What's your 5k time?



  • Reptileszz
    Reptileszz Posts: 47 Member
    My PR so far is 24:02 for a 5K race. Been running for just over 2 years. I think my first one was like 29 min. When I run around outside or on the TM the time is much slower, like 27:00 - 30:00.

    Have you run a race yet? You might be surprised what you do at a race at "race pace" what with the adrenaline and all the other runners there.
  • mzenzer
    mzenzer Posts: 503 Member
    25:19 in the fall classic, which was a seeding race for the Crescent city classic 10k coming up in April. I'm looking finish the 10k in about 45 minutes, so I need to better my time in a 5k by about 3 minutes, and then be able to maintain that pace for a 10k.
  • michelledusik
    michelledusik Posts: 63 Member
    I usually run a couple a year. So far my best time was 29:10. I don't do any running during the winter, but I'll get back to it when the weather gets better outside.
  • Mine's about 20 minutes, a bit faster indoors, depends on my mood and if I want to run lol :wink:
  • stayxtrue
    stayxtrue Posts: 1,186 Member
    I run a 6km track and I run this in 26 minutes, so a 5km I would eaily be able to get down to 22 or less
  • My first 5K was in Nov, and before that morning the furthest I'd ever run was ONE MILE... over 18 yrs ago, in High School, when I was in some sort of shape.

    I clocked in at 54 minutes.

    I was just happy to cross the finish line upright.

    I now average 45 minutes, and I'm getting faster every day. I've got 3 official 5K's coming up (Jan 20, 28, and Feb 4). I'm hoping to do a little better on each one.

    I want to at least finish a 10K by the end of this year.
  • rdpixie
    rdpixie Posts: 93 Member
    My fastest is 30:47 to date. I'm just starting to train to run my first ever marathon...slow and steady...hehe
  • nukehiker
    nukehiker Posts: 457
    I have not run in about 2 weeks because of the final rigors of completing insanity. anyhow my 5K time is about 30-31 minutes. I ran my first ever 5K on thanksgiving and did it in 31:24. I only started running the week before and had not run on a regular basis since i discharged from the Marine Corps in 1990.
  • Just started getting into my running again after a break due to shin splint, went out for a run last night and managed 3.68 miles in 40 mins, hope to build up distance as in training for the london marathin.
  • Coltsman4ever
    Coltsman4ever Posts: 602 Member
    I usually run a couple a year. So far my best time was 29:10. I don't do any running during the winter, but I'll get back to it when the weather gets better outside.

    If I took the whole winter off it would take me the whole summer to get back to where I was before winter. :laugh:
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    My fastest is 28:06, but I have to really push it. I average around 29-30. I've only been running for 2.5 years, I do have a marathon under my belt, but I am by no means a professional! ;P
  • Brownski860
    Brownski860 Posts: 361 Member
    I can walka 5k in about 45 minutes. I signed up for my first 5K this sunday. My dad is going to walk with me. I know I'll be at the end of the pack, but thats ok. At least I can say I participated! LOL
    PS - I just started C25K
  • melbelle32
    melbelle32 Posts: 69 Member
    My Best was a 5k Hill run for "Make a Wish Foundation" 24:42 :smile: :smile:
  • maryjay51
    maryjay51 Posts: 742
    33 minutes for the turkey trot this past year .. and thats really fast for me compared to when i first started and couldnt even walk a 1/4 mile two years ago without wanting to die.. im pushing for a 8k in march that i was in last year and want to beat that time..was never really in to running but its challenging for me to beat my number last year so what the heck, why not?
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    first 5k last april was 35:36. second one on new year's eve was 45 minutes! i was a little bummed at that, but it was waaaay more crowded than the first one i did, and there were some pretty big hills on the trail. one of my goals this year is to get my time down to 32 minutes or better and to be able to run 5 miles without stopping - maybe a 10k, depending on how it goes.

    love seeing all of you accomplished and aspiring runners! well done to all of you!
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    My best chip timed 5k was 39 minutes. I think I could probably do 35 minutes now.
  • mikeyrp
    mikeyrp Posts: 1,616 Member
    My best official time is 22:18 (Bedford 5K)

    Unofficially (Just running on my own in the park, using a GPS watch to get the distance) 21:33

    I generally do longer distance races than that so its hard to tell what I would do now... The last 10K I did was 43:53, so sub 20 minutes is a possibility on a good day.
  • My best 5K time so far is 30:41. I just started running last spring and have done 2 5K's and 1 7.5K. looking forward to running my first 10K in the spring!
  • KimertRuns13_1
    KimertRuns13_1 Posts: 702 Member
    My first 5k was 3 years ago - 49 minutes. Woohoo. lol
    My fastest timed race is 31:05 this past summer.
    Fastest 5k now is somewhere around 29 minutes and some change.
  • ooOOooGravy
    ooOOooGravy Posts: 476 Member
    Im currently training for my first Half Marathon so havent been out on a all out 5K run in a while but so far my PB 5K is 32:11. I want a sub 30 by June :)