Thigh Gap Desires



  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    I'm sorry but walking burns more than running?
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    Yeeeeaaahh let's just say it sucks to have your jeans wear thin between your legs because your big thighs are rubbing together...or when you're wearing shorts and your skin's NOT fun. :C I just want to be able to move without feeling that grossness...

    maybe try doing some work on body image and self perception. Describing yourself (and incidentally anyone else who doesn't meet your standard of perfection) as gross probably isn't going to help you.
  • kaned_ferret
    kaned_ferret Posts: 618 Member
    I'm not fussed about achieving a perceivable gap, but I DO want rid of the chaffing problem! I have to wear leggings under my work trousers so that I have a skintight layer against my skin, otherwise I get actual friction burns! One of the tellers for me of my recent weight gain (before joining mfp, and consequently why I came and found it!) was that my KNEES had started rubbing together again :/ I think that it's more the need for firmness rather than space, but either way just wanted to stop in and say hi, yes I get bobbly trousers in no time and can't go without tights in the summer... this year I'm hoping for something better! (and less painful lol!)
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Yeeeeaaahh let's just say it sucks to have your jeans wear thin between your legs because your big thighs are rubbing together...or when you're wearing shorts and your skin's NOT fun. :C I just want to be able to move without feeling that grossness...

    maybe try doing some work on body image and self perception. Describing yourself (and incidentally anyone else who doesn't meet your standard of perfection) as gross probably isn't going to help you.

    She didn't describe anyone as gross. It DOES feel gross and very uncomfortable when your thighs rub to the point of chafing. If you've never experienced this, you're lucky. But NOT wanting that has nothing to do with body image.

    For those who do have this, I promise that it stops once you reach a healthier weight, even without the gap.