WHY keep your food diary hidden?



  • bevsdietfor2011
    bevsdietfor2011 Posts: 361 Member
    Mine's public. I honestly don't care who sees it. I have my good days and my bad ones, but it's out there!

    I personally need the accountability!!!! Thanks for all who give me that accountability!!!
  • itsasecret22
    I didn't even know until last night that you had to go in and change it to viewable!
  • pcarbo3
    pcarbo3 Posts: 16 Member
    I think some people don't like the idea of disclosing something so personal; it's a way to avoid judgement (which of course wouldn't happen here, but it's a valid concern). Some people probably don't know how to make their diary public.

    unfortunately, judgment happens everywhere. even here. i am judged enough in my everyday life, i'd like to have one thing for myself (especially something that is beneficial to me and me alone) where no one's unsolicited comments come into play.
  • akwagner25
    I keep mine private because I am completely honest with what I eat when I am logging and I have a feeling I wouldn't be if it was open as I would be afraid of being judged or criticized as I still eat all the things I ate before just less of them. Some wouldn't understand that, but it works for me. I didn't want to go on a diet with diet foods, I wanted to learn how to control what I already like to eat.
  • DenverKos
    DenverKos Posts: 182
    I've earned the right to do whatever I please.

    ^^^THIS^^^^^^ I have to admit, I never look at anyone's diary. I am not that interested, sorry if that sounds mean or not being a good friend. As for mine, I don't feel I have to have it open. Its my choice. I know when I have eaten bad and when I do, I log it. I don't need anyone telling me that pizza and beer is bad and full of calories. Uh, ya, no shi*t. But I still log it, and if I am over for the day, that's my burden to deal with. I am not that confused by what is good and bad, what has too much of this or that. If I were to ask for help, then I will open my diary, but for the time being, I am fine keeping it private. If one of my friends really has an issue with this and feels they absolutely can not give me a "well done" for the day because they can not see my diary, then that is their choice. Besides, my diary is not that interesting. I am a guy, I eat meat and potatoes and a lot of grilled chicken. You wont see tofu or greek yogurt.... because I cant stand it.

    +1! :drinker: I only look at my friends' diaries IF THEY ASK ME TO. Otherwise, I don't look at all because it's not my business. They know what they need to do, we all know. I don't comment on "under calories for the day" either, because an intelligent comment would require me to look at their diary to see if it was a good job based on what I THINK a good job is.
    My diary is open to friends if they so choose to look at it. I stay within my calorie limits, but I'm not a "health" nut - I'm not fond of veggies, and I like Rum. More often than not, I eat sensibly and cook my own meals (very few TV dinners or eating out). But it's certainly not any kind of "diet" and based on the comments people give about their ideas of what's healthy, I just don't need the negativity or headaches.
  • amuchison
    amuchison Posts: 274 Member
    I personally find it very helpful to see what others eat and how that plays a roll in their weightloss...being that I am on Medifast and I don't eat normal food like everyone else it gives me a ton of variations on what to eat when I am in maintenance phase;) and transition back to normal eating I have a guidelines as to lowest GI foods that r great to eat..but it helps me to see others doing this and eating pretty healthy with rad new choices;)

    I find I don't comment much on someone who dosent share their diary all I can say is good job logging that's great in itself;) But not much more than that I support as much as I can and I love advice mine is totally open..might be a tad boring but its open;)
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    It's the internet! You'd be amazed what I can figure out about you from information provided by the Internet. I keep mine private because it's only for me. I've been successful keeping mine private so why change what's not broken.
  • akwagner25
    I have no idea why anyone would do this. What's the point on being on here? I have friends look at my diary and say things about it that are so useful, and I do the same. Even if it's just to get food ideas! Those people that have their diaries closed will not be as successful or are missing out huge.

    I would have to disagree with the not being successful, mine has been closed since I started last year and I've lost 83 lbs, you have to only be accountable to yourself. The point of being on here is for the tools to help you be accountable. Having friends and the forums on here is just a bonus and they help you in different ways. If you're down, they help pick you back up, motivate you so you can keep utilizing the tools provided here.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Because it isn't anyone's business what I'm eating.

    *I* don't understand why people are so dang worried about what other people are eating. Do you walk up to someone in a restaurant and ask them "What are you eating for dinner tonight?" No. Because it really isn't any of your business what they're eating. Why is this website any different? You don't play food police in public - so why play it here?

    I am an adult and I hold myself accountable for what I eat. I don't need a food babysitter.

    Everyone uses this site in a different manner. There is no right or wrong answer to the "Food diary" question. I don't read other people's diaries (unless asked by them to do so) so I guess *I* don't understand why anyone would care enough to want to read mine.
  • jjblogs
    jjblogs Posts: 327 Member
    I like to see diaries simply for new meal ideas....what to eat and what NOT to eat, etc. Mine is open to friends.
  • karmaticgeek
    I'm overcoming an eating disorder and keep track of my thoughts for the day, how I felt, whether my feelings had anything to do with what I did or didn't eat and so on. That is very personal information and I don't share it with anyone. If I did, I'd end up censoring myself and that defeats the purpose then, doesn't it?
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,248 Member
    I do have to say one thing... My friends absolutely ROCK and I only had one negative comment about something I ate, and that was when I had a jelly donut after my first 5k back in March. And all my other friends pointed out that I was still under my calories, so if I wanted a donut after doing great in a race, I earned that right. :smile:

    I think some of my friends eat vicariously through me. :blushing:
  • tiare31
    tiare31 Posts: 6 Member
    I didn't even know mine was private either until this post. It's open for all now!
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I'm just curious.....I understand if you want your page to be private. However, why keep your food diary private???? Do you do this....if so what's your reasoning? I personally think by making it viewable to friends that it hold you accountable. ;)
    People are afraid of revealing their failure. Others just do not wish to be bothered with people's comments. It's a personal choice.

    Mine is open to all; I seek accountability.

    People keep it closed because they are afraid of revealing their failure? Mine is closed and I don't see myself as a failure. That's a ridiculous thing to say.
  • AwesomelyAmber
    AwesomelyAmber Posts: 1,617 Member
    Because a lot of members on here are complete *kitten*.
    Meaning that those of us that keep it private are??? Really. :bigsmile:
  • marasw
    marasw Posts: 75 Member
    Mine is public but I imagine for most people who have their diaries private it's because that is the default setting and they might just not care enough to go in and change it. I mean really, unless you WANT people "holding you accountable" does it really matter if everyone knows what you ate every day? On a side note, I don't want people "holding me accountable" as that would be a disaster. I drink soda every day and frequently eat garbage. I just leave mine open for fun. :)
  • kristimartiny
    I do not understand this either. It would hold you more accountable for logging and what you are eating...big difference if eating 1200 calories of candy versus 1200 of more nutritious food. Or if your calorie intake is soooo low, you don't want people to see that you aren't eating..anorexia...or go the other way and eat so much to the point of bulemia....I don't mind people looking at mine, gives others ideas for food if you get in a rut... I love getting new food ideas...makes me also think twice about eating something if I have to log it. If you cheat on here and don't write it down, you are only hurting yourself...noone else. You don't get to be 200 plus pounds by eating "healthy"....enough said.
  • pcarbo3
    pcarbo3 Posts: 16 Member
    cos its our choice and just cos we dont put our diarys on view doesnt mean to say we are not honest people .we just prefer it PRIVATE and it annoys me when people quote this time after time

    Then ignore my post. Simple.

    but you ASKED US to tell you why. and she did.
  • AwesomelyAmber
    AwesomelyAmber Posts: 1,617 Member
    I don't understand this "hold you accountable" stuff... If I let everyone see what I ate, I wouldn't enter that piece of cake or can of soda. I'm sure there are LESS honest people out there than me too.
  • mroper
    mroper Posts: 92 Member
    I have no idea why anyone would do this. What's the point on being on here? I have friends look at my diary and say things about it that are so useful, and I do the same. Even if it's just to get food ideas! Those people that have their diaries closed will not be as successful or are missing out huge.

    I totally disagree that people who have their diaries closed will not be as successful. I have mine closed because its a tool for me. Some weeks I dont even log my foods on MFP. I dont plan on logging my foods for the rest of my life so im trying to train myself to monitor my calories and portions in a way that I can stick with long term. When I hit plateaus I will log for a week or so to get back on track but otherwise I dont. I use this site for information that will help me...and honestly I have found the calorie settings arent hugely accurate or helpful to me. I like reading the discussions and sometimes i get very useful information which makes this site beneficial and I love logging my weight and measurements and then seeing them on a graph. But my journey is no less sucessful from hiding my stuff. :happy: