


  • bhalter
    bhalter Posts: 582 Member
    I use Truvia, which is 0 calories. I also use the plain non-fat or sugar-free creamer and limit myself to the serving size listed on the container. Measuring is super important and eventually, I got used to the new taste. I hope to eventually give up coffee altogether and start my mornings with a protein shake.
  • Just1forMe
    Just1forMe Posts: 624 Member
    I use splenda and sugar free peppermint Mocha...what am i gonna do when i can't find it anymore!!! I stocked up...dang holiday flavors! lol

    I think that the peppermint mocha flavor is now available all year long! At least that's what it says on the bottle I have at home - from Coffee-Mate, right? I love that stuff. I just limit myself to one cup of coffee with the serving suggested and 2 packets of splenda - it's what gets me out of bed most mornings!!

    True, but not the Sugar Free Peppermint Mocha...that one only has 15 cals/Tbsp...
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    I upped the quality of my coffee, so I don't need to add in cream and sugar.

    Although on weekends I'll use one packet of splenda for 3 cups of coffee, and a little treat.
  • girlonamission34
    I am so with you on this one!!!!!! I just decided this was the one thing i was going to keep. I cut out soda that is huge in itself for me. I switched from splenda to organic agave nectar and either make flavored coffee or I use just a little bit of creamer. I can not do black!!!!!!!!
  • bigdawg025
    bigdawg025 Posts: 774 Member
    I will ALWAYS have my coffee!!!! I NEED my coffee!!!! Oh... I drink mine black, though, so 0 calories in mine. :drinker:
  • JFithen
    JFithen Posts: 1 Member
    Splenda is nasty stuff, as are all artificial sweetners. The reason it has no calories is because your body can't process it like it would a food. It's one step removed from bleach. Google the dangers of using these artificial sweetners. I usually take a lot of flak for posting stuff like this but being healthy is more than just losing weight.
  • NatalieWinning
    NatalieWinning Posts: 999 Member
    I agree with making room for the things you really want. I also like having "real" food when I can instead of artificial sweeteners. (I eat butter and cane sugar, just less) You get used to the artificial taste, and once you get away from it for a while it tastes nasty. I drank diet Tab when I was a teen, then Diet Coke for years and years. I liked it better than regular sugary coke. Can't stand it now. Same way you get used to drinking it in the first place, little by little, is how you cut it out. Replace it with "real" and then cut it down. I got my family on skim milk when they refused. And frozen yogurt (they would rather it, now). Go slow, make healthy changes, eat things you like within your limits, scale back slowly. "real sugar" is not the devil. It's not even that many calories in a cup of coffee. Now, a cup of sugar is. Neither is cream, or whole milk instead of cream, then 2%, then skim, after you slowly exchange it over a month or more.
  • nakabi
    nakabi Posts: 589 Member
    Here's the progression of my coffee drinking over the years:

    based on 12 ounce cups...

    10 years ago: 3 packets of sugar and a huge pour of flavored creamer (this almost makes me gag thinking about it now)
    5 years ago: Just a huge pour of flavored creamer
    1 year ago: 2 packets of sugar and a huge pour of half & half
    Now: 1/2 tsp of sugar and 1 Tbsp. of half & half...but the trick here is that I new brew our coffee with cinnamon in it (put it in the filter before the grounds). Not only are there health benefits of the cinnamon, but it drastically cut down on the sugar and creamer I was putting in!

    That's interesting about the cinnamon. I'll have to check it out. Thanks
  • emcohen
    emcohen Posts: 46
    I'm SO addicted to coffee that I could never give it up! I use two packets of Splenda and a bit of skim milk. My morning coffee comes in at something like 23 calories.

    One suggestion you may try: buy better coffee. The better quality the coffee, the less sugar and milk you'll need to put in. I drink gourmet coffee black. Even going from $8/lb to $10/lb makes a big difference in taste. Also try using filtered water and clean out your coffee maker.
  • PattyfromToledo
    PattyfromToledo Posts: 74 Member
    I weened myself from the artificial sweeteners a few years ago. You'd be better just using real sugar if you need it. I use meier brand organic creamer. My feelings are this ... creamer did not make me fat ... there are just some items I won't budge on and if used within reason you will be fine. Take small steps with weening of the sweeteners ... you'll come to find out how much you won't like the taste any longer.
  • PattyfromToledo
    PattyfromToledo Posts: 74 Member
    one more tidbit ... read the ingredients of the diet pops and sweetners ... they are just filled with terrible things... my goal is if I can't pronounce the ingedient that I won't eat it. It's a health thing as well... geting thin AND getting healthy means purging the junk. Good luck!! You can do it.
  • maab_connor
    maab_connor Posts: 3,927 Member
    they will have to pry my coffee out of my cold, dead fingers. i use sugar and half and half. i have gotten down to two mugs a day (from about two pots - i used to ONLY drink coffee and mt dew, i have no idea how my heart didn't just run out of my chest) and i am totally willing to have the cals and micros from it. i'm in this for life and i am NOT willing to give up coffee for the rest of my life.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    creamer has no carbs
    not true...and if you're counting carbs, as it sounds like the OP does, you need to watch how much you're drinking per day.
  • bzmom
    bzmom Posts: 1,332 Member
    I still drink my coffee too. Only changes I have made I grind my coffee beans and make my coffee with a little pumpkin spice creamer in it YUM!!!
  • krist3ng
    krist3ng Posts: 259 Member
    I wish I liked coffee. It really kills my appetite and makes me go bonkers. I just can't make myself like that TASTE...

    But I think if you put some stevia and some 1% or 2% milk, it will end up being tasty and only like, 15 calories...
  • smplycomplicated
    smplycomplicated Posts: 484 Member
    I tried giving up Coffee all together, and decided that as much working out as i do I can swing a cup in the morning, and be just fine. Since my husband is Diabetic we don't usually have alot of sugar in the house..most of what we buy is sugar-free, But i do keep a small bag of sugar for my coffee..I only use a small amount, and my calorie intake is usually on the lower side, so I have no worries about going over my goal. If you're eating right and watching portions i say splurge just a tad, and use what you would normally put into your coffee..that way you don't feel like you're having to give up everything.
  • coolchick03270
    That's a good point. No health issues at all- I've just found that low carb/low calorie seems to work the best for me as far as losing weight...I drink at least 66 ounces of H2O, no soda at all, no tea, etc. So the coffee is what I'm trying to change....
  • kt2007
    kt2007 Posts: 315 Member
    How about shots of espresso??? I drink skinny lattes. skim milk, sugar free vanilla, and espresso.
  • LuciaLongIsland
    LuciaLongIsland Posts: 815 Member
    I read somewhere that coffee is actually good for weight loss. I used to use half/half. Now I use unsweetened almond milk or fat free milk. You get used to it. You just need to envision your goals and it tastes better.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Coffee is good for health in general.