anyone else wanna lose over 50 lbs



  • britbrand
    I want to lose almost 75 lbs
    HLAMODEI Posts: 22 Member
    I'd like to lose a total of about 60lbs....this is my second day, I can use any support/adivce that anyone is willing to give me...I'd love to be part of this group!
    HLAMODEI Posts: 22 Member
    I'd like to lose a total of about 60lbs....this is my second day, I can use any support/adivce that anyone is willing to give me...I'd love to be part of this group!
  • crinkelinaa
    crinkelinaa Posts: 2 Member
    My goal is to lose another 90 lbs! I've already lost 68 last year. We can do this!
  • bigtone34
    bigtone34 Posts: 136
    Count me in, my goal was 84 lbs. and I'm down 41.
  • akninsas
    akninsas Posts: 49 Member
    Same boat here. I just put in a friend request!
  • amazon75
    amazon75 Posts: 165
    my goal is 150 lbs. i'm down 70 so far.
  • jmtuvin
    You can do this! we're in this together.
  • LMHinson15
    LMHinson15 Posts: 201 Member
    Looking to lose another 90 lbs (I've lost 50 since my highest weight, 20 of those since joining MFP)

    I'm ALWAYS looking for friends with similar goals/needs.
  • tdots1andonly
    tdots1andonly Posts: 23 Member
    Yes I am wanting to loose 100 lbs. Started myself with walking and cutting out things last week and my husbands aunt told me about this site today!. Just learning how to use it, but would love some motivaters. I live in Palmyra, PA and have 3 children who are 13, 7 and 7 - all boys. I am 34 and will be 35 this month. YUCK! Been having a lot of problems with mental health and fibromyalgia and since I have more time to now focus myself on ME more I am hoping i will be able to do this and stay focused on it.
  • TeamRipped4Life
    TeamRipped4Life Posts: 10 Member
    I'm using MFP because it's a great way to keep track of my food intake during the day. I'm a big guy at 6'5" and four months ago I was the heaviest I had been in my life at 264lbs! I had more rolls than a bakery and the infamous "man-boobs". I work 2 full-time jobs and am a busy father of two girls under the age of 4; therefore, taking care of my health was always a last priority.

    I was tired, lazy, short-tempered, self-conscious about my body, and figured I would never get ripped like the people you see in magazines. I would see people in great shape and think they were born with perfect bodies - and I would never be like them. I made a commitment to myself to throw out my excuses and get in the best shape of my life before my 30th birthday in 07/2012.

    I started P90X in September of 2011. It was the hardest workout program I've ever done both mentally and physically. I had to change the way I ate. I had to change my time management. Everyone has an hour a day to workout. No more video games for me. I was working out to P90X. I made a commitment to the program and the nutrition plan.

    In 90 days with P90X I shed 54lbs! I was eating between 2400-3000 calories a day! I wish I had known about MFP when I was doing this program. It would have made my life a lot easier. I have never been this ripped, energetic, and healthy. Now that I am this healthy, I'm never looking back. My goal was to get in the best shape of my life, and I did just that - in 3 months time!

    If you're struggling with weight loss and eating right, you're not alone. It's still a daily struggle for me. Just because you get to where you want to be doesn't mean you stop when you get there - it's a daily battle. If you would like any motivation or support with your health and fitness journey - add me.

    Take care everyone!

    I blew my expectations away! Check out my YouTube video -
  • Jmora61
    Yes...I do!!!
  • zedway
    zedway Posts: 3
    I'm in for -50lbs. Would love a magic wand to make it happen.
  • zedway
    zedway Posts: 3
    I'm Steve by the way. Happy losing everyone.
  • AnnettLynn
    I'm up for losing 50lbs, and then some! Feel free to add me.
  • hokulani1982
    hokulani1982 Posts: 13 Member
    I have a goal of well over 100lbs. please add me any and all.
  • Marie294
    Marie294 Posts: 304
    I am IN!! Anyone can feel free to add me! :D
  • veggiemama33
    I need to lose 115 pounds so I am in for 50 for sure!
  • Tiffa0909
    Tiffa0909 Posts: 191 Member
    My goal is to lose around a 110 pounds , count me in.
  • dreamzvt
    i have 82lbs to lose to reach my goal of 150. I would love to have friends that are fighting the same battle. Please add me :)