Most annoying comments people make about dieting



  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    Mine is.... "you are skinny, you shouldnt have to watch what you eat".

    Do people really think skinny people can eat everything and stay that way? I have a healthy body because I watch what I eat and exercise.

    Yeah, a coworker said this to me the other day...I was exactly do you think I wanna keep this 46 pounds off?
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    the number one most annoying thing i hate is.........."omg how did you lose so much weight??"..........I feel like saying back to them just to see their reaction "cocaine, heroin a little bit of speed and a whole lot of sex with strangers!" hahaha!!! or "I climbed the magic beanstalk where a pixie gave me a magical diet pill to make me skinny overnight" lol

    honestly some people just can't use their brains these days! lol!

    Yes! LOL
  • Bermudabarbie
    Bermudabarbie Posts: 568 Member
    It used to be "You don't need those fries," or whatever I chose to eat. Now it is "You've lost enough. Eat what you want."

    So glad I am on MFP for me. You are not going to please everyone. Don't even try!
  • LuckyAng
    LuckyAng Posts: 1,173 Member
    As a kid, I was naturally thin. 5'10, and 115 lbs. As I got into my 20's, I went up to 130 and my Mother commented : "Ooh, look how fat you're getting! I'm taking this picture to show your sisters, they'll be thrilled!" Seriously, it's amazing I didn't end up with an eating disorder! What I wouldn't give to weigh 130 now! Actually, that's lower than my goal! Parents really have no clue the pain they can inflict sometimes :/
  • LuckyAng
    LuckyAng Posts: 1,173 Member
    As a kid, I was naturally thin. 5'10, and 115 lbs. As I got into my 20's, I went up to 130 and my Mother commented : "Ooh, look how fat you're getting! I'm taking this picture to show your sisters, they'll be thrilled!" Seriously, it's amazing I didn't end up with an eating disorder! What I wouldn't give to weigh 130 now! Actually, that's lower than my goal! Parents really have no clue the pain they can inflict sometimes :/

    Maybe 'kid' wasn't the right word. Teen.
  • USNGirlMel
    USNGirlMel Posts: 33 Member
    When I share my success with real life friends "You're so lucky!" .... what does luck have to do with it? I'm working my butt off for this!

    From my mom "I'm eating healthier than you, I'm getting SALAD, and you're getting MEAT"... Yes, you are getting salad covered in dressing, cheese, and croutons, with breadsticks on the side. Probably double the calories I'm getting, and my meals are so much more satisfying :)

    Forgot one more: My boyfriend's parents went on for about 10 minutes about how I ordered apples for the side instead of fries at a restaurant. Seriously, they kept coming back to the topic. "Why would you get apples?" "I didn't even know you could get apples" "Cmon just grab some nachos, it won't hurt, it tastes better than apples!" Apples are delicious. back off. :devil:

    HAHAHA ur clever use of the evil smiley just made me LOL @work
  • dennisnguyen
    dennisnguyen Posts: 28 Member
    Worst things that have been said to me....

    What my father has said to me: You look disgusting. Don't let yourself look like trash. Exercise more.

    What my co-workers say: Why are you trying to gain muscle when you work behind a desk. You are naturally small. Good luck (with a sarcastic tone).

    Glad to have a source of support such as mfp. I need more friends here.

    On the brighter side, here are some of the best things that have been said to me.

    Fiance: you already look good.
    Friends: your face looks different from last year.
  • InnerPinup79
    I actually had a "friend" (who is self absorbed and admits to loving attention) roll her eyes at me out of jealousy that I had lost 20kbs when I saw her before Xmas. (i reset my mfp weight ticker for the new year). She didn't want to hear anything about it. In the meantime I hadn't seen her in a year and she had out on about 59 lbs she said but lost 15 of it. Of course it wasn't noticing to me because the last I saw her was before the gain but I still wished her well.

    Needless to say, I dropped her as a friend. This is how she always was with anything and I never realized it. She's one if those people that can't be genuinely happy for her friends. That's not a friend.

    Also my coworkers trying to make me eat crap at work. I have a hard time as it is.
  • oodlesnoodles
    oodlesnoodles Posts: 53 Member
    A co-worker of mine constantly complains about her weight but doesn't really do anything about it. I have lost 21 lbs and she says, "Oh, that's great!" but it never seems genuine, as if some jealousy is involved. She always has excuses as to why she can't exercise or eat healthy - GRRRR! I have worked hard, so don't talk to me about excuses.

    I also can't stand when she tries to say she's being healthy just because she isn't drinking soda, but IS drinking fruit punch and such. I try to tell her that Vitamin Water is just sugar water, but then she gets angry and tells me to leave her alone. WHATEVER! If you don't want the truth, shut your mouth.

    Thanks for letting me vent MFP!!!!
  • Marquism123
    Marquism123 Posts: 152 Member
    Her weight is her business. At least she is being positive about your success. You are probably right - she probably is jealous meaning it is hard for her to sound genuine - but at least she is trying and not putting you down. She seems to understand that her issues are her own. Your attitude to her, however, does sound hugely patronising. I tend to find if someone wants your advice they will ask for it. If they don't ask you whether they should be drinking Vitamin water, for example, I think it is probably you that should "Shut your mouth" :smile:
  • kouzzzz
    kouzzzz Posts: 540 Member
    Eat more carbs to build muscle.....
  • winter_vixen
    winter_vixen Posts: 27 Member
    I always get the comments from family and family friends "You're so skinny, you don't need to diet!" or the good old one from mum "I think you're getting a bit obsessive with this losing weight stuff", simply because she doesn't have the dedication to lose her extra weight. :/ I know I don't have 30kg to lose, I'm only losing 15 - but that doesnt mean I "don't need to diet". I seriously think that I'm not going to share my weight with my mum anymore, because she only ever makes negative comments about it.
  • pretty_ribbons
    pretty_ribbons Posts: 154 Member
    Ex: "babe, why are you dieting, your fine the way you are, all you need to do is join my gym (wink wink) i give you a good work out" *big grin*

    Mum: "its about time! dont exercise though or you will get all muscley....just stop eating"

    (after having a sip of juice) "See, this your problem! all you eat is crap and pastry"

    seriously, whats a sip of juice got to do with pastry!
  • mzprettiekittie
    mzprettiekittie Posts: 125 Member
    "not till your slim"
  • VinVenture
    Technically, no it doesn't. 1 lb = 1 lb. It's the amount of space that the two take up is what's different. Muscle is leaner, so takes up less space in your body. I actually weigh more when I'm leaner from working out if you are to go by the amount of mass that's there.
    You are right muscle does not weigh more than fat..1 lb. of muscle and 1 lb. of fat is still 1 lb.

    So, by both of your logic feathers weigh as much as iron or lead. Because 1 lb of feathers = 1 lb of metal in weight.

    The whole concept of weight has to do with density. If you fill a box with fat and an equally sized box with muscle, which would be heavier? The muscles. Why? Because they are heavier (higher density) than fat. Meaning, 1 lb of muscles is much smaller than 1 lb of fat, so if you lose 2 lbs of fat but gain 3 lbs of muscle you'll still be slimmer, but heavier. Which is why scales are arbitrary after a certain amount of loss.

    Back on topic, worst comment I've gotten, by a guy at my dorm, as I headed to the gym.
    Him: "Where are you headed?"
    Me: "The gym."
    Him: "Oh, martial-arts thing?"
    Me: "Nope. Just working out."
    Him: "Oh, I get it. Cardio bunny!" (pun sounds better in Norwegian)
    Me: "Nope. Lifting weights."
    Him: "... Seriously? You? I would never have pictured you a lifter."

    ****. Off.
  • Goofy076
    Goofy076 Posts: 287 Member
    OMG i hate being told since I am 5'10 I should be 130-150 and me being happy at 160 i am still over weight.. people are so rude sometimes.. I figure if I am happy where I am then PFFT anyone that dont like it :)
  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    OMG i hate being told since I am 5'10 I should be 130-150 and me being happy at 160 i am still over weight.. people are so rude sometimes.. I figure if I am happy where I am then PFFT anyone that dont like it :)

    wow, people really think you shoudl weigh 130-150? you should show them a BMI chart or something.... wherever you are happy is "where you should be"... isn't it funny how people have these weird ideas?
  • angela828
    angela828 Posts: 498 Member
    at family parties from Thanksgiving and Christmas...

    "so are you going to eat today?"
    Um.. I never... stopped eating?
  • avk9802
    avk9802 Posts: 84 Member
    "you look fine the way you are"

    When I started I was clinically obese.

    Really? I look fine? Shut up!
  • GemmaRowlands
    GemmaRowlands Posts: 360 Member
    The one I hate more than anything..

    "I wish I had your motivation."

    I've heard this too many times, and often coming from people who new exactly what my motivation is. No, you DON'T want to wish something like that on yourself, don't be so ridiculous. I had to have something really horrible happen to me to kick me into action and for people to actually say that they wish it would happen to them.. just heartbreaking.