


  • hotpickles
    hotpickles Posts: 639 Member
    I used to drink my coffee with sugar, then found some really good brews and decided the flavour was way better without the sugar! At any rate, I refuse to give up my 10% cream.

    L :)
  • scarlettd12
    scarlettd12 Posts: 111 Member
    I still drink coffee AND use creamer! I use the flavored kind so I find I don't need sugar. I get the CoffeeMate Sugar Free flavors, usually Hazelnut or Vanilla Caramel. They only have 15 calories per tablespoon. The thing is, I don't drink a ton of coffee. I drink 2 cups a day and use 2 tablespoons of creamer each. So the creamer only adds up to 60 calories. I think it is worth it because I LOVE my coffee.
  • teardrop4one
    I have also been trying to cut the calories in my morning coffee, i've tried doing sweet and low instead of sugar but that just didn't seem to have the right flavor. Right now I have started using only a fat free flavored creamer. The flavored creamer allows me to not use sugar and its lower fat than using milk and gives me the right consistancy.
  • kalexander2005
    kalexander2005 Posts: 223 Member
    I am on Jorge Cruise BFC. He recommends using Half and Half and Stevia. I don't like stevia much, so I use Sweet n Low (off brands). The count on MFP is 0 carbs. I think snl has a little less than one gram carb each. Also, I use sugar free flavored syrups from time to time (but i best like coffee to taste like coffee). They have zero carbs and I find some at Walmart and some at Dollar Tree (yeah, only a buck!). I drink at least 2 cups a day and I'm averaging 1.5 pounds a week lost, so it doesn't seem to be causing any trouble.

    Best of luck!
  • luvgreen25
    Here's the progression of my coffee drinking over the years:

    based on 12 ounce cups...

    10 years ago: 3 packets of sugar and a huge pour of flavored creamer (this almost makes me gag thinking about it now)
    5 years ago: Just a huge pour of flavored creamer
    1 year ago: 2 packets of sugar and a huge pour of half & half
    Now: 1/2 tsp of sugar and 1 Tbsp. of half & half...but the trick here is that I new brew our coffee with cinnamon in it (put it in the filter before the grounds). Not only are there health benefits of the cinnamon, but it drastically cut down on the sugar and creamer I was putting in!

    I'm going to have to try this cinnamon thing...that sounds yummy!
  • castadiva
    castadiva Posts: 2,016 Member
    Milk, rather than creamer - full-fat is better for your brain, but semi-skimmed will do if you can't handle the taste of full-fat. I can almost guarantee it'll have fewer calories and be more nutritious. Creamer isn't widely used here, so it's difficult to be sure. I'd also switch from artificial sweetener to brown (demerara) sugar and gradually reduce it until you can have the coffee without it. Chemical substitutes for the real deal are always problematic. You may also find that drinking proper espresso rather than weak, watered-down 'American' or instant coffee (I'm assuming this is the basis of your coffee - apologies if not!), means you are happy to drink it black - the flavour is much fuller and less bitter - worth a try, as an espresso is around 6-9 calories...
  • FitForLife81
    FitForLife81 Posts: 372 Member
    Yup I agree my coffee is something I WILL NEVER give up!! I use to drink dunkin donuts pumpkin spice extra extra..........goodness it makes me sick to think of it, it had to be almost 300 calories in sugar and cream.

    I now drink flavored coffee at home with only 1tsp of a flavored creamer. If I have dunkin it is black with one cream.
  • dlcam61
    dlcam61 Posts: 228 Member
    Sugar free coffee mate is 15 calories per TB. I also add 1 TB of sugar free Torani coffee syrup. Sweet & low cal without giving up coffee :drinker:
  • RoxRae
    RoxRae Posts: 60
    I do the Low Fat International Delight French Vanilla Creamer. My morning coffee is sacred to me, and like hell I'm giving it up. :)


    AMEN SISTER!! I am in the same boat, I LOVE my morning coffee and just make allowances for the calories in other areas.
  • coolchick03270
    Thank you so much to all that replied and offered advice!! Coffee (besides sweets- but that is a different topic!!!) is my crutch. Long ago, I would use soooo much sugar to sweeten my coffee. I changed that and started using Splenda. The thing is, I use about 4-5 packs per cup. My FIL has been telling me forever how bad Splenda is, how any form of chemical sweetener can cause different cancers, etc. So that is why I want to change. BUT- all of you have made me realize I don't need to punish myself, I just need to tweak my routine. I will be going to the store and checking out the vanilla soy milk, fat free flavored creamers, etc. and use that to replace the Splenda. Thanks to all :)
  • Tinalu69
    Tinalu69 Posts: 13 Member
    I got rid of real sugar and sweetener in my coffee. I use just FF/SF flavored creamer. It works. You get the sweet and creamy w/o a ton of calories. And yes I've also used flavored soy milk which works too. All about portions. :)
  • Stepmom1
    Stepmom1 Posts: 155 Member
    I drink my coffee latte with two packs of Splenda. That's it. Instead of the creamer, you could use Almond Milk. Its creamy and delish. It comes in Vanilla flavor or just original flavor which is fine. Give it a try!

  • SweetNaughtyLips
    SweetNaughtyLips Posts: 374 Member
    I gave up coffee once for like 6 months and that was extremely difficult for me, but I've decided that I enjoy it too much to not have it a part of my life. I have learned to like my coffee with one splenda and either a tablespoon of NF Milk or low fat creamer. I figure one or two cups of coffee made this way is not really going to wreck my calorie or carb intake. Good Luck!
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    I drink my coffee with a lot of REAL sugar and lots of coffee mate. I still lost my weight. Not giving up my coffee. Period. As long as it fits into my daily numbers, forget about it!
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    That's a good point. No health issues at all- I've just found that low carb/low calorie seems to work the best for me as far as losing weight...I drink at least 66 ounces of H2O, no soda at all, no tea, etc. So the coffee is what I'm trying to change....
  • sabina2012
    sabina2012 Posts: 19 Member
    just use milk 2% that is
  • rmsturdy
    I can't give up the creamer in my coffee. I get stomach aches if I drink it black. So I go with CoffeeMate over International Delight because it seems more creamy to me and has the same amount of calories for the same serving size. No added sweetners. The flavor and sweetness of the creamer is enough. And I really make sure I'm only putting one serving per mug even if the mug is a 16 ouncer. And honestly, 50 calories with my breakfast isn't gonna break the bank.
  • caitindabx
    Unsweetened almond milk and stevia. That's what works for my low carb/low cal diet :)
  • NatalieWinning
    NatalieWinning Posts: 999 Member
    Consider trying to use real sugar. Even if it's a lot at first, then trim it slowly back. This is a healthy lifestyle you are trying to make. Not just a "diet". Eating "healthy" and feeling good requires eating food. Real food is not your enemy. My lifelong dieting Mom once said she quit eating fruit because of all the calories. She had raised me on fake cheese and cottage cheese, fake butter that melts into water, and fried food. Really? I had no idea food was so good! Food should be good and you should enjoy it without wierdness attached.
    Thank you so much to all that replied and offered advice!! Coffee (besides sweets- but that is a different topic!!!) is my crutch. Long ago, I would use soooo much sugar to sweeten my coffee. I changed that and started using Splenda. The thing is, I use about 4-5 packs per cup. My FIL has been telling me forever how bad Splenda is, how any form of chemical sweetener can cause different cancers, etc. So that is why I want to change. BUT- all of you have made me realize I don't need to punish myself, I just need to tweak my routine. I will be going to the store and checking out the vanilla soy milk, fat free flavored creamers, etc. and use that to replace the Splenda. Thanks to all :)
  • NicolCook
    NicolCook Posts: 489 Member
    I add a packet of Swiss Miss Diet hot chocolate....only 25 calories!