What kind of breakfast keeps you feeling full?



  • VaVaVicki53
    I like to have 2 scrambled eggs with fresh spinach and shredded low fat string cheese. String cheese melts great! Fry in a pan using Pam and it is delicious!

    I also like Chobani Greek Yogurt. Very high in protein and keeps you full longer. PLUS it is ALL natural!
  • justbecause2014
    justbecause2014 Posts: 371 Member
    Greek yogurt and granola. It's so delicious, only about 300 calories, and easily keeps me full until lunch time. Sometimes I'm not even hungry once lunch rolls around.

    I also really like a bagel thin with natural peanut butter, in case I want something more savory in the morning.

    I second this!!! Love <3

    Also I like cereal with fruit or toast with pb
  • skywa
    skywa Posts: 901 Member
    i eat a high carb breakfast. usually cereal with almond milk and plain greek yogurt with fruit and granola. :3
  • PrincessEliNa
    PrincessEliNa Posts: 524 Member
    This is what I have EVERY single morning (It's kinda sad...but I'm a creature of habit)
    2 chocolate chip eggo waffles
    1 morning star veggie sausage patty
    1 cup fat free milk

    I might change it up when I run out of that.
  • sharidiane
    sharidiane Posts: 212 Member
    -half a cup of lowfat cottage cheese with 1 banana


    -half cup of vanilla greek yogurt with half cup of any fruit


    2 eggs, any way I like them plus one half of a mini bagel or one half of english muffin.

    Any of those combos for breakfast at 7 am and I am good until about 2 pm. Positively stuffed until noon, can't even think of eating before then.
  • Ceebee37
    weight watchers fruity muesli with 1/2 banana and yoghurt
  • frugalmomsrock
    My more filling mornings are my oatmeal with almonds days. Today I had a breakfast with 27 g protein and 14 g fiber (breakfast burrito on high fiber tortilla), and it just didn't keep me satisfied for as long as I'd have liked...
  • vs1023
    vs1023 Posts: 417 Member
    My typical breakfasts:

    3 eggs (salsa and raw cheddar added) with uncured bacon (2 slices), 2 pieces of Ezekiel bread and coffee

    1/2c old fashioned oatmeal with some coconut milk, flax, blueberries and protein powder

    When I'm crunched for time I just have either a piece of cheese with almonds or some Kashi Heart to Heart cereal with coconut milk and a banana.

    Occasionally I may have greek yogurt, but I really save that for my evening snack.
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    Oats and not those dinky packets you buy in boxes. Those are usually loaded with sugar and crap and you'll have to double/triple up to get that full feeling. Least that's my opinion. Throw frozen berries in there (cheaper than fresh). Voila! A satisfying carby bkfst. I'd have eggs with that, too. I normally have two bkfsts; oats then eggs. Not lately though, not been on my game!
  • TheSkinnyBanana
    Plain 100 calorie oatmeal. Simply add cinnamon for the taste! No sugar needed.. delicious!
  • weyrebel
    I need protein and carbs to get me through the morning. I usually make an english muffin sandwich. Take a microwave safe bowl, spray with pam, add 1/3 cup of egg beaters, 1/3 cup of Jimmy Dean turkey sausage crumbles, and microwave for a minute to a minute and a half. Toast muffin if you want and then just make your sandwich. It's super easy and you can even make it to go and warm it up at work! You can also adjust the amount of ingredients to your appetite! Or add ham and or veggies to it. You can pretty much keep it under 200 calories. Hope this helps!
  • capriciousmoon
    capriciousmoon Posts: 1,263 Member
    The only thing that works for me is muesli with unsweetened almond milk. I like Seitenbacher Muesli #3 For Active People and Dorset Cereals Simply Fruit & Seeds.
  • slimcows
    slimcows Posts: 10 Member
    4egg white omilet with bell peppers;'mushrooms and mozza part skim cheese
  • kaetra
    kaetra Posts: 442 Member
    I'm in a breakfast rut. I eat the same three meals for breakfast all the time basically these days, but they do keep me full.
    Greek yogurt and banana
    Banana and peanut butter
    1 egg, 1 whole grain toast and 1 cup of OJ

    So boooring. Although the other day I did have a giant booze-less Strawberry Daquiri for breakfast. Crazy times.

    That Go Lean stuff makes my tummy very angry. Can't eat anything with chicory root. Owies.
  • stephabef
    stephabef Posts: 936 Member
    I eat a big bowl of oatmeal right after I wake up (8AM), then follow it 2 hours later with some Greek yogurt once I get to work. Keeps me full until 3PM or so!
  • lostsanity137
    lostsanity137 Posts: 298 Member
    I usually have two hard cooked eggs on the go before work. Usually a snack of fruit or vegetable before lunch.

    On the weekends I eat my Kashi GoLean Crunch with 1% milk . It is my favorite because I love how crunchy it is!

    Sometimes I make breakfast burritos if I'm in the mood and freeze them for a week.
    They include scrambled eggs, green pepper, spinach, tomato, a sprinkle of low-fat cheese, and a whole wheat tortilla. Yum!
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Oatmeal, toast and peanut butter. I find having multiple things satisfies me much more than an equal amount of only one thing.
  • OneTooManyTacos
    Bagel, lo-fat cream cheese and OJ
  • TriciaAnn81
    I really enjoy Kashi Go Lean Honey almond flax with 1 cup of skim milk. It seems to keep me full all the way thru lunch. Sometimes I will have a protein bar with a huge glass of water. Or vanilla greek yogurt with a little granola and fresh fruit mixed in.
  • thershey
    thershey Posts: 57 Member
    I have 2 favorites, oatmeal, plain or flavored, with an English muffin. Second is 2 egg whites a price of low fat cheese, a price of low fat ham on a toasted English muffin!! Both keep me full until lunch!