Most annoying comments people make about dieting



  • Moonbyebye
    Moonbyebye Posts: 180 Member
    "you're already thin!" - person bigger than you.
  • mistersmithsbox
    I have a sister that will constantly tell me, "Be, you're NOT fat!" because, apparently, I don't fit into the mould created for people my weight. To be honest, I always feel bad about that because I AM fat and it's almost like I've conned people. I also feel like my problem and how I feel about it is whitewashed and I should feel better. I know she only wants to save me from the voices in my head but Jesus... I feel like I'm being lied to.

    The biggest thing is how some people act as if they like me better when I tell them I've lost weigh or I'm trying to lose more, etc. Seriously? You don't ask me about life but will find the time to ask me about my "diet"? I guess I'm nothing but a number on a scale. >:(
  • BlowYourMind
    Mum: "It's low fat oil!"


    That is something I can totally relate to!
  • peachypinkk1
    From Brother- Why do all this work just get a tummy tuck and your done!

    Grandmother- Your not fat stop doing all of these..

    or guys- You look good to me!

    I hate comments like this.
  • Mrs_ALM
    Mrs_ALM Posts: 39 Member
    Technically, no it doesn't. 1 lb = 1 lb. It's the amount of space that the two take up is what's different. Muscle is leaner, so takes up less space in your body. I actually weigh more when I'm leaner from working out if you are to go by the amount of mass that's there.
    You are right muscle does not weigh more than fat..1 lb. of muscle and 1 lb. of fat is still 1 lb.

    So, by both of your logic feathers weigh as much as iron or lead. Because 1 lb of feathers = 1 lb of metal in weight.

    The whole concept of weight has to do with density. If you fill a box with fat and an equally sized box with muscle, which would be heavier? The muscles. Why? Because they are heavier (higher density) than fat. Meaning, 1 lb of muscles is much smaller than 1 lb of fat, so if you lose 2 lbs of fat but gain 3 lbs of muscle you'll still be slimmer, but heavier. Which is why scales are arbitrary after a certain amount of loss.

    You pretty much said exactly what I did except with a lot more words. No, feathers don't equal that of lead unless you have a pound of each - but that was stated at least 2 times already. :wink:
  • CannibalisticVegetarian
    I posted this in my status the other day it made me so.. I dunno..

    A friend of mines came to visit with her mother and infant daughter. When the two of them saw me, they went on about how good I looked.. okay, that wasn't the bad part. The mother then goes on and on about how I need to stop losing weight because I'm 'good where I am'... but who is she to decide? I mean, she meant well, but she was the same woman who asked how I'd lost weight when I'd seen her some months ago and during my explanation, she chimes in with, '... And starving yourself...'

  • Mrs_ALM
    Mrs_ALM Posts: 39 Member
    I posted this in my status the other day it made me so.. I dunno..

    A friend of mines came to visit with her mother and infant daughter. When the two of them saw me, they went on about how good I looked.. okay, that wasn't the bad part. The mother then goes on and on about how I need to stop losing weight because I'm 'good where I am'... but who is she to decide? I mean, she meant well, but she was the same woman who asked how I'd lost weight when I'd seen her some months ago and during my explanation, she chimes in with, '... And starving yourself...'


    This is what I don't get. Who really decides what is the right weight for anyone? I mean, I've seen many pictures of people with eating disorders and usually people who are losing weight the healthy way do not look like that. Pictures of girls that are already skin and bones wanting to lose more weight. I think if you are no where near that point, they have no business deciding if you are losing too much or making assumptions that you are starving yourself. :-\
  • steffiejoe
    steffiejoe Posts: 313 Member
    Coworker commented why are you still working out , you have lose weight already?
    Because this is a lifestyle not a diet. There is no end to it (in my head Im thinking why are you worried?)
  • LauraSmyth28
    LauraSmyth28 Posts: 399 Member
    My mother: Just cut out carbs, carbs are the devil. Me: no mother, I'm practically veggie and I cannot live on chicken and veg alone!

    My mother (again): Oh those low fat diets make you look old. Me: number 1, I'm on low carb not low fat, and number 2, I'm 26 years old fgs!

    I no longer discuss my diet with my mother, much as I love her and all.
  • castadiva
    castadiva Posts: 2,016 Member
    "Oh, you should try (insert diet fad here)" - thanks, but if you've noticed I'm losing weight, I must be doing something right! I don't particularly want to eat broccoli with every meal/ ignore the existence of bread/ try to figure out if this food is acid/alkali before I eat it etc etc etc.....
  • 1WorkoutAtATime

    Guy I am "Seeing": *
    *Talking about how someone we know used to be really overweight*
    "Oh yeah, she was probably about 250 lbs...that's huge, it's obese! (I was about 250 lbs at the time when he said that. All I could think was "uhhhh...really cuz you're seeing me and I'm 250lbs" I guess I didn't look like I was 250 lbs! lol)

    talk about a foot in mouth moments :noway:
  • Suziq2you
    Suziq2you Posts: 396 Member
    Co-worker, on a regular basis, as she examines my lunch: "Are you allowed to have that?" Allowed?? Really? Umm, I dunno. Let me call my mom and ask.
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    Co-worker, on a regular basis, as she examines my lunch: "Are you allowed to have that?" Allowed?? Really? Umm, I dunno. Let me call my mom and ask.

  • JulesofWinsto
    Mum: "its about time! dont exercise though or you will get all muscley....just stop eating"

    GAHHH my mum does the whole "Don't exercise, you'll get too bulky" bit as well. SOO ANNOYING
  • juggalotus
    Not sure if someone mentioned this, but how about when people DONT offer you food because they know you're on a diet. The other day, my uncle had an extra ice cream sandwich that he offered to everyone but me. I wouldn't have eaten it but still! lol
  • briocktj
    briocktj Posts: 128
    You arent fat.... you are just big boned.... LOL.... okay.... so did my bones grow from when I only weighed 115 (yeah, for my height, this was probably a bit too skinny), but now weigh 268......
  • pixxie11
    pixxie11 Posts: 14 Member
    Sounds like some of the old women in my workplace - it seems they have unfulfilled lives and I know for a fact they discuss my diet more than they any other topic
  • seattlefatgrl
    I don't like when people say, your fine the way you are. I know its meant to be a nice comment, but I'm BIG AS HELL; unhealthy..and then they still say it.
  • sara_m83
    sara_m83 Posts: 545 Member
    I find that I have friends who are very judgmental about my exercising. I have one friend who, if I mention anything about a workout I've done (e.g., "My arms are a bit tired today from my workout yesterday"), her immediate response is, "you're obsessed!". SIGH. Another friend is always questioning my psychological stability if I talk about the desire to make a new personal best, as if it's a bad thing to push myself to swim/run faster/further.
  • EricMurano
    EricMurano Posts: 825 Member
    A common thing is when people find out I'm "dieting" they'll say things like

    "You have to keep doing it forever, do you?"

    Yes, you have to live a relatively healthy lifestyle for the rest of your life if you want to be healthy!

    "All those dieters gain their wait back"

    Yes, IF they revert to their 10,000 calorie a day diets!