What a Creep!



  • DonPendergraft
    DonPendergraft Posts: 520 Member
    Well it's nice you didn't go to jail for that. :o)
    Umm.... What about creep taking photos without permission. That's happened to me and I sure don't like it. You don't know why he was taking them or what he was planning to do with them. It’s assault really. It makes you upset, uneasy and fearful. How many times before you just can’t go for your run or walk the dog anymore? The “photographer” should be in jail. Just sayin’…

    I find it insane how many folks are chiming in on this post and saying this guy is a creeper, but when the government does it in the same of security everyone jumps on board and has no problem spending millions on cameras. Every where we drive in public our cars are being recorded, license plates are scanned, and the [intersection | date time | plate number] are all stored in a database that can be used to recreate your daily routines. It's only when your privacy is being taken while you see when we get upset but big brother gets a free pass.

    Everyone that says "Well I'm doing nothing wrong what do I have to worry about"

    Note that governments can only create and enforce law and with the new fun word "Terrorism" anyone can become a criminal. With databases being built daily on your purchases, movements, associations with others, etc. It's not that they are searching haystacks for needles the computers will just aggregate the needles to the top of a search. Look at yourself as a single website in the ocean of the Internet and these public safety cameras as google crawling and logging your every move.

    Just sayin'

    You are funny. Like intention has NOTHING to do with it! Let me draw some parallels for you. I do not fear Great Britain's nuclear weapons. I do fear Iran getting a nuke. I do not fear the Glock carried by a police officer. I do fear the Glock carried by a criminal. Not perfect examples, but you get the picture <pun intended>. You may not like the idea of some surveillance camera capturing your likeness when you run by, but I'm reasonably certain most would put a creeper taking pictures of you or your children on a much, much different level. Perspective dude. The guy was bothered by a perv and you go off on the war on terror?
  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    To the OP - not everything is about "you" maybe he was just trying out photographing moving people, which is rather an interesting technical challenge.
    Maybe photographer is also struggling with weight, and this is simply a case of MFPPJP? (photographic jealousy of progress)
  • zorbaru
    zorbaru Posts: 1,077 Member
    well, unless the driveway he pulled into was his house, he was breaking the law. nothing to do with the photography tho.

    yes you can take photos of what you want in public, and if thats what he did then it would be ok. but this guy followed the OP and specifically made him a target, not just a subject. i think there maybe some legal protection in that case.

    however, it still doesnt give you the right to steal his stuff.

    i would have "accidently" hit the delete all button rather than taken the SD card.
  • Avalonis
    Avalonis Posts: 1,540 Member
    To the OP - not everything is about "you" maybe he was just trying out photographing moving people, which is rather an interesting technical challenge.
    Maybe photographer is also struggling with weight, and this is simply a case of MFPPJP? (photographic jealousy of progress)

    :laugh: :laugh:
  • mea9
    mea9 Posts: 561 Member
    Well it's nice you didn't go to jail for that. :o)
    Umm.... What about creep taking photos without permission. That's happened to me and I sure don't like it. You don't know why he was taking them or what he was planning to do with them. It’s assault really. It makes you upset, uneasy and fearful. How many times before you just can’t go for your run or walk the dog anymore? The “photographer” should be in jail. Just sayin’…

    I never said that I knew why he was taking pictures. Indeed, I did not express any opinion on the matter. You are reading waaay to much into my comment. Personally I would be creeped out by the guy. True. My comment was more a legal bon mot. He is lucky. He committed battery. You can give you reasons why it is acceptable, but when you yank someones property out of their hands, that's an offensive touching. It's battery. When you take their SD card, that's theft. Actually, it's worse under the law. It's strong arm robbery.

    I never took sides on this. I just stated he's lucky not to have gone to jail. And he is. Good on him. I hope he doesn't suffer any consequences. And I hope the creeper learned his lesson.

    We are all entitle to our opinions, just not our own facts. Stubborn things they are indeed.

    I wouldn't presume to know what you knew about his motive or potential uses for those photos. I am not an attorney but we have privacy legislation in Canada that limits what you can do to individuals. I don't know what a court would make of what the op did but I do suspect it would depend on the perceived threat and the circumstances of the individual. We don't know if the photos were random or targeted. We have no real knowledge of the situation. We do know it wasn't the op's desire to steal the card, only to retrieve photos that were of him, taken without his consent while he was abiding by the law and on public property.

    Regarding video surveillance: http://www.priv.gc.ca/information/guide/2008/gl_vs_080306_e.cfm
  • MFPAddict
    MFPAddict Posts: 2,303 Member
    Yes, hes a creeper. However, you were running in PUBLIC. He was within his legal rights to take pictures, because you are in a public setting and have no reasonable expectation of privacy.

    Bottom line - You broke the law by taking his SD card. He was a creeper, but not doing anything illegal.

    You want privacy while running? Buy a damn treadmill, and use it in your home.

    My thoughts exactly
  • Avalonis
    Avalonis Posts: 1,540 Member
    We don't know if the photos were random or targeted. We have no real knowledge of the situation. We do know it wasn't the op's desire to steal the card, only to retrieve photos that were of him, taken without his consent while he was abiding by the law and on public property.

    EXACTLY. The OP doesn't know. He is assuming. Which means he is NOT within his legal limits to perform what legally is called "Assault and battery" on the old man.

    If you really feel the OP was within his legal limits, I sincerely hope you are never on a jury.

  • mea9
    mea9 Posts: 561 Member
    We don't know if the photos were random or targeted. We have no real knowledge of the situation. We do know it wasn't the op's desire to steal the card, only to retrieve photos that were of him, taken without his consent while he was abiding by the law and on public property.

    EXACTLY. The OP doesn't know. He is assuming. Which means he is NOT within his legal limits to perform what legally is called "Assault and battery" on the old man.

    If you really feel the OP was within his legal limits, I sincerely hope you are never on a jury.


    You don't know that what he did was unlawful. You don't know the law in his area and, generally, it is subjuct to motive, premeditation, etc...

    Oh...NOT puppies:(((
  • IronmanPanda
    IronmanPanda Posts: 2,083 Member
    Sharp as a bowling ball...
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    If you really feel the OP was within his legal limits, I sincerely hope you are never on a jury.
    Fortunately, the prosecution would instruct the jury as to what the law is, and he would certainly be found guilty.
  • EmpressOfJudgment
    EmpressOfJudgment Posts: 1,162 Member
    I think you all are just prejudice towards men who drive vans. Maybe he's in the middle of a photography course and he needed an action shot for his homework.

  • mea9
    mea9 Posts: 561 Member
    If you really feel the OP was within his legal limits, I sincerely hope you are never on a jury.
    Fortunately, the prosecution would instruct the jury as to what the law is, and he would certainly be found guilty.

    My understanding is that it's very hard to predict what a jury will do.
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    If you really feel the OP was within his legal limits, I sincerely hope you are never on a jury.
    Fortunately, the prosecution would instruct the jury as to what the law is, and he would certainly be found guilty.
    My understanding is that it's very hard to predict what a jury will do.
    Fair enough. The prosecution would lay out what the law is though.
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    I know from experience that in some situations, stopping someone and asking if you can take their photograph ruins any chance of getting a good action shot, people get self conscious.

    He did not hide from you, he willingly showed you his photographs without seeming guilty, it probably did not occur to him that you would be anything other than delighted, and he probably expected you to ask him to email you copies, that's the usual reaction I get anyway.

    He was probably as shocked at your criminal behaviour as you are to have people saying you were in the wrong...

    All a really good point, and I've been photographed in the past, but it's polite for the photographer to state their intent and ask permission to take a couple shots. The way the guy was doing it, from a van, turning around to get more shots, just not a good way to go about it.
    He's probably just some old, widower that started taking a photography class to fill his spare time since his wife passed away. Here, he saw a young man reminiscent of him in his prime, and he decided to practice his new photography skills on a moving subject. When you came up to see the pictures he was probably overjoyed, finally someone to talk to about his photography! "They came out great!" he started. Then, you stole his only memory card and ran off with his photography.

    You crushed an old man's heart today :(
    That is a perfectly reasonable scenario, though the stuff about his wife having just died may be stretching the point.

    The fact is that there are a lot of keen photographers around, of which I am one, and the fact is that it IS absolutely legal to photograph anyone in public.

    I have photographed people in all sorts of situations without incident or complaint, perhaps being an attractive female I have "got away" without seeming creepy, but nobody has reacted as the OP did, and if they had I'd certainly have reported them to the police.

    To the OP - not everything is about "you" maybe he was just trying out photographing moving people, which is rather an interesting technical challenge.
  • Dreamer1311
    Dreamer1311 Posts: 203 Member
    I understand your reaction, but if I had a calm mind (50/50 on that), I might have first asked "Why are you taking my picture?"

    There are many possible answers, most of them uncool, but still.

    I agree! Its not like you were naked.
  • mea9
    mea9 Posts: 561 Member
    If you really feel the OP was within his legal limits, I sincerely hope you are never on a jury.
    Fortunately, the prosecution would instruct the jury as to what the law is, and he would certainly be found guilty.
    My understanding is that it's very hard to predict what a jury will do.
    Fair enough. The prosecution would lay out what the law is though.
    The law can be a nebulous thing and there are definitely two sides to this issue. Nothing was stolen and because the man handed him the camera there was no assault….
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    What about a creep taking pictures of children at a park?

    To photograph children, you must have the consent of their parents, legally speaking (at least in CA). To publish photographs of minors, you must have the written consent of their parents (that's even publishing to the web, though clearly this is unevenly enforced.)
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    The law can be a nebulous thing and there are definitely two sides to this issue. Nothing was stolen and because the man handed him the camera there was no assault….
    "I took the camera took out the SD memory card said thanks and ran away" That's theft.
  • Capt_Chev
    Capt_Chev Posts: 93 Member
  • MrsNoir
    MrsNoir Posts: 236 Member
    What I want to know is.. what OTHER pics were on that SD card!?!?

    Yeah I want to know that too!! :D