the next right choice, log everything and cut yourself some slack.
  • allenpriest
    allenpriest Posts: 1,102 Member
    4-6 pounds in 3 weeks is doable but if you don't make real changes then it may come right back.
  • nickpnh
    nickpnh Posts: 111 Member
    4-6 pounds is a short term goal just to work towards something and not end up maintaining the gain. Thanks for supportive comments. Was a regular, trying to reset. Logged honestly today. Was a start.
  • Jjenlo429
    Jjenlo429 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm 46, mom of 2 college kids. I've lost 10 lb, but 16 more to my goal of 130. My height is 5'4. I run regularly but found that i was eating all my calories back and more so I just started using MFP to track calories. To keep me accountable for the holidays, I'm starting a Dietbet game tomorrow. The challenge is to lose 4% of your body weight in 1 month (6 lb for me). I'd love to meet that goal, but even if I lose 1 lb a week, I'll be satisfied.
  • gam3rguy
    gam3rguy Posts: 3,773 Member