Weightloss and Your Significant Other (CAUTION: Could be PG1

jakki_brown Posts: 142 Member
How does your weightloss effect your relationship with your significant other?

My Future Husband loves me no matter my size. I honestly diet for myself because he can be completely satisfied with me any day of the week, but when I feel fat I'm not the person he deserves.

So how does it effect you guys? Great bedroom rounds? More date nights?


  • jaygirl3
    jaygirl3 Posts: 320 Member
    My fiance likes me any which way, but the sex was more when i was bigger. He likes lots of flesh everywhere. However i need to be healthy for me!
  • eddie8131
    eddie8131 Posts: 600 Member
    Oh boy I so want to respond to this in detail but...suffice it to say that my weight loss didn't change much in any room of the house. :(
  • beerbomber
    beerbomber Posts: 184 Member
  • beerbomber
    beerbomber Posts: 184 Member
    Just curious but like do people really expect your significant other to be like yeah I don't like you overweight you disgust me sometimes when I look at you and when we have sex I think of some really hot chick? I don't think so just always wondered that when guys or girls say that there significant other likes them any size (don't take it personal its not about you)
  • RonneyKay
    RonneyKay Posts: 464 Member
    Through weight loss me and my husband (we have been married over 18 years) we are re-bonding kind of. We go on hikes together, geocache (google it) and do things besides him being on one computer, me be on the lap top. We also play kinect together, we cook together. And for me, forplay begins OUTSIDE the bedroom:) So if things keep up the way they are going, we will be like newlyweds again! LOL
  • Akjenn89
    Akjenn89 Posts: 265 Member
    @Beerbomber: I don't think people expect their significant other to think like that, but I think that's a fear people sometimes have.
  • mallorybriann
    mallorybriann Posts: 1,380 Member
    Better sexy time, for sure.
  • SuperMoniMonk
    SuperMoniMonk Posts: 467 Member
  • lisajuliette
    lisajuliette Posts: 123 Member
    My boyfriend is very good looking and he has always has gorgeous girlfriends in the past. He is the perfect body weight and so are all his brothers, sisters and friends. I feel so disgusting around him and I know he thinks Im fat and should lose weight. He is very weight conscious of himself and freaks if he puts on 1 kg! He's never rude but he does subtly mention my weight and need to lose it. For example he suggests I rather eat salad than a chicken pie for lunch cause its a lot less fattening. He never calls me beautiful. Sometime says, "you look nice" or "you look pretty" and by that he is referring to the fact that i put make up on or did my hair. He always wants the lights off when we have sex and he doesn't really like me being on top! He doesn't say why but I must look so huge and disgusting from that angle!! :(
  • sinistertitan
    sinistertitan Posts: 603 Member
    My boyfriend is very good looking and he has always has gorgeous girlfriends in the past. He is the perfect body weight and so are all his brothers, sisters and friends. I feel so disgusting around him and I know he thinks Im fat and should lose weight. He is very weight conscious of himself and freaks if he puts on 1 kg! He's never rude but he does subtly mention my weight and need to lose it. For example he suggests I rather eat salad than a chicken pie for lunch cause its a lot less fattening. He never calls me beautiful. Sometime says, "you look nice" or "you look pretty" and by that he is referring to the fact that i put make up on or did my hair. He always wants the lights off when we have sex and he doesn't really like me being on top! He doesn't say why but I must look so huge and disgusting from that angle!! :(

    ^^^ Just MHO, but I don't think you're where you deserve to be.

    As for me and my SO, we are getting in shape together. All I'll say.......it's quite evident we are feeling confident about the bodies we're building. :devil:
  • lisajuliette
    lisajuliette Posts: 123 Member
    My boyfriend is very good looking and he has always has gorgeous girlfriends in the past. He is the perfect body weight and so are all his brothers, sisters and friends. I feel so disgusting around him and I know he thinks Im fat and should lose weight. He is very weight conscious of himself and freaks if he puts on 1 kg! He's never rude but he does subtly mention my weight and need to lose it. For example he suggests I rather eat salad than a chicken pie for lunch cause its a lot less fattening. He never calls me beautiful. Sometime says, "you look nice" or "you look pretty" and by that he is referring to the fact that i put make up on or did my hair. He always wants the lights off when we have sex and he doesn't really like me being on top! He doesn't say why but I must look so huge and disgusting from that angle!! :(

    ^^^ Just MHO, but I don't think you're where you deserve to be.

    As for me and my SO, we are getting in shape together. All I'll say.......it's quite evident we are feeling better about ourselves. :devil:

    What do you mean by that?
    The title is "Weightloss and Your Significant Other"
    That is what my post was referring to.
  • Kimbers70
    Kimbers70 Posts: 102 Member
    My "EX" husband was always a bit jealous. He told me how he loved me "just the way I was" which was obese. As the pounds began to fall off the jealousy increased. I was questioned about everything, belittled for wearing clothes that I felt attractive in with my new found weight loss. It was horrible. He made me doubt myself and everything I tried to do. I finally woke up and realized that I was better than that and deserved better as well. Divorce. Married again..new hubby didn't give a care about anyone but himself. Divorced him. I have been single for nearly 5 years now and I have never been happier.
  • My husband loves me no matter what i look like. When we first got together i weighed 130lbs and i would love to get back to that again. (thats when we had the most "Fun" in the bedroom). Its stil great now but it was the best times then. But he has been really considerate of what i am doing he gets upset from time to time b/c he thinks im going to leave him when i get skinny but since i married his dumas$$ for a reason i guess im not going anywhere.
  • dawnrenee567
    dawnrenee567 Posts: 292 Member
    @lisajuliette I think what she's trying to say is it doesn't sound like your boyfriend treats you very nice and you deserve more than that.
  • sinistertitan
    sinistertitan Posts: 603 Member
    My boyfriend is very good looking and he has always has gorgeous girlfriends in the past. He is the perfect body weight and so are all his brothers, sisters and friends. I feel so disgusting around him and I know he thinks Im fat and should lose weight. He is very weight conscious of himself and freaks if he puts on 1 kg! He's never rude but he does subtly mention my weight and need to lose it. For example he suggests I rather eat salad than a chicken pie for lunch cause its a lot less fattening. He never calls me beautiful. Sometime says, "you look nice" or "you look pretty" and by that he is referring to the fact that i put make up on or did my hair. He always wants the lights off when we have sex and he doesn't really like me being on top! He doesn't say why but I must look so huge and disgusting from that angle!! :(

    ^^^ Just MHO, but I don't think you're where you deserve to be.

    As for me and my SO, we are getting in shape together. All I'll say.......it's quite evident we are feeling better about ourselves. :devil:

    What do you mean by that?
    If you knew in your heart that you were loved unconditionally, you would not feel disgusting around him. I've always told my SO she was beautiful even when she gained 40 pounds after we got together. It wasn't just to be nice, but the fact that she's beautiful to me no matter what. No need to have the lights off, etc. To me it just seems that he can be a little more supportive. Like I said.....just my opinion based on what you wrote. I'm obviously not all knowing in regards to your relationship......
  • Johnnyswife
    Johnnyswife Posts: 1,447 Member
    @Beerbomber: I don't think people expect their significant other to think like that, but I think that's a fear people sometimes have.
    This! My husband is always telling me he loves me no matter what I weigh, and that if I lose, I do it for me, not him. I've been around this size or 10 to 20lbs lighter off and on, and nothing ever changes between us. I still feel like a newly wed. :smooched:
  • iHEARTcardiacnurses
    iHEARTcardiacnurses Posts: 437 Member
    With weight loss (put bluntly): a little less blow jobs, lots more sex.

    That's the only change :laugh:
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    I was a fat, unattractive, unlovable walrus.
    My wife said she no longer wanted to have sex. The lard jiggle was too much for her to handle.

    So, I lost the weight, and right about 40 lbs into this journey, the fire re-ignited. And all is well today - better than ever!

    I am thankful for her honesty.
    That got me to get off my butt and into the gym while pushing away from the table.
  • Kimbers70
    Kimbers70 Posts: 102 Member
    If you knew in your heart that you were loved unconditionally, you would not feel disgusting around him. I've always told my SO she was beautiful even when she gained 40 pounds after we got together. It wasn't just to be nice, but the fact that she's beatiful to me no matter what.

    Awww!! Love this!
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,870 Member
    My hubby will be embarrassed if he reads this since he just joined MFP but yes, it's better since I shed the weight. I imagine it will improve further if/when he gets rid of his belly. I think he's handsome exactly the way he is, but the belly does tend to get in the way a bit, and he finds me about a million times more attractive now (that used to hurt my feelings, but now I'm just glad I get to give him the gift of a fit and healthy wife).