which is harder for you - boredom eating or stress eating?



  • angelar1022
    Boredom eating! ESPECIALLY at work! I have to keep my brain busy or it convinces me that I am STARVING!
  • ymhand
    ymhand Posts: 188
    Boredom eating is harder for me. When I am stressed or upset I have no appetite.
  • fletrish
    try chewing gum or sucking on a hard candy. It keeps my mouth busy, but takes a long time to eat. Plus, both are low in calories. Also, microwave popcorn really doesn't have that many calories. Try poping a bag, and sharing it with someone. I will often eat popcorn, and drink crystal light. Very calorie friendly.
  • lauramonster
  • AmanteDoll
    AmanteDoll Posts: 12 Member
    i'm a bored eater i can't help it stress just gets me a clean house
  • MeghanAM
    MeghanAM Posts: 222 Member
    Both are bad for me! Boredom eating is quantity -- I will just wander through the kitchen, snacking on little bits of everything. Ugh!

    But stress eating... I reward myself with food when I have to do something stressful. And usually the food I pick is like... cupcakes.

    No good.
  • Ruz456
    Ruz456 Posts: 99
    Boredom eating hands down, and it dosent help that im practically the only one in my family doing this so ill be watching a movie with my dad and he'll be snacking on cookies or chips and ill have to sit their and endure it
  • Tink_89
    Tink_89 Posts: 23
    Stress/emotional eating. When I'm bored, I can do things to occupy myself. I think for a long time I have used food as a crutch emotionally, both by restricting and also by binging.
  • NikkieLite
    NikkieLite Posts: 126 Member
    I definitely do both. But I think stress/emotional eating is what really gets me. Food has always been a comfort to me and binging is how I, essentially, eat my feelings away. When I'm bored I can find plenty to keep me busy between the internet, my daughter, friends, cleaning, and artsy things. But there is always something telling me in the back of my mind I should be eating to make myself feel complete. Or something like that.
  • kk1964
    kk1964 Posts: 46
    i agree, i am a boredom eater too and it makes it worse because i have given up smoking......
  • Legalchica
    Stress for sure!! I can always find something to do if I'm bored.
  • mznisaelaine
    mznisaelaine Posts: 2,262 Member
    Both but emotional eating use to be my biggest problem. I did eat when I was bored but I found doing my hobbies help me not to binge eat... Actually when I use to be so stressed out because of school, I would just lay down for a while so I never really ate when I'm stress unless it was a combination if stress and just being so emotional. Now that I have more energy, I'm not in an emotional situation anymore I am learning and have learned to control that. :)
  • rachelw16
    Definitely boredom. When I'm stressed, I don't eat.
  • hrcowman
    hrcowman Posts: 73 Member
    Boredom eating, most definitely. I eat a lot under stress too, but if I have nothing to do and good food is lying around teasing me then I'll most likely pick it up and eat it even if I'm not hungry at all.
  • naturallykat
    naturallykat Posts: 118 Member
    Stress eater. I know I'm at breaking point with stress if I go off food, and can count and name on one hand the times that has happened. My problem is I get physical symptoms in my stomach when I'm stressed, that go with eating, ergo "perfect" comfort eating. I have typed myself a little set of mantras to read every night before bed now,, to see if that will help.
  • Tori_356
    Tori_356 Posts: 510 Member
    definitely boredom eating.....i don't really eat when i'm stressed. emotional eating when i'm happy or something (like a celebratory thing)
  • pinkydemon
    pinkydemon Posts: 135 Member
    At the moment it is boredom eating, at work. Sitting and working 9 hours a day in front of a screen, not really stressfull close to the break room with the vending mashine.
    So I started again to try to not have too much small cash in the pocket to go buy some sweets. Helps a bit but the most difficult thing actually really is to get the time pass by.
  • takehimaway
    takehimaway Posts: 499 Member
    At the moment it is boredom eating, at work. Sitting and working 9 hours a day in front of a screen, not really stressfull close to the break room with the vending mashine.
    So I started again to try to not have too much small cash in the pocket to go buy some sweets. Helps a bit but the most difficult thing actually really is to get the time pass by.

    This perfectly describes how I feel.
  • ShauntelB
    ShauntelB Posts: 9 Member
    I believe I do both... If I don't have anything to do I "fridge-raid" or if I am depressed I do the same I am going to try and break this ... Dont know how but will find some methods via trial and error
  • HealthyHappy120
    I eat when i'm bored... which is horrible.. for stress I go on the treadmill and "run away" from the problems